Can someone explain to me how Ashkenazi jews have such high IQ...

Can someone explain to me how Ashkenazi jews have such high IQ? Both fucking sides of the cold war used jews to develop their nuclear weapons, they do really well in chess, they are the richest ethnic group in the world etc.
I'm very anti-jew, but am curious as to how they got so intelligent.

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Because they made the iq test in the first place.

I'm not talking about the test itself. They have proven their intelligence through their actions. They are extremely over represented in sciences, chess players, they run nearly the entire media, the banking institutions etc

during the middle ages european jews worked in what would today be called blue collar jobs. jews with higher iqs were therefore higher status, whereas gentiles valued things other than intelligence. therefore higher iq jews had more children

where's this fucking study that shows jews have btfo IQ's, and where's the genetic testing that backs up that they're jews? i call bullshit on this whole fucking notion until someone shows some evidence, and molyjeux doesn't fucking count.

They're psychos. They onEver read anything Rabbinical?

regardless of whether theyre actually descended from ancient hebrews they are what we consider to be ashkenazim. like op says, even if you disregard iq statistics, empirical evidence of their acheivements speaks for itself

The IQ test in all it's forma, are or were only ent to ensure the intelligence relative to age for children 15 and under any IQ test taken by an adult over that initial age can then only be measured to otheres in the Same economoical, racial, enviromental situation to carry any validity.. Jews are fuckin liars, Einstein was a fraud plagarist and jews own all the media the banks and practice an extreme nepotism namely what's known as jewish supremacy... Holocaust is a lie bro.

I’ve known Jews and they didn’t strike me as highly intelligent.
>anti social
But not above average intelligence. I’ve seen little personal evidence of the alledged higher verbal IQ either, like I said they very often come off as literally autistic and can’t communicate normally with goyim, in a lot of cases.

thanks, makes sense. they must have gone through some sort of intelligence based eugenics, theres no other explanation.

Being extraordinarily tribal and nomadic requires cunning to survive in a world that does not want your presence.
Also, herding dogs are usually the smartest breed of dogs though not necessarily the best.

I dunno, something about being persecuted for so long and they were forced to be smarter or something. Ask someone to fill in the blanks

This woman needs to marry a nordic blonde bright blue-eyes man and have kids to completely eliminate all black blood

Here’s another blue eyed American

Because while we were being spoken to in baby-talk and watching cartoon Turtles fighting, they had to memorize a five-inch thick book!

>Jews have higher intelligence
>Almonds activated
This must explain why we in the west have had decades cultural enlightenment, far superior to the renaissance even.
>the Jewish master race is such a blessing to our people. (((They))) clearly are Gods chosen tribe.

>Blue eyes
In my book she's white.

They don't even have to. Due to low participation rates all they have to do is pull off a good show of making the right sounds for a particular passage they went to school to practice in order to pass the bar mitzvah.

The smart ones Holocausted all the stupid ones and then took all the guilt and pity for themselves.

Hitler killed all the stupid ones.
Thanks A-dolf.

highly selective inbreeding


being ancient descendants of satan, who himself was performing genetic experiments, and in so doing, indirectly caused the great flood (because God decided destroy the demonic cross breeds)

>Can someone explain to me how Ashkenazi jews have such high psychopathy? Both fucking sides of the cold war used jews to develop their nuclear weapons, they do really well in chess, they are the richest ethnic group in the world etc.
I'm very anti-jew, but am curious as to how they got so sociopathic.


That doesn't explain it. The guy I posted in OP picture was separated from his parents as a toddler. His father was sent to gulag for his (((activities in the newspaper business))) and his mother left him shortly after birth. He was raised as a Russian, but is ethnically ashkenazi jew.
He managed to create the Russian nuclear program, and make Russia the most armed nuclear country in the world. It's genetics. The """Culture""" explanation is trash.

Theory is that they selectively breed for intelligence, because they were barred from owning land (and thus most of the manual labour). So the more intelligent the jew was, as a money lender or a merchant, the more kids he could support, and their survivability was higher. Notice, that I'm talking only about ashkenazi jews.

Romans christianized and outlawed usury except for the jews. Jews can only work in finance so only intelligent jews become successful and have more numerous and healty children. 1700 years later jews in christianized areas have elevated IQs.

Jews from muslim areas dont have elevated IQs.

So it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.
>create “Gods chosen people” founding myth
>selectively breed intelligence
>take over all institutions of influence and power
Literally control the goyim

cite some

>Notice, that I'm talking only about ashkenazi jews.
Of course, me too

don't forget that in addition to the heavily implied genetic control, both ancient and recent, they also have strong cultural solidarity

they carefully share their strengths with each other, and not with anyone else

ITT: stupid jealous goyim

It's very likely that ashkenazi kikes have high IQ because they've been selected for intelligence by Arabs and Europeans through genocinding the fuck out of those who couldn't figure out when to flee.

Also, the jews aren't THAT much intelligent than white Europeans. What skews the statistics is that vast majority of jews lived and still lives in cities, which gives much better educational and career opportunities

Russia was full of Jews, so he was likley adopted in another Jewish your argument falls flat unless you can prove he was adopted by goyim.

notice how nearly all of these answers are the "default kike response" to this question--don't get tricked by the children of satan

medical researchers who wish to study incestual inbreeding almost exclusively use jewish patients, because they inbreed more than any other genetic group

their selfishness is truly pathological, being willing to destroy themselves to make the smartest possible individuals

Big heada
They persecuted
Culture of study

>how did the Jews get so intelligent
It helps when everyone else is drinking fluoridated water. Western IQ has continually been dropping for decades.


Which, according to your conspiracy theory, should dismiss Sup Forums's fetish for IQ's.

I wish, where do I pick up my shillbucks?

The tests that determined this were performed in a very small minority in an isolated area. There are places all through the world that will return the same results, mainly throughout the west.

In this instance it's a showing of mass autism thanks to severe inbreeding

You mean they were given swimming pools and delousing treatments while hitler tried to defend them from the evil allies.

magical big nose bloodline appeared in northern italy. this is also the source of the ashkenazis.

most likelly because of how they have been treated during history that then forcing them to adapt and evolve

2% of the US population is Jewish and we know America has even more Jews in it than Israel.
Most American Jews end up mating with the goyim..that’s why Jews are such a small “ethnic group” they continually breed their Jewnes out, eventually.
So IF jews have higher IQ due to genetics, those genes have long since been redistributed amongst the general population (see how intelligent I am to figure this out).
Also in terms of wealth concentration, we need look no further than Hollywood and the banking industry to see that Jewish (((high IQ))) has bollox all to do with how (((they))) get rich.
>zero ethics within a larger culture of morality means Jews can easily get to the top. Especially when other Jews aid them

Now ask if the Mafia is full of high IQ Sicilians or just ruthless sociopaths.

Large noses = more oxygen flow to brain

>it’s a more effective heat sink

explain niggers

>most likelly because of how they have been treated during history that then forcing them to adapt and evolve
If that is the case, then other persecuted races would also benefit from this. US Native Americans have been persecuted intensely for hundreds of years, still to this day, and they're still low IQ drunks. And of course, Niggers, no comment on them.

sexual selection, evolution.

>where's this fucking study that shows jews have btfo IQ
Who needs a study, it's fairly obvious if you look at all the top scientists, mathematicians, noble prize winners etc.

>Can someone explain to me how Ashkenazi jews have such high IQ?

Racist nepotism at private schools and elite education system and while at the same time deliberate degrading of the public education system as a means of demographic/cultural warfare.

In US the Jews had the fucking racist arrogance to start limiting Asians to their 5% diversity quota while themselves stealing with outrageous racist nepotism more than 1000% above their own fair quota based on population strength. (When 2% of population steals 20%to25% / 2% => 10-12,5 => 1000% to 1250% overrepresentation.)

You de have to ask a jew

There is no doubt that they play dirty.
But you cannot "play dirty" in world chess tournaments, unless you literally cheat the game somehow.

Kasparov, Fischer, Tal, Polgar, Botvinnik, Lasker, Korchnoi,Smyslov, Aronian and Gelfand
They are all either jew or half jew.


They have flat orc noses

How many goyim play chess religiously?
The Chinese send their kids to school seven days a fucking week too.
It’s been proven by a study, which took brain scans before and after, where London cab drivers learned a entire map of London, known as “the knowledge”, that the part of their brain responsible for memory grew in size significantly.
This means that intelligence can be increased significantly due to intensive training.
There is also scientific evidence that certain genes are turned on and off during life, due to environmental factors.
Continually pushing the Jew high IQ meme, is absolutely racist and that’s by the Jews own standards of what racism is. If I said white people are clearly more intelligent based on western civilization, and therefore whites deserve to rule the world, it would be kikes who would be quicker than blacks to jump down my throath for being (((racist))).
They are absolute cunts, with double standards that suit them at every turn.

Polish genes

>trained to be cunts at every turn from a young age
I was admonished by my parents for being a cunt.

Notice the difference?

Isolated small communities, they had to trick and lie and merchant their way to survival within Europe.
They basically practiced a eugenics program for intellectuals.

Because genetics and evolution, anything going out further just turns into a book in its own right.

>therefore more intelligent jews had more children

They're basically white... 80-90% dna. But somehow it's the "Jewish" part that makes them a genius? No. The only non white geniuses on earth are the Japanese but they can't even invent past swords unless the white man carries them along like a backpack.

>Flat wide nose, heats air on breathing in and therefore heats the brain futher. Combined with much higher levels of physical activity like basketball, the African American brain is continually overheated and at low levels of performance.

Where as with even less physical activity than whites and far greater nostril girth and a much longer exhaust. The Jewish nose super cools air and allows the brain to work at optimum performance. This is why Jews who get nose jobs (Hollywood) are typically retarded.

theyre gods chosen people. of course he made them intelligent and gave their women good milkers to feed their babies.

Fair response to my question.

this is a meme..there are plenty of fucking retard jews out there..

Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) are smart because Christians bred them to be smart.
Christians forced Jews to pretty much only work as tax collectors and bankers for centuries, while almost all Christians were farmers in a feudal enviroment.
Because of that, Ashkenazi Jews, who are very inbred, and descend from a small group of people that multiplied greatly, have many more centuries of selection for intelligence than your average European.
Rabbis also had to be pretty smart. The average one would speak German, Polish, Yiddish, Hebrew, Aramaic, and may even know Latin. And they had many children, not chaste like Catholic priests.

Jews from the middle east and north africa have normal intelligence, because in the muslim world Jews could have any job, they were not selected for intelligence like in Europe.

Nah, Ashkenazi don't really look like poles. It's funny to see "polish" people that fled here to Sweden and then compare them to the poles you see on the average street in Poland.

in ancient times banking was considered immoral and shitty work and it fell on the jews to do it
jews profit from this and send their kids to the best schools for several generations

Selective IQ testing

>shlomo you’re mommies special boy and deserve everything in the world. No matter what you need to do to get it, it’s fine by God because he put us in charge of morality, so we decide what’s ethical and anyhow, even if you do bad things there is no hell for us Jews so it’s all good.
>we only look white, but we are as downtrodden as black people and even though we are rich never forget that white people are evil and never let them off the hook for the persecution of us Jews.

Can you explain to me, why Israel has an IQ average of 94?

Behind Slovenia I believe.

but i thought Israel ran the world according to Sup Forums

This argument is stupid because they still have middle-eastern admixture.

So why are they smarter than Northern European whites if they have admixture from the middle east?

Israel is like 30% ashkenazim at best.
Also, I'm reading everyones responses and here is a universal (You)

Well then this should be a warning about artificial intelligence because I don’t see anything good that the Jewish IQ has given to the world
>nuclear weapons
>unlimited porn

1/5 of Israelis are Arabs, and many Jews are not European Jews, but from places like Yemen, North Africa, Iran, the Middle East.
It may also be that the smartest Jews realized moving to Israel is a bad idea in the long term.

look at the 3 areas in the world that had the first civilizations,dude. none of them were in europe.

