What would a world without jews look like?

What would a world without jews look like?

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Glorious, vibrant, peaceful and diverse.

youtu.be/pELKbz9HaoM This would not be happen. Love Some CANCER

whites and Asians would live peacefully without the meddlings of mud people





Would look like shit. No other group of people have contributed more to science, maths, philosophy, technology and even civilization (especially western) as much the Jews have. Without Jews, the world would look like Africa does currently.


youtu.be/pELKbz9HaoM Do all gay people do this ? Should we purge the night club down the street . Seems like all gays support pedos like kevin spacey. UMMMM

a world without Sup Forums


Less division. More wealth. More families. Less mental illness. Less media manipulation. Degenerate behaviour wouldn't exist. Porn addiction wouldn't exist. Muslims would live peacefully in their separate part of the world without extremism.

There's a lot more. Jews are the cancer of the world. Nothing comes close to the destruction these rat faced subhumans have caused.

Worse. No cool music and shitty tv.
Nationalism is for cucks, I like my sex raw.


Racist and shit

Pretty much

Polytheistic, pagan, and backwards as hell


Fuck off kike


Only after every last Jew on Earth is forced to male aliyah. THEN we bomb Israel.

The same but with a lot less degeneracy and headaches.

You have a poor idea of history.

1. Jews, for all their (many many) faults are great at business, why would there be MORE wealth?
2. Christianity basically started as "Jewery but for the Goy". Without Jews, there wouldn't be Christians, so the whole Roman Empire would turn out completely differently, for better or worse
3. Muslims required either Christianity or Judaism, without them then Muhammad wouldn't have invented a Monotheistic religion. Oh and also the Middle East would look completely different due to the different amounts, reasons and locations for pre-Roman genocides.
4. Jews don't release 'go crazy' pheremones
5. Degenerate behaviour will always exist, the Jews simply make the whole thing worse.
6. Everything can be addictive, Jews don't release Porn-Addiction Pheremones either.
7. Why the hell would Muslims (if they existed) live peacefully with the West? Do you really think the Jews are the ONLY reason they are batshit crazy?

Nice flag flaggot

also usury wouldn't exist.

the federal reserve system wouldnt exist.




A pig pen.

The worst people on the planet hate Jews; haven't you noticed that yet?




>Goodness and Godliness is measured by the Human Development Index

Manlets...they'll never learn.

Explain you fucking nigger

Jews are really easy to spot why do you even try

Infant fellatio master

Did you forget the Crusades? Their horrible moral practices? Their human rights violations? Their hatred of the west?
They might not be actively exploding into war if the Jews had vanished in the 40s but they wouldn't be fucking Peaceful

Finally Smoloko became based.

dude the new ones are so based.






1400years of terror violence and mass murder.

Are you completely retarded you son of a bitch

Fuck off kike.

You're saying you wouldn't be happy with hugs and starvin marvins running around with deserts?





Christians also did retarded shit during the Middle Ages and went through reformation as a result. Without jews however, none of the Abrahamic religions would have resulted, likely making for a more positive timeline.

Don't believe that "Christian dark age" shit. They were the sole supporters of science in the Middle Ages.

After long hours of hard work travelling from surveilled acre to acre repairing the 32nd generation farmbots, you wave your colleagues John, Howard and Hideki goodbye, cross the clean and unlittered road to your large house, where your housewife has prepared an evening feast for you and your five children. Tomorrow, is your free day, where you head to the local enclave's supply centre to fetch groceries and other supplies. One day later, before it is time to get to work, you have to attend the weekly briefing and adaptation meeting where you and the fellow workers on your Ugandan farming enclave discuss adjustments and improvements to be made. There is a slight complication, as a party functionary from the high city of Mombasa is in town, tracing a tribe of savages, one of which was spotted near the fences to the automated fields. The topic of the meeting's discussion is whether to erect a semi-automatic defense system that uses targeted rays to incinerate savages that come too close to the farmland. Once that is done though, you can continue with your work. A week later, one of the farmbots suffers an accident and is damaged. In 21st century capitalist economy where regulations and overtaxation cripple your business, that would be the end of it. Luckily, you don't live in such a world, and instead of you losing your business, getting evicted from your house and your wife divorcing you and forcing you to pay alimony, a party functionary from the city comes by and supplies you with a new, identical farmbot to use instead.

The above would be the kind of 'problems' you have in life. Not the clusterfuck we live in today.


less rich

Let's find out.

>Don't believe that "Christian dark age" shit. They were the sole supporters of science in the Middle Ages.
Tell me more if you have the time, please. This is new to me.

Because printed/digital money is a scam.

More rich. The people would be rich instead of a few Jews.

>let the red pill enter your being

Anyway, Europeans would've been fine with or without it. How little faith do you have in your race?

mate Australia is more white then usa


First off, I'm an atheist. So this is not coming from a religious bias, just a (novice) study of history.
A few names to look up: John Duns Scotus, Roger Bacon, Thomas Bradwardine.
These guys did as much to advance mathematics as any of the Greeks to Newton.
Most of them started with the works of Aristotle and added to it immensely.
The Catholic church funded a lot of people like this.
The popular idea that science was oppressed by the church is largely a myth. They did have some rule about teaching thing as facts as opposed to just ideas, but for the most part they were very supportive.
Galileo broke his promise about that. Granted he was at the cusp of middle age/Renaissance (people don't realize he was around at the same time as Descartes.)
Name another scientist persecuted by the church. You'll be hard pressed.

Whites would be living in mud huts and raping boys. As that is their nature without the civilizing influence of the Jew

"How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization" by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

A fair snippet is how Charlemagne asked for help from the church to bring literacy to the masses and thus they developed Carolingian miniscule in addition to the various monasteries dedicating a huge amount of their time to collection and translating ancient manuscripts so that they were accessible to the common folk that decided to come and study at these monasteries. The (eventual, centuries later) consequence of which was actually the estalishment of the modern day University system. This is about a six century span of time but of the universities dated from 11th century that are still in operation today (Cambridge, Oxford, Paris Bologna) were largely resultant of the influence from the Church/its parishioners.

Just want you to know God will forgive you, if you want. Have a good day.

Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment.