Flip Flappers

noun: flapper; plural noun: flappers
(in the 1920s) a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.

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A word to describe a woman's vagina based on an abnormal amount of extra skin that will fold in on itself when trying to insert your penis. Also used to describe a woman's used up vagina when she is outside naked on a windy day.

>No bro. Don't fuck her. She's got a flapper. She's flying a flag down there that's had its fair share of salutes.

noun: yuri; plural noun: yuri
(since the dawn of time) The purest form of love.

Flip-flops are a simple type of footwear in which there is a band between the big toe and the other toes.

Flop - /fläp/
(of a performer or show) be completely unsuccessful; fail totally.
>Flip Flappers was a flop.
synonyms: be unsuccessful, fail, not work, fall flat, founder, misfire, backfire, be a disappointment, do badly, lose money, be a disaster, bomb, tank, flame out, come a cropper, bite the dust, blow up in someone's face

a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
>a great literary masterpiece

What are you talking about, people?

Flips and flaps.

>There's already Cocona/humanoid Uexkül porn

noun: yayaka; plural noun: yayaka
(since October 2016) Bestest girl of all time

Cocona is besterer.

That's fine, since Cocona and Yayaka will be a couple.

Flip-flop (electronics)

In electronics, a flip-flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information.

A flip-flop is a bistable multivibrator.

The circuit can be made to change state by signals applied to one or more control inputs and will have one or two outputs. It is the basic storage element in sequential logic. Flip-flops and latches are fundamental building blocks of digital electronics systems used in computers, communications, and many other types of systems.

Erry thread
She lost by the first episode.

Would underwater lesbian sex be practical?

What if PA worlds are destroyed after the fragment is extracted? All those villagers from ep 3, gone forever. This is what Yayaka meant when she said Cocona wouldn't be able to handle possessing a fragment. Because it means, she just committed genocide.


Cocona did nothing wrong.



I made this webm :)

She killed an entire school of lesbians! Absolutely unforgivable.

Creepy lesbians.

don't worry, It was a catholic school, they're flipping flaps in heaven.

>ywn taste their nectar

Lesbians are degenerates (no matter how cute and pure), Cocona did nothing wrong.

They can't help it they were born that way. They just wanted to be friends.

Here's what I got, if you care.
Extremely watchable, but not perfect.
Softsubs on top, hardsubbed on bottom.

Yayaka is fat.

I find all the scene bleeds annoying as hell.

Yes, hardsubs alter the video, but not in a way that matters to the streaming customer. I’d prefer softsubs too since I make a ton of webms and never watch anything in a browser anyway, but I totally understand their reasoning behind using hardsubs. It just looks worse, even completely disregarding seeking which is its own can of worms.

Streaming sites (and fansubbers) use softsubs because it makes their own lives easier, and in the case of streaming sites precisely because they don’t give a flying fuck about quality.

Actually, there was a hint in ep 3 that this sort of thing has happened before.

These lines from the elder appear to reference past events where beings with similar powers to Cocona and Papika have have entered the PI and fought each other. Since the PI mentally influences each being that enters it, it's unsurprising that each event would bear a lot of similarities to the previous ones.

If we assume that Cocona and Papika's powers were granted by the shards they carry, then we can assume that those previous visitors were also carrying and seeking shards. However it is also possible that the non-transformed martial arts abilities displayed by Cocopaps and the previous visitors were just an effect of the MadMax PI and thus the shards are not a recurring problem.

Still, overall Ep3 implies that the shards are actually a hazard to the worlds of Pure Illusion, because they produce powerful and hostile beings like Welwitschia or environments like the spooky school which cause mayhem for the local inhabitants.

The fact that those beings and environs are always hostile to visitors gives a hint as to why collecting and using the shards could go wrong for the cult or Flipflap.

Still has the best body.

Are you implying that everyone else is anorexic?

Step outside sir.

Is Papika a robot that rusts away in the rain?

If the loop only begins here, then Yayaka couldn’t have been inside it. She’s clearly outside.

I thought the henshins in ep 3 were done ironically, but they are actually a legitimate part of the show, it seems.

So their real world is a PI itself and in order to destroy it you have to destroy the fragment (probably the one in Cocona's thigh) okay

Softsubs allow for changes to be made to the script instead of re-encoding the video. Are you implying that simulcasts have perfect scripts from the start? Libjass is designed for low CPU usage, and is purely Javascript. This means that even portable devices that can playback HTML5 content will not require a re-encode to update the script.

>It's raining in OP for most of it's duration
>umbrella symbolism
>Papika says she likes the rain even though it kills her

This show is deep.

I want to kiss her nape.
This show is so good about little bits of flesh and clothing.

Maybe rain is a metaphor for lesbianism.

