How do I form my own morality?

How do I form my own morality?

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you fuck bitches till you find one that refuses and says shes waiting till marriage then you put a ring on it and keep up the pressure just to make sure.

Okay, but I really mean making my own code so to speak.

here you go

like fully? because if you wanted to form your own morality you wouldn't be asking.
lol jk
here I'll help

Okay so
"Believe none of what you hear, no matter who says it, unless it agrees with your own common sense."
If you agree with a spiritual leader that teaches you to make your own decisions and not believe what they say because they say it look up who said that sentence.

Do you have a more European one?

>This video does not exist.

First you should ask, why do you need your own, when many well-established moral codes predate you?


Technically you can just dream one up whenever you want. The hard part is forming a morality that doesn't kill you, through internal inconsistency, denial of the laws of physics, or violent conflict with your neighbors and their morality.

Question Elohim.
Gather knowledge.
Confront your views with Milton.

What are some of the ones you like?
This is really good.

Before forming your own morality, at least if you care whether it leads to suicide or not, it's important to understand what reality is, what imagination is, and how both real and imaginary things can kill you. It's like building a bridge, you can build one any time you want with enough wood and/or rope, but building one that doesn't collapse when you try to cross it requires at least a primitive understanding of vector mathematics.

You don't. Mammals are hard coded with protoethics. At best you can throw a new twist on the abstractions.

"do not pursue taste of good food"

Get fucked.

pic related.

fatty detected, food = fuel

Interesting. More info on this?

For this thread, "reality" is the set of all things that do not cease to exist when ignored, and "imagination" is the set of all things that do cease to exist when ignored. Matter, energy, volume, mass, and the attendant laws of nature that govern how they interact, are "reality;" gods, magic, monetary value, laws, civilization, and even morality are all "imagination."

Base it on its origins: evolution.

Morality is a group-survival strategy. A system of shunning those in the group who behave in ways that's detrimental to the success of the group. In other words, do good for your tribe and punish those who do bad for it and your brain will chemically reward you for being moral, as it was designed to.

thank you user, my family is by far the most important thing to me

good vid, thanks for sharing


You're not ready

You don't. Postmodernism and cultural relativism are at the roots of our cultural upheavel.

Repent. Christ is Lord.

the best enjoyment in life is the things that sate your appetite and overwhelm your sense with pleasure. Not idle pleasure, but the kind that is sustenance of the highest quality. A life of asceticism is useful to build wealth, knowledge, and power; but refusal of the gifts it gives you is ludicrous. Asceticism isn't the end in itself, or the goal.

be the one who decides what other people consider moral, user

You don't. You play pretend with yourself and the innate moral system within you.

I guess my next question would be: who it my tribe? Where does it end?

You can't really form your own morality, assuming you want to make your own, unless you have actual experiences.

Stop being a fucking sheep.

That's an excellent list. Nearly impossible to follow, but if one does the benefits must be great!

it says dont pursue the taste of good food, not that you can never taste good food, just to not to waste time or resources trying to find it.

But at least start with the bible or something. If you need help you can turn to any page and find wisdom, usually. Here is a site that can help if you don't own one.

that game's a masterpiece.

t. Sheep sorry here is the link.

Imagination is mostly exclusive to humans, and alters human behavior in ways that can be completely disconnected from reality, and can override our instincts to fight, flee, feed, and even fuck. Humans can and have starved themselves to death for imaginary reasons, but mostly it leads to humans cooperating even when a survival instinct would be to kill other people whenever they are detected, before they kill you.

>How do I form my own morality?

You simply 'do'.

If you are coming to Sup Forums for such advice, you need to take some time and do some deep soul searching to decide 'right' from 'wrong'.

worked out for Anthony Bourdain

oh are you a millionaire tv show host who gets paid to do it? no? then stfu

Unlike reality, which is governed by unbreakable laws of nature, imagination has only one law: Where imagination contradicts reality, reality overrules imagination. This allows for a lot more leeway than it sounds. You can imagine that you can fly, make up stories about humans that fly, film movies with amazing special effects that look like the actors really are flying, but even if every human on the planet believes you can fly, if you actually try to fly in direct conflict of the laws of nature, the only direction you will fly is down.

You can't. You need God.

It's all jumbled up in the modern world, which is why depression and other symptoms of mental anguish is so rampant. We're still wired for the tribal living of at most a few hundred individuals which we bond and spend all our lives with. It's still based on kin-selection, but aided by culture, which itself is a tool of evolution to glue the tribe together and act as a sort of security against outsiders when they reveal themselves ignorant of your culture.
Remember that life never cease being a competition and that humans are crafty beings. Outsiders will try, even if unconsciously, to use morality against you to further the goals of their own tribe, e.i immigrants who shame you for not wanting open borders while at the same time preferring to keep theirs closed.

He's a good example of it.

thats not good

Because of this, the only power imaginary things like morality have, is to alter human behavior. As humans are the apex fucking predator of this planet, though, that's all imagination needs to do, to literally move mountains. Civilization may be imaginary, but the electric chair the warden will strap you to if you fuck with the law too much is very real, and quite capable of killing, no matter how hard you believe it will actually give you lightning superpowers.

hvorfor ikke?

If you're even asking this question, then you are too stupid to form your own morality. Religion exists for people like you.

morals are what you choose to consider as good and as bad
to become moral, you thus just have to understand why you consider certain things good, and others bad
that really is all there is to it

Imagination is an essential part of play. Every creature more advanced than an insect exhibits various forms of play.
On a brainscan, the same areas responsible for imagination light up on analog areas of an animal at play.
Religion lights up different parts of the brain compared to imagination and there is no comparable analog among animals.
Religion is the only thing that separates humans from animals.

So, to start making your own morality, it must be understood that morality is imaginary, and this gives it powers reality does not have, limitations that require it to avoid contradicting reality, and while the general goal of creating a morality is to create a set of man-made laws that carry the same weight as natural law, it must be understood that it will always be possible to break any and all man-made laws, and only through enforcing punishments when the man-made laws are broken with the same uncaring certainty that natural laws are enforced with, can they gain as much power in the human mind as natural laws have in reality.

Damn I never really thought about that. That's actually how it happens.

yeah, but part is when women think they have to put out to keep a man around who has 0 intention of marrying them thus delaying and lessoning her value to any future men

The best and hardest philosophy requires destroying everything and starting from the best foundation possible.

In your case you would first have to define morality and prove why it's "good" and/or "worthwhile".

If you have to ask, you're too dumb to do so.

by lurking moar