New Yugoslavia thread

Okay, let's get this thread started. Forget about communism and socialism, it's bullshit, but can we make new democratic Republic of Yugoslavia something real?

New country with equal right for Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Slovenes etc.

Let's look at the facts, we all live poorly, Macedonians, Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, crime is at high rate, corruption and freedom of media are huge problem.

On the other side, we all speak similar language (like 90% same), we would be stronger together (in all areas, economic, military..) and so on.

And let's face it, only ones who will disagree with this are deluded nationalists and US and EU shills.

Who's with me?

Other urls found in this thread:

nice try

EU US and SU disagrees with you, balkan is balkanized and imperialized for a reason.

Also Turkey disagrees with you, as having northerner Europeans united is bad for them.

But what i dont understand is how could out people become so cucked that America so easily turned them against each other

>New Yugoslavia thread
Only Greater Serbia.

No such thing, and i'm Serb

EU and US won't exist for much longer. Soon the time will come when we Serbs will rise up, and kick them out as we kicked out every other empire.

>full senatorial representation of all member states
>croatian serb is same language
The only ones interest balkan unification goes against would be all its imperislist neighbors.

>can we make new democratic Republic of Yugoslavia something real?
No, fuck off.

good one, you lost all wars to turks hahahahah


>you lost all wars to turks
We won the last several wars. You never won a war in your history (95 doesn't count because Serb army had already withdrawn).

Those are retards, there is no reason for Serbian imperialism in the balkans only integration and union with balkan people.

>implying the state would last more than one lifetime

Most of them, that's true, but that's part of history and belongs to history books. It's like saying you lost vs NATO knowing that NATO is bazinga times stronger then you

>only integration and union with balkan people.
Top fucking Kek. There's only death for albos, muslims and croats.

Serbian people are same as all Balkan people, they should integrate under equality justice and fraternity.

You are either troll or just plain uneducated idiot... or Seseljevac which is same

There is, market and military would be much stronger that they are today

There is no benefit to serbs for that other than for Foreign peoples benefit.

stop samefagging you dirty muslim

>There is no benefit to serbs
I'll show you the benefit once the West collapses.

>You are either troll or just plain uneducated idiot
grow up kiddo, learn some history

Market and economy would be stronger in perpetual wars with genetic identicals?
Let me tell the Ankarans to declare etetnal wars against the Izmirs.

>95 doesn't count because Serb army had already withdrawn

"if you run away and let your enemies fuck you in the ass, you have won" Đastin Trudovčić

>There is no benefit to serbs for that other than for Foreign peoples benefit.

That's simply not true, there are benefits for all of our people in ex Yu countries

>I'll show you the benefit once the West collapses.

Not possible

>grow up kiddo, learn some history

Not an argument.

Im saying no benefit for aggression and imperialism of Balkan people agaibst each other, they should unite under equal rights.

>you have won
I did not claim that we have won, but we lost to international pressure from US&EU, not to croat cowards.

Oh sorry, didn't quite understand that, you are right tho

ok, bolje zavrsi skolu nego sto citiras glupe mime

Pravni fakultet zavrsen, advokat.

>they should unite under equal rights.
West will collapse, and Russia will send us arms. Then we "discuss".

>battle of the meme flags


>Macedonians and Montenegrins represented in any way, shape or form

into the trash, no such people

Fuck off kike.

Why tho? You are saying no but is there any particular reason?

mora da ti "not an argument" dobro funcionise na sudskim raspravama (u Tanzaniji)

Pa na sudskim raspravama obicno komuniciram sa ljudima koji imaju validne argumente i sposobnost za odrzavanje konstruktivnog razgovora pa nema potrebe da spominjem to.

>preaches unity among muslims and Christians
>calls others Kike
top kek. you're a retarded muslim/albo and it's so obvious

Because it will always inevitably devolve into greater Serbia.
We've tried it twice already with the same result.
What was it that Einstein said about repeating the same actions and expecting different consequences?

ako zelis validne argumente uzmi u obzir uzroke raspade Jugoslavije, vise od toga ne treba


Kurvats are the inferior sort of people who can't live without sucking Hungarian/German/EU/US dick. Serbs were deluded to believe that all Croats are like Tito - freedom loving and brave, but kurvats just want to serve someone, it's in their genes because all freedom loving Croats were exterminated long ago by their masters.

Yeah but with proper laws and politics it can't be done. The only reason why Milosevic appointed his government to be majority in council of Yugoslavia was because of Vojvodina and Kosovo. But with proper politics, laws and political system it cant be done

Ekonomska kriza i zatupljeni narod koji je postao glasniji kada je jos zatupljeniji vodja dosao na vlast

Jesi ti opet ovaj Dragan što bi granatiro?

Vallah sometimes I am in doubt whether I am wrong about the serbs and they are in reality good people but the velikosrbs on Sup Forums always bring me back to reality.
Od drine do une, od save do mora.

he is either trolling or just plain dumb as i said before

once agan

we like it how it is now. thanks tho.

There are really good people in Serbia who are open minded and rational, but on the other hand you have plain dumb ones like nationals on Sup Forums. Im Serb and i dont have anything against Bosniaks, Croats or anyone actually, in fact i have a lot of friends from Split, Zagreb, Manjaca, Sarajevo etc.

if you dont believe in greater serbia, your not

no we should apply to join Russian Federation

Yeah it might work as long as we gas the kikes and don't quarrel with each other instead.


Yo Milo my man, waddup?

Who gives a shitbabout jew religions filthy kike.

>zatupljeni narod
Ma top cec budalo. Yugoslavija je imala odlican edukacioni sistem, puno bolji od zapada i redovno smo osvajali internacionalne nagrade. Narod je bio jedino zatupljen propagandom "bratstva i jedinstva", a u tom tebi korisnom pogledu ga vise od toga ne mozes zatupiti. Jugoslavija je bila najbolji moguci pokusaj multi-kulturalizma i spektakularno je propala, sto znaci da su svi takvi (losiji) pokusaji osudenji na propast.
>Ekonomska kriza
A ekonomskih kriza u budocnosti vise nece biti?

Tell me dear Southern Slavs - why the you hate each other so much?

As a Pole who lives in Australia I have Serbian friends, Croat friends, Bosnian friends, I missed out Macedonians so far. I even come across a guy who considered himself Yugoslav, because his parents are Bosnian and Croat. All of you are great people, with great culture, as far I know you speak almost identical language.

Why everything went so wrong between you? Is it purely religious issue? Who's God has the biggest dick? However even it doesn't make sense, because Catholic and orthodox believe in the same God.

What went wrong?

I swear to God, I don't understand you Serbs.
Do you want to remove us or defend us?
Ja нe paзyмeм.

>reality-whatever gets us gibs

everyone is a serb btw, havent you read?
whats the reason for the breakup btw?
i think the west is responsible for this...

>Macedonians, Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, crime is at high rate

Know you are a pawn, and the only future of Balksn people is in unity and equality of balkans with secularity, believe whatever fairytale you want but keep yourself grounded in reality.

jebem vam sunce garavo šta ne može mira bit među nama
koji se kurac imate jebat uokolo kad nas shlomo krade i konstanto kara u mozgove
jebo vas pas stvarno nema nade za išta ili ikoga na ovom svijetu

its a trap guys
dont listen to him

pička vam materina i trebamo svi izumrijet više pa nek židov ima svoj svijet

>odlican edukacioni sistem
Gde ima novca ima i znanja

>Jugoslavija je bila najbolji moguci pokusaj multi-kulturalizma i spektakularno je propala

Amerika, Rusija, Kina, Otomani, Rimsko Carstvo sve su to multikulturalizmi

>A ekonomskih kriza u budocnosti vise nece biti?

Nije poenta u tome, poenta je da narod ne zna kako da se ophodi kada su jedne trenutno prisutne

In theory, having a larger nation, a larger taxpayer base, common market, talent pool, area to look for and exploit natural resources, and population to remain culturally homogeneous sounds appealing.

