Ask Me Anything Anarcho-Communist Edition

Ask Me Anything Anarcho-Communist Edition

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Why are you larping as a retard?

May I ask about your ideologies?

>May I ask about your ideologies?
They are not why I came to this thread. I came to learn about yours. Isn't this like Mad Max?

No, My Ideologies are a community that shares the wealth and where everyone supports each other. no currency, just self-sustainment

How do you feel about your more Totalitarian cousins, the Communists?
I understand that ultimately their (and ultimately yours too), is not totalitarian rule, but it is always required on the road there.
How do you reconcile this?

Also, as far as morals go, how can your system be moral while at the same time denying basic human rights such as property?
There is also the problem of coercion since not everyone would 100% agree with you.
Finally, although I know Bakunin said this, but humor me a second, why are you okay with reducing all humans to a mediocre mean. Does the stamping out of the potential for human greatness bother you at all?

fuck off retard

literally struggling to stay alive like a sub-saharan nigger

The fact that you live in the same country as me makes me sad that I'm a Dutchman

i have a question. your not edgy or interesting, and your ideology is not misunderstood, its just retarded. nobody finds you frightening when you shill your "beliefs", those awkward looks are just people observing that you are an annoying faggot.

A fucking leaf to the rescue!

And what's the question?

No. Just kys.

how are we denying basic human rights, we just don't want private property, but YES to personal property. also no one is superior to a human but humans are not superior

Then why bother posting.

This is not a question, just a fact. We are going to enslave you with weaponized nanotech, when the time comes and we will cull 95% of humanity.

What are your thoughts on asteroid defense, pandemic disease, and other existential risks like AI safety, nuclear war etc.?

I'm sorry but what does this have to do with Anarcho-Communism?

what is the difference between personal and private property in your opinion?

The thing is, this softening of mores that such radical equality celebrates as a “good thing” would also bring the softening of human greatness.
Surely you must admit that bringing such morality also means losing something noble inherent in humanity.
How can the best in society advance if they are held back not only by political systems of equality, but also this morality of radical “equality” so that these great men feel guilty about their elevation.
Mozart should not have felt guilty for creating his masterpieces and neither should any future Mozart.

Is political equality not enough? Should men also become intellectually and physically equal as well? Such a transformation of man would be transforming him into something less than man, in my opinion; he would become a milder, and more meek animal, capable not of great works, but blending into the herd.
I think ultimately all collective ideologies, especially Communism, forge the perfect herd morality.

Personal property is like the things you own (car, house, phone, toothbrush, etc)

Private is like a (factory, farm, building, etc)

Political philosophies are evaluated based on some criteria of values (justice, resilience, equity, historic fidelity etc). I would suggest that ensuring the long-run survival of the human race is a very important value on which any decent political philosophy should have something to say. How do we regulate potentially dangerous technologies? How should we coordinate to encourage or discourage the detection and defense of asteroids? Should we just set up our nice anarcho-communist world, and content ourselves to eventually be destroyed?

Why are you leaving stuff about AI here? and I don't care about potentially dangerous technology, I plan on living off of wheat and water, not 3-D printed hamburgers.

Anarcho-Communism is fucking stupid.

Anarchism is essentially the most extreme form of constitutional conservatism (0 government).

Communism is equal outcome in terms of material goods where industry is controlled by the government.

How do you reconcile anarchism, with no controlling government, with communism - which requires a huge state to control industry and enact equal outcome.

Also - you do realise that living communally like that would literally be regressive? A HUGE part of the advancement of humanity, at least in the West, has come with the recognition of individual, sovereign rights over those of the community or shared will. What you propose would literally lead to another Bolshevik style revolution, where literally ALL of the productive capability (in terms of rich people to invest in industry and products) of the country were killed or driven out in weeks.

Finally - why does history, with its clear accounts of the horrors of the left, NOT convince you of your idiocy? You're pushing for an ideology that has literally killed hundreds of millions.

Your answers so far have been pathetic. Not sure why you even posted this.

> I plan on living off of wheat and water

LOL. I know you do. Retard.

Anarchism is regressive as fuck and would literally leave people living in little hippy communes like fucking savages.

No thanks. I like the internet - and hamburgers.

Go live in the fucking bush if you want to faggot. Hurry up now.


Why am i not surprised.

Do you think its important that your utopian scenario be feasible, or are you just pondering what you think is best from logic etc?

If you think your utopia is actually something to to work towards from our current situation, then I think having some thoughts about what we do with potentially dangerous technology like AI, synthetic biology, nuclear weapons is very important. It's not like we can get rid of those existing threats tomorrow, and winding down the research institutions seems like a challenge. I'm not trying to be annoying; I'm genuinely curious what anarchists think about these issues.

nice bait

They don't think about those issues. All they think is "muh utopia".

Never worked, never will. They don't care about being consistent.

I would also appreciate longer/more robust answers. You're not convincing me.

I don't give a fuck about you. My reply was for OP.

why aren't you a right-wing libertarian yet?
barely a sentence long. just give up motherfucker, politics isn't for everyone.

hear hear!
>dat fascist flag tho
way to discredit your blog by adhering to an equally unfeasible ideology.

