So I heard I should watch Symphogear...

So I heard I should watch Symphogear, but are we really giving a not-too-subtle nod to Miyazaki in the FIRST FUCKING THREE SECONDS?


No, Japan. You're supposed to say something BEFORE that...

Well alright if you're such a fucking nerd that you read 8008 as BOOB, I guess that's suggestive enough, but it still doesn't fit a "that is what she says" joke.


First time, I don't know how well liked this is around here, but it's a looser environment than the other online cluster of anime fandom I interact with.

Best girl coming through.


Make sure to drop it after the first season

Cool blog, now fuck off retard.

That art-style did not age well.

I've heard otherwise, there's like, a line graph I've seen kicked around referring to the hype level as you go and it's off the top when you get to season 2. Apparently. My brother also advised me not to go past the first season as I remember, but what's the problem? Because sometimes I can handle 'kinda stupid'

Not gonna lie, the blue and red hair in the first actual interaction I see.. reminding me of a certain currently airing show that I'm enjoying the hell out of.

Instead of being stupid fun it's just stupid stupid. I fell for the line graph too and I was really disappointed.


Hibiki is the sun and this thread is shit.

Lurk for two years before posting.

blogshitter plz go

I love symphogear, but out of all the various flaws you could have picked on, this is what bothers you? This is what made you upset enough to post?

I'm not really picking on it, just calling it out.

Also, watch the entire series you faggot. It's SMART fun the entire fucking way and only an idiot would think something was stupid for being fun.

I didn't say it's stupid, one of the people with a fanart did. The jury is still out from where I stand.

Minor glasses fetish so I think I just spotted my potential best girl

>animes are new and fun

...furthermore, I'm well aware that fun doesn't equal stupid. Probably a bit of a pleb pick to mention, but I love me some KLK.

Lurk more faggot.

Are you fucking kidding me?
Why do people do that?

Are old-ish series verboten? At least I'm not posting something I should assume you ALL watched.

I'm not even sure what year this is from

cool blog bro

now fuck off

Can't speak for anyone else, I got this copy from my brother.


I never said I disagreed with anything you said. I told you to lurk more before posting you fucking newfag.

Punch your brother in the face and tell him to get a proper version.

I used to dick around on Sup Forums, just never on Sup Forums, what did I miss? I get it, show is old, thought someone who loves it might be glad to see someone checking it out

I will not, but I will tell him that I was told to.

I know some people I gotta send this to


yay pseudoscience crap

Go back to .

The only thing Sup Forums ever did for me was introduce me to HoN, and then stab me in the fucking back, because every time after that I looked, all the threads for that genre were LoL. And then LoL mixed with Dota 2. Not sure if Smite ever caught on there. HotS probably did.

Save me a search, is this a pre- or post- Madoka anime?


just die already you ignorant fuck

Wow. Okay. Searched myself. Post, for sure. I kinda figured.

And I knew the denizens of Sup Forums feel a duty to be cunts, but I really underestimated it this time.

Well fuck, really?

Yeah, if I would just shut the fuck up and finish an episode in anywhere near the normal amount of time..

>Shot through the heart.webm
You are about to see some fireworks.

What kind of fireworks?

Save it for this guy, man. Unlike him, at least I've seen Eva

And see, I'm kinda immune to picking on fanservice.

But not immune enough to enjoy Keijo!!!!!!!!.

And the [****] reference is so obvious here I won't even say it. Not that I'm actually complaining, but really.

An angel just got her wings and we cut there for the episode? Alright, congratulations whoever-the-fuck, I will continue watching this.

I can't make gifs so I won't throw together the new girl's henshin in one for you, but that was.. special.

I will post this every thread until they dock.


Also, the end theme is too fucking hype not to start another right now. No matter how dead this fucking thread is. Fine, I'll be like you boring basic bitches and try to just watch, and not say shit anymore. Because mostly I was told to fuck off, which I suppose is still better than being completely disregarded.

That's beautiful, man.

This gigantic fucking sword. Then again... these days we have La Pucelle and her infinitely gigantic fucking sword.

Despite the very decent control room, I admit I was not expecting it to be a government/corporate funded organization.

How long ago did they start making this crack on every fucking show? Again, not actually complaining, but really.

Switch to Commie. Despite their shitty Heavenrend meme, they do have the songs subbed, and Lesbogear's HS sub is quite awful compared even to them

I'll take Commie's memesub over Crunchyroll's awful one for this series.

S3 was pretty shit so I'm surprised they got the greenlight for a 4th and 5th season. Or did the nips think S3 was good and it sold well?

This thread reads like the condensed version of one of those annoying fucks who keep making "witty" comments all the time at a movie night

The OST sells pretty well regardless of peoples opinion of the show itself.

So is there a sub you prefer over both the one that I'm watching and the one he just told me to get?

Nah.. I try to be aware of the people around me, and if they're the type to get intoxicated and make comments and laugh, or the type to shut the fuck up and watch.

In this case, I'm alone with my computer and feeling really unfocused.

Commie is the only fansub group that does this show. Its fine for the most part, aside from them translating a Japanese proper name into English for some reason (it isn't even an accurate translation). Better than HorribleSubs/Crunchyroll on the basis that they actually translate songs

I think most of the singing so far had some English up? It's been a long and beery night, I don't even know anymore. I'm less than halfway through the third and losing focus pretty hard for the night.

A few loan words here or there. Season 2 had a fully English song, but you wouldn't know it without the lyrics.

GX's chara CD was really good, and Symphogear is made to sell CD in the first place, so all is fine and dandy.

When's S4 starting?

Jesus fucking christ kill yourself. Lurk for 2 years before posting you autistic redditor.

This might be the worst geah thread since GX finished.