Memes aside, what is keeping Africa down?

Memes aside, what is keeping Africa down?

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probably generally low iq. There are outliers of course but by and large most Africans are functionally retarded compared to the rest of the world.


Inferior genetics, socialization, history/culture etc


Colonialism and robber barons

Ha! That's pretty cool.

international aid




Niggers \(o.o)/

Lack of competition, europe and asia grew into what we are today because we had to out do each other in everything, the usa did well because they were looking for a better life and had goals. In africa we give them everything so they dont do it themselves... so in short its our help that is keeping them down

>Memes aside, what is keeping Africa down?
Lack of colonialism.

>Memes aside, what is keeping Africa down?
Lack of Watermelons, dat hydrashion is key

Corrupt/ retarded governments. Shitty cultures.

We have reached a point where no foreign aid will help them and it is basically nothing more than a PR stunt to help them.

Charitable donations from the West and corrupt dictators that rule by force.



a lack of effective goverment,

a lack of trained workforce

a lack of invention

a lack of endevor in the popluace

high levels of waste per person being kept ion the towns and citys

high levels of black on black crime

extreem under-motivation throughout the past 500 years

high numbers og niggers

a larger muslim to christian popluation,,

poor growth and urban devlopment

the sad truth is africa has gotten much worse sence the french and english gave it back,

they were vastly better off under colonial rule..

i.e amarica was a vast land of nothingness and wildrness untill the english french and spanish cam,, the english rule in amarica is almost totaly responisble for its growth today,, africa did not embrase that so they are in severe decline.

so they just discovered that niggers are closer to apes than us

African niggers.


Foreign aid

This guy gets it. Why would I farm if the first world is going to ship in crates of free food and price me out?
How can anyone eat if nobody farms?
How can anyone make money when companies like Tom's are putting cobblers out of work with free shoes?

Our altruism is a big issue.


what is keeping Africa down BLACK PEOPLE DA! imagine Detroit been an entire continent

Africa has a manifold of Sub-Saharan African nations that are rapidly developing:


Gabon and Botswana (for example) have a higher GDP per capita than many European nations (Serbia, Macedonia, Belarus, Ukraine, et al.).

White people, but not in the ways liberals accuse them of, and in many cases their problems are because of liberals.

The main issues as far as I've seen are uneven technological advancement strengthening the state at the expense of the people and the lack of national identity forcing elites to maintain their power through oppression and corruption.

besides general genetic differences, general lack of basic resources compared to europe, asia, and the american left them being stuck in this sorta perma state of being these uncivilized fucks who were given a bunch of shit left behind after colonization ended but don't have the centuries of experience and knowledge needed to run it all smoothly. International aid doesn't help either and pretty much assures that they'll continue to fuck at a rate they normally couldn't support without government gibs.

Start by keeping yourself alive, then when you get abundance you keep you and your local community alive, the you expand this until you have a nice little society.

In exchange of free food, you build me a road ect. Exchange food for services. Forget about money. You're not at the stage where you can enter the global market, so stop trying

vidéo youtube

When white people were in power here, we were a nuclear power and our currency was at one point stronger than the dollar despite sanctions.
We had the strongest military on the continent and most probably the southern hemisphere.
We were at the forefront of medical advances. World's first heart transplant was done here for example.
And just look at us now. Niggers ruin everything.

The only thing keeping those fuckers down is themselves. My volunteer work in Tanzania was entirely pointless. The people there are another species. Fuck you, Africa.

its full of blacks

Short span and effectiveness of colonial rule.
If many African countries had remained colonies of already-established empires until their infrastructure, culture, customs, economy, etc. had been modernized and well-established, they'd be more likely to self-sustain. If I'm not mistaken the world wars didn't allow the colonists to effectively build up their colonies after the scramble for Africa. Thank you autistic Serb for also ruining the potential of Africa under colonial rule.

