My sikh uber drive just told me a story about him killing a Muslim

My sikh uber drive just told me a story about him killing a Muslim.

>be me
>coming back from airport
>order an uber to drive me home
>Uber driver is a sikh, has the beard and turban
>He says hi and we start talking
>I ask him about where he is from
>Tells me he's from india
>I ask what brought him to Australia
>He tells me that he had to escape india because he might be killed
>I asked him to explain, and he asked me what I thought of muslims
>I told him the truth
>He says its good I feel that way, and that he hates muslims
>Starts telling me about how when he was in india his village had many muslims
>Tells me about all the awful shit they would do
>Multiple rapes, murders, robberies, general dune coon niggery
>He said he and his friends were sick of it, decided to go out one night and take matters into their own hands
>He and two friends put on their Chola and grabbed swords belonging to their families
>Told me they targeted Muslims who were known trouble makers
>They would kill one or two muslims every other night for weeks
>Eventually the big muslim families find out he was involved him and he said thats when he came to Australia, because if he didnt they would have killed him
>We arrived at my house and I thank him for the ride
>He says it was nice talking
>Gives me a mentos and drives away

are sikhs based?

sikhs are badass, where the fuck have you been user

Same thing happened to my gf. Ended up in a Sikh taxi cab in NYC. Just started bragging about how he was in the Indian Air Force and said he personally killed dozens of Muslims. Was very proud of himself.


+5 Internet Points

I guess you could say he got "Sikh" of muslims?

I already made that joke in the pictures title nigga

I didnt realize sikhs killed so many muslims until today

even if he helps us kill one racially inferior enemy he is still a shitskin and he needs to go back

>Was very proud of himself

>My sikh uber drive just told me a story about him killing a Muslim.
As far as I understand it, this is extremely common since it is part of the Sikh male's rite of passage to manhood.

Sikhs are the only thing in India that shouldn't be exterminated.

How can an indian live and work legally in Australia?
Is that easy to migrate to your country?

Their entire religion is practically based upon removing kebab.

Yes they are based now please open your borders to them if you think they are based

Sikhs are like 1% of India's population but represent something retarded like 80% of the Indian military Kek

I fucking hate India but Sikhs are great.

Respond this

>my ghori paajis,do I fit in?

That's a white sikh. Have some more pics like that in my phone.
Maybe Sikhism can un-cuck white men from liberalism?

Didn't India's entire Sikh population disown him?

Sikhs are bro tier!

This is similar to what some non-Muslims do in Muslim infested parts of the country. Every time they kill and rape a non-Muslim, people would go to the Musims’ Villages and shoot at them in retaliation. It keeps them in check. Too bad it only happens in very few areas.The rest of the country just lets them do what they want with impunity for fear of getting Aloha snacbar-ed.

The only thing Muslims understand is violence. So I hope people would just stop pandering to them like they’re some kind of royal babies.

He's the favourite of Congress cucks and states like Punjab,Kerala,etc... which are know for being congicucks love him
Most of the comments and members there are mallus and paajis.

Replace kikeboo with facebook.For some reason,Sup Forums thinks its spam.

>Was very proud of himself.
And rightfully so.

this is at least an accurate portrayal from what I've heard. sikhs are pretty militant. It was one of the very few religions I wasn't familiar with so I ended up reading about it once. They're kind of different. I had heard stories that in the days of the british in india you'd get a train with hindus and muslims heading off somewhere. The sikhs would stop the train when it passed through their territory and slaughter all the hindu and muslim passengers and these trains would arrive with everyone dead. I guess the drivers of the trains were sikhs so the british decided that if a train came in with everyone dead they'd execute the train staff. Apparently this had to happen a few times before it actually stopped. I don't know if this is a true story but it's what I was told.

It must really piss them off to be confused with muslims at airport security all the time. I've seen that happen a few times now while traveling through the US.

sure they are based or whatever, but they can be based away from me in a separate country

This. Part of their religion is literally practicing martial arts so they can remove kebab more effectively.
Another part of their religion is giving people free food.

I take some issue with certain aspects of their religion but mostly on a philosophical level (they lack ascetics and i think every proper religion needs solid ascetics to function as its spiritual center). Also their leