Do you want the real redpill about Germany?

You really want it?

The truth is, the German government has successfully found itself a topic (black and brown immigration) which puts people's minds of the big problems it faced before 2015 - mainly digitalization and the changing face of manufacturing. Germany is a ticking time bomb when it comes to manufacturing. Right now Germany is top notch due to low wage pressure, no social unrest and extremely high education standards, especially in engineering. But with more automation, fewer jobs are required.

Statistically speaking, black people don't exist in Germany. 1% identify as people with "African roots" in Germany as of current year. But that can include mixed race people, African Americans, South Africans, Anglos and Dutch and ethnic Germans who fled Africa in the 1950s and 1960s and resettled in Germany.

But what about all the Arabs, Turks and other Muslims. Won't Germany be non white in a generation... wait for part 2 of this thread. I'll post some actual data showing what is happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

What Germany does document is the country of origin of recent immigrants. According to official statistics, one in five German residents are now first or second-generation immigrants, meaning either they were born in another country or have one parent born in another country. (For a rough sense of comparison, 11% of France’s population has at least one immigrant parent.) Among German voters, one in ten have a migrant background. The country’s largest immigrant block (amounting to just over half of its immigrant voters) is made up of ethnic Germans from largely former Soviet countries (largely known as Spätaussiedler) and Turkish Germans. 35% of Germans below the age of 5 have first, second or third generation parents with "immigration experience".

So who are those people? Africans? Syrians? Pakistani? It turns out, the face of immigration to Germany is a very different face as the immigration to France, Britain and the US. See pic related for a general overview.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of this thread for an even deeper redpill.

the big dog

So the statistics as of current year show Polish people as number 1 residents of Germany (citizens or foreigners). 14%. Polish? Aren't they white Christians? Yes, they definitely are. Polish and Germans have mixed for thousands of years.

And on number 3 you got Russia, 12.5%. But all the Russians are surely Muslim, because Russia has lots of Chechens who call come to Germany? The truth is, those Russians fall into 4 categories, A. Jewish people (now numbering 150,000) who came to Germany after the end of the Soviet Union under the right to return laws, B. German ethnic groups who came from the Soviet Union - again under the right to return laws, C. actual white, Christian Russians, mostly women, who have relatives in GErmany, come for work or married Germans and D. to a much smaller extend than any of A. to C., Chechens who applied for asylum in Germany.

So what about the bad Kazakhstanis, surely they are all Muslim? Well... no they are not. 90% of this group are ethnic Germans as well, which returned to Germany under right of return laws. Curious isn't it?

pic related is one of the German ethnic Spaetaussiedler who returned from Russia... no, not the Polish woman on the right, the redhead on the left!

Stay tuned for part 4 of this thread for a redpill on Romanians and Turks.

Romanians... who wants them, aren't they all gypsies anyway? There are 1 million Romanians in GErmany (citizens or foreign EU nationals). What many people do not know is that Romania has a large German ethnic community, many of which saw an opportunity to move to Germany in the last 25yrs after the fall of the iron curtain... and actually did it. This is a rather sizeable part of the Germans with Romanian migration background. But not all of those 1 million are such ethnic Germans, quite a lot of Romanians come to Germany for work. Some end up in prostitution, but a much larger number is educated, engineers, business students, lawyers, and skilled workers. Romanians have one of the lowest immigrant unemployment levels in Germany.

So that leaves us with the Turks. Surely, the Turks must be those which make Germany the hellhole that it is today? Well, not quite. Look at pic related and tell me, are Turks the problem - only 21% of second gen Turks wear a headscarf in Germany - a massive contrast to e.g. the 70% of Muslims in Austria wearing a heascarf.

Also, who are those Turks? are they all Erdogan loving Turkish Turks? Well, not quite, of the 2.8 million "Turks" with migrant background (half citizens, half Turkish), over a million aren't Turks at all and would be offended to be called Turks - they are Kurds and other ethnic minorities, some Christian, some of minority religions and yes, some Muslim.

Stay tuned for the big reveal in part 5, who are the rest of the German immigrants... surely if you take Poland, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan and Romania away which make up 60% of the immigration background people in Germany, the rest are all Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims, no?

keep going

bumping for big cliffhanger reveal

the big dog

>wait for part 2 of this thread. I'll post some actual data
couldnnt you wait until you had the date instead of posting this crap?

*anticipation is growing*

>Glossing over Turks as "Well theyre not Turks theyre actually Kurds so its fine lol"
Kurds are Turks. Theyre equally shit. Even the Christian Kurds are subhuman thugs who drag their wives through the streets behind their cars. The vast majority of Turkish or Kurdish people are nor compatible with Germany.