Like I said, it primarily makes their own lives easier and of little concern for the user. That’s why people use softsubs. AoD simply reencodes (or delays) stuff. More work for them.

I can also argue that 1 frame "scene bleeds" aren't a concern for the streaming consumer as well. There are very few so-called scene bleeds in the video I uploaded. Yes, there are early by 1 frame moments in the softsubs, but barely any of them happen on true scene changes. No professional subtitling job is ever as precisely timed as fansubbed releases. Scene bleeds make it to BD and DVD physical releases all the time. +/- 1 frame does not disqualify a library from being considered in usage when the current libraries in use are well below its quality.

Not to mention hardsubs objectively lower the quality of the video for the streaming consumer. The video data beneath the white subtitles is gone and has to be imperfectly reconstructed.

But Cocona is the most raging lesbian in the series.

Cocona is straight.

Two girls can be just friends.

It's really annoying how many times this show shows feet.

No it doesn’t, because the streaming consumer doesn’t care what’s below the subtitles, the streaming consumer cares about the subtitles themselves.
And yeah, AoD wants to be as good as a fansub release, I guess that’s what happens when you let fansubbers run the place.

>There are very few so-called scene bleeds in the video I uploaded
Yeah, very few. Only 66%. 3 out of 9 scene changes with sub change went okay. Stellar.

Cocona died from the rain, too.
And Papika went underwater in ep1 perfectly fine

>the streaming consumer doesn't care what's below the subtitles

How wrong can you get? There's actual video data underneath the subtitles. If it's an arm, it's an arm. If it's a book, it's a book. If a streaming service tried to hardsub a Twitter message translation, part of the message would be gone.

I'm not sure how you can say a streaming consumer doesn't care what's under the subtitles when the entire point of subtitles is so that the streaming consumer can understand the audio which is in a different language. Movies typically don't have subtitles for that reason - because the entire point is to not have them if the watcher natively understands the language spoken. It takes up space in the video frame that could be used for the consumer to appreciate the picture.

>AoD wants to be as good as a fansub release
If they want to be as good as a fansub release they have to match standalone players. Period. This means accounting for judder when frame rate of the video doesn't match the frame rate of the display, resampling the audio so that the above can happen (display-sync/ReClock), applying color management correctly to the streaming consumer's monitor, and dithering. None of which is possible in anything other than a standalone player that manages how the video drivers interact with the video decoding, rendering, and presenting process.

>How wrong can you get? There's actual video data underneath the subtitles.
And? No one gives a shit about that. The subtitle is more important because the streaming user fucking needs them.

People paying for a stream with subtitles want to watch a stream with subtitles, genius. They care a lot more about the subtitles than about the pixels vanishing below them because they want to understand a chinese cartoon without knowing chinese.

It does match standalone players in their default configuration. That’s enough.

I can't really explain it but having a world that is based on one speific evil monster doesn't sound like somethign pure illusion is intended to be

Hilarious coming from the person who's complaining about 1 frame scene bleeds that the majority of streaming consumers couldn't give a shit about.

What is the second PI world we see at the beginning of the episode?

Prove that they're straight. Protip: you can't.

Fixing that is easily possible. With hardsubs. Full on rice mpv rendering isn’t.


In their mind they don't have to because straight is the default.

How does that look like Tetris to you? What is the purple thing in the middle?

Nevermind, that's actually the first. I was hoping they would show it, but now I can only hope that another one like it comes along. I love sky adventures. It reminds me of Grow Home.

I really hope we get to see these worlds in OVAs

I'm pretty sure they're just ideas that were never properly fleshed out or didn't have the potential of Gokigenyou.

Munching rugs is the default in Cocona's and Papika's mind though.

Or the user can not give a shit about 1 frame scene bleeds when streaming (I literally can't give a shit myself; even physical Blu-ray discs which are objectively better quality than AoD could ever hope to be have softsubs and are commonly mistimed) and just use a standalone player which is objectively better for the picture in literally all ways. Hell, you can even put the video in a hardware-secured jail if you don't want people copying it. And if you're using a standalone player for optimal quality (AoD should go purely download only if they can have good hardware DRM), why the fuck wouldn't you use softsubs?

You still haven't refuted my point about how hardsubbing removes part of the picture. The streaming user doesn't need them on 24/7. Netflix and Amazon have options to turn subtitles off, and guess what. People use them. Why shouldn't I be able to control if I want my subtitles on or off? Is AoD going to assume that there's literally no fucking chance that I would ever not want subtitles on the video? Why the fuck would I support a company that has inferior quality (in my eyes) by not letting me download the video or removing part of the video because they assumed no one would need it, superior quality in a literally who gives a shit aspect ("frame-perfect" subtitles), and makes arrogant assumptions as to what a consumer might or not want?

Quit yelling and flip flaps!!!



