The closest an anime has come to being Shakespearean

The closest an anime has come to being Shakespearean.

....Are you....comparing Re:Zero Shakespeare?

Just remembered why i stopped browsing Sup Forums in 5 minutes of returning

popular != quality

Nice try kiddo!

I have watched 10 episodes of this and I don't see what all the fuss is about

Re: Hidden, Saged and Reported

Re:turn to Re:ddit.

Yeah that's pretty insulting to Re Zero

( ̄人 ̄) Hello. I am "Mr. Shit Threads". I am visiting threads and I do believe this one qualifies as shit, so I would like to say it is shit. That is why my name is "Mr. Shit Threads".

>this one autist yet again

I hope this namefag stays on Sup Forums forever

Kill yourself to save yourself form your own autism and miserable existence

Why are you... typing... like... a retard?

I thought it was "Mr. Likes To Sage Threads"?

Indeed, Shakespeare is overrated.

Not nearly enough puns, soliloquies and sex jokes.
I nominate this instead.

>all my buddies like Re Zero
>watch in secret once the series wrapped
>this is... okay so far
>episode where Ford-kun spergs out in front of everyone after the princesses are introduced
>whole show tanks from there on out and never recovers
>"Hey user you should watch Re Zero! It's finished now and it's fucking great."
>mfw I don't want to say anything but I want to pick their brain as to how they could like such a show

kek. these fags

tanks how?

But is it Kafkaesque?

For me that's officially where the show became trash for me. That was the epitome of things happening for no reason what so ever. Before that episode I honestly didn't really care for the show or for its genre for that matter but after that episode the flaws kicked into overdrive.

>none of the story arcs go anywhere
>plot points introduced and almost immediately dropped for something else
>bland characters
>terrible character motivations and development
>everything about Subaru

For everything that I enjoyed about the show it did something to piss me off and that episode was the point where the ratio tipped into the negatives more than the positives. Im making a YT video discussing why I think the show is pretty mediocre as we speak. Not bad, just mediocre. Middle of the road. Vanilla ice cream. Bud Light. Nothing about it being bad just that you could do so much better.

All of your points are rambling nonsense.

The plot and direction were blindingly straightforward.
Nothing was dropped, what are you talking about?
I don't think the characters were bland at all but I guess this is one of those vague opinions you can cling to.
Character motivation is terrible how?

I mean just from the fact that you consider bud light mediocre proves you have no idea what hat word means.

>all of your points are rambling nonsense
>now let me ramble some nonsense at you
>Bud Light not being mediocre

Good to know someone defending the show is literally that dumb/tasteless. I don't even think it's worth typing out and explaining to you at this point.

>doens't even post the name
nobody will ever recognize you faggot

If you think bud light is mediocre you have the worst taste imaginable.
It's straight up piss water.

And I just disagreed with all your points.
You didn't provide any examples and it's not very easy to prove a negative.
What did you want me to do?

If you don't know what show this is from you need to lurk more.

I don't like moeshit

It's one of the most popular anime out there, you'd recognize it if you'd watched more shows than re:zero and one punch man.

Just like DmC

Not him but
of only moderate quality; not very good.
>not very good


Yeah and that does not begin to describe the swill that is bud light

Mediocre does not have the nuance of meaning "dogshit," and that poster was trying to imply it was far worse than mediocre.

All beer is fucking disgusting though and you faggots who argue about how your IPA's taste like anything but pass are retards.

Then you came to the wrong board motherfucker


Woah woah woah. You hold on just a minute there.
>All beer is fucking disgusting
>you faggots who argue about how your IPA's taste like anything but piss are retards
You can not like the taste all you want but its honestly an acquired taste. It's like saying all seafood is disgusting, its not disgusting you just dont have the taste for it. Nothing wrong with not liking it.

I didn't expect you to do anything user. You asked what I meant and I told you. You can disagree and I have no problem with that but to say im "rambling nonsense" and then proceed to ramble nonsense back at me is just a bonehead move. I didn't post specifics because you didnt ask for any you just asked what I meant when I said it tanked.

And both Shakespeare and RZ are overrated, pretentious, and awful.

Shakespeare, huh.


Not even close.

That's not Umaru.

Talking about Shakespeare or Re:Zero?

I just said your point are vague and ambiguous.
Claiming my reply is vague and ambiguous is kinda silly since I can't reply in any other way.

The thing is Shakespeare was not at all like the classy and stuffy crap they shove into you in high school.

It was pop culture made for the masses that was just really good.

So I would say ZnT is not like Shakespeare at all.

Nigga that's my point. This whole thing is silly. I don't even know why you bothered replying to vague shit with vague shit. And when it wasn't vague shit it was just "I disagree." Like what's the point?
>The plot and direction were blindingly straightforward
>I don't think the characters were bland at all
>Nothing was dropped

You asked and I summed it up for you. That's where I thought it would end.

I think the reason why people like Shakespeare today isn't because of his plays but instead what he wrote about those plays. The dude knew how to structure a story and he knew how to make characters relatable.

That's what I mean about it being really good.
It was well written enough to be enjoyed on multiple levels but written primary for the common people.

because there's nothing at all wrong with that way of typing...?

Wow, it's almost as if the anime only adapted 10% of the whole story.

Watched until episode 3.
As for now, ReZero is shit.
Even SAO is better.

Watched up to episode 14 and I can easily say that Subaru is my least favorite MC of all time. He's obnoxious as fuck.

Yeah you can't review something that isn't a complete package. When people talk about how shitty the new Star Wars was I remind them its only part 1 of 3. So you cant criticize it as its own thing until its all finished. Finally someone gets it!

Did you watch any of Fate Stay Night? Or Eva? Those easily have worse protagonists by far. Subaru is pretty fucking shitty though.

That's not K-ON!!

That's not Mob Psycho 100

Bet you're a Rem fag too,huh?


Dont make fun of rem she is for smart intellectual beings, not retards.

no that's monogatari

So why did they spend all of their budget making this one attack look amazing only for the other 22 episodes of the show to have sub-par animation in comparison? Was it to hook me? Cause it did, and I got played like a damn fiddle for watching the rest of this dreck.

Shakespeare was a hack.

Shakespeare developed his characters, then killed them, then the story ended.
He Wasn’t a hack like light novel “writers”