How come if you say anything on Sup Forums that disagrees with the Sup Forums hivemind, you are considered a shill...

How come if you say anything on Sup Forums that disagrees with the Sup Forums hivemind, you are considered a shill, liberal, troll, etc.? I thought this board supported Peterson, the herald of free speech and discourse rather than yelling like a retarded child at an opinion you don't like?

Last time I made this thread, literally every post was just calling me a shill. I think left libshits are stupid as fuck, but I think Sup Forums and the right is too is too. Where does that place me? Am I really an entity that Sup Forums can't fathom to exist without thinking I am a shill being paid to post this opinion? Far left is tards flapping their arms about, just as the far right is. Except the far right flaps their arms about in a way unique to their culture.


Jordan Peterson is a great mind. He was one of the few in Academia that stood up against the far-left Orthodoxy.

pol doesn’t understand that you can’t shriek about the jq constantly and convert normies, so they think anyone who doesn’t is a cuck. you need intermediary steps; for example, i started with gavin mciness and got red pilled within a year. baby steps.

What exactly am I shilling

It's not just about being against the left. It's about free speech. Peterson also says things that are against the right and Sup Forums, but the average Sup Forumstard must block that deep in the recesses of their mind.

>but I think Sup Forums and the right is too is too.
Well, apart from the fact you ARE stupid, how is the right stupid? You mean the far alt-right, or conservatism in general? Because the majority of conservatism would actually fix this country. Mostly because we've gone so far to the left in the past few decades that going back to the right a bit more to bring us some balance would fix a lot of problems.

But let's hear you first, I'm looking forward to you having articulate, well-rounded and thought-out opinions and not being a blithering, drooling moron.

You need to chill out before I fucking kill you, you leftist liberal retard shill

The point of /pol is dissidence. Whatever that means to you and your whiner friends.

Because half the thread's on Sup Forums are shill threads.

Because if the ideas are good, we'll listen, if they're not and you keep pushing it like a legitimate thing, than we'll call you a shill.

Because Sup Forums is always right. Lurk moar faggot.

>I hate the left and the right!
You're not a shill, just a hyper-enlightened radical alt-centrist, or in less pretentious terms you sound like someone too spineless to assume any strong positive position. All you've said in this post is what you're against, but do you actively stand for anything? What are your values OP, if you have any that aren't purely to be contrarian?

I value liberty, private property, and personal sovereignty, borders, personal responsibility, unique culture, and more. What do you value?


Why do you think you can only be right or left. Have you ever googled this? Maybe I am something other than left or right and not a centrist either.


sarcasm lol

Sup Forums is a democratic freedom loving board of peace. That means mob rule.

Why don't you just fucking explain your viewpoints then. You aren't going to get much of any response besides "shill" when you post some mouthy condescending shit in the OP.

Because this place is riddled with actual retarded underaged neo Nazis and retarded stormfags. Peterson speaks sensibly and his audience are reasonable people. Nu/pol/ doesn't like that.

I'm a based centrist, myself

I take absolutely nothing seriously in life because life is a prison our souls are trapped in until death. We are trapped in this snowglobe spirit prison by the Demiurge, a weaker, lesser God who is not omnipotent. The good news of Christ is that in death, you can escape this prison of creatures poorly made from mud and full of evil and disease and return to the real God who is more powerful than the Demiurge.

I laugh and take joy in things that everyone else is getting upset and stressed about because I don't think anything in this world is real. Everything for me is easy because I see life as a dream. Everything is an illusion. Nothing is hard. Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

Where does that put me, politically? I don't think anarchy is good. Some order is necessary to make brief life experience pleasant. People killing others and stealing, that's bad. Cops are good. I don't care about race at all. I see race as a physical description of what someone looks like.

Shakespeare put my worldview best:

>All the world's a stage,
>And all the men and women merely players;
>They have their exits and their entrances,
>And one man in his time plays many parts,

We might agree with your opinion if it isn't an obvious talking point of some faggot establishment group and can be supported by math, science or magic.

No one is censoring you. That's the beauty of this board. You can be a contrarian, a Nazi, a Communist, and centrist, get lots of hate, but you can still post in here. Mods will still move nonsensical threads to /bant/.

Well that's a start at least, what do you think of taxes, social welfare programs, and regulations like permits or price fixing?

This, if you sound like a fag and talk like a fag you're probably a fag.
Pol isn't one person, I imagine pol as 2 groups, the underage faggots they need to be banned and oldfags/srsbznsdudes. After a while you get tired of telling the same underage retard they're wrong and elaborate when all they're going to do is hurrr durrr and frustrate you.

Apply concept of pol to a greater understanding, not every thread is worth commenting on and not every opinion is valid or deserves response(ignore shill threads)

Dismissing you as a shill is free speech faggot

When is the last time you saw a black person user?

it is, I'm free to say we should test OP to see if he is a fag..

>I don't care about race at all. I see race as a physical description of what someone looks like.

new friend, you either need to lurk moar or you're a shill.

>Last Time
I don't even know what you're talking about because you seem more interested in bitching, then actually have a debate.

From there I can infer you probably are a basic bitch, and deserve what ever ridicule you seem to be steaming about.

That's all bullocks, we just need a government of cops, maybe even militarized cops, who beat the fuck out of people who steal and murder. I don't need government doing anything with money. Minimal involvement in businesses, maybe, just to prevent monopolies so one group cant' control the price of one commodity and make it crazy high.

So to summarize and perhaps refine, would you agree that government's only worthwhile roles are the protection of citizens against criminals and economic abuse? What is your stance on borders, should they be open or closed, whichever, how open or how closed?

If a country is known for treating criminals brutally and easily giving out capital punishment, those with criminal intent won't so readily walk across its open borders.

Fuck off shill

You sound like a woman in an argument with her husband. So defensive

JEW SHILL. Gas yourself Jew.

Whats Jewish about my opinions? I thought Jews would be very much against militarized police who openly are allowed to exert police brutality.

If you have a good argument to make just make it and ignore it when people call you shills.

There's an art to constructing your words in a way that will trigger a real response from people. You should present it in a way that the opposing person will look weak and wrong if the don't respond to your arguments seriously.

Well you sound mostly libertarian, although some principles you're talking might sound nice (like open borders) but they don't work in practice. For example, a border hopper doesn't have to be violent to damage your country, all they have to do is set up communities which don't interact and don't mesh well with other communities. Maybe they lobby or vote (as anchor baby kids tend to) for authoritarian government that's going to interfere more and more with your life.

Almost every study I've seen of voting trends indicates that nonwhite people for whatever reasons invariably always vote for bigger more intrusive government, socialist programs like welfare, and thus give the government more power that it abuses. The same would go for commies generally, although many of them would claim to be "Anarcho-Communist" they also invariably vote for more socialism and thus bigger and more powerful government.