Open borders would double the GDP

Daily reminder that opening our borders completely would double the GDP.

You literally have to be retarded to argue against open borders now.

>muh gdp

not an argument

>would double the GDP
>would also double

Not an argument, BE GONE KIKE

>implying they will pay taxes
>implying they will spend the money like good goys
>implying they wont send the money back home

>implying they wont become welfare leaches
>implying they wont start fires every other day


nice how reality fucked up their shit in 2015


Strangely enough, all third world countries that can't afford a closed border don't seem to manage to double their GDP at all.

and half GDP per capita

If I set forest fires all over country I'd create jobs

Drug money isnt represented in the GDP, so it wont change.

welfare is

did you know if you add another 10 people in your house, your household income will go up?


Implying that the majority of those immigrants would actually work and not being fed on welfare.


And I just dont like the retarded racist fucks.
They think we owe them, well soon enough we will owe them payback

did you know if you eat twice as much every day, your weight will go up?


>less gdp
>more rape

Now do it for wealth inequality since they care so much about it they can't extrapolate a thought one step beyond institution

>crippling the value of our domestic labor would do greatly increase our GDP

Seriously, you fucking commies are dumber than the dirt you try to peddle as economics. You all need to die.

It would double it since u can pay immigrants twice as little yeah, fuck off

Whats coming is the advent of racist blacks employed as government officials to push you out even further...

Answer! Vikings

>muh gdp
you can literally fabricate gdp just be increasing meaningless transactions

Instead of you and your neighbor mowing their own laws respectively, mow each others and pay each other $50 and tell the IRS - wow gdp increase

"1 post by this ID"
We're on to you, Shlomo.

>Want to make the top 3% wealthy at the expense of the bottom 40? Open borders! Wages go down, profits go up

>Go team america!

This is what these fucking idiots actually believe

I get the feeling we are taking the fall for the kike elites activity's...

We need to be educating these people as to who's been fucking around in their countries.

The Washington Post is as credible as The Onion.

Fuck off shill!

Good luck doing that when they've infiltrated all the education systems in westernized countries.

We just need summary executions for seditious communists that seek employment in institutions that give them a role indoctrinating youth.

Oh yeah, (((GDP growth))), where is all the money going?

Is all the interest we're going to have to pay on the debt so Monique, Ebony, LaKeisha, and the other hog niggers can keep stuffing their face with processed food, is that factored into this?

If these were whites from sa I would agree but there Fucking drug traffickers and anchor baby's who won't work so fuck off. And not a argument.

imagine what the GDP would be if we brought back slavery


saged millions of nonworkers collecting gibs
shill/slide thread

Dumb dumbs are easier to control and fool,
Dont give a fuck about muh history unless it involves white (read kike) slave business...
These pricks have been seeding lands for centuries, now this is the modern take on it...

Bet they are laughing like fuck.

First of all, obvious slide thread.

Second, the psychology of "daily reminder", "let that sink in", "word.word.word." with periods, clap emoji, crying laughing emoji, etc......this is how unintelligent leftists and angry black people communicate their simplistic rage.

They have low self esteem and weak arguments so they resort to child like troll attempts.

Be strong and stop paying attention to these people. They dont matter.

This is just more proof that GDP is a fairly worthless measurement of prosperity. Pic very related.

>in other words, the fact that it's really hard to move between countries, largely due to restrictive immigration laws
it would fix it by pretending its not a problem, and no longer the responsibility of elected officials.
In other words it would only "fix" the definition, while the problem of unemplotment would increase without any form of supervision.

Fuck the GDP it's time to stop growing.

at the small cost of civic pride, cultural and physical displacement, increased crime, employment difficulties for current citizens, etc. but hey at least big companies can hire dirt-cheap labor and boost our GDP.

Glad this wasn’t a YLYL thread

>1 post
Firstly sage, but I hope our gdp and currency gets fucked so our welfare state collapses and people stop coming here. Who cares about having the latest nikeys and phones when you like in New Pakistan.

The massive flaw in your policy is briefly answered in your article and put to the side as a “short term” problem.

Increasing the supply of a good, any good, including working wage people, decreases the equilibrium price of that good (in this case being working wage labor). This means that the working class of this 1st world country would suffer tremendously from such a policy, as they are now competing with the entire world’s working class rather than their own country’s working class (which was already bad enough as they are quite numerous as it is)

The doubling of the GDP is an astounding overestimation for the following reason: it assumes that everyone that will come here will be employed. They obviously can’t gain wealth if they have no job. Being that you just added a literal supply of 4 billion working class workers to employ, I’m sure you’ll pardon my skepticism that you’ll be able to employ all 4 billion working class immigrants, or even 1% of that, for that matter (40 million people).

Lastly, it would absolutely overwhelm social nets like Medicaid and social security, as many of these 4 billion immigrants would be below the poverty line and would therefore be elligible for these programs.

All in all, another (((economist))) says open borders for all countries except for one, that country being Israel.

Sage and gas.

So would building a giant concrete cube and destroying it and then rebuilding it again and destroying it again ... , except you dont have to suffer from all the drawbacks of importing niggers.

Doubling the GDP doesn't mean shit if we're spending triple to maintain these turds. I'd rather kick them out and half our spending.

Well we might have to take a leaf out of ((thier)) book, and be subversive fucks.....
If its good for the goose..

it will double the rape on your cunt ...cunt

wouldn't they be able to create labor laws which requires employers to pay all workers foreign or domestic a minimum wage? that would take away most incentive to hire foreigners since illegal wages is the main reason they do it.

Implying they won't ride truck over cutizens

^ this

time for some helicopter rides.

You are literally retarded for believing, let alone posting, anything from WaPo, as a legitimate, un-biased source.


GDP per capita is the only one that matters. Stop using this retarded point.

>hey guys let's sell out our culture, security, and way of life for a few (((euros)))
This is why people like you should he executed in the streets.

>Daily reminder that opening our borders completely would double the GDP.
GDP is completely irrelevant.
Measuring the happiness of people by measuring how much they produce is insane.

I dont think you understand how economics work

Yeah, let's do this but, also put a massive 50%+ tax on money transfers out of country. Make America independent. American money shouldn't leave America. We have oil, we have agriculture, we have water. We have no reason for anything from other countries. We are self sufficient. So wait... Why do we need open borders again? We don't use our potential as it is. Put your head underwater the next time you get a AH HA!!! Idea...

It's not all about the money Shlomo Mohammed. It's about preserving civilization and white culture. Selling heroin and white children might be good for some economic activity too, but that's going to lead to the degradation and fall of its society.

>Daily reminder that opening our borders completely would double the GDP.
It wouldn't lead to a rise in individual wealth.

even assuming that is true
1. GDP can double and the poorest in the country will become even more poor, if you think this is impossible you have no idea what GDP is.
2. the USA will become as overpopulated as China and India
3. unlimited numbers of immigration from all over the world will lead to the balkanization of the USA due to all of the people only wanting to go where they speak the same language
4. Russia or China will become the next world power

it's the Washington Post.


Praise kek!!!

Nice pic,good to see my taxes getting put into good use

>double the GDP.
double the rapes too

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is

If someone is telling you that doing something that requires absolutely no effort will magically generate 100% more money out of thin's probably a lie

spain is practically an african nation anyway

>Mass immigration destroys nation, it's people, and it's culture is lost to history
>we doubled the GDP though

the WaPo are part of a religious cult that refuse to consider even the possiblity that not all human populations are identical. Their conclusions about anything relating to society should be regarded in the way we think of Puritan extremists' views of society.

Why would any normal person care about GDP?