Have you guys heard about The Cult of Jillian Epperly?

Have you guys heard about The Cult of Jillian Epperly?

Jillian Epperly has formed a poop cult where she has convinced people that they have been contaminated with programmed parasites that have been weaponized and dispersed via "chem trails". Jillian also claims that transgendered people and homosexuals can be cured of their issues if they follow her protocol. She further hypothesizes that humans can actually live until they are 500 years old if they are not infected with programmed parasites and candida.

Jillian Epperly has convinced parents that its ok to feed children salt water. Members of Jillias poopcult have presented photos and video images that show children are being tricked and bribed into drinking salt water.Video of a 12 year old possibly shitting stomach lining after given an enema of the juice.

Reported side effects include Seizures, convulsions, tremors, feeling drunk, woozy, migraines, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss of a tooth

Jillian claims that her recipe (I tbs salt+ 2 cups water+2 cups cabbage fermented for 3 days and drinking up to a gallon per day) will cure everything from a to z. Claims you can regrow organs.Insists that her recipe will heal autism and fix down syndrome facial deformities. Jillian Epperly tells moms that they are infecting their children with parasites and candida via breastmilk. Jilly says that her recipe is safe for babies and infants.

Jillian Epperly appears to be suffering from a severe form of disordered eating and coprophilia. Jillian often encourages people to drink copious amounts of salt water to self-induce diarrhea. If constipation is reported after drinking Jillians protocol, Jillian will encourage people to pull poop out of their asshole with their fingers. Jillian admits to using #3FingersUpHerOwnButt to "circumvent" her own bowel function. She later pulled out poop, photographed it, and had a large discussion within her cult where they debated if she pulled out a grape seed or a parasite egg.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a video of a 12 year old who was subjected to the Jillian Epperly protocol. She claims to have passed parasites but it could be stomach lining. Similar to the reports associated with the bleach enema cult.


Jillian Epperly often drinks large amounts of her salty cabbage wine and induces diahrrea. She does this while broadcasting live in her group. Jillian has admitted to sharting in public, pooping her pants and discusses pooping in the shower.

I think Jillian Epperly is a coprophilliac who is obsessed with poop. Did I mention she admitted to forming a #poopcult?

In this video, Jillian shits her pants.


Jillian ADMITS to forming a poop cult!

For those who are interested in a more in-depth discussion of Jillian Epperly and her protocol, feel free to read this blog:


This article discusses the children who have been exposed to the experimental protocol. Graphic images and content of children being tricked and bribed into drinking salt water.


Jillian Epperly has brainwashed people into thinking their symptoms of salt poisoning are actually "detox" and "healing" symptoms. The mantra within the Jillian Epperly PoopCult is that "Pain Is Healing".

In this article, I attempt to debunk those claims.

On some of Jillians social media profiles she has listed her sexuality as "bi sexual".

Jillian also insists that homosexuality and transgender issues are caused by the toxic parasites and candida within us.

In this video, Jillian babbles about how she can cure gays/trans


She claims her protocol can cure ALS!

wow something I haven't seen before

Jillian Epperly insists that its ok to give her salty fermented cabbage water to children and infants. Jillian has even made videos where she encourages parents to hide her salty fermented cabbage wine into smoothies and popsicles. There are videos of parents giving this stuff to children in diapers via syringe. Also, this picture exists, where a parent paid their child to drink salt water.

I am one of the leading researchers exposing the Jillian Epperly poopcult. I have over 650 screen shots and countless videos of Jillian Epperly. Feel free to AMA.

Bruce Wilmot had stage 4 cancer and Jillian Epperly encouraged him to drink more than a gallon of her salty fermented cabbage water. Bruce developed hypronatremia and bone pain. His Rabbi found him in a coma and he was later admitted into hospice. This is a fact Jillian Epperly continues to deny.

Here is my proof:
Bruce Drinking The Jilly Juice

Jillian ADMITS Bruce died while on protocol and claims he was not aggressive enough with her juice.

In this video Jilly laughs about a guy dying in hospice while on her protocol. Bruce Wilmot was admitted into hospice AFTER drinking her recipe.

Check out this rip off report about Bruce Wilmots death.

Despite 2 known deaths of people who participated in Jillians experimental protocol, she continues to say you won't die! See the screen shot for proof.

