Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race

Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race.

then why do Jews rule the world?

checkmate, natsoc

Through betrayal and treachery, and exploring their host like a parasite. A bacteria can kill a marauding lion, which is superior?

>The descendants of the men who formed the backbone of western civilization get the backseat because they're not pasty enough.

*second place
not backseat lmao

ashkenazi jews are the master race

why is a lion superior then?

It looks pretty, it's more designed, but it still lost. If a bacteria managed to kill the species then yeah it would be superior.

The bacteria obviously.
As I see it, all forms of life, especially humans, are merely vessels to transport bacteria around the world.

Where do French from Normandy area fall into this category?

the one using the other is superior by definition. the one being used is weak. might makes right, right?

Because a bacteria is inferior in every way other then it's ability to be a parasite.

Romans were nordic

reminder that this is a divide and conquer thread. stand with your fellow european bretheren.

The current system of legal immigration dates to 1965. It marked a radical break with previous policy and has led to profound demographic changes in America. But that's not how the law was seen when it was passed — at the height of the civil rights movement, at a time when ideals of freedom, democracy and equality had seized the nation.

"The law was just unbelievable in its clarity of racism," says Stephen Klineberg, a sociologist at Rice University. "It declared that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race. The Nordics were superior to the Alpines, who in turn were superior to the Mediterraneans, and all of them were superior to the Jews and the Asians."

But they didn't use might, they used the same route as a bacteria, a bacteria is a useless eater that does nothing good.

missing a pretty big power gap between the bottom two layers my friend

also, sage and report all divide and conquer shills

Celto-germanic. Same for other central euro countries.

You fucking retard, a world of bacterias would achieve nothing. It would literally cannibalize itself.

>putting chinese in the same category as japs and gooks and not down with the other subhumans


Because amerifats are strong and controlled by jews.

This is merely your inability to comprehend the true nature of the world through the interface created by your 3D brain.

Just asking because my grandpa said that my family was in Normandy before leaving for Quebec in the early 1600s

Literally snow niggers pretending to be anything other than barbarians in fuckin stick huts

Bacterias aren't even sentient you tard, we can actually invent technology that can destroy the bacteria if need be while the bacteria can never revert from it's useless eater form.

>be in finland
>in a bar
>group of guys and girls on the table next to me
>none of them are talking and are all quiet and boring af
>literally 30 seconds later one of them later on lets out a fart
>they all start laughing hysterically

The ABSOLUTE STATE of finland. are all Scandinavian nordcucks like this?

Southern Europe was full of chadbros, and was fun. same with irish and the britbongistans

Why do you guys always forget to include the Mexi-shits and just Latin America in general. Being an American from the South, I encounter far more taco-niggers then Arabs. They need to be listed along side the Indians and Arabs.

>he thinks technology and sentience makes one superior
Get a load of this air-breather. I bet digesting organic material gives you "pleasure".

What does make on superior then? If you wanna live you're life thinking a snake is superior because it can kill you go right ahead retard.

Kikestein & kike polling.

Nigga we wuz emperors and shit, Hispania gave Trajano, Adriano and Teodosius.


I'm not even full blood nord and I recognize this as true.

>Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race.
Ill give you that if you fix your trojkat: east euro=/=south euro

Fuck off divide and conquer JIDF.