Anyone read the last chapter of Soremachi?

Anyone read the last chapter of Soremachi?

What the fuck.
I can't tell if I'm disappointed by how anticlimactic it was or bewildered with the ending statement.

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Wait, did Soremachi end?

The final chapter, 138, came out last week but isn't translated. I'll dump raws. If anyone could give a rough translation, that'd be great.

















Damn, I wish Sanada and Hotori got together. I enjoyed Sanada's intricate fantasies.



Really sad.


There were a lot of these moments.
He even imagines being married to her.


I wish the author's just fucking with me and it still gonna make more chapters. This almost feels like a St. Elsewhrere tier ending.

I fucking hope he makes a tankobon exclusive ending at least

hiroyuki more like eroyuki

I guess he's just very relatable.
But seriously the characters were pretty great Kon, Hotori's siblings, Sanada, Tatsuno, her detective mentor, her math teacher etc
I only wish this had gone somewhere.

I wonder what the author is gonna do now

It certainly looked like it was going somewhere with people around Sanada confessing,Tatsuno steeling up to make her confession and Kon senpai transfer.

The latest chapters feel like a bunch of epilogue for m. Kon moving, Kon resolved her grudge with her senpai, Cafe seaside back to normal, The case of creepy stalker teacher, etc.

Don't forget that Tatsuno knows Sanada crush to Hotori

This scene killed me on my first read

I love chapters with the cop

I was hoping for a stronger resolution to Hotori's growth as a person and in turn how she shaped the lives of those around her. A lot of chapters accentuated how she changed the lives of those around her, but I felt like the final send-out should have emphasized her own thoughts of her place in life.

However, this is a rather odd work with an odd timeline. The prior chapter was basically a prequel to chapter 111 so it would not have made sense to make the final chapter a direct continuation.

This just makes me wonder what exactly the author had in mind. Was this conclusion laid out from the start? Why did he make the second-to-last chapter about chapter 111? Was Hotori's last word was a mouthpiece of his feelings?

It just kinda ended without some resolutions I hoped for.

This is not so interesting as an ending chapter, but the structure of the whole plot is awesome.

Plus, I want to know her endgame. The sudden shift in tone was unsettling

>Sometime after I've completed Soremachi, I think I'll include a timetable in the volume's extra pages.

I mean, you don't know if Chapter 137 & 111 are the plot written by Hotori, or actually happened in her world.

I thought because she is Hotori so she can influence those around her to be better,
so as a central character her growth is rather subtle and not too necessary than those around her.

Not every mystery can be resolved
~Donald Clinton

>Nos vemos

Yah..that was unsettling chapter, i need more of it

I only watched the anime and didn't read the manga, but did the childhood friend who liked her confessed? or she still doesn't knows about it

She did change quite a bit. It's hard to tell if it is a character growth or just a change in depiction overtime, but she does become more mature as a person. Even in recent chapters I can kinda see the difference between her post-sidetail self and pre-sidetail self. Considering the anime and early chapter makes her looks like a bumbling obnoxious idiot half the time that's quite the progress.




I remember the catchy tune of the opening to the anime.


Yeah she changed but subtle (i don't know the word of it). It's not like Tatsun or Kon where other character point it out that they changed.

Tatsun I think by nature hasn't really changed too much as a person. I think she learned to respect Hotori as a person and mellowed out.

it was a decent enough cover, I still prefer the original version.

Tatsuro Yamashita's great.


They should’ve killed her for real.

this series gives me a weird assortment of feels. Sometimes it's funny, clever, cute, or spooky, but then sometimes it just hits me with a weird feeling of ennui and melancholy.

I'd be interested in re-reading it in chronological order, too.

Should i read from the start?
Judging from the raws user posted, plot seems open ended?

Just read it start to finish. The chapters are not in chronological order, but the author does a great job making the whole story internally consistent. He fits story points and small details from prior chapters and reintroduces them in very subtle ways. As someone who read the manga around 6-7 years ago I still end up finding little details that I missed. That's the fun of it.

I get what you mean.

because, the real ending is chapter 136 in the timeline chapter137 is the prologue of chapter 118

>there was no sign that a festival had ever happened
I know that feel too well


At least she didn't fucking die like in the anime.

I think Hotori looked cutest around volume 2-3.

What the fuck was her problem?

>dat blush

Never noticed that.

this is where SoreMachi ended

>That nerd of a teacher could have had Hotori

What's his problem?

>Implying Hotori's not a nerd
She reads books for fun for fucks sake


What ever happened to that guy who was interested in Kon? I remember a few chapters of him spilling spaghetti but I'm not 100% up to date in the manga.

Wait, did this really happen?

Notice how the page on the right is all blurry and the page on the left is sharp in comparison.

All the hints have been given!

That's because it's shopped, user.

>I can't think of a good ending
Well, at least he's honest

meant for

I figured as much but I figured I would get a confirmation.

Is that really what it says? I like that

nah last page of 137 is the real ending

>We didn't see them graduate
>Sanada never confessed to Hotori
>Kon wasn't in the final chapter

i'm disappointed

Season 2 fucking when, shaft.

I'm going to miss the occasional summer Soremachi threads that would pop up every now and then

they were really comfy.

at this point never

118/199 happens after 137

It ended? That's dogshit.
I haven't caught up on the last few chapters and now I probably never will.

It's been 11 years. What now?


It's amazing how kindly Granny looks when she isn't dressed like a crazy maid.

What is this moonspeak

Wow, Now you mention it....Subtle