However, the history of the region, and the ethnic tensions that it spawned, make it well nigh impossible. At the heart of the ethnic tensions in ex-Yugoslavia lies the nature of the Serbian identity.

Serbs (ethnicity, as opposed to Serbian — anybody carrying the passport of the Republic of Serbia) have proven themselves, not only in SFRY (communist Yugoslavia) but in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia between the two wars as well, to be hopelessly expansionist, noninclusive, elitist and culturally hegemonic. Serbs have a “Russian younger brother” mentality where, just as Russians probably do generally with all Slavic ethnic identities, they basically consider that the Southern Slavs (Južni Slaveni, wherewith comes the name Yugoslavia) are some “estranged” versions of Serbs, and should “drop their silly pretenses” and just accept their “fundamental” Serbian identity. They do not understand that, even were there not for literally hundreds if not thousands of years of different history, cultural influences, and idiosyncrasies, identity is constructed. Nobody need to have an “excuse” for why they feel non-Russian, or non-Serb, although they may have similar cuisine, folklore costume, or language. People feel like what they feel like being.

>ante is having his židov breakdown again

wrong stats, ukraine has far more murders than anybody

south russia is also misrepresented, way more crime there

Razlike izedju Jevreja i Katolika ne vidim, a premali je Balkan za dvije vjere, kamoli tri.
>U krv će nam vjere zaplivati, biće bolja koja ne potone


?? To se i ja pitam

Hahaha, really i do, he lives in one village close to Banja Luka but he likes to say that he is "from Manjaca"

sta govno koji kurac picke materine

bez brige Mario,bice sve okej

Why would we coexist with Balkan mongrels again? We have to deport them from Slovenia, not join the Yugoslavia to import shitloads of them agian. Fuck you.

>Amerika, Rusija, Kina, Otomani, Rimsko Carstvo sve su to multikulturalizmi
A sta svi ti imaju zajedno? (sta ce Amerika uskoro imati zajedno sa svim ostalim?)

>poenta je da narod ne zna kako da se ophodi kada su jedne trenutno prisutne
Narod odlicno (instinktivno) zna kako da se ophodi kada je manjak - svako gleda svoje. Svaki raspad multikulturnog drustva dosao je kao posledica manjka.

nope, too many ethnical groups, pretty much between slavs and muslims
they'll kill each other

Fuck thats a hot flag what the fuck.

I made a better one.

Kina se nije raspala, nije ni Rusija a nije ni Amerika, Rimsko Carstvo se raspalo zbog konstantnih napada varvara i pljackanja istih a ujedno i napada otomana i licnih interesa njihovih vladara, a Otomani zbog Svetskih ratova

>slavs and muslims
Bosniaks are muslim slavs

mostly our own stupidity, though West played a role


Its nice but the other one is beautiful and im on the other side of the world from you fuckers

pali traktorče dragane

our muslims are majority slavs tho
haven't been to ganja luka yet but as far as i have heard the rumors about 7 females on 1 guy are true

>croat using mace memes
feels good desu

it's the religion, serbs are pulling people to the orthodox side, western europe is pulling to catholicism
and because this is a border between the two, there is a lot of mixing, and consequently a lot of issues

>New Jewgoslavia
Fuck no you daft cunt,only Serbia and fucking Serbia.
No more unions with meme countries that don't even like us.


ako nisi iz Dalmacije, onda si nizozemsko govno

this one gets me every time

>blerim would rather get his gypsy ass bombed again
top lel spread your butt cheeks lad

das it mane

it's false, but girls are pretty

Honestly the fact you guys are all spatting with each other and not uniting again as one strong cohesive unit is pretty depressing to see desu

and only fucking Serbia*

i've always wondered what пикaшци or whatever that one letter is means

Jesus thats rough.

>nizozemsko govno

good taste desu

Fuck off you're not getting our gibs.

lol what would be positive for Serbia if Yugoslavia was created since we lost so much for just creating it in the first place??