Enough Sup Forums. It's time to discuss the salty elephant in the room. Iodine.

Has anyone tried using this? I want some first hand experiences. All other forms of ways of fixing out health is also fair game for discussion.

Other urls found in this thread: iodine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Adding to this: borax

I supplement with iodine + apple cider vinegar periodically. Gives me really vivid dreams.

not so sure about this one, the salt downstairs contains Iodine, maybe its just an American thing.

Interdasting. I always feel like a lazy piece of shit even when I'm physically active and eating decent. Can anyone chip in?

Any actual interesting thread. Thanks OP.

Usually it shows up as a thyroid disorder upon screening

I doubt consuming iodine will change everyones lives.


I'm going to try it for the hell of it and see what happens.

Same here

It's a water purifier that poisons in large doses

Go camping sometime

Btw you would have a goiter if you were iodine deficient

Just don't buy it off (((Amazon))) aka Jeff "CIA" Bezos

Where's the best place to purchase?

Whereever is cheapest and not Amazon

Alex Jones keeps talking about iodine in the water and IQ levels, but he doesn't sell iodine supplements. What am i to think of this?

Thanks. That was helpful.

What does he say?

/fit/ would probably have some autists who have tried this shit

nonetheless, I think I'll give it a go.

You want me to eat detergent?

He sells "Survival Shield X2" which is iodine. It's good stuff. Or use some Lugols somebody whipped up off Ebay, it's cheap as dirt. Or watch a youtube on how to make lugols yourself.

I've been supplementing iodine for a year now, and I swear while it's no miracle cure I'm less dumb than I was. I was starting to get retarded as I aged, and it worried me.


Another reason to keep Lugols or other "safe to imbibe" iodine around (Store-bought "Tincture" is toxic and will KILL YOU) such as Lugols or X2 is in event of a nuke spill. Radioactive iodine floods into your thyroid and will give you thyroid cancer unless you're saturated with safe non-radioactive iodine already- Something like 10 drops per day of strongish Lugols is a "bomb shelter dose" (but would be a major overdose any other time) and would be good in event of a nuke going off nearby/ a bad spill.

So the stuff's handy to keep around just in case. They also sell heavy-dose bomb shelter pills, Alex Jones and elsewhere (ebay etc).

To supplement yourself with it just smear some of it (the medical soluble one) onto your skin, perferably where skin is weaker.
In order to test if you have iodine deficency smear the iodine solution into inside of your arm, bit upwards from wrist.
If the smear is fully gone in 4 hours - you have severe deficency
If the smear is gone in 8..9 hours - you have some deficency
If smear stays >15h you are ok with iodine levels in you.

Ingesting is poor way to add it into system, it absorbs so little there. Better smear it onto your skin from time to time.

What's the right strength to get? And where's the best place to purchase if amazon is bad?

You need to stop listening to Alex Jones user

>If it's still there in 15h you're a dirty nigger and need to take a bath


It will leave with time. Medicine can be messy sometimes, user.

Anyway, for everyone - excessively over-using iodine can cause harm too, your thyroid gland can go bit nuts.

Is this legit?

I take a Kelp supplement daily and it really helped me being more active and getting up in the morning. I can recommend it so far.
My face also got "thinner". Talked to a doctor about my stress/sleep problems about 1 year ago, and was recommended zinc, iodine, omega
3 and magnesium and also more physical activity. Worked for me.

But the moment I started using his water filters my dick grew 10 inches and I grew chest hair in shape of czech republic.

Found a kelp supplement in my cabinet that was manufactured in 2011, hopefully it has kept its potency. I'll take one a day for a week and see if I notice a difference. I already take zinc and magnesium.

Yup. Pretty easy to spot an iodine deficiency.

Get a blood test, check iodine, and most importantly, ask your physician. Don't self-diagnose nor medicate yourself, you DON'T want to overdose on iodine, as hyperthyroidism is way, way, way worse that hypothyroidism.

I myself take extra iodine, not that I lack much, but still, I need to add more to reach a proper level. And honestly, I feel so much better since I started. The thyroidal gland regulates so much shit in your body, this thread wouldn't be enough to list it all, and clearly a iodine deficit can cause many issues. And clearly, we don't get enough from food these days, especially now that fish has taken a backseat in most countries compared with meat, with seafood having almost vanished from most diets, and vegetables, once a great source of iodine, don't have much these days because it's all pumped with water and grown in greenhouses.

When I first began treatment, it was early in the morning, I was tired, I thought "fuck it, I won't read the instructions, I'll take one drop and that shouldn't hurt". That shit is concentrated, I took 53 times the RDI, that is 9 times the maximum RDI. Barely slept for five days, pupils so dilated I could see in the dark, felt absolutely awesome, happy, cheerful, like I was a kid again, and I was focused on my work like I've never was. This experience, while not to be reproduced, certainly convinced me I was lacking iodine in my life. Now I take a supplement of 40% RDI, which adds to the 50-80% I get from food. I feel just as great as while I was od'ed, except I can sleep, and I check my levels closely to avoid hyperthyroidism.

