Are there people here that actually unironically believe in god...

Are there people here that actually unironically believe in god? I'm not even talking about deus vult or taking on christian values to push against islam, but do any of you actually believe in *GOD* and the bible?
I genuinely don't know how you could, I have no problem with Christians or Catholics at all and generally their core beliefs of family structure is really good, but I can't understand how somebody could believe in god unless they grew up reading the bible/going to sunday school

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I believe in God, but I don't believe the creation story as written in the bible

Yes, the nation of perdition is being judged, prophecy is unfolding as you ponder.

Because it's the truth. At the very heart of the truth movement, you will find that God is real, and you are being deceived. That's literally the focus of EVERYTHING in media, and the illuminati. It's a war against God. Pretty dumb if he's fake, no? LOL.

I'm open to the idea of a higher being in the universe, but I can't understand how a lot of, mostly Americans, can believe in stuff like the antichrist and demons and weird prophecy shit like I'm just really confused by it because it seems so disconnected from reality

>That's literally the focus of EVERYTHING in media, and the illuminati. It's a war against God. Pretty dumb if he's fake, no? LOL.
do you have even a single fact to back that up?

>antichrist and demons and weird prophecy shit
I think belief in these kinds of things is more a matter of stupidity than anything else

god does not exist. you are the god. might makes right. destined to rule the world. go for it bong. you got western values and democracy on your side.

I believe grandpa is waiting for me in heaven.


Think of god as a force of nature that seeks harmony, that's easier to believe because you are surrounded by it. Life etc


im a christian but i dont believe in god or anything the bible says.

I fucking don't. It's for the weak and scared

I'm just enjoying seeing Europe and other westernized countries get blindsided by secularism, which leads them to fall at a faster rate than the US.

I believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh , died for our sins and was raised by the Father as the bible tells us.
Its a historic fact.

So you aren't a Christian.

This shits retarded too, because some cringy autistic nerds burn bibles it instantly means not believing in hell demons is fedora-tipping

I believe in God. But organised religion is just a way to occult knowledge and control the plebs.

Depends on the definition of God and belief.
I hate when people ask the question "Do you believe in God?" without defining the terms. Believe and God could mean so many things to so many people.
Fucking brainlets need to kts.

smoke a bowl of DMT

>So you aren't a Christian.

yes i am. i grew up in a christian family and am part of the christian community.

than you are just a kike rapebaby


Thats just taoism

A lot of people who believe in god also believe the earth is flat.

That should answer your question.


Yes. Consider, all the propaganda against religion you likely swallowed (lets be honest, you probably called it education) came from the EXACT same sources which made up the holocaust, and created communism, capitalism, anti-racism, feminism etc.

> not believing the plebs need to be controlled

Have you even read Maistre, silly boy

Yeah because life and God are both a paradox. I know that sounds superficial but there's enough deep meaning to be sure there's something more to the story and I give that unknown sector the entity of God. It's not enough to look outward and dig there, but we have to look inward and dig there too to make a comprehensive observation.

>taking on christian values to push against islam
You didn’t fall for memes, did you?

I do, 100%.
Even if I was wrong, it is too much fun watching atheists squirm when I start explaining why everything they think about Christianity is wrong. No contradictions, no Heaven or Hell as they think of it, but that the great deceiver has been hard at work doing exactly what was said in the Bible and that they play right into his hand.
Where in Revelations does the Bible say everyone will die?
If Heaven is a chill spit in the clouds, why will everyone be resurrected?
What are we told that the resurrected will do following resurrection?

I believe in God in that I believe in a larger consciousness just as I believe in a lesser conciousness. Life is a spectrum, as you autists know. It never ends, it just fractals bigger and smaller. It is foolish to imagine you would be smart enough or wise enough to understand God, but it is not foolish to say that certainly something bigger and more pervasive than a human being is acting in the world. Something smaller and less pervasive is - rocks, ants, what have you. Why not something bigger?

We refer to god as spirit not because he is a spirit, but because he (it/they/om) is immaterial. All effects come from a cause, you either believe there is a cause for these effects, or you assume that the effect of complex life is the only "happening" that occurred without a pre-existing condition. God is the unmanifest, the absolute. We can't concieve of this, the moment we do, God becomes manifest and definite, non-absolute, not God, but the effect of God. He is the 0 in which all other numbers exist potentially. The 0 is the male, the female, and the hermaphridite. Your conscious awareness of 0 brings the circuit of continuity to a beginning and an end, making it 1, the female and the male in one. The bisexual. The 2 exists in the 1 in this way, and is so 3. That is the trinity.

Anyone who doesn't believe in God doesn't understand Number.

Europe's mistake was not killing enough atheists. If more countries had declared war on revolutionary france, we could have strangled them in the cradle and also never endured multiculturalist bullshit

Yes, I do believe in God.

Maybe you need to quit being cozy all your life and see the world for the evil in it. Looking at all this pedo stuff going on, I dodged a bullet as a kid that spent 8 years in various placements and foster homes. I didn't live in Luzzurne county, PA, but cash for kids definitely happened in Westmoreland and Allegheny counties.
I switched devices, I am the guy with the 3 questions above.

