If someone receives more votes and still loses the election isn't that a sign that the electoral system in the US needs...

If someone receives more votes and still loses the election isn't that a sign that the electoral system in the US needs a major overhaul? It is clearly not functioning properly. Hillary is the true winner of the election and is the people's President.

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The US isn't a democracy. Argument over.


We have rules which were previously agreed upon by all 50 states and have stood for 200 years.

If you want to change them, get a fucking amendment. You cunts actually managed to do it for alcohol, even though it fed organized crime for a decade.

And have women ever once apologized for all for all the murders that happened under prohibition?


Don't you get tires of posting the same thread everyday?

nope, just expanded prohibition to include 90% of all medications and other drugs

>200 years ago

Its 2017 now bud, time for a change.

Your opinion is truly irrelevant. You stay up north with your man-boy.

No one cares about popular vote, cancuck faggot muslim nigger queer beaner spic shithead.

Not this shit again...sigh

Yeah I think you covered all the bases there

No its a sign the electoral college works and prevented three major cities decideing the fate of the whole nation. Which was its intended purpose.

More whites voted for Trump. That is all that counts.

I'm fairly ignorant on this subject, but if the point of the electoral college system is that all areas of the country are represented, does it not fail to meet this aim when so many solid red and blue states are ignored by presidential campaigns?

The US isn't one election, it's 50 elections.

Hspuod have been asking this question years ago, buddy.

Somebody should make another of these threads on Sup Forums
>1200 replies

>it was her turn
kys, leaf faggot

And more illegals and dead people voted for killary

Gets it

>If someone receives more votes and still loses the election isn't that a sign that the electoral system in the US needs a major overhaul?
No. And basically, you thinking that shows how fucking stupid you are.

What an argument. You have definitely convinced me

They don't include the caucuses in the vote totals.

We been using the electoral college since 1776, seems to have worked just fine for the Democrats for the last 200 years. Let's reverse those numbers, let's say Hillary won, we wouldn't be having this conversation, and you being a leaf probably wouldn't even know what the electoral college is.

>Being this stupid

And what the fuck do you got to say about our in elections in America you stupid fucking leaf?

California and New York are not going to declare who wins in elections for the rest of the country, dumbass. The system actually worked.

Future Barron Trump told us that Dec 12th we will find out that Trump won the popular vote.

What is 65,788,583 minus 4,000,000?

There were +100% turn out rates in verious democratic counties in places like california. There were tens of thousands of votes by dead people and atleast a million votes from unregistered citizens, go fuck yourself cuck nigger

I'm glad Trump lost the popular vote. It must be extra agonizing for Hillary to know she won the popular vote and still lost the election.

It wasn't the last time it happened, or the time before that. States elect the President, not a purely popular vote that would have had the nation under the tyranny of California/Florida and a few high population states while candidates that met the needs of other, smaller states would never be voted in.

Same answer as the last million times this got posted. If Clinton had paid attention to more than getting her ass kissed in Democratic strongholds, she'd have been President- Trump played the election game by the rules and squeaked out a win as a result.

That would be amazing, mass liberal suicide watch.

Top kek


No it's a sign it works properly.

>literally current year

I can't take credit for this explanation, but it's the best I've seen: It says it right there in the name, UNITED STATES. Hillary and Trump didn't have to fight one big battle, they had to fight fifty smaller battles. And, if Hillary hadn't been so fucking unlikable, and so fucking lazy and complacent, maybe she would have won another one or two of those fifty battles, but she didn't, so she lost the war. And that's the end of it.

I'll agree to giving the presidency to the candidate with the most votes when the left agrees to any type of voter ID law.

I wish we knew exactly how many illegals were able to vote, so we could subtract those votes from Hillary and see how she really got. I wonder if it would still be more than Trump?

Democrats would still find a way to cheat the system

Fucking Lleafs elected a faggot for a PM, isnt that a sign that the electoral system in Canuckistan needs a major overhaul?

Was supposed to be a reply to

well Hillary ignored parts of the northwest she thought were in the bag that trump showed up in and snagged
Trump didn’t show up in California much on account of it’s the deepest blue state he had no hope of ever winning
Yeah there are handfuls of States like that that almost always vote one way or the other but over time various social concerns/ changes can disrupt this
It’s a risk reward scheme, good luck campaigning everywhere in the entire country, they need to know about various people on the border and appeal to them



Democrats hate the electoral college because they didn't get to draw the map

California didn't get to decide the election. Good stuff.

Yeah, Fuck the rules, just because she knew the rules ahead of time means nothing. It was her turn, didn't you know we take turns being president? Trump stole the election by using a system that has been in place since the beginning, That basterd! How dare he know how to campaign better than her. She won the popular vote! Doesn't that count? It never has before but this is different Right? RIGHT!!!!????

This is how it works. Say it with me...she fucking lost, so get over it.

Hitlery needs a participation trophy.

Trump won more counties.

>counties are people

He's not your bud, pal.


That's kind of the whole point behind the Electoral College

Just because Hillary is the worst candidate ever and devoted a bunch of her time to a state she already had locked doesn't mean our system is broken; it just means she's the worst candidate ever. That's why she's never won any election ever, outside of the won she rigged against Bernie. This is simple stuff really.

>losing to a guy literally named Hussein, a business man who took politics as a hobby and a White House intern

She's so brave to not have killed herself already.

Only landowners should vote is the moral of the story. City folk can simply pack up and move when their shitty policies fuck up an area. Land owners have a long term vested interest tied to the value of the surrounding community.

>illegals are people
>the dead are people

>brownies are people

Not only that but it was an amazing save. Fuck California and the spics that stink the place up.

Law. Read it

If the Cleveland Indians scored more runs in the 2016 Workd Series than the Cubs, why did the Cubs win the World Series?

If I play you in Chess and I take more of your pieces than you take of mine but you checkmate me, why would it be you that wins?

These aren’t hard concepts to understand. Stop being such a fucking retard. I can’t believe how fucking stupid you people are. Trump won a majority of the states in predetermined election rules.

thats stupid why would we even have an electoral vote if were just gonna go by the popular vote

> not even from America

She only got more votes if you count the illegals who shouldn't be voting in the first place.

>Hillary is the true winner of the election and is the people's President.

The electoral system is literally put in place to prevent fraud. Inmates, dead people and undocumented immigrant votes and such. Also taking into account that there are more people living in the major cities than any other county in the country combined.

If you weren’t ignorant of America’s political processes, you could organize a campaign to replace the electoral college. Unfortunately, you only want to whine about how unfair it is. Changing the government is legitimate politics, whining is not.

If a state inflates its population illegitimately by unlawfully providing services and shelter for non-citizens and then is purposefully absent in stopping those non-citizens from voting in a federal election and verifying voter authenticity isn't that a sign that state not only should have no sway over another state, but is in fact treasonous?

1) I agree with your first point that Trump was successful in supposed 'blue wall' states, but that's more a criticism of Hilary's campaign strategy than an argument in favour of the electoral college.

2) I don't think it's fair to conclude that because Trump won a few states many thought were safe for the democrats almost all states are in play. If we look at states trump flipped from 2012, none had more than a 10 point swing. Taking the most recent election as a benchmark, 47% of voters live in 'flippable' states, and therefore that a majority live in states that are very unlikely to be flipped. Furthermore states in the 10% margin include a few states that are unlikely to be heavily campaigned in like Texas.

3) In response to that, you may argue that in the long term all states are flippable. That's probably true, but in terms of representation I don't think it matters. Let's say that in 40 years Massachusetts become competitive for republicans, until then they will still get no attention from either party, and over that time many currently competitive states will be forgotten.

Basically yeah. The primaries are filled with talk about who could sway the moderates in the general, and the general is basically talking to the movable moderate swing states. This prevents the urban states from raping the the in-between states or rural states too much. States rights and the protection to try different shit in those states policy wise is the reason. Hell, the state legislature used to vote in the US Senate representatives from their own state 100 or so years ago. And each state only gets 2.

hillary had between 3.7 and 5.2 million fake votes
she lost by 1–1.5 million votes

Due to her hatred of traditional white people, she ignored the rust belt like a retard and paid for it dearly . Fuck off.

If she had legitimately won by more votes then the anti-protests would've been huge outside of the REEEEEE'ing city retards.

*anti-Trump protests


it's a sign of fraudulent voting

>time for a change


What's the connection between states being ignored by campaigns and their right to freely choose their policy? Also, if there is one, would this not apply to most states under the status quo who aren't campaigned it? And does the senate not provide adequate protection of the power of states?

so ur saying that rich men(my founding fathers) who sacrificed everything when they didn't need to; were just retards?

my system of gov't has been carefully articulated & ironed-out through years of objective-debate(booze was allowed, & drunk), something that contemporary-forums will never dare do


i will admit -- America is nothing but an experiment

>If someone receives more votes and still loses the election isn't that a sign that the electoral system in the US needs a major overhaul?
No. What's more is that a Canadian has no say in our election process.

>Hillary is the true winner of the election
No, she wasn't as the presidency isn't determined by popular vote.

> and is the people's President.
You're not even the people. You're a foreigner.

>Its 2017 now bud, time for a change.
But you're not even American. You don't get to even suggest that it's time for a change you hit and run forum sliding shill.

Lol this would be wonderful for the dems all those illegals voting in the Democratic states.

Fuck democracy. I voted for GE#45 hoping he'd install a monarchy. We had Obama before him, W. Bush before Obama, Clinton before W., H.W. before Clinton, and so on.

Democracy has clearly failed. It's time for a monarchy and I'd sleep a hell of a lot better knowing that when GE#45 passes on, Don. Jr will take the helm.


>If someone receives more votes and still loses the election isn't that a sign that the electoral system in the US needs a major overhaul?

No, moron. We're not a democracy. We're democratic. Fuck off with your mob rule.

in the other hand

>a single state (California) chooses the president

that's what happens here, where a shithole full of niggers chooses our president by having a fucking lot of %

This. Also, if the popular vote mattered, Trump would have actually campaigned in these two states and easily made up the difference as local right-leaning votes are suppressed in national elections due to their afforementioned irrelevance.

The electoral college prevents the handful of most populous US cities from deciding an election. America's values, economy, infrastructure, etc. encompass far more than the municipal boundaries of NYC, Chicago, and LA.

Also, without election fraud, Hillary likely would not have won the popular vote.

1. The federal government can overide state on any area of policy. 2. The states certainly aren't ignored in regards to that they can't hear or see the campaign or get out the vote stuff. If anything, their state elections are probably more paid attention to than non swing states. I'm from Ohio, politically inclined, but fuck me I just vote R in my state elections and can't be bothered, while state policies in California are routinely national news. 3. About 1/4 of the states are at most flippable, but a good 4 years can change all that. Look a Reagan in the 84' election. 4. No, just no. States Rights are considered almost as sacred as individual rights. If California wants to go full commie, let them. Leave my state alone. It takes a coalition of the swing states to make any major federal policy changes, and this is good.


the US founders saw this shit coming a mile away
they knew that degenerates would flock to cities and didn't want these masses of degenerates to ruin it for everyone else.

>This. Also, if the popular vote mattered, Trump would have actually campaigned in these two states and easily made up the difference

If it were a popular vote then even I would have voted here in California. As it stands, I don't bother. Voting republican here just puts you on the list for jury duty.

Ehh, a few errors in wording and grammar were made. But I think anyone can pick them out. A bit rushed and poorly edited.

Why don't we have mandatory voter id/registration?

Children dont remember