Bruce Wilmot was drinking more than a gallon of Jilly Juice per day. That is over 8 table spoons of salt.

He was not in hospice prior to doing her protocol.

This picture is of Bruce making large amounts of Jilly Juice.

Many of the researchers have attempted to contact several authorities. The Ohio medical board, the attorney general, the police, cps, and even the FBI have been contacted. Mainstream media and local media have been contacted. Even Dr Phil showed minor interest in the story but Jillian Epperly REFUSES to debate anyone about her protocol and nobody who was injured from her protocol will go on the show.

I have been working on this case since August. I have not had a single reply back to any of my emails/online complaints that I have filed regarding Jillian. I have flagged her group every day since August, to no avail LOL.

Jillian seems unphased by this and continues to advocate that parents are protected under "Kosher Laws" and are allowed to feed their kids salty water.
In this video, Jillian discusses CPS and Kosher Laws

Jillian Epperly discusses in great detail how to get kids to drink her recipe in this video:

Reports of a bloody diaper have been published in Jillian Epperly's group.

This woman has been on Jillys protocol for 52 days. Check out this video where she drinks the juice and gets really sick.


Jilly Juice Not Even Once

Jillian Epperly loves to stick #3InTheStink to make herself poop. In this video, she talks about doing it!


A major side effect of drinking excessive amounts of salty water is uncontrolled bowels. I have an entire folder dedicated to this topic.

This particular SS is rather sad because of the individual whom drinks the jilly juice and developed "fits of rage" that are taken out on her spouse. She then shits her pants 3x and then proceeds to drinks more juice.She also had reported that her child was on the protocol as well.

Another drinks the jilly juice and pooped on her husband right before bed!

Jillian INSISTS that her recipe will not kill you. Jillian admits she is using people as guinea pigs. Its mostly for her own sadistic pleasure.. She gets off on looking at shit.

She also claims you can regrow your organs. So basically, if your kidneys shut down from too much salt, she says youll grow new ones.


Kek people are so stupid

Despite her entire group being based on healing the body of parasites and candida, Jillian does not even pracitce sanitary hygiene.

In this video, Jillian Epperly induced diarreah on live stream by drinking her salty cabbage wine really quickly. She left her cell phone outside the bathroom while she had "waterfalls", she then immediately ran back to her live stream to see if anyone heard her "waterfalls".....Jillian Epperly who claims to be a leading parasite researcher took a shit while on live stream and didint wash her hands.


People report horrible side effects from drinking jilly juice. Severe mouth pain is a common report.One person has reported that they lost a tooth while on jillians protocol.

In this video, Jillian says if you are NOT feeling side effects than you are not drinking enough juice. Jilly insists that pain is healing.


Go on.

A 6 year old allegedly became intoxicated after drinking jillian epperly's salty cabbage wine

The reports of "drunk" or "intoxication" is very likely associated with compromised kidney function as a result of consuming large amounts of salt water. I have a large file dedicated to people gettin drunk off jilly juice!


You can see through the black streaks you retard

Pain Is Healing is the entire premise of the Jillian Epperly cult.

She has essentially convinced people that drinking large amounts of salt water will heal everything from a to z. She claims it will cure cancer and she also claims that her recipe will remineralize teeth. This is actually the opposite because excess salt leeches calcium from the body. Thats why so many people report having dental issues while on jilly juice.

Drinking salt water is really dangerous. Its poisonous, actually. And it can definitely kill people.

So, what happens in the jillian epperly cult, is that people start drinking large amounts of salt water and they start having severe side effects. But then Jillian brainwashes them into thinking its a sign that they are healing.

Why does Jillian Epperly do this? Because she is a sadistic psycho who enjoys manipulating people. She is also obsessed with poop. Its a form of mental illness. I also believe Jilly has a mental illness relating to parasites. She thinks she has parasites, she said she had 2 worms inside her brain. She also claims she passes worms in her menstruation blood

>Why does Jillian Epperly do this? Because she is a sadistic psycho who enjoys manipulating people.

nah, seems like a classic insane person to me. nice trips though

delusions of "healing" and odd medical rituals are pretty common among genuine psychiatric patients

Jillian encourages people to get off their medications and does not promote herbal supplements. Jilly is anti cannabis and even anti-garlic.

Many people report having emotional/mood issues while on jillys protocol. Jilly believes her recipe will fix everything.