When was the last time you read the New Testament?

He is not, not today at least. You should do some reading on how death really works according to scripture. Focus on the breath of life aspect first, then use that as your building block by referencing other scripture.

There are no accidents, this is part of the transformative process, for better or for worse. Material must die for spirit to triumph, as they are two poles of the same existence. Even if we had "strangled them in the cradle," something else would have caused a process with the same end game. How we arrive may change, but where we are going does not.

Remember, you're here forever.

No, you never knew God or you wouldn't be edgelording up in here.
What church?


We share a similar understating. My understanding relies on numbers. The information of number systems and degrees of freedom, the computabiity of number sets, Plato's ideal forms, and the mystery of primes and godels incompleteness theorem. Strings can be finite or infinite, while comprised of simplest bits of 1 and 0, coming out of paradox, they can be self referential and creative in every permutation. We also know the bible contains so many truths that cannot be found outside of human experience. I think we are ripe for a new Pythagorean age.

Why do you care if people believe in God or not?

I believe in God, but I have learned he does not believe in me.

>Are there people here that actually unironically believe in god?

How else could we all exist. Do you believe something can spontaneously from nothing. Like atoms formed?

It is by fare more reasonable to believe and God than not to.

To your answer Yes as well as in his on Jesus Christ.

I'm glad to find a similar mind. You will enjoy this book. The Bible, Plato, Shakespeare - all wisdom texts are talking about this triangle on the cover, the first face in which all potentialities exist, forever. I agree that we are "ripe for a new Pythagorean age." The harmony is all around us, it is only a Matter of Time.

Isn't it funny that scientists claim that the universe spontaneously created itself and all things within, but the thought of a higher being doing it is considered crazy?

Yes I unironically 100% believe in the existence of God (and Satan).

Right? They are literally talking about God, lol.

"Nature possess, in itself, the tendency to make the definite out of the indefinite."

>For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would

Exactly, two (magnetic) poles of the same thing.

>"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."




>you are the god
That is illogical. We are part of the system (universe) so we can be the creator. Something within the system can't create/begin/initiate the system as it would have had to already have existed to create, and therefore wouldn't have been the beginning. If you want to say something like
>within each of us there is a spark of the everlasting divinity (god) which initiated the system
that is one thing. But we are not the god entity itself.

Why does the Catholic church have followers pray to saints and Mary if the Bible tells us that we are only to pray to God through Jesus Christ?
Why did the Catholic church wage war against science, and how is this relevant today?
Who was Martin Luther?
Was he controlled opposition?
How did he sign his name?
I hope to get someone to consider taking this bait.

I would just assume the Catholic Church was (((usurped))) sometime around or directly before the 1400s and is now the "great Whore" the Bible speaks of, directly instructing its followers agains God's true word.


We shall post until max replies are hit because we all love slide threads.

Yes but its also imperative to understand the following
>But now, apart from the Law, the righteousness of God has been revealed, as attested by the Law and the Prophets. 22And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
>And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
Only through sincere faith in Christ can the flesh be defeated and your soul saved.


You jelly?

like take the mythology literally? lol no

it's just about the community

Basically this. Just the creation of life reassures me the existence of God not a creationist but the process of evolution and the formation of proteins to create single celled organisms from the destruction of stars is a little hard to explain by it all just happened randomly. lol

that's where you're wrong mange

If you had the faith of a mustard seed you'd be able to tell that mountain to gtfo and it would

What does the Bible state about God allowing Satan to usurp the church?
Yes, I believe that the Catholic church is the whore. What does God say that those of us who aren't blinded are to do during this time?
How were sermons delivered prior to the rise of the Catholic church to becoming a world power?
How did Christ deliver his message in his day?

i believe that we are created beings. i believe in god. it would seem that the petulant egomaniac *GOD* of the bible that flies around in a chariot that has wheels within wheels is also a created being. i would like to know who created him.

yes, and just about everything that happens in the world makes sense now

all of the "prophecies" of the end times pertained to babylonian exile in OT times and destruction of the temple in NT times.

Makes perfect sense to me so,yes.

no Revelation still hasn't been fulfilled

my theory is that earth is basically a giant ant farm ran by aliens who primitive goat fuckers believed to be "god" and wrote books about it

Do blacks go to heaven?

Thomas Aquinas satisfies my intellectual skepticism enough to believe in God.
But If you picture god as some bearded old man with superpowers then obviously you won't believe.

Don't believe in God, user. Believe in the me that believes in God for you. And then pierce the heavens with your drill little bro!

everything in revelation was fulfilled in the 1st century. the revelator believed that christ would come at the last moment as the legions surrounded jerusalem and destroy the roman army. (in contradiction of christs "prophecy" of the temples destruction within his generation) because of this contradiction revelation was denied canon for centuries. it was grudgingly added as an appendix in the 4th century. its rightful place is in the apocrapha or better yet, in a volume of pseudograph.