I'm really doubtful about this theory that the gentiles forced the Jews to do all the comfy, well paying jobs and kept all the shitty back-breaking jobs for themselves.

Ashkenazi are not real jews

so its not the jews that are evil. its ashkenazis?

I know a jew who lifts weights all the time. He's dumber than a box of rock. ...Got it...?

Yeah, they are butthurt because of slavified vikings shutting down their merchant state.

I'm responding to the race realist argument that MENA peoples have lower IQs.
But somehow ashkenazi jews are smart because of their european admixture, even though they're half middle-eastern.

The argument is contradictory and Sup Forumstards never make sense.

How are half mena people smarter than full northern european whites?

Oh, i get what youre saying now. yeah i agree with you. i see this fallacy all the time. these "aryans" saying theyre the master race yet at the same time saying that jews run the world.

thats because they are both very intelligent, and also much more likely to be mentally ill, psycopaths, sociopaths, than your average westerner. The reason for that is they are a very inbred group, just google Ashkenazi Mental Illness and you will find all the scientific papers and articles of the psychiatric problems of Ashkenazi Jews, from well reputed universities, not conspiracy theories.

That is the risk of treating humans like a dog breed, inbreeding can help you select for a trait, but it always has consequences.

Cheers but I didn’t need a any more proof to know that Jews are psychopaths. A study that would be worth conducting would be this one though.
>If Jews are MASSIVELY disproportionate in the banking industry and..
>If psychopaths are also MASSIVELY disproportionate in the banking industry..
>Then is psychopathy in fact a Jewish gene and do goyim psychopaths actually have Jewish ancestry???
Someone needs to do this study. Jews will permanently be proven as too fucking dangerous to be given free reign over society.

Hello Jew.

Jews are more over-represented, because they were vastly over-represented for almost a thousand years in higher-education. College wasn't even really starting to become common and popular until the 20th century, most specifically the 1950's. Jews were over-represented even then, and it had little to do with IQ—they were over-reppresented because they were socially-pressured to study and go into higher ED. The rest of the populace didn't even care about it until just recently.

>meme flag
Their white genes.

Literally no one would call that woman White here

Are you new to Sup Forums?
>brown eyes not white
>hazel eyes not white
>black hair not white
>potato niggers
>snow niggers
>Slavs not white
>Italians not white
It’s hard to take that flag seriously anymore.

They are probably no smarter than the average ethnic German.

What does that have to do with what I said?
And no one actually thinks the Irish aren't white.
It's a joke, based on old stereotypes. Jeez.

is this "americans are mutts" campaign a kike psy op or something trying to break up white allies? if not you're just adding fuel to a fire of dividing lines being placed among whites you idiot

Sex greed and ability to separate themselves without Christian morals holding them back

I have noticed that Israeli Jews in particular are not all that intelligent and usually expect to slide by on favors.

>it’s just a joke
But when we had the slew of Amerimutt threads all I saw was circumcised salt. so it’s onky bantz when your flag does this shit but not when everyone else takes the piss out of you?.
If anything the Amerimutt meme has outed most of your posters as thin skinned, insecure retards, that depend on genetic testing to prove how “white” they are.

>Both fucking sides of the cold war used jews to develop their nuclear weapons
So that's how all western research leaked to USSR.

Fine fellow white next time I see (((potato nigger))) on this board, your flag will be sure to name the Jew pushing it?

>how does evolution work, faggots
Ashkenazim have self-selected for intelligence - particular forms of intelligence.
It's fairly obvious why this became the case if you study their history.
There are other groups/DNA clusters that demonstrate the same selection preferences. 'Race' is a rather crude and overly-abstract way of studying these groups. There are particularly genes associated with intelligence, and any link between those genes and genes that affect intelligence is tenuous at best - saying "blacks are less intelligent than whites on average" is misleading. It *might* be the case, but since pigmentation doesn't affect intelligence, the link is coincidental - correlation is not causation.