Even when they dont wear hijab and other typical traditional Muslim things they still act as a separzte community that rejects German life.

Surprisingly the way Germany classifies the ethnicities of citizens is quite based. It's not like the French where if both of your parents were born in France you're considered French, even if they are both 100% black.

The fucking Leaf strikes again

FFS Hans post the next part

Welp you convinced me with your data!
All of the problems germany is facing are thanks to the white migrants and native germans!

The assylum seekers have nothing to do with crime, rape and social benefit increases

So... I am back for the big reveal. Who are the 40% of people in Germany with migration background who are not Turks, Poles, Romanians or ex-Soviet Union (Russia, Stans)?

Well, funny you should ask, let's look at pic related and figure it out. Yes, this is just Bavaria and from 2011, but why is it still relevant?

Since 2014, Germany received 850,000 asylum seekers, 150,000 of which are actually from Europe (Balkans, Ukraine, Turks and Russia) who are economic migrants. 700,000 asylum seekers are actual "problem" migrants, 70% of which are Syrians, Iraqis and Afghanis. Those ARE problems and I will never say they aren't.

But why did I then post pic related? Because it shows perfectly where the people really are from who live in Germany. We are talking about Austrians (Celtic-Germanic-Romanic-Slavic mix), Croats (Christian Slavs), Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Bosnians, US-Americans, Ukrainians etc.

So where are all the Nigerians, Pakistanis and Somalis? Last post coming up soon...

Yeah, brown people can’t commit crime. That’s just silly.

Well, here is a nice graph for Pakistanis. Pakistanis are Commonwealth people. Most of them live in Pakistan, India and... well, Britain. Germany never had any sizeable Pakistani community. Pakistanis don't speak German and have no roots in Germany. They also do not have actual asylum reasons and are thus pretty much always rejected by German courts.

Which means only 15k Pakistanis asked for asylum in the crisis year 2015. Still a lot, but 90% were rejected. So do all still remain in Germany? NOPE. Many rejected asylum seekers move on to Britain. Some are deported and yes, some stay... but Pakistanis are a really very good example of an immigrant group Germany does not really have at all.

What you are missing is that there's large rate of migration right now, and once they're in the EU they stay there as our governments(Poland included - we still haven't kicked chechens out) are toothless when it comes to forced deportation.

groß, wenn wahr

>Turkish Germans

What did OP mean by this?

This flabbergasts even a leaf, lmao. And they have seen some shit.

Another couple of points:
1) A surprising number of turks look white, especially those from western regions of Turkey. Many of them are bulgarians and bosnians who fled from the Balkans when Russia liberated christian lands from ottoman rule in the late 19th century. Turks and kurds from eastern Turkey generally look like Cenk Uygur.
Also, a number of turks are fully westernized. The guys who founded Crytek, the company that made Crysis, are german turks.
2) There is a high disproportion of non-white population in big cities and small towns. A subway in Berlin looks like fucking Mogadisho, while if you go 40 miles from Berlin to Cottbus, everything looks pretty white.
3) Importing 1 million illegals will make the situation on the job market far worse. Germany has relatively low unemployment, compared to what it was 10 years ago, but it is disproportionate. Engineers and IT specialists are needed everywhere, but blue collar jobs (without trade certification) are almost completely gone, and now that you have a million arabs ready to work for peanuts "white working class people without a college degree" or with college degree in "feminist dance therapy" are fucked.
So I don't really see how the idiots in Berlin made any calculated decision in importing millions of illegals. Merkel just wanted to score cheap points with cucked millenial voters and the (((mainstream media))), not knowing that her retarded decisions would force literally millions of arabs to come.

> ((((((White))))) Americans

>yfw arabs, turks and other niggers/muslims won't be as productive as yo white german
who gonna pay the gibs my kraut brother?
there is a reason why this is a meme, and niggers, arabs have showen they cannot build, maintain and grow nations.
Turks come from central asia, they've mixed with Anatolian gg high IQ DNA, they've showen they can do some shit, but they will never be at the hieght of german productivity and industrialization

Prove me wrong
>pro tip: you can't

>guys, we're facing a smallpox epidemic that will wipe out our civilization
>I got it! Let's unleash the black plague! Then people will be more concerned with the one disease and ignore the other one.
>But the diseases will wipe us all out!
>Well, sure, but in the meantime they can't blame us for smallpox.
>But won't they just blame us for the plague?
>Yes they will, BUT we can just call them racist against the plague!
Germans are brilliant social engineers.


They are quintessentially German, my dear leaf

Speaking of russian germans from Kazakhstan, Dennis Wolf (Denis Volkov) moved to Germany when he was 12.

