Sweden makes me wanna believe in god

I've been an atheist for a few year. Been the fedora tipping type who wouldnt shut the fuck and eventually started to just ignore religious people. Sweden and other nordic countries seemed great to me. Lots of atheists and secular laws. But what was the result?

Sweden is cucked, full of muslims and promoting cuckoldry and transexualism in their advertisements
Norway is not very different
You all know how germany turned out to be
I thought atheist would hate islam but it seems like the only countries that aren't infested with muslims are, ironically, christian countries.
Poland being the clearest example.

I dont want to help spread this cancer
I just wanna be christian again
Anyone has any good books/whatever that are targeted to non believers or ppl who once were believers?

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Serious question: what if sweden was the only county in the world and muslims didn't exist. Would it be Great?

Try the New Testament

Well if there was only one country it would be the greatest.

It's a tautology.

The bible right now will just make me more skeptical
I need something that makes me willing to believe in it

Swedish churches are AIDING migrants hiding from authorities amid asylum crack down

Yup, I was pretty much your stereotypical atheist as well, but all this cuckedness is making me feel sick. I've honestly started to hate atheists. I can probably never believe in any gods myself, but I fucking hate the faggots who bash Christians and Christianity here and elsewhere. I'm thinking about marrying a Christian girl and trying to raise my children as Christians. Maybe they will have wholesome and happy lives, and they won't go through the same destructive nihilism as my society and I did.

Go to YouTube and look up E. Michael Jones. I'm agnostic but pro-religious myself, and if I were ever going to convert to Christianity it would be because of him.

Swedish churches get cucked as a result of the mass atheism and cultural marxism
Plus I assume they hope to convert them

Sounds like a plan
I guess if I cant make myself believe ill at least make my children believe

Society has fallen. You could become a traditional catholic, there are no other options of god's approval.

Will watch some vids after work
Thanks user

I'm from a catholic family so it should be easier
Could spend some time with my uncle, he's the most engaged on it

You can teach your children how to hunt, ethics are something that women teach. Get a christian gf

This honestly if you're going to become Christian. Traditionalist sedevacantist Catholic or Orthodox. E. Michael Jones is a TradCath

Look into the Church of Christ. Maybe go visit one and talk to some people there

>teaching ethics to their children

God is real user, so is Satan. Why do you think so many of the elites are satanist? Satan's greatest achievement is convincing mankind he doesn't exist.

Maybe start off with reading the Book of Enoch. Compare it to Sumerian texts on the annunaki, look at the impossible megalithic constructions. Know that this actually happened.

You'll never doubt God's existance again. Also, Romans described a three hour solar eclipse when Christ died on the cross.

Look up how the Rockefellers were raised. A good woman is wiser than every man.

The absolute state of Germany.

that's retarded in many levels, churches feel the moral obligation to help the needed, no matter what. I remember in Pinochet times that priests would confront the death squads and even hide the commies in the churches and since the only people that supported Pinochet were rich christfags they let them off the hook
it's what they believe in, nothing to do with Marxism

>using one of the worst, most perverse, disgusting and destructive families in the history of my country as an example


>Go to YouTube and look up E. Michael Jones.


Eh, sort of. Christianity, especially Protestantism gave birth to Enlightenment era liberalism which paved the way for Marxism.

I didn't state that women are wise. You'd know it.
I said that good women are. This is why people adore the Virgin Mary.

>there are people who support the Chuch in Sweden
absolutely disgusting. Sluta med detta omedelbart.

Please provide more religious jingoism and stupid sayings faggot

But at least her kids were strong and wealthy.

Stay with orthodoxy or traditional catholicism.

Luthers original criticism was valid on abuses within the Church, but then he went off the deep end, even changed Scripture to allow for his Sola Scriptura idea, this kicked the whole thing off. Once you don't need to do godly deeds anymore, usury is allowed and this grants more power to jewry.

Judge a tree by its fruits

I'm too skeptic to just read bible books
I'm looking for some book that at least tries to give a rational argument that god exists
after that I wont have a problem reading the bible

Read the old Catechism. Google Fatima

This is true.

In woman are both the capacity of extraordinary goodness witnessed in the unconditional love of a mother, and extraordinary evil when they are drawn into darkness.

