Atheism and morality

Why do you dislike christianity? Do you think there is something morally wrong with it?
>it's not true.
Why do you value truth? Is there something morally good about truth?
>because truth leads to greater happiness.
Why do you value happiness? Is there something morally good about happiness?
>, there is no morality.
Then why are you argueing?

It's a wonder how it is you atheists can find yourself tethered in a world you claim is without binds. If morality doesn't exist, then there is no good, there is no evil, no decision you make matters so why decide on anything? Why decide to believe that atheism is true?

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>Why do you dislike christianity? Do you think there is something morally wrong with it?

Christianity is a death cult. Don't work, give up all your goods, go door to door begging ... how is that supposed to work if we all become Christians and beg from each other?! It doesn't.

This cartoon points out that you can support any stupid dumb shit idea using the Bible. It is not a consistent theology. You can justify anything from the violence of bashing baby heads against the rocks to total submission to violence; to fucking your daughters to cutting your junk off using the Bible.

That said...
The way the Romans injected Roman paganism with a few Christian adjustments, like "Slaves obey your masters" was epic. It was dressed up roman paganism that lead to western civilization. Ironically, it was the freedom of thought and the idiot reformation that lead to its downfall as well.

>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat. - 2 THESSALONIANS 3:10
>Don't work, give up all your goods, go door to door begging
I don't know how anyone could read the bible and think it is even remotely socialist. Charity != government redistribution. Actually if anything charity is against that because it is coercive.

The rest of that was litterally you being retarded. Like really, how do you know the church says any of that? Or are just making assumptions based off of what people tell you? Have you even tried to "prove any dumb shit with the bible"? Have you read the bible to see it's inconsistencies?

Just because you're too foolish to understand the point of this image doesn't mean there is actually a point to it. You're actually arguing from ignorance, not from logic.

>comic quotes the apostles and implies that Jesus said that
Kys faggot

>implying this is saying anything wrong

>a quote referring to the people of 0 AD

I'm am at awe when I read or hear a theist say that morality is dependent upon belief in god.
Why would I need to believe in god to be moral?
Good and evil are evident to anyone who isn't a fucking psychopath.
And god is a delusion that only those who are insane keep.
Insanity, the last time i checked, hampered ones ability to be in reality. Reality is a key part of being moral. So, to me, theist are more likely to be immoral than agnostics or athiests.

Poke a hole in that arguement, oh wait you can't.
Buh, buh, buh, muh beliefs
shove it up your ass

>Why would I need to believe in god to be moral?
>Good and evil are evident to anyone who isn't a fucking psychopath.
But that has been proven completely untrue in our modern society. As much as it's pained me to admit; we absolutely need God everyday.


>a quote from someone of 0 IQ

>guys we need god because ive never heard of ethics or common sense before

your autistic desert cult banned polyphony once. you know, music made with more than one instrument. your stupid shit consistently holds back western culture and science, just fuck off back to your holy land and leave the first world in peace

Christians are weak and stand for nothing. They continually let fags and mudslimes push them around, "turning the other cheek", more like spreading both cheeks.

There is nothing I can admire or emulate. Nothing.

Christianity is a pathetic collection of virtue signaling losers.

If I am wrong, let your weak, ineffectual god strike me down right fucking now.

You sure showed me Rabbi. It's not like hundreds if not thousands of Desert Fathers and Monks have ascended past the physical plane widening the road for all and improving humanity.

>don't work

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8


Missing the point. My whole point is that if atheism is true, morality does not exist.

You're actually making an argument in my favor by saying morality is self evident, because it implies that christianity must also be self evident (as atheism and morality is incompatible and christianity is the only coherant religion).

Note i'm not saying that atheists are incapable of behaving morally, i'm saying that atheists are being bound by something they claim doesnt exist, morality. That no, pain is not intrinsically bad if humans don't matter. That atheism's narrative actually makes humans out to be like mindless ants.

>And god is a delusion that only those who are insane keep.
And atheism is a delusion that only those who want to avoid moral responsibility for their actions.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

daily reminder that if you where real christians you would have beaten yourselves to death for not being cucks by now

>we absolutely need God everyday.

yeah, we need an imaginary friend that tells people that they should kill and oppress people who worship another god.

we need an imaginary friend that is convinced that homosexuals shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else

or that people should fucking worship him for some reason, for his ego maybe? or is it magic?

Pic related
>people who need absolutely need God

>Why do you value A?
Because A leads to B, and I value B.
>Why do you value B though?
Because B leads to C, and I value C.
>Why do you value C though? Ahah, checkmate atheists!