Niggers can't farm.

gibs from the western world

Have you ever been to any of those countries? The capital and biggest city in Botswana is smaller than some of our minor cities.
Botswana's population also survives on gibs from diamonds and tourism. Only 2.5 million people in the entire country which is the size of France. It is white game farmers and white owned game lodges who are bringing in the money (taxes) for the gov. I know atleast 5 people who have farms in Botswana. The Botswana gov was just smart enough to let white people do their thing instead of trying to hamper them.

If you force a chimpanzee to dress in a full tuxedo and send him to a fancy New Years Eve party he may well manage to survive the night but even the most forgiving of his fellow party guests will have noticed his lack of social skills. We are trying to compel a sub species of human to live under the social structures developed by another group. As everyone can see, this works very poorly.

Gabon only has 1.9 million people in a country the size of Germany. Their main source of income is oil ran by foreign companies. They get massive gibs from taxes just like middle eastern countries. Without oil they would be just another african shithole. But it won't last long.

>My volunteer work in Tanzania was entirely pointless.
Tell me more senpai

found the nigger.

1.5 BILLION barely educated Africans is the problem.>
cant grow enough food.>
Kill all the animals.>
Been killing whitey since they left Africa 90,000 years ago,

Racial inferiority and a lack of intelligence.

They're also have vast wealth under their fucking feet. That's your devolpment capital. Eastern Europe has relatively little (a smidgen of oil) and some radioactive shit but these countries are only JUST devolping?
Give me a fucking break user.

Read number 3 and 5 and the conclusion. These people are not evolved. I used to believe that you could educated them and they'd be like us, but you can't. Even at their most educated, they don't have concepts of time, value, or empathy. The ones that do are flukes hated by their village, and they see the white man as some mystical, god-like being from the fourth dimension.

The return rate of my charity for women was 90%-100%, because women are retarded and think that they need to baby these idiots. The return of men was 10% so that they could fuck more of the girls in the charity. Men, like myself, realized that these bastards are beyond saving.

"We tried attacking the soil with our machetes but the food still does not grow. We will try to necklace the soil next to make it grow us food."

Africans I guess

Africans. I don't mean that in a meme sort of way. Africa has resources; minerals, arable land for farming. The natives don't use it. In areas where white prospectors came in, they were able to utilize the land for profit. Africans them drove them out and were not able/not willing/not capable of using the land in the same way. They fight and destroy.


>Africa tier nation asking other why Africa tier nations are shit.

Why don't you tell us yours.

Yeah, Mexico. Tell us yours!


The natives didn't evolve the same way that other successful races did. Pic related.

*gets infested by niggers, antifas, sjw's and is literally whats causing all of the world's problems*

This just makes me feel sad.






Thomas Sowells book "Cultures & Conquest" is worth reading and talks about this at length.

Basic gestalt, the terrain, honour culture and linguistic diversity has left them massively retarded.

Most of their rivers don't run into the ocean, they have shallow shores (poor for docking), their shoreline is less than the that of the med, they have about 40% of the languages so can't even understand each other. They've historically been split into small tribes, separated by mountains etc

africa has never had to evolve the concept of time
there is no rush or hurry to do something because animals don't go to sleep for the winter, there isn't weather conditions that will stop you from going out to get food

whitey onlygot to da moon thanks to smart black womyns maths


They're perfectly evolved for their environment. There's food on every fucking corner, so they never needed to go through the agricultural age. Why do niggers in the US 'live for the moment?' It's because their ancestors never had to think for the future. They do live in The Garden of Eden. Either let them live there for the rest of eternity untouched, or you have to exterminate them so that they don't destroy our civilizations. I'd much rather have the first option, because I'm not an edgy faggot.

Lack of resources which prevents vernment institutions from being built and sustaining some sort of society

>lack of resources

>17 year old german girls commenting on 42 year old African men's online profile
The memes are so real they hurt.

Why? They're perfectly content. We're not. Why is it so wrong to leave them be?

>Africa has the most abundant resources of any continent on Earth
>lack of resources
no user, just lack of advanced cognitive function.

>breadbaskets all over Africa
>niggers break them

Did you forget about this? There is a reason they're pouring into Europe, they literally broke EVERYTHING that was built by others.

Blackie keeping the white man down.

Low IQ, affinity for violence and crime, primitive and backward culture, crab mentality, lazyness...

Africa is a LONG history of niggers fighting each other over crumbs while standing beside a giant cake that none of them can see

They're desperate to get enriched


>Tribalism (the voodoo magick kind not social)
>Blaming whitey
>Receiving food gibs and not growing your own
>Corrupt government
>Low IQ
>European shit Union causing brain drain with refugee crisis



discount jamie foxx

Primitive Technology channel is a Leddit favorite, but it's still an impressive channel.

Low IQ and not enough oil.

>Not enough oil

Oil is the 2nd biggest factor in determining national wealth after IQ. E.g. countries like Saudi Arabia and (until recently) Venezuela have been fairly wealthy, despite having rather middling IQs and rather backwards politics.

Wh*te """"""people""""" stole everything from Africans when they colonized them.

Civilization, culture, architecture, scientific achievements, language... EVERYTHING was taken by whitey.


I see a lot of reasons given here, which are all about "muh IQ". While IQ plays an important part, their low IQ is a symptom, not a reason why they're fucking garbage.
The reason is even deeper than that: they don't have the frontal lobe as developed as we do.
The issue with that is not only you'll have a lower IQ if you happen to be unlucky and be a negroid, but you'll lack planning, in all forms.
This can be observed in white teenagers. As the brain develops up to the age 25, the frontal lobe is the last part that grows. Hence why teenagers tend to be more "spontaneous", they simply lack the brain capacity to understand the consequences of their actions as well as we do.
This also explains why niggers tend to be more inclined to commit crimes when in western societies, no matter the sociological background: they genuinely can't fathom the idea they might get caught. In fact, their thought process goes something like
>I want TV
>TV expensive
>Can get free TV if I take it from neighbor
>Steals TV
This also translate to technological advances. If you can't understand the consequences of your actions, you can't set up a long-term shelter, a vehicle that might require fuel, understand you can work with no immediate gains, but get a tremendous amount on the long run.
Frontal lobe

Where is the evidence for this? How come it is clear there were advanced cultures in other areas that were colonised (India most obvious example) but nothing at all in sub-saharan Africa? How come the population of Africa in 1800 was sub 10 million (ie it was near totally empty). Why did most Africans live in neolithic poverty? Why is most of the infrastructure in Africa either Euro built in colonial times or Chinese built in neo-cololnial times? Why has every other people which has experienced setbacks or struggles (China, Japan, Turkish etc etc etc) bounced back, preserved some of their own culture and risen again? Did you ever rise to begin with? Why are all the most successful examples of your people living in white societies and not your own? Why has every other people conquered and had an empire at some point (even the native americans did this extensively) but theres nothing nothing nothing in Africa?

Is it all whitey and the chinks ganging up? Or what? I'm serious I don't understand


>Memes aside, what is keeping Africa down?

The Africans

They kept their culture of primitive superstition, non productive agricultural and non scaling socialist/communistic localized economies -instead of embracing white European technology, ideas of free commerce and developing nation-states.

But that implies modern African states are civilisationally on par with Medieval Europe, and I see no evidence of that whatsoever. There's no great Cathedrals, there's no Dante, no Chaucer, no monastic life, no nothing. Just anger and rip offs of other peoples

Africa has plenty of oil reserves. You misinterpreted my argument. I probably should have worded it better.

>Why is a desert with little to no water unable to function after hundreds of years of bullshit

Greece was raped for 368 years.
it's not the best, but it's not Africa
are Africans going to complain about colonialism forever? when do your responsibilities kick in?

>Little to no water

Lack of culture. Part of Africa is still in tribal warfare period (Libia), other kills people accused of vampirism or dances with bodies of their dead family members (Madagascar).