Hence why although Eve caused the fall of mankind, God will in the end let the head of the snake (Satan) be crushed by the bare heel of the Holy Virgin.

nice argument

>I dont want to help spread this cancer
Then don't. There is no actual relation between being aheist and being degenerate. On the contrary, there was a country in the past that had state-enforced atheism and was more redpilled than any other country in the world. Religion or lack of it matters not.
In the end, it is idiotic to change your worldview just because it is being shared by retards. You know, a lot of dumb people believe that Earth is not flat.

>I just wanna be christian again

Monkeys can't be Christian. Only people can be Christian.

>rational argument
research the simulation theory
chances are that we are all in a simulation made by god-like lmaos and all (or none) of the religions are completely posible, no matter how crazy

Daily reminder





Good channels, hopefully they help people.


A true Gospel presentation. Hopefully those who haven't heard watch, and those who have can share this.

No Christian girl would date a heathen.

You don't even know what is in it, yet you already throw it away. Do what I told you, it's actually a historical approach which will prove Scripture right through proving the existance of Satan and his fallen angels (whom the Sumerians called annunaki) by witnessing the buildings they left here on Earth.

Stop thinking of God as the magic man in the sky. He is the master of all scientists, because he built the world and knows the rules. DNA is 3-dimensional coding. Try some Chuck Missler - Cosmic Codes is a good one.

Modern Catholicism is degenerate too, partially from internal degradation and partially from emulating protestants to attract converts

The papacy is confirmed to be the satanic 7 headed dragon of biblical lore. They rape kids!


Read the Bible and become uncucked. Jesus will save you from sin and degeneracy. Peace brother.

altrightchristian.com/ This could help too.

The pope is a heretic, there's currently a case running against him for 8 counts of heresy and soon he'll be pope no more. He already isn't the pope de facto, pic related.

Vatican has been subverted by masons and commies, everything post 1965 (Vatican II concilium) should be considered heretical.

Literally all catholics in my family hate the pope
Plus you can actually "impeach" a pope if he starts acting like that
Thank you user
I'll make sure to watch all of them

Oh, I disagree with this guy on a fair number of stuff (but I still think he's a Christian), but this was useful to me when I first had questions about my non-belief.


Intro to History of Psychology
B.R. Hergenhahn
Chapter 2: Ancient Greece

It'll make you realize that all of the good parts of Christianity were of Aryan origin. Take Christianity in its Platonic form, and discard the semitism. It is the only way.

Just in case anybody wants some inspiration from the lower form of human to read this.

They'd probably focus all their scientific effort on artificially creating brown people. Or they'd just do what they do now: stop reproducing and slowly die out

Man, I was really passive on religion until I realized - The Bible never aimed to be scientifically accurate, especially in long term. Materialists, hedonists and generally awful people look for the wrong things in the Holy Book. It's basically the same as if a shop assistant would recommend you a good smartphone, but you'd say something like "Good, eh? Well where is the DVD-tray, if the phone's so good? Ha! Checkmate phonist, phones are useless because they cannot read discs, thus there's no reason to own one". I fell for the "omg bibble is scintifcly inacurat" meme as well, but the Bible aims not to educate you on science, but spread the message of Jesus Christ. It could be taken as a philosophical book, most of the happenings - as allegories. Eitherway, I realized that I HAVE to be Christian in order to save my nation. Nothing else matters.
Pray, study the Holy Book , and spread the word of Christ.
P.S. Many gaytheists tell shit like "omg religion makes you weak and like a sheep an-" no it does not. Do not trust any authority in regards to interpretation of the Bible, for you should not have an idol and believe in any higher or superior being than all other humans, but God himself. Catholicism allows free interpretation of some parts by clergy. The clergy is human, just like you, so they are as sinful as you are and as a result might attempt to take advantage of the whole "interpretation" thing. That's why we have a commie pope welcoming sodomites, though we also have a large number of people calling him out for herecy.

Fake it till you make it

>stop reproducing and slowly die out

I unironicaly believe this is what would happen in a one world governament, unleass we found aliens so we can start galatic wars an shiet

I will leave that here if anyone is curious about God.


>Christian nation
>also cucked

Christ isn't the answer, God/Allah/YHWH is the answer: Christianity is an exercise in idolatry - turning a Jew martyred by the Romans (and his execution method) into an idol through which Christians worship God.

