How do you guys deal with this?

Quit life.

Stop going to Sup Forums.

Are you watching at your computer? Sit on the couch and watch on the TV. I always have to fight off the impulse to pause and fuck around on the internet, and before I know it I've watched half an episode in the time I could've watched three

Jokes on you, I don't have anything to do but shitposting on Sup Forums and watching anime.

20 shows a season is less than an hour a day. Step it up.

step 1. step away from the computer.

You could be watching anime RIGHT NOW.
Instead you are making shitty threads on Sup Forums. You should feel bad.

By being a NEET

That's like 2 hours a day for anime. It's nothing.
At least you've all your time occupied. Even with all the work and stuff some people (like me) has to use lesser hobbies like videogames to fill all that free space.

Well right now I'm in class. Plus usually when I'm browsing Sup Forums I do it on my phone while watching shit.

Dumb phoneposter

you will waste your time watching 25-50% shit anime that you'll regret watching and then never get around to watching like 200 on your list


I use a Raspberry Pi with KODI installed on my TV. I just share my anime folder on my computer and veg out on the couch.

>"Today I'll definitely watch some anime from my unfinished folder."
>11 PM
>"Ah fuck it, maybe tomorrow."
Every time.

Don't worry. The anime number they make in a season is now over their capacity. They'll eventually make less anime.

Cut on the seasonal crap.

>spend entire evening vegetating on Sup Forums instead of watching anime
>suddenly get a craving to watch something
>it's 5 to midnight
>have early class in the morning.
Every fucking time

Watch at 4x the speed.

I can't even fucking read the subs at 1x speed on my first language.

stop watching seasonal garbage

>turbo autist

Dumb neneposter.

20 anime is 20 episodes a week, that's like 7-8ish hours of viewing a week
You can't set aside an hour and some change a day?
You have horrific time-management and it's your own fault.

If you aren't looking forward to it every week then it's not worth watching.

it's consumption-based entertainment. if the instant dopamine rush from making shitty comments via the internet is gratifying enough you won't feel compelled to do anything else because there is no need

You watch too much.

Watch 2 episodes everyday on your way to school, and another two on your way back home

Read more books

But I watch 10-20 episodes a day.

20 is normal. They only have a running time of ~23 minutes unless you're also watching some shorts which makes it even less. This is only 8 hours even if you actually watch 20 full length things, don't tell me you never have ~1 hour of free time a day.

Fucking wagecuck.

I understand your pain. I'm like 3 episodes behind on the 10 shows im watching. Fuck


You said you watch 20 "seasonal anime" so you can't watch 10+ episodes a day. I think you don't know what seasonal anime are.

Read the synopsis at wiki duh

Try watching shows at 1.25x speed. I've found that it's still perfectly understandable, improves the animation, and eases up on the awkward, lengthy pauses so prevalent in anime.

>There are people on Sup Forums that can't motivate themselves to watch anime


Sounds like you have ADD

Learn to skip unimportant scenes by pressing right arrow on your keyboard while watching anime. It'll save your time. A lot.

Dude, I still haven't finished the seasonal shows I picked up 3 years ago.

Only watch what you truly enjoy. Anime is not an obligation.

Sounds like you're new-ish and haven't reached the point of disillusion when you realize 80% of seasonal anime is just recycled ideas with average execution. Or you do realize and just don't care.

Once you know your tastes, simply raise your standards and only take a few chances on stuff you think *might* be good. I went from about 15-20 shows down to about 8 on average per season. Saves time and frustration.

>20 seasonal anime
>too much
What the fuck.
Even if you somehow picked up 40 shows in a season, that's an average of a bit more than two hours per day. How can anyone not be able to spare enough time for that? Even though weekends tend to be way more full of airing shows than the other days, nothing is forcing you to watch everything as it airs unless you want to follow threads on Sup Forums, but even so not every thread goes blazing fast so you should be able to pick your targets up carefully.
And don't listen to those "all seasonal anime is shit, you should have standards" casuals either, they're usually just angry people who hate anime and only watch things that everyone likes. Then they miss out on less popular gems and decide to not watch them anyway because they don't have anyone to discuss them with.

But Sup Forums told us to watch at least 1000 animes if we want our opinion to be heard.

It only counts if you've watched 1000 good animes.

I see Sup Forums gave you guood advice.

I think watching anime is actually the only thing I am always motivated to do. Movies look to ugly and I am too ADD for 2+ hours of constant watching of teh same thing and everything else is too much work. Anime are perfect.


>movies are too ugly
Fucking pleb, you're as bad as the faggots who watch nothing but Marvelishit and other super hero shit because everything else is "too boring".

I know what seasonal animes are. I'm watching a lot of the fall lineup. But I'm marathoning a lot of series lately and I very busy too and it gets me depressed when I think of all the things I want to watch.

I watch 21 shows this season, and I cover 70% of them on the weekend.
Step up

I don't think there's that many good anime to begin with.

All you need is the essentials. Death Note, Code Geass, Elfen Lied etc. In total there are about 20 memorable ones, not including anime movies and OVAs.

i am a neet and have the same problem

I don't actually have time to watch anime because of Uni (except on weekends). My transit is around 1hr30min (one way), so I read manga/nap. Don't own a computer and only have so much space on my tablet so downloading is out of the question. I basically come here to exercise my English and ride the meme waves of current series.

Thanks for the fun Sup Forums

I just wake up at 5am and watch 2 hours of anime before I go to work at 8.

Stop watching shit.

Define shit.

You know a show is good when you don't feel like you'd rather be browsing the internet instead of watching it, and it's over before you notice.

This. Quality not quantity.Most shows that air will never, ever be remembered or discussed again after they're over.

There are people on Sup Forums that haven't watched anime in years and just post here instead

Stop watching seasonalshit. Start watching only highly regarded classics that will be worth your time. Develop some actual taste and search for shows similar to what you like.

just watch 30 anime a season and then a full series on friday/saturday

>only 20
>only 20 SEASONAL
Holy shit, the casual is truth.

I'm watching 32 shows this season and 100% are all watched on Sunday.

Fuck off.

If you only watch 6 hours of anime per day then you can still watch 105 episodes per week.

this b8

Have standards.

I've dropped Trickster and Classicaloid, no regrets, just disappointment, because I sort of dug Classicaloid's premise.

Get triple monitors, open an episode on each of them at 2x speed.

Just by watching 1 hour of anime daily will cover the 20 seasonal shows, increasing that hour will let you even finish your backlog series, like watching a marathon on sundays or whenever you have the time to do so. My brother is 1000% normalfag and he watch more anime than most of you I can bet, he always watch it in his lunch time at work.

>watching seasonal anime while they air
This is where you fucked up. Let shit finish, see what turns out to be fucking garbage and skip it while you watch the rest during the next season.

I don't. I went back to my /vr/ backlog which is worse.

I used to use VLC with 1.2X speed but then I realise CCCP just werkz.

Congratulations on seeing the light


I watch 1 episode per day

>tfw when I do watch anime I feel the need to screencap every frame with a cute girl in it
>end up taking an hour to watch a single episode

>don't watch seasonal stuff, let the masses tell you what's good and watch that instead
or he watches seasonals and keeps watching what he likes. It's a legitimately good season this time around, so continuously watching 20 shows that are good isn't unreasonable, I'm still watching 26 even though Bungo Stray Dogs' is starting to look pretty shit.
If at all possible, try watching it with a partner, really helps when you've set a schedule and even provides great banter material/speculah depending on the show