I DO know of a 100% harmless way to check your iodine though: put some on your arm, and spread it on your skin, and try not to wash it until it vanishes. Your skin cells will absorb just what they need, no more, no less. If it takes 5 days, you're fine. 3 days, you need a bit more. If it vanishes during the day, you seriously lack iodine. Still, don't be retarded, ask your physician.

Now, you say "spread it on your arm" but there are so many varieties of iodine. You even mention different strengths in your post. Where do you get yours?

love drenching it in open wounds to prevent necrosis as I crew a leather strap to protect my teeth

yes he does. Survival Shield X2


I sprinkle dulse flakes (seaweed) on lots of things. 1tbsp has 333% rda iodine plus other minerals.

Nonsense. Alcohol and h2o2 are both far more painful.

Absolutely. Look at the increased incidence of disorders r/t boron deficiency.

Everyone knows about the benefits of iodine and here in Wales seaweed is commonly eaten as "Welshbread" so that isn't an issue.
I am deeply interested in more Borax knowledge though, i'm searching around the internet and frankly what i'm finding stinks of "Badly Made Conspiracy Theory" nonsense, i'm finding websites claiming it'll cure AIDS, Cancer of all sorts and Dementia. If Borax IS useful then these sorts of websites are doing more harm than good, what reasonable person is going to think that is true?
So, any information you have about Borax would be greatly appreciated.

Borax isn't detergent - it's a detergent booster - and 99.99 percent boron.

Looks like sea kelp is a good substitute too, some even come with a bit of salt for the effect you're talking about.

bump would like more info regarding iodine and borax supplementation has a bit of information on them. Low levels of supplementation seems safe. I am wary of reviews but there may be some merit to some of them. I think I may pick up sea kelp and 3mg boron. I also switched to reverse osmosis water for all drinking.

Enjoy your brain hardeners.
If you take health advice from a Sup Forums graphic you probably arent doing much harm since there wasnt much there to begin with.

We must outlaw the goiter preventing Jew. It is just another form of (((their))) evil power over white people.

Just drink more milk. You'll get all the iodine you need + no poisoning yourself

I used to be low on Iodine and then i saw that Alex jones sold Iodine supplements on his website
I started taking them and I've never felt better to be quite honest

In australia our salt is usually called iodized table salt ingredients says potassium iodate, anti caking agent and salt i thank god i live in australia

bumping this because it is true.
Also, be sure and get at least 30 minutes of solid sun on your bare back every other day. You need the sunlight where you can really feel nice and warm, around noontime.

Ex fatty with 121 IQ ,
After cutting sugar, working out, stopped using flouride toothpaste and take iodine suplements, my IQ is now at 134 (I swear it's still rising)

>lugol's iodine
how to make lugol's iodine from an herbalist

Ours is too, illiterate koala. We just stopped using that shit because it's shit. Sea salt is better. Iodized salt is only good for the iodine which is easy to supplement if you know to do so.

iodine lowers estrogen and raises testosterone

there is tons of info out there on it, just do the research

i take 5000-10000 mcg before bed and wake up with huge boners

some guys will even rub it on their balls

Sleep Apnea, or something sleep-related

I want to introduce you guys to a very interesting forum in regards to health: Peatarian. iodine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

It's no longer active, but the owner keeps it up so that you can read around on it and search for answers/issues. The community there used to be very active doing research into what the best diet is supposed to be and how to be as healthy as possible. Thanks to them the optimal diet for humans is what I consider to be a solved problem now.
Anyways the main conclusion they came to for iodine is that you get enough from diet if you eat good foods and make sure your salt is iodized. People there have supplemented with it to no great effect. Just make sure you aren't eating a lot of foods with Bromide.

If you're really paranoid you can put starch into a water solution and put the iodized salt in it to see if it turns purple. Purple means iodine is present.
Also if you want even more you can search for foods high in iodine, there are plenty of them.
No need to supplement this one.

I'll lurk the thread for a few minutes if anyone has any general questions.

Borax is toxic.

I'm hypothyroid. I supplement with iodine daily. Usually buy it from Mercola.

Interesting post.
I may give that a shot just for the hell of it.

Fix your hypothyroidism and you won't need to take so much.

>Borax is toxic

>Hormone disruption.
>Borax and its cousin, boric acid, may disrupt hormones and harm the male reproductive system. Men working in boric acid-producing factories have a greater risk of decreased sperm count and libido. According to EPA's safety review of these pesticides, chronic exposure to high doses of borax or boric acid causes testicular atrophy in male mice, rats and dogs.

So what, they only eat peat?

I used to work for a supplement company, I can tell you that not all thyroid tests confirm that you have an under active thyroid, I.e the test comes back your thyroid levels are fine and there not. Iodine is also very good for people who live near nuclear power plants, or any one who is near radio active material. After all there's 112 minerals in the human body and we need them all. My advice don't eat meat or animal products and eat from the earth don't filter your nutrients. Veg and fruit are the only things we need to live on. Everything else is bullshit.