This is a boring game.

>what is ethics
>how can society function without the arbitrary rules of sky daddy
>no no other countries exist only christian societies function because we need sky daddy
>please ram me harder priest-senpai

You may be on some kind of drug.
That is the most fuck up logic I've witnessed ever.

It doesn't even piece together. There is no thought train.

Thought = thought = thought
though = incoherent babble = shit I just came up with

t. Never read the bible
Homosexuals shouldn't it's disgusting and unnatural and leads to ass cancer just like Pork. The Old Testament is about tribal Jews so there's going to be war and death it's part of the contract of joining the physical world. Jesus set the record straight as he is the direct Word of God so what he says is what is the truth.

What you've outlined is called an infinute regress, infinite regresses are illogical. Also what i was talking about actually wasn't an infinute regress. I was saying that human happiness doesn't matter if atheism is true. If happiness doesn't matter then truth doesnt matter, and truth doesnt matter, why believe in atheism?

this one is fun for the people who can put thoughts together

circular logic time

How do you know god exists?
because the bible says so

How do you know the bible is correct?
because the bible is the word of god

>Homosexuals shouldn't it's disgusting and unnatural and leads to ass cancer just like Pork
I'm going to skip the rest because it's hard to read nonsense

1. Disgusting not a good enough reason
2. Unnatural
Glasses are unnatural
Mobile phones are unnatural
Toilets are unnatural
Plumbing is unnatural
Cars are unnatural
>should I go on?
3. It leads to ass cancer
>it leads to ass cancer? where are the scientific research papers focused on trying to solve this ass cancer epidemic in the homosexual community
we need to be pro active, if people are getting ass cancer we need to be working towards ass cancer cures
ass cancer awareness month and shit come on

Christianity makes many claims that cannot be backed up with anything but faith or some equally meaningless notion. It teaches weakness as a virtue and a slave mentality.

Truth is to be valued because it is how you better navigate in the world. The better you are able to navigate through life, the better you can make decisions to overcome life's hurdles. You navigate best with an accurate (true) map.

Happiness feels nice. It is a good state to be in. Shove your argument up your ass christfaggot you know why people like to be happy, or are you so up your religions ass you've lost track with how reality works?

I love these DC threads.

Too bad no one actually wants to cure cancer. There's too much profit in people's suffering.
And all those unnatural things are only speeding up our demise.
What I said is directly said in the bible you might learn something rather than spouting off bullshit about something you know nothing about. And yet you try too take your narrow understanding and worldview and apply it to something far more advanced and spiritual in nature.

1: atheism says nothing matters because we are here due to pure chance.
2: humans don't matter because nothing matters.
3: because humans don't matter, what they experience does not matter, be it happiness, pain, or anything.
4: truth is something that matters to humans, but because humans don't matter, truth does not matter.
5: the atheist has no reason to believe in his atheism, because if it were true, the truth of it wouldnt matter.

wut DC?

doesnt matter on a cosmic scale or doesnt matter on the "i have a biological imperative to create a functioning society i can live in" level

>Glasses are unnatural
Plastics are causing cancer and much worse things
>Mobile phones are unnatural
They're being used as mind control and cause cancer guaranteed
>Toilets are unnatural
Part of the reason so many are constipated squatting is natural
>Plumbing is unnatural
Lead pipes and I shouldn't have to tell you about Michigan
>Cars are unnatural
And I shouldn't have to tell you about what cars are doing to Nature

Why is weakness and a slave mentality bad? You speak as though we are not here by random chance. If we do matter, then it would be terrible that we are not achieving our full potential, but if we don't matter, then it doesn't matter if humans are slaves. Atheism says we are here by chance, and do not matter, so who does it matter to that does himself innately matter if it really were worse?

you = troll?
okay I'll keep trying
I want to cure cancer
every single one of my family and friends would love to cure cancer

those unnatural things are taking us further away from hell every day

You worldview comes from a book full of ancient writings and a bunch of people who all blindly follow those writings.
My worldview comes from a spirituality you know nothing about. Do not pretend to have superiority in such matters the knowledge I possess vastly outweighs yours.

Well i disagree that it is unnatural, humans naturally use tools, it is actually our nature to shape our environs.

>knowledge I possess vastly outweighs yours.
Alright reddit keep your head shoved firmly in your ass. The bible is but on component of faith.

atheism says god doesn't exist and leaves purpose up to the individual
I'm agnostic by the way, I never said I was atheist, you assumed that.

Daily reminder theyre a threat

Habits=morals, expressed in action, they are character.

If you habitually try to dictate/influence my habits then you are a nuisance character.