They literally believe you have to accept their idol to get into Heaven. The reason Europe is overrun by shitskins and Jews is because shitskins and Jews still worship God.

Hey user I was in your boat like 2 years ago and honestly the whole nihililism world view is like an impenetrable prison. Personally what took away my nihilism and eventually led to me accepting Jesus Christ is trying some ayahuasca where my whole rigid materialistic wordviee was shattered and suddenly the idea of god became possible, so I would recommend some psychedelics and the bible. Also even if you don't believe in prayer and you don't believe in Christ just pray to him anyways even if it's fake and pretending at first and just pray for him to reveal himself and to help you get to know him and realize that he is real. I hope you get saved user, atheism is literally the greatest trap the devil has ever invented

good read

pic related, checkmate kike

Christ as literally predicted in the Torah 500 years before He came.

You see the rational consequence of atheism and time, well done.

There are plenty of apologetics books and Youtube videos by decent apologetics. Look at John C. Lennox, William Lane Craig, and David Wood. They are good starting points.

There are a few others, like Lee Strobel, who are also of interest.

sadly humanity came to early to have intelligent alien life on a red draft system. well unless they're in an earth-like environment may be.

The Good Book is the book you are looking for. Or any of the religious texts from almost any ancient culture. The Mahabharata is cool.

Krishna, Christ, it actually happened, you nigs.

Also consider Plato's Timaeus and Hume's dialogue on Natural Religion where Hume says, and I paraphrase, "only the actually, literally, retarded would be in doubt about the existence of God, so let's not even discuss that, and rather instead discuss something that IS up for debate, the NATURE of God," which I thought was a good start to blow atheists the fuck out.

CHrist also predicted this Great Apostasy. "Why I return shall I still find the faith?"

It's part of humans having free will, in the battle between Good and Evil, God and Satan. God will let Satan think he has won, and finish him off in one final blow. Humans are in a fallen state remember, hence it isn't possible to create heaven on Earth. This life is a test, it determines where we will end up in the afterlife. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. But who is the wheat and who is the chaff iss only to be determined by free will.

Christianity doesn't intrisically prevent destructive nihilism - see the Third Reich, or Alex Jones, and you'll see Christianity coexisting with nihilistic madness.

You want to get away from nihilism, become a liberal. Or just become a Sparkly Nihilist: if there aren't any gods and there's no purpose to life, you might as well make the world a happier place.

>a prediction was made in the Torah
>a person familiar with the Torah claims they are who was predicted

It's the equivalent of me saying "I predict someone will post about Trump tomorrow" and then one of you fuckers doing it and thinking I predicted you'd exist. Christ is a 2000 year old religious schizo guilty only of thinking that he was "the chosen one". His apostles and the Church that followed are all idolaters.

Nigga he rose from the dead and healed people and shit in addition to full filling his prophecy

>t. a typical fucking leaf
Christ IS God and it were actually the jews who wanted Jesus's death. Romans honestly didn't want to go with that, but jews promised to give them a kike uprising if Romans keep Christ alive.

I want historical proof that Jesus lived. Or was executed by the romans, or was persecuted by jews.


I second this. James White and the others in the same school like Francis Schaeffer and Greg Bahnsen have best helped me with these questions. Best wishes, user.

Math and the sciences are the languages of the universe. The cosmos abides by laws. DNA is a blueprint for life. Human consciousness is the universe seeing its own distorted reflection. Taking all of this, the only question in my mind is what kind of god exists.

>God is real user, so is Satan. Why do you think so many of the elites are satanist?

Plenty of elites are Marxist. Plenty of elites are Randite. Does this mean that both Marxist and Randite economic theories are completely accurate descriptions of the way things are and should be? Or is it more likely that at least one of those economic theories is bullshit?

(The real answer is 'they're both bullshit', but if you're in love with one of them you won't believe me. You should at least be able to tell that they can't both be 100% TRUE.)

> look at the impossible megalithic constructions.
>You'll never doubt God's existance again.

Our modern cities outshine the megalithic structures in very, very many ways. I use the powers of modern technology to tell people halfway around the world that they are wrong. There are towers in Helsinki that no human hand could build, made using beams far too heavy for a dozen men to move. There are metal birds flying through the sky. Clearly, then, just as the megaliths prove Gods existance, so, too, do the modern cities prove the existance of things far greater than God. Things like myself, whose voice can reach around the world to say that OP prefers the anus of the male of his species.