So what's your point?

The "redpill" ITT:
>guys we are importing muslims by the millions but we're still 90% european and there are still some jobs for engineers.

Ok... ?

That Germans are great at mental gymnastics.

just like jews were integral to the nazi society

considering that germany is smaller than some states in the US those 20 million sandniggers are gonna need some high rises

Our German friend here is doing damage control coz of this thread . Germany died in 1945. What you are now is nothing but a concoction of people that are not even remotely German. It's great that you are disappearing though. You have brought nothing to white people but suffering. You are the bane of our existence. I can't wait for you to get wiped out.

By 2020 there will be more brown males of age 15/35 than german autochtone males of the same age. This is a bigger problem than automatization. Economy can be fixed, genocide can't.

He is just attempting to dispel the myth that all immigrants to Germany are BLACKED MUSLIMOWNED

Sup Forums has BBC fetish that seeps into its logic. The immigration situation in Germany is a gross negligence of the Merkel administration and absolutely a result of cultimulti ignorance, but by no means does it not mean that Germany isnt white or have conservative people living in it actively trying to save it

Germany is not yet lost

Soy Alemán


>t. GAYreek

I have mixed feelings about you guys. From one side you deserve what you get, but on the other, I'm Christian and I should feel sorry for you.


>Sup Forums has BBC fetish that seeps into its logic. The immigration situation in Germany is a gross negligence of the Merkel administration and absolutely a result of cultimulti ignorance, but by no means does it not mean that Germany isnt white or have conservative people living in it actively trying to save it
>Germany is not yet lost

this man knows. A voice of reason in the dark wilderness of Sup Forums

>"Mama Merkel, open the doors!“ – Flüchtlinge protestieren in Athen

Wait til the familiar reunification happens.

ok Abdul

More inbreeding...
Is their endgoal to become even stupider ? Or just outbreed real humans ?

Really, they are just becoming less prepared to the new economic system.

>african roots
>identifies as European

Its a jewdie mind trick.

An informative thread on Sup Forums? Now I've seen it all.

I'm part of that statistic btw. Dad's a Spätaussiedler from Poland.

what do you german anons think about the reichsbuerger movement? I've read that it's pretty wide spread in the military.

dude I am half black (nigger dads family settled here after WW2) and ther are mainly nigger asylee around here - when I go for a walk folks approach me in fucking english - that is how rare black folks are around here - on my school there where like 4 nig (including me) and like 300 muslims some russian folks and about 3 asians - around 400 where white

>City people
You mean Non-Whites and Marxists? Thank God we have the Electoral College

WTF is going on in this thread?

Is this how krautfags actually think?

Statistical analysis is great. However Sup Forums is primarily concerened with the bigger problem which is the moral and cultral systems inability to self affirm western people in their own countries. The values we have in place make it impossible to reject any form of immigigration. The furthest right socially acceptable possition is migration with intigration(fuck our women plz). So yes you have a reasobly analysis for the time being but it depends on the most instable parts of the world staying stable.

Reichsbürger are conspiracy fags who believe in things like chemtrails and a secret continent named Agartha. The main point of them however is that they say germany isnt independend and we never signed a peace treaty and that this means we are still at war with the allies. It go so far that they declare their own "state" on their propety with their own laws and declare them self as the king of prussia.

I was just wondering because german media in english had them sounding like a vast conspiracy trying to overthrow the government.

wtf is wrong with this romanian? I expect shitposting and made up historic claims from you guys

>no social unrest and extremely high education standards

>Statistically speaking, black people don't exist in Germany

One big problem with the data is, you don't get stats on muslims as a religon and you don't have data on children born by ethnicity.

We don't survey for these things, so all data is guesswork.

Facts on Sup Forums. What are you doing brudi? This is a safe space for circlejerking, not for discussion facts.

well they destroy their passport and declare them self as Bürger of the Reich (Citizen of the Reich) in which they refer to either the second or third reich. They say that German politicans are US puppets and that they dont accept their laws. Recently a Reichsbürger killed a police officer when the police tried to seize his weapons. So yes they want to overthrow the goverment.

turns out the refugees welcome thing is just virtue signalling (the germans really didnt import any refugees at all) and the germans made a big deal out of that so the world looks at them as heroes so they can do whatever they want like taking over land stolen by the racist polish subhumans through sheer military force.

wtf I love multi culturalism now

Honestly, OP, your arguments are kind of silly, even for a weak shill attempt
Nobody is even questioning those numbers. You have to be really stupid to fall for the pol memes.

But the fact that you are brushing away those numbers with weak arguments like "they look white" or "some are christian" and "we barely have blacks and pakis" just shows me that there really is no hope for this country.