Jillian has mental illnesses. She admits to being diagnosed with PMDD and does not take her medications.

However, she also admits to brainwashing people and manipulating people. She admits she targeted a specific group of people to market her book. The group of people she targeted are sick, they believe in morgellons. Many have cancer or children with Autism etc.
Jillian admits to targeting those people.

Jillian is a dangerous new age snake oil sales man who enjoys sticking her fingers up her salty asshole to pull out her own poop. She then photographs it and discusses it in great detail with her minions.

In this video, Jillian talks about why she keeps her fingernails short. hint #3InTheStink

She also continues to tell parents to give their children salt water. Its sadistic. Even a tsp of salt can kill an infant.

what the shit?

- the shit.

>bleach enema cult

Just when you though things couldnt be more degenerate.

how has this been slid so hard, how am i just hearing about this literal shit show
must be a larp

>it's a cult guise i swere!
Classic character assassination attempt by alphabet agencies. Hey OP, how does it feel to know that you shill on behalf of interests that seek to kill your fellow man with chem trail parasites? How do you sleep at night?

Or maybe you're just naive. In either case, let it be known that everything this woman says is legit. Though it may seem unorthodox, I've been.using Jilly Juice for only a week and my mind has been clearer than ever before and I feel more alive than I even thought possible. It even cured me of my asthma. Do yourselves a favor and try Jilly Juice for just 3 days and then come back and tell me I'm bullshitting.

>"What" - the shit
Hello, Reddit.

doing gods work user
if this isnt an extremely elaborate attempt to dox this chick lol

Got my salt and jars, start tomorrow.

You won't regret it.

im doing the jilly extreme bootcamp
injecting salt directly into my heart

If it's anything like high dose iodine or ascorbate..

I hate this shit so much.
They use components of real problems and fixes, and totally go off the deep end to demonize it.
Honestly, these people exist for a reason. Destroy the gullible that have woken up to the scam of modern medicine, destroy any chance at normal people finding out the truth, and give ammo for shills and bugmen to demonize any "alternative medicine".

So salty.


sounds like some kind of elaborate troll on Sup Forums if you think about it

i mean its too good to be true. like im not a medfag but if those levels are toxic and shes telling encouraging people to consume it, how is she not arrested?
and if thats not illegal, how has none of their friends said "whats that?" "oh just 6 gorillion tablespoons of salt" "hmm that seems like a lot of salt, and you say you shit perpetually? no more questions"

Is it sad that I had a knee jerk reaction to question OP's motive?

is mine a rare too?

yes ive never even heard of this magical place

Mainstream medicine is highly sophisticated and well thought out, but it doesn't cover everything under the sun; it also provides "easy fixes" to hard problems that can result in compounding the problem. For those who are willing to experiment and find more natural and wholesome solutions to their health problems, alternative medicine exists. It won't stop your kidney failure but it can do a hell of a lot. That said, it's like conspiracy theorizing, you gotta wade through a lot of shit to find the golden nuggets.

People have a long history of following schizophrenic people like this. Jim Jones, Linda Greene, and others, and now this idiot.
Sue this bitch for millions, contact the Surgeon General of US, call child protective services, hire a private eye to dox her ass, rat her out to the irs for receiving donations and not reporting it, report her to the state board for practicing medicine without a license, have bands of drones and cameras follow her relentlessly until she cracks, get her husband, brother, dad, sister... fired from every job until they turn on this nut.
Rachel Dozal this weirdo pervert until she becomes homeless and penniless.
Lots of stuff you can do to impede her. Mainly, go to the local DA and ask, as a freelance internet journalist, why this woman is allowed to advocate salt poisoning children with no legal impediments. Betcha her ass will get raided by authorities almost immediately.

Weird, she lives in Lake City, FL now, but she moved from Marysville, CA - a notorious meth town.

The same goes for conspiracy theories.

>I am one of the leading researchers exposing the Jillian Epperly poopcult.
Keep up the good work


This would be funnier if she were Indian

1 tbs of salt, in 2 cups of water, fermented.... This is literally just brine.. It's like eating sauerkraut.

Sadly anyone who is willing to listen to some retard on the internet, not do their own research, and dies or kills their kids by drinking gallons upon gallons of salt water daily... sort of deserves it.

Lets encourage the blacks and jews start doing this.

Top fucking kek