I would search boron, not borox.

No, that's a guys name. A scientist/doctor.
He had some interesting theories about diet and health that the community there worked on and evolved into something better over time, but they stuck with the name because it was where they started out at.

It did mine. Taking nascent iodine orally, anyway.

you fags want to be circle yelling like a bunch of trannys over the last bit of feelz when the end comes? The world is a terrible place, and you were made for it. Don't be dependent on anything, lift heavy, and be nice.

no thank you satan

>How long for EXCESS iodine to subside
Be careful out there goys. Stay in balance.
Thread is moving too slowly for me, I'm going to head out. I wish everyone luck, health, and success. Goodbye.

And for random anons who think too much fluoride is a meme there are many other countries who actively work to take it out because it causes so many problems. Pic example but look at cdc and even they list limits as companies force you to drink it.

Borax is different from boric acid, and grouping them together and basing your results off of the latter gives false results for the former.

There's a lot of info out there on the webs about iodine, supplementing iodine, etc. I stopped drinking tap water (chlorine, fluoride) a few years ago, and started supplementing iodine, and I am very glad I did, and I plan to continue what I am doing. Among other things, my TSH was high, and my doctor told me he was going to need to put me on synthroid. After a year of supplementing iodine i had it checked again and it was normal. I told him what I was doing and he said "well, it worked".

Iodine deficiency is a larger problem than most people realize. Soil depletion is part of the reason reason, there are others. Do a bunch of reading, talk to a trusted doctor (I know, hard to find, they all want to put you on prescription meds).

No joke have a nice sharp cheddar with that cheddar is supposed to increase dream vividness and I think I can attest to that.

Memes aside there is a small town in my state where the people relied too much on a well that had I high level of fluoride and the entire town ended up having lots of dental problems, their teeth are yellow with red stains and very brittle.
So I dont know if It affects behavior or shit but It does actual harm when theres too much of It.

>czech republic
So glad you guys don't use that new name those eu faggots pushed

Can Australians subsititute Petrol for Iodine?

From John Seymour; The New ... Self Sufficiency ...

>Turnips and swedes are good indicators of boron deficiency in your soil, since they are generally the first vegetables to suffer. The core of the turnip or swede will turn a greyish-brown colour and begin to rot and stink - sometimes becoming completely hollow in the centre. And ounce (28g) of boron is sufficient to restore a quarter of an acre (1000 sq m) of land. Dissolve it into enough water to cover this area.

So get some turnips and swedes in you fellas. I eat a lot of turnips, sweet potato, and cauliflower; just toss them through a little olive oil and tumeric (and some crushed garlic cloves too if you want more flavour) and roast in a single pan.

Anyway, I've had chronic pain for a long time, dietary changes (amongst a lot of other things) have helped.

I eat celtic sea salt. Do I still need to take iodine?

Had a thyroid node (3cm) and doubled down on daily dose pill (also taking very low dose ssri). After 1.5 yrs, node is gone. Doctors can't find a trace of it.

yeah man, flouride deposits build up on organs and especially on bones.


have you had joint pain before going on the iodine?

i tried nascent iodine from infowars. Changed my life, just do it. Detox was so severe, you would NOT believe the kind of stuff that came out from my body. Do a detox and order one I gave it to all my family and friends. Enough said.

I've got your pic already saved to my desktop. My pharmacist didn't have Lugol's so I'm gonna order it online, try the method he suggests and see if I feel a difference.
Keep up the good work, I'll report back if I see this thread again after trying.
-t. user

Try the Myco-ZX, was about as life-changing as the iodine. The z-shield is good too. Also get the toothpaste.

is active

Serious question I want to start eating healthy and taking better care of myself where is a good place to start researching, why I ask is after reading that time stamp it described me to a T. Any suggestions and shitpost are welcome.

>leafs you better be funny with your shitpost.

I also recommend taking daily selenium to help prevent your cells from developing T3 resistance.

So the fucking hippies were right.

Bruh help me find real food. I want to be healthy.

Yeah. I was on chondroitin full dose and daily naproxen sodium (alieve). After starting Iodine, I really couldn't tell the difference when I'd run out of Chondroitin for a few days. I eventually ran out and never got more.

Yes but they were never as good as the other site. In fact they had a bit of a rivalry. Raypeatforum users were less open to experimentation and more focused on following Peat's work to the letter to their own detriment.

I find it funny that ninety percent of the comments in this thread are American.

>myself included.

>hyperthyroidism is way worse than hypothyroidism
Don't give up the game, user

Best beginner place to go to learn to eat healthy is

Thank you user.

Because I’m sick and tired of these panic attacks. Like it’s weird I know nothing bad is going to happen and I’m fully aware that I have control over myself but they still manage to last for like twenty minutes.

Never use supplements. They're worse then lottery tickets. There will always be another one coming out and if you ever stop buying them you will have to admit to yourself that they are useless.

virgins is to supplements Chads are to nootropics