These are really good, thanks.

Is there anything more obscene than edgy atheist? Do you unironically believe everything today that is created in perfect symbiosis from human body to nature is because few firecrackers exploded?

The Catholic Church began about 400 Years after JC died. The CC is basically a pagan sun religion that is whitewashed with random verses from the Bible.

If you think about the universe long enough you realize God is the only answer. Not the God of humans, but some higher entity then us definitely exists outside of the constraints of our reality. Call it the universal consciousness, the oneness of all things, whatever you want, but She exists and we are all manifestations of Her divine being

Where's my proof? Consciousness is necessary for reality to occur (Quantum mechanics state you need an observer for events to happen). This means there is some intelligence observing itself, and we are manifestations of it.

Read it, bitch.

Arguably Christianity itself is a pagan sun religion, but that's neither here nor there, because any true religion would be worshipping Light, it's the only thing there really is. Waves, frequencies, the viiiiiibes, man. What does it matter that it began 400 years following the messiah? Not trying to argue, just trying to understand your point. What Bible verses followed by the church are random?

According to the Bible, two people in a room make a church. I like to think the church was originally pure in its intention, but what do I know? Nothing.

Sure, i can believe in a god, or a higher being that created the universe. It's not entirely out of the question.

Only brainlets actually believe in god (which I guess is why theism is so rampant on Sup Forumseddit)

No, I don't believe in God. That doesn't mean I want Christianity wiped out in the United States. The country wasn't founded on Christianity but that doesn't change the fact that it was founded by Christian Europeans.

No one goes to Heaven!!
That's what people are told to believe while maintaining that symbols have power. These other gods are the fallen angels. Calling the old gods pagan gods plays into Satans hand of discrediting God while hiding the fact that the old gods actually existed as they were said to but have since changed their game.
Two people in a room are a church. This is what I am getting at. Many churches as we know them today will tell you how to interpret the scripture right after passing around the money pail over promoting that individual relationship with Christ and God.
Put my questions together. You know more than you think, but people look at scripture verse by verse instead of as a tapestry that is tightly woven together and dependent on the whole.

I agree about the fallen angels as the book of Enoch the scribe of righteousness describes it.
Also i agree that wherever people gather in the name of Christ and to his service there is a church and not necessarily a physical building where people gather.

Yes, because they're a bunch of retarded pieces of trash. All true Nazis know Christianity is a bunch of semitic trash to keep the goyim from rising up against the Jews.

Got transferred to catholic school for 8 years when my step dad pulled me out of kindergarten, ever since the first 'mass' I saw religion for what it is: an ancient, bullshit scam. If you sincerely believe in Christianity and think peace and kindness will solve everything you're a tard. Catholicism is worse, if you're catholic then you believe the wafers and wine are literally Jesus's flesh and blood and you've been practicing 'cannibalism' everytime you go to church. Practice Buddhism if anything


Maybe it's childish, but it's something inside of me. Like I can feel it. That there is something Divine about this world, us, and our existence. It's hard to explain, ausbro.

My IQ is over 85, so no I don't believe in a magic man in the sky who created everything. I mean it just sounds utterly ridiculous.

I had 8 years of Catholic School. I was sent to the principal at least twice a week for pointing out inconsistencies in the Bible, and this was in 8th fucking grade.

Stop taking religious conepts such as God, heaven, hell and other literally.

Does this image depict a nigger swimming in a sea of piss? No, it's more complex than that.

>Does this image depict a nigger swimming in a sea of piss?

the polish shills are out in full force today

I don't know what world you live in where there is anti-christian propaganda, but in the United States, the vast majority of people believe in God. Being an atheist was the edgiest thing I could be in high school - nothing could've been worse.

But reality is reality. Your god isn't real. Sorry senpai.

Old Testament breakdown.
Genesis is a ripoff
Exodus didn't happen (((that way)))
(((They)) said to their people that God wills David Family the throne forever. Shit happens, Josia's dead.
Oy vey.
Yahwists were too nice
You were sinner! The covenant's broken.
Be Babylon's Bitch.
Hear about Ahura Mazda and world salvation.
oy vey, that happened because our god willed it. I'm just correcting the records
Hey, goys! Our God 2.0 IS REAL savior.

>My IQ is over 85, so no I don't believe in a magic man in the sky who created everything.
A judge once asked me if I believed I was god, I asked if she believed sky daddy is god she Saïd yes. I told her she is stupid, I'm sitting here infront of you how can I be sky daddy. Then she told me I was crazy and forced me into psychiatry.

You have an 8th grade level of understanding the Bible. Is there any other 8th grade wisdom you’d like to enrich us with?

i believe in jesus christ as my saviour who died for my sins and gifted me eternal life

im also a flat earth believer because thats what the word of god is teaching

My father is 60 years old has always been a atheist,when you die thats it he always said .Then his grandson died and he suddenly became agnostic , there is more then heaven and earth. Faith is a fickle thing .My task now is to bring him to christ ,pray for me bros that i will succeed