> Also, Romans described a three hour solar eclipse when Christ died on the cross.

Romans also described a God turning into a swan to fuck human women.

Take a large dose of shrooms then tell me there's no God, you faggot.

He also fought dragons and killed a bunch of kids for making fun of an old dude. The new testament is basically fan-fic about "the coolest dude who ever lived".


you are willingly blind

Dragons were real once and also god killing kids doesn't disprove god

Except that there are plenty of Christians who embrace leftist economics. Liberation Theology, anyone? I hear that one Christian preacher even said that it would be easier for a camel's hair to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven...

There is plenty, if you knew what you're talking about you would know


>Dragons were real once


>Our modern cities outshine the megalithic structures in very, very many ways. I use the powers of modern technology to tell people halfway around the world that they are wrong.

m8 that is not the point, the architecture of megalithic sites is impossible to replicate even today, huge granite blocks were sources from far away, brought high into the mountains, cut with what only can be described as a high-frequency sonic tool, fit into each other so that you can't even fit a hair in between without using mortar, 6000 years ago.

It takes a lot of hand-waving to wave that one away.

You voted in Merkel didn't you?

>Romans also described a God turning into a swan to fuck human women.

mythology, I'm talking about historical record

just another arm-chair hand-waver is what you are, at least look into what you are pseudo-intelectually blabbing about.


>Be Leaf
>Believes that dragons don't exist


On the one hand we know he said that Saturn (the God) was a real historical man, and that an Assyrian king joined the Titans in their war against Zeus (who was also totally really real.).

On the other hand, Thallus's books were lost; we only know of them from references in other people's writing. The first of which appears to an Armenian translation with corrupted numerals. In other words, he's a tripfag in a thread that never got archived and we only know what he said through other people's greentext.

>Saturn (the God) was a real historical man

ha was, Thallus isn't the only one reporting this

>Assyrian king joined the Titans in their war against Zeus (who was also totally really real.).


they were the giants of old, the Biblical nephilim, children of the fallen angels and human women

many of their remains have been found all over the world

they often had enlongated skulls, red hair and double rows of teeth

That picture is Sacsayhuamán, an Inca structure built close enough to the time the conquistadores arrived that we have notes talking about how impressed they were by the ropes used to move the stones.

>mythology, I'm talking about historical record

'Someone in the past said it' does not mean 'therefore, it is true'. Nor does it mean 'therefore, every future interpretation that I like is true'

>There was an earthquake and a darkness fell upon the land for a long time

that does not mean 'there was a solar eclipse for exactly three hours'.

Tacitus and co? Only mentions Jesus the annointed and his followers. Never personnaly met him and testified of his existence.
Other sources are from the apostles, which cannot be used to testify.
There is no official roman records, no historical records from his contemporaries and nothing in the Talmud.

I am still waiting.

Watch Jordan Peterson on YouTube, he's a psychologist, Jungian school.

Your welcome user.

>That picture is Sacsayhuamán, an Inca structure built close enough to the time the conquistadores arrived that we have notes talking about how impressed they were by the ropes used to move the stones.

not at all, those stones are *much* older

also have some Baalbek then, Pump Punku is next

>'Someone in the past said it' does not mean 'therefore, it is true'. Nor does it mean 'therefore, every future interpretation that I like is true'

hand-waving again, you used mythology reference as counter-argument

>that does not mean 'there was a solar eclipse for exactly three hours'.

Bible confirms, sixth hour to ninth hour

Phlegon of Tralles literally says "at the sixth hour (which is 15.00h), day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky". Thallus called it an eclipse. Fact is that there were no eclipses in the region for several decennia around Christ's death.

fugg forgot Baalbek

Puma Punku, we can't even cut like this in granite today, we are to believe that Indians did it with hammer and chisel.

6000 years ago

Read Decartes' Meditations

That's a pretty good article, especially for the time. Did you read the bit about Warwick Castle at the end of the article?

Also, since when is the genetic material of angels compatible with humans? We can't interbreed with relatively closely related organisms, like dogs or stegosaurs; how the hell are we supposed to breed with a spinning wheel made of eyes?