And being this obtuse you didn't see I meant the people who matter in curing cancer.

homosexuality is found in nature
there are gay wild animals

Doesn't matter to anyone or anything in anyway at all. Nothing can "matter" to a mindless thing, and the universe is a mindless thing, so nothing we do matters to it.

You might through word play of the english language imply that evolution is a living being, and our biological imperative matters to it, but this of course is prescribing a mind to something that is litterally supposed to be mindless and random.

The truth is, you only have ONE CHANCE in your lifetime on Earth to get it right.

If you don't, it is an eternity burning in the flames of the Lake of Fire!!!!!!!!!


I have family and friends in the medical profession. And you're imposing your jaded opinion as if it were fact...

you seem to be imposing a lot of opinion as if it were fact.

Maybe it is the natural build of your ass to recieve penis, but it is not the nature of most humans or animals.

If they wanted to cure cancer it'd be cured by now.

God made us in his image and he is a father, a worker and a creator. If we were made in his image we would also do these things so they are natural. We are basically corrupted by sin, so the godlike characteristics show themselves in evil sinful ways. Like making cartoons with faggots

No, it simply says there is no purpose. And if there is no innate purpose, it doesn't matter what happdns to us, because we have no purpose.

I admire Christianity for instilling principles within the less intelligent. I wish atheists would see the faith for what it is, as just a Santa Claus for adults, and shut the fuck up.

christianity is not true, but it is beneficial

truth does not lead to happiness, truth leads to understanding

saying "cause god did it" is bullshit. The real answer is we can prove we can never answer why. Science can only answer the how, not the why. The why is unanswerable.

Also, morals are just whatever you want them to be. Deal with it.

They do it to show dominance not out of lust, like prisoners. Pic related. Either way what applies to animals doesnt apply to humans, god clearly set us apart

This is what you call a LIE.

>mposing a lot of opinion as if it were fact.

I like Christianity, I just don't believe in the supernatural. I don't tell people I'm an atheist in real life, though, because I think middling IQ individuals trust the word of people smarter than them, and if those people casually denounce religion, they start acting like animals. If you have a high IQ, you don't need a book to teach you empathy, delay of gratification, self-reflection, etc., but those 85-115 IQ apes do.

Think for a moment: in the post-counterculture revolution world, where Christianity has been so heavily derided and marginalized, have people become less religious? No. They simply adopt something else. Islam is homicidal Christianity, socialism is suicidal Christianity, Buddhism is psychedelic Christianity. There's a strong correlation with the number of gods you believe in and IQ. You can even see it here on Sup Forums with the dumber faction pushing paganism.

You are an idiot

Oops forgot pic.

haha, no the anatomy of the rectum is definitely not made for a penis.

I was actually just trying to jar you, I don't make arguments based upon beliefs and I don't accept them as well. So the platonic idea that god made existence intending there to be no homosexuals but imperfection created them holds no sway with me sadly.

>Why do you value truth?
It's not that I value truth; it's that I happen to like my own lies better than those that a couple crusty peasants told each other 2000 years ago. Christianity has always been and will always be a slave religion, used to keep the ignorant in check by substituting the seeking of truth with a placebo of faith.

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!

Hands are not made for murder. Sin made them that way for some.

It gives hope to those who have none to argue with Christians.
They see it as a beacon of reality.

If their faith was easily broken it would have shattered naturally, the world is not kind to incorrect thought not tethered by physical means.

Either way its what our modern societies have been based on for 1500 years. Havent you noticed how much (((they))) hate it? You can bash "christian fascism' in a college classroom but if you dare insult muhammad they will crucify you. Everything is absolutely untouchable but whites and christianity

Actually it is SATAN who makes homosexuals.
You forgot all about the DEVIL in the world, tempting people to sin.

It’s not eternity in the lake of fire, you’re thrown in and burn to death. Also, you don’t make the choice, it’s predestined whether you’re one of God’s chosen elect, who Christ died for.

on one hand you have information
on the other you have understanding
walk the path of understanding and you will find meaning
wisdom is truth
wisdom can be found by those who seek it

It’s not eternity, you die in the flames.

This. We have been brutally persecuted for centuries and we now make up a quarter of the worlds population. If you did that to islam or most other religions they dissolve like paper in water.

yeah eternal judgement isn't true
but is it still a lie if you believe it when you tell me?

>God allowing an evil entity to run amuck
I can see Satan as a general emblem of evil thought but Lucifer doesn't have sway over man who doesn't listen to him directly.

