Exactly, when did society start going to shit?

Exactly, when did society start going to shit?


what a bunch of racist bigots in that video. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being trans. And I encourage everyone to express their sexuality.


The 60s.

did you know a lot of pan and trans commit suicide because of videos like this..

those people got blood and murder on their hands !

2001 was the begining, but things started to get out of hands/becoming shit in 2008

I'm talking about politics, entertainment, peoples, etc...

le underage..

what were the 1970s hunnie?

>water filter merchant

What? No Lactatia??? For shame!!!

Should legit gas the parents

I feel like if people from the past knew that this was what the future was going to become they would have given up on humanity as a species entirely. we were supposed to have flying cars, and instead we have grown men in womens bathrooms and declare it progress.

The Great War (world war 1). Though things got accelerated rapidly in the 50's with the invention of the """teenager""" and then again in the 60's with the invention of oral contraception and the (((sexual revolution)))

Reminder: People consider these things "Human". God knows why.

When the majority approved gay marriage.

Gay couples aren't a threat on itself, who cares if you like buttfuck, but the concept made easier to request depraved things like children dragging, etc.

Someone post a YouTube link with some rage so I can show my boss

Really? Guys we have to mass produce videos like this.

In the 1950's around the time the Cultural Marxist professors from Europe began flooding into US universities.


I wonder what my self in 1999 who was watching the timesquare ball drop broadcast would think if you showed him clips of 2017.

Look, I realize that with each generation their morals and social code becomes outdated and prudish and the next generation is more of an evolution, this is the opposite.
There is nothing wrong with removing the stigma of nudity but it's another thing to take things that are obviously sexualized (strippers, dildos, anal sex) and introduce them to young children.
Why the childtren?
WHY should children know or engage in things such as anal sex and bondage?
Think about that for a moment.
Are you going to let children live completely on their own, run a corporation or country?
No you wouldn't so why are you sexualizing them.

This is coming from someone who used to joke about lolis 10 years ago and who adores lolicore and yes I fapped to boku no pico (before any of you normals knew what it was (I hope someone kills pewdiepie)) I just cannot accept where society is headed.

I love her cock

>Exactly, when did society start going to shit?
About 100,000 years ago.

isn't he dead?

Not that I know of.