Mistimed BDs are shit and shouldn’t be bought, simple. Yes, softsubs would be better for those who use youtube-dl and mpv, but the target demographic on a streaming site is people who stream.
>Netflix and Amazon have options to turn subtitles off, and guess what. People use them.
Not for Chinese cartoons. A moon rune capable customer is an absolute oddity.

Aniplex has DRM free downloads at Akibapass by the way, unfortunately they cannot into encoding. At all. Been pestering their support about it, you’re encouraged to do it too. They’d have the chance to be perfect in all aspects but simply lack the competency. (Timing is good though)

Why did the yuris need them?


They don't call her Cockona for nothing.

To not bother with washing the dildos I guess? Papika invited Cocona into her butthole after all.

To prevent pregnancy, duh. Ain't no fucking Blue Lagoon shit going down when you gotta fight the Klan.

Has anyone made a webm of that The Shining reference with buu chan?

Regardless, I just made one

>Mistimed BDs are shit and shouldn't be bought
Sure, let me just refuse to get the best quality video and audio that's out there for nearly every fucking anime when I either couldn't give a shit about the bad timing, or there are people out there who have adjusted the subs to acceptable timing, or I do the second step myself for a satisfactory result (in my eyes, and not perfect).

>buying BDs
>not downloading BDs
Not every anime is readily downloadable in BDMV. And there's literally nothing wrong with buying a BD when it's the best you'll get in both video and audio, you want to own it, and you like the anime and want to support it.

>the target demographic on a streaming site is people who stream
AoD shouldn't be striving for so-called fansubs quality if they target people who stream them. At best they can offer the best source around for streaming (hardsubbed), but that's it. They could easily offer a 3rd option besides Buy (hardsubbed), Rent (hardsubbed) and make a Download (softsubbed). If it's a reasonable price there's no reason why I wouldn't buy it if I liked the show.

>(Timing is good though)
Probably hardsubbed. Can't give a shit if so because I don't value timing nearly as much as other aspects.

Silly cockona.



>They could easily offer a 3rd option besides Buy (hardsubbed), Rent (hardsubbed) and make a Download (softsubbed).
No they couldn’t, licensers don’t allow DRM free downloads.

Except there's places that do offer DRM free downloads, as mentioned in Generally I can't say you're wrong though.

You two talk too much. May I suggest you spend some time doing pic related with each other instead.

But Cocona has the cock

Ep 5 is so fucking good I just have to go watch it again and still not bored. Holy shit, what is up with this top tier storytelling and animation? Crisp humour, tasteful horror, clean action sequence, and still have time for more yuri than some "yuri" show have in an entire season. I'm blown outta my mind. I can rewatch the horror first half or the fight in the tower clock for a dozen more times.

I'm starting to feel depressed just thinking about how there will never be a groundbreaking plot twist, and this show will just be a bizzare adventure that are full of symbolism opened for interpretation. I really, really want it to pack a punch and be more than that.

That's more of a monostable multivibrator, unless Cocona is the S and Papika the R.

I doubt there's anything bi about those.

As I mentioned in that post, that’s Aniplex. They can of course allow their own shows to be downloaded on a site they own. There isn’t really a licenser involved, Akibapass has to eat up whatever Aniplex shits out, even if it’s Quality Code.


Search the archive for the filename. It's an imgur link.

Get the fuck out of here. It's especially BECAUSE it's just fun and wacky adventures without MUH PLOT TWIST that it's good.

I'm on mobile.

There's still time.

I think user likes the fun and wacky but he wants emotional impact specifically. Nothing wrong with that.

Well, doesn't really matter. An user posted it here first.

Maybe for you. But I need all this build up to pay off, instead of dissolving into nothing and be forgotten within a few months.

then come back to this thread when you're not.

>implying this episode didn't have emotional impact with all the scary content
Fear and unease are emotions, duh.

You're better off watching dramashit then.

This actually fits pretty well.

so any guesses on Yayaka's origin? How did she end up on the same team as the twins? The twins, I can see how they might have been wired to avoid getting tripped up in the Pure Illusion, but Yayaka seemed fairly normal.

I was a little sad when the twins seemed to ditch her in favor of the objective. Were they going to save her afterwards if she was still stuck? Would they save each other if one of them got separated?

The last good dramashit was Madoka, which had plenty wacky alternate dimensions in the form of witch's barrier. I'm not asking FliFla to reach that height, but at least give me an impactful revelation.

Might be stretching here, but blobby arms engulfing Cocona kinda looked similar to the thing in episode 2. Only this time Yayaka also was "eaten". What could this mean?

Maybe Yayaka's parents are part of the cult and indoctrinated her early. This episode has probably sown the seed for Yayaka eventually breaking off from the KKK or at least saving the flappers if the cult tries to take them out.

thanks again