Best european map


Poor Kyprou.....



catalonia cannot be historically independent, you can put it with aragon.


what the fuck is wrong with you

Why would Celtic Germanic Northern France be with ahMeds? Why should Russians and Balts share their lands with turkic cockholes? Why should Germans, Austrians, Bohemians, Slovenians and Kajkavians cohabit with Bosnian and Romanian trash?

What's wrong with Romanians?


This is the best Europe

You's every country minus Axis. God damned (((coalition))) needs to be cut off!

>independent instead of being divvied up between germany and france

shit map

10/10 would bang

Great map but one thing

> Constantinople

>France is atlantic and atlantomediterranean with some north atlantic, legally roman


>implying that Germanic control of the balkans means that Germanics have to live with balkans.

>The remaining grey areas are not divided up between colonial powers.
>The west coast of Turkey is not returned to Greece
>Constantinople is not under Byzantine control
And lastly...
>America being included in with Europe at all


>Under Roach infestation


>so loud they scream
>not Portugal
Your map sucks and so do you.

Where is this from?


But I bite harder than you, chump. Sit down.

this maps pretty gud but greece should be byzantine with albania and istanbul

>nordics called the "Viking empire"
Just how retarded can you be?

He didn't find a coolest name

Truly a travesty...

I don't know what sort of Portuguese you think you know, but they're not exactly known for being loud. Melancholic is usually the stereotype. I also have no idea where the indolence and deceit nonsense has come from.

Not being pure in race.
Literally pure Northwestern European genetically in the North unlike mulattos you want them to live with

Hahhahaah literally chain smoking ugly trash, usually with acne ridden skin, women have manlish, yet nasal voices


Very good answer

Ro will never be Slavic or Russian dominated. It's basically impossible without genocide.

I have no problem with fantasies of Transylvanian switcheroos, but Russian Ro just breaks immersion.

you should divide russia some more

Oh, look, it's the butthurt Albanian Jew yet again. Do you have any life outside of Sup Forums? I'm genuinely curious.

are the people in the UK not Anglo-celtic, and thus related to the Celtics in France?

lets not forget normandy..

the real map

I'd live in Russian VestfirĂ°ir

Looks good.
Minor correction tho:
