What are your opinions on the Rohingya situation in Burma?

What are your opinions on the Rohingya situation in Burma?

The streets will flow with the blood of the believers of Islam!

It's proof that Buddhists are violent and crazy too.


What are some possible solutions to ending this supposed "genocide"?

Asians have been fighting Muslim pan-Paki/Arab garbage for millennia.

Can't say I blame anyone for killing Muslims these days. I spent a few years in Dearborn and tried to accept them. Couldn't. They are low-IQ savages who raise terrible children.

Glad I live in Petoskey now.

Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh harbor terrorists who are attacking military outposts in Myanmar. Myanmar is fighting back. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for terrorists.





this is why whites are endlessly fucked

Burmese got sick and tired of Muslims attacking their people and breeding like rabbits. Kicked them out. Good on them.

Provide sources if possible that point out WHERE THE FUCK these rohingee Muslims came from. Also i want to know the Rakhine/Burmese side of the story.

Muslims are so fucking terrible that even Buddhists decide to genocide them. Good riddance.

Der Ewige Burger

Fuck them, they can reap what the have sowed.

No Prisioners!

The Average American

Fucking Bangladesh obviously. Takes thirty seconds to google.

Why is there no mention of how the Rohingya came to be? Are they just Pakis/Indians that slowly migrated southeast over hundreds of years?