People arent born fags, nor do they lack the power to not pound dudes in the ass. Once you get diddled by daddy its almost impossible to become straight again, though with the leftwingers absolving them of any responsibility they sure as hell dont try

It is called the Second Death, your body keeps on re-materializing after the flames have burnt you to a crisp, and this process repeats for all eternity.

>christianity is not true, but it is beneficial
Beneficial to whom? Humans who have no reason for existence, and therefor do not matter? If they have no meaning, it does not matter what is beneficial to them.

>saying "cause god did it" is bullshit.
Saying "cause random chance did it" is also bullshit, gaytheist.

>Also, morals are just whatever you want them to be. Deal with it.
Either objective morals exist, or there are subjective 'morals' that don't matter. Also this clearly justifies all forms of degeneracy.

You can't have wisdom and pride.

That's why Jesus came to earth to "destroy the works of the Devil."

who are you to say that the nature of our godless universe does not prescribe morals independent of sky daddy?

Your religious leaders and your books say Satan made homosexuals?
Why is it that a homosexual is evil might I ask?
Did God give a reason?

>Your religious leaders and your books
No books say that and any religious leader who says so is no Christian.

If humans have no reason to be here, they do not matter. If humans don't matter, what does it matter if they commit degeneracy or destroy themsrlves? What does it matter if something that does not matter experiences pain?

I could do the whole kalam cosmological argument, but i'm not feelin it. You seem more reasonable though, i hope you find out the logical arguments for of gods existence.

you mistake pride for rejecting evil

It is the spirit of sodomy causing men to lie with men, wormen with women.

God destroyed whole cities with burning sulfur because of this damnable, heavy sin of homosexuality, the Devil's perversion of sex.

Sodom and Gomorrah Found

how does this make any sense to anyone?
>ill give people free will so they can determine their own actions
>i dont want them to sin tho so ill still give them free will AND make sin tempting but ill tell them not to
>oh and ill punish you forever if you dont, but if you only comply out of fear of punishment you still go to hell

so basically you only get the good ending by rejecting your free will and following the rules like a robot after all? what was the point of giving us autonomy in the first place if you're only going to accept the ones that dont use it?

Reposting this for your comment.
Why is weakness and a slave mentality bad? You speak as though we are not here by random chance. If we do matter, then it would be terrible that we are not achieving our full potential, but if we don't matter, then it doesn't matter if humans are slaves. Atheism says we are here by chance, and do not matter, so who does it matter to that does himself innately matter if christianity really were worse?

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7

cus i dont want to live in christianaistan middle ages shit conditions nigga

I think I recall that story
it seems you don't know your own religion

as for them, I think it would be a waste of time to try to persuade people who do not have the capacity to think


Christ is the epitome of good. Read the bible you might learn something rather than spouting the same bullshit out. You're one of those Prideful fools who thinks they are enlightened by their own intelligence. When man has been shown to be flawed on his own since the start.

theres so much archaeological evidence for those cities existing too! pic related, its the evidence

Are you trying to say that the narrative of atheism implies that there is innate meaning to humanities existence? I thought atheists believed "lol we're here by chance so yolo lmao"

It's beneficial to groups of people who use it. Religion was evolutionarily selected for because it helped people form an organized community. It's great for survival and reproduction.

We can never know "what did it." The question of "why" cannot be answered. Who created God and why? It's nonsense.

Morals are subjective to the individual. But they can also be objective in terms of what helps the organism to reproduce.

>god conjures firestorm to fuck up gays
>god so salty in the aftermath still that he turns a woman into salt

do not fuck with god

Usually it is the SINNERS and ATHIESTS who willfully refuse to THINK, and shove their heads in the sand when the truth comes their way, in my 35 years of being a Born-Again Christian!!!


just because we are here by chance, doesn't mean there aren't morals by which we should behave as natural laws in our universe

He told her not to look back. What other commandments of God would she willingly ignore?

>natural laws
Might makes right? Vae Victis?

think or listen? you can preach all you want, you'll still never convince anyone if all you bring to the table is your desert fanfiction


The deepest parts of hell are reserved for the people who think simply believing in it means they are entitled to not go there.

Believing that everyone with slightly different religious beliefs than you deserves some form of eternal damnation puts you in the same boat as subhuman allahu akbars.

And most importantly, it's an insult to God. Do you seriously think God would be that petty? Do you actually believe God would be stupid enough to spread thousands of different beliefs all with conflicting evidence? Spoilers: He isn't. Spoliers#2: You're fucking retarded.

Simple mistake, its not robotic if you freely choose to do it.

idk man i'm not a philosopher, but neither are you, so don't go speaking in absolutes unless you can back that shit up