Seriously, your tactics are getting old.
I'd recommend bringing that up at the next JU meeting
People are getting sick of shills like you

The problem isn't blacks you fucking faggot! It's Arabs!

>didnt import any refugees
That's not what OP said. Also we didn't "import" them. It's the Greeks and Italians who send them here and we can't kick them out.

If only. They became the next best thing when Merkel's policies started to make "Nazi" a compliment due to the labeling of everyone opposed to them. It's a couple thousand people nationwide whom you can usually imagine like your average Gadsden type. A sort of long-standing Sup Forums larp mostly known for putting Prussia flags on rooftops and making comfy two-bedroom Reichs.

that is true but you voted for it (Schengen)
don't play the victim now

conspiracyfags who decide to hide in their little dreamworld instead of actively doing something about problems

mmm. She's hot. I wonder what her bunghole looks like.


top mid looks italian to me 2bh

the problem isn't exactly that we can't send them back but that someone taught them laws and they sue against their rightful deportations
lack of judges and other people supposed to take care of that makes it impossible to handle all the cases in time so they expire and they're allowed to stay
german bureaucracy at its peak

>you voted for it
And you agreed to the Dublin Regulation yet you still send them here.

>But that can include mixed race people, African Americans, South Africans, Anglos and Dutch and ethnic Germans who fled Africa in the 1950s and 1960s and resettled in Germany.
And LARPing liberal leftists.

arabs are basicly swarty wh*Tes they of course can't compete real MAN

That Kurds are ethnic Germans, not Turks? That post 2014 refugees statistically don't exist? That Islam is not relevant to the discussion?

OP is an obfuscator.

He's already posted part 2, theres an image and text limit you stupid sub human

> need a distraction from loss of jobs due to automation
> import needy unskilled immigrants

what could go wrong?

Germany is finished. ww3 will be white nations vs. Germany and other cucked nations


OP basically goes on listing why every immigrant group is not the problem without ever saying where the group that IS the problem comes from and why they are not listed.

Basically OP said nothing but "immigration isn't that bad."


Well said.

payback time

it was a blackpill all along

op is a newfag

It's mostly idiots trying to use bogus legal arguments to weasel out of fines and speeding tickets. Essentially they get slapped with a 20€ fine for being 7 km/h over the speed limit and then proclaim they don't have to pay because the German Realm (Deutsches Reich) never surrendered and that the police and judges all work for an illegitimate puppet regime. They are the same exact people that call themselves "sovereign citizens" you have over yonder.

The core difference is that they identify with what was essentially Nazi Germany, but it's more of a lip service than actual conviction.

well, he's spot on about the fact that immigration is not yet a big problem here, but completely ignores that most of the refugees aren't considered migrants because of their refugee status
and trust me, those are a problem, not as much as Sup Forums makes them out to be, but absolutely big enough

This. Everything is based on the automobile industry, digitalization is lacking decades beyond.
We had that discussion years ago when we imported indians to do the fill the PC-void and..nothing happened.
Those few immigrants are unironically the least of our worries.

Depends on where you live. Wanna try sending your kids in a not-so-good school in Frankfurt?


bavaria is the most xeniophobic/racist country in Germany

Are you a, dare I say, based black man?


This. This and fucking This. Germany did not suddently take the wrong turn 2015. Its a question of time till the Pension System implodes. Immigrants are a valid reason to milk the taxpayer even more than before even though taxes in this Country have become unbearable. State spending is so high ist basically on step away from socialism. GDP is at a record high but wages haven't risen in 20 years. Purchasing power of the average german was cut in half with the currency Change to euro. The low interest rates are eating up the Little rest People put away for themselves, since aquiring property is not affordable anymore.
Social Unrest is coming. Screencap this.

The fun thing is that these girls probably have a fetish for ebil alt right guys. So the result would be very lewd, I should try that once.

obviously, I just meant generally
I myself recently moved to a really infested town near Hannover because it's cheap and I can't afford much else atm, but I really wouldn't want my future kids to go to school here
on the other hand, I wouldn't mind 'retaking' the city

>Its a question of time till the Pension System implodes.
Right-wing Boomer uprising in 2025!

It's the same problem as can be seen with the US. What is "generally"? Who is that? Where is that?

You have urban areas and rural areas. You have rich people and poor people. Being poor in an urban area sucks because essentially you have no future here. Your kids will be drowned out by 80% migrants in schools. Most likely, you will not even be able to afford kids in any meaningful way besides being a Hartz IVler.

Yeah, other shit can blow up faster. But without a future, what's the point of doing anything?
