
Why is it legal for gays to marrie eachother and adopt kids. Its legal to let kids have sex changes, its legal to to do all this wierd LGBT stuff. But its outlawed to have multiple wives? Why is it okay for all these fags to get their freedom to be complete weirdo sodomites but its illegal for a man to have multiple wives? This is bullshit. Take your rainbow and femenist flags and shove em up your ass. I beleive their is a war on being a alpha male, and machoism. The divorce courts, the welfare system, media is anti guy....why????

>wanting multiple alimonies

If the argument of the sodomite is they are born sodomites/other sex, the. Why is the argument men are born to want to have multiple women invalid?

I want to creampie a differant bitch every night of the week. 7 wives, each get one day of special effection from the man.

Because polygamy runs the risk of being beneficial to men, so they absolutely cannot tolerate it. The idea of some Mormons or Muslims benefiting off polygamy drives the feminazis bonkers.

Straight men of all races need a movement to pegalize polygamy and outlaw alimony

Except you wont be the one benefiting. Chad will just marry his harem once he gets older and betas wont even have a used up hag to provide for.

Polygamy is dumb, It basically punishes Chad with a bunch of nagging bitches, and for every other dude they are jealous of Chad.

What should be legal is incest though, as a woman that is your cousin will not cheat on you because it would shame the family and taint your royal blood line. Also she will relate to you better than any other woman will.

When a man has true personal power, he can delegate multiple wives. Just like a street pimp delegating multiple hoes, hoes are more insane than typical women, hoes with daddy issues, schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. The first Saudi king had like 30 wives. Once you have multiple females recognize your power as a male, and they respect it you are the king. Its very possible to do, but you must speak to these bitches with superior game unlike any beta cuck would ever dream of. Gift of Gab

Incest... youve ben watching to much porn you sad filthy cuck. Incest makes retard kids

this map is incorrect. It is officially illegal in Kenya but it still does happen here and there.

So should I move to Indonesia?

Also I think it's safe to assume you are a virgin and never been married.

you have to become muslim first as it's the largest muslim country in the world (which also means getting your dick mutilated )

If you don't want multipy wives then you don't have to get them. Marrying your cousin is dysgenic and dumb.
>Also she will relate to you better than any other woman will.
This is total bs. You are just horny. Lots of people don't get along with family members at all.

>which also means getting your dick mutilated
Who is gonna check? I can just say its already cut because i'm American. (its not tho) I more worried about alcohol being haram.

I once read a story that they dragged a guy from a public toilet , tied him to a wheelbarrow and circumcised him in the town square..

also your family in law will check before marriage.. . just like they check if the woman is still a virgin.

Fuck. There goes that fantasy. I guess I could find nonmuslim chinese women there instead. Its just the legality that makes indonesia good, not Islam.

i thought mormons existed in america

am i wrong?

Nah, I am west virginian. Some turn out retarded and some turn out smart. Like the Jews are Inbred as fuck

Then why not just bring back female slavery? I probably would have had a harem of niggers back in the day if I could.

You must have a shitty family of libtards then. Women in my family know their place and submit because they know they can't get any better elsewhere.

convert to mormonism

>You must have a shitty family of libtards then
I can't deny that, but there is still nothing that would inherently make a cousin understand you the best.
>Then why not just bring back female slavery? I probably would have had a harem of niggers back in the day if I could

This but not niggers. I want an Asian harem so bad