How are you so retarded?

Anarchy and communism are 2 completely opposite things.

What the fuck made you think you could just throw those 2 words together and have any sort of credibility?

how does it feel to be the biggest joke of 2017?


Isn't the term "anarcho-communism" redundant? By it's very definition communism is a classless, stateless society.

Fuck it, I'm an anarcho-communist, AMA

Couple part question.
What do you feel should be done when someone refuses to work?
How would you handle a prolonged illness or out brake that affects 50% of your community?
If faced with a food shortage, how would you handle it range of youngest to old, and healthy to sick?

Stop calling yourself that.

>What do you feel should be done when someone refuses to work?
In an anarcho-communist state, social structures will provide a level of community and public-spiritidness such that the type of "refusal to work" that we see today simply will not exist outside of extreme cases. A diversity of social and formal enforcement mechanisms will blossom to reduce the likelihood of that problem

>How would you handle a prolonged illness or out brake that affects 50% of your community?
Most communities would have some sort of limited relationship with other communities, and if such an extreme catastrophe occurred (pandemic disease, for example), the people would either be assisted by their neighbors or be free to enter their communities and therefore be entitled to their assistance

>If faced with a food shortage, how would you handle it range of youngest to old, and healthy to sick?
Given modern agricultural technology, famine is essentially a political problem (this is a point made brilliantly by Amartya Sen). In an anarcho-communist scenario, the breakdown of social structures sufficient to result in a famine is extremely unlikely. Saudi Arabia's current blockade of Yemen--likely to result in millions of deaths--provides a depressing example of this idea.

>A diversity of social and formal enforcement mechanisms will blossom to reduce the likelihood of that problem
Such as?

On the supply side, a return to more naturally human forms of social organization (i.e. no bosses, unemployment) will result in dramatically fewer "psychological diseases of civilization" like depression, alienation etc.

But on the demand side, even if in some cases people want to free-ride, anarcho-communism provides more options. Under most current systems, the two solutions to a collective-action problem like this are either to double-down on ensuring private property rights (let you die), or force by authority some communitarianism (slavery, imprisonment).

Anarch-communism recognizes that there is a whole range of solutions in between, which share some features of each. Social shaming, informal observation and enforcement jobs financed by voluntary contributions from the community--these are some of the types of solutions that exist in real-world communities, and which anarcho-communism recognized. Pic related for much more on this idea.

is anarcho-communism a antonym to food?

kill your self

You did not answer any of my questions.

That is nice, but in reality you will always face these problems. We are not ants or robots. Every communist commune has come across these problems and have completely collapsed from them.

1. You can not force anyone who feels entitled to work. Sense of entitlement is a natural occurence in human nature. Most common in second generation when everything is provide to children by the community; our current problem with generations.

2. When the doctor gets sick and dies from exposure from an out break due to viruses evolving, quarantine is a necessity. Neighbors would do better to maintian a distence to avoid infection and lose further population.

3. Famine is always present in the world. To deny that tells me your are a child and have not ventured passed your walls of comfort or nations boarders to to actual countries suffering under communism. Rhodosia, Venezuela, Cuba, ect. The economic system of communism collapses everytime with out socialism or a form of ethnostate that have a very strong sense to traditionalism.


1. see 2. Pandemic disease is a genuinely difficult problem, and I agree anarcho-communism doesn't have a perfect solution. Neither does our current regime, however. Anarcho-communism will result in a less globalized transportation network of goods and people, and thus on some margin reduce the risk of massively spreading a deadly disease.

3. I'm sort of trolling with most of this but I strongly stand by the assertion that famine is a political problem. Even the poorest countries on earth do not experience extreme famine on a continuous basis--otherwise their populations would die off. Famine has been caused typically throughout history by authoritarian regimes limiting the productive and distributive capacities of societies via military force. Your examples--Venezuela, Cuba etc--bear this out. There are not anything close to anarcho-communist. In fact, I would argue that the compensating behavior advanced by these populations to scramble to get food under extreme political oppression more accurately represents an anarcho-communist spirit.

What would a real An-com society look like, I don't believe it's possible every society that tries something like this either becomes communism, or some form of An-Cap.

Strictly speaking, An-com may still be the best political philosophy even if it's extremely difficult or even impossible to achieve.

The question of the best *strategy* or path towards a desired goal is different from an evaluation of the goal itself.

But even still, I think a move to become more An-com-like would achieve many of the benefits An-com promises.

No questions, Just know you will hang soon

Why? You don't have any answers.

How come I never see you guys going after black, Arab or Hispanic supremacists, just the white ones?

I was in a German student exchange program when Obama got elected I almost joined an antifa group in dresden. But the constant shitting on white people turned me off

What is your question?

How is slab city doing? Ayy lmao

Private being commercial than? Also if my home is personal property then is tue land it sits on yhe same?

I assume from your comment that you believe that deep culture is a large determinant of social outcomes.
I think the issue is a lot more complicated.

Most of the people that provide me with social capital are also those that provide me with social and cultural capital that can be transferable to cultural capital.

How many times were you dropped as a baby?

What? Speak English. You're making less sense than the torah

Anarcho-Fascist reporting in

My eyes are bleeding