What exactly is “Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Chinese Socialism”?

What exactly is “Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Chinese Socialism”?

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Socialism with """chinese characteristic"""


Dude it’s uniquely Chinese “socialism”.



Pay attention to the term "moderate prosperity". The Chinese NEVER talk about equality. It seems their vision is not to measure the society on how equal it is, but rather to use the concept of moderate prosperity as a call to prevent the kinds of large disparities in wealth that cause social instability, but not to reduce disparities just for the sake of "fairness". East Asians aren't stupid. They're watching the West and taking notes. We're a great case study in what NOT to do.

Exactly. It’s “Capitalism” with Chinese characteristics.

>hello, laowai, I am China

More or less the same general structure of the current chinese economy with money thrown at different projects as opposed to others
You know how it goes in the old eastern bloc, one must grandiosely justify even the slightest decision.

>uh, you don't get to bring patents

Socialism is a question of "who controls?" Capital does not control China. The PRC controls China, and it will NEVER allow capital to control China because they believe any nation controlled by capital lacks sovereignty. Markets are not antithetical to socialism. National Socialist Germany had markets, but capital was DEFINITELY not in control of the country. There was no question who was in control.

It's not that different from the classical liberal idea that the people control. The difference is the classically liberal American mentality is to weaken government so much that there's nothing left for capital to control. The Chinese mentality is to make government strong enough to resist capital.

CPC controls China *
damn acronyms


China is really on a whole new level when it comes to geopolitics. They are playing the long game, america doesn't even know what game it is playing.
An example is the TPP- a strategical move made by the Obama administration to bring Pacific Rim countries into America's influence to create friendly nations to counter China. A few months later, Trump comes in and fucks everything up. That sort of thing doesn't happen in Chinese politics. They are all old men who have been playing the game for a very long time.

>Thinking westerners know anything about anything

I'm glad the genocide of the white race is coming soon.

Mao fucked it up multiple times
Yet he also somehow memed his way into multiple foreign policy victories.

Chinese Civil War
Indochina Wars
India War
Korean War
Opening to USA
Cucking Soviets
PRC gaining UNSC seat
RoC losing recognition
Japan-China reestablished relations
All US bases removed from Taiwan
Wtf? Was Mao secretly a genius?!?

What would Mao’s thoughts be on this picture?

Of China, Korea, and Japan ever come up with some mutually accommodating geopolitical arrangement, the West is finished as a global force. I think that an increasingly militant Japan is obviously detrimental to Chinese interests in the short term, but if Japan hypothetically ever nuclearizes, it would no longer need US protection, which means China could pull it out of the western orbit by just leaving it alone. Same could happen to Korean. They would be little nuclear Switzerlands, and the US would lose its Pacific encircling pattern around Russia and China.

to be fair the India victory was the PRC beating up badly acclimatized troops.
The PRC tried something similar in 1967 but were quickly sent back home as actual mountain troops had been deployed.

So when does China humiliate the US in a short but decisive war and end the era of American dominance?

>skirmish is comparable to a war
Lol at Indian delusions.

>s-social i-imperialists btfo

>try starting the same shit again
>get shut down and fuck off.
>sikkim becomes part of india.
yeah. Delusional.

I think a failed proxy war in Africa is looking more likely. I'm thinking China will bump up against some US-funded Islamist faction, and completely wipe them out, along with their entire families and villages.

lol never. conventional war would never happen between two nuclear armed powers. also china will likely never have the military supremacy to decisively defeat the u.s.

scenario is much more likely. china steadily winning through economic neo-colonial dominance rather than pure military might.

t. Pajeet

>china fights a limited conflict against acclimatized troops and withdraws
>"pajeets btfo, based mao"
>china initiates a similar conflict, has it's forward defenses demolished and sikkim joins india.
>"pajeet lies"

when they have ASMs good enough to stop America from parking a CAG off the coast of Shanghai and deleting China's industry

*Wants to be world's most powerfulest, but isn't.

its accurate because the checks and balances holding xi in place are FAR less than those holding the POTUS in place. What you're mistaking is the most powerful NATION in the world, which is obviously the US.

>National Socialist Germany
Disregard this post

>muh 67 dimensional chess
it's just as retarded as when trumpfags do it

What does this mean?

Somewhere in the 2030s most likely. That's when the military of China would have reached the parity and might even be better in some regards.

Retard, he's talking about continuity, not chess or whatever the fuck you're going on about.

ah what is form of collectivist oppression and are the war history writers up to?

this form of collectivist oppression and are the war history writers up to?

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