Pussy Hat assaulted woman

This fat fuck with a pussy hat who also happens to be a commie assaulted a woman. This is a good profile image that a friend sent me. Go to his IG @the.Hispanic.activist and you'll see what I mean. Lets put this fuck to shame.


Can we please crack down already on disgusting men who assault women?

Its likely him.

Lol tell him that the original hispanics were white spaniards and how he's an indian rape baby

Veteran of what? Looks like a fat lil' baby

Idk, probably fucking reserves if anything.

One of the most important traits of predators: camoflage.

Stop shilling for that tranny degenerate

>assaulted a woman
You mean a man, right?

Lmao no we can take advantage of that and use it for leverage for our cause. "Leftist assaults transgender", sounds good doesn't it?

If it looks like a duck, quack likes a duck, and waddles like a duck. Its a duck.


And I should care because?

If it looks like a woman, sounds like a woman, acts like a women, but has a dick. It's a ____

Blaire White walking around town with a MAGA hat on is quite a bit different from Moldylocks going to a riot carrying an empty bottle with the specific intent to fight.

We can make leftists look even more bad.

Dank trap.

Oh shit, has the revolution begun?

Hitting women is ok if she is a Trump supporter. Every good feminist liberal knows this.

The next Lenin

One is self defense, one is assault.

Ooooo lets use that as an counter narrative for Antifa.



The only revolutions are small planetoids caught in his gravitywell

We can have someone photoshop it, replace Nazi with Trump supporter, and we'd get ourselves a new counter programming strat.



How new are you? That has been done months ago.

And then lose some by feeding the "womyn are more precious" narrative. No thanks.


Tbh, I am new.

Anyone know how to get his name? Its all that it is needed.

At least you're honest. Google punch a nazi woman, lots of material to be foun. It was effective, but not as effective as "It's okay to be white".

There can't be that many male feminist veterans in LA, right? R-Right?

>assaulted a woman
> "woman"
um, I don't think so sweetie

Alright then. Thank you for letting me know.

Anything can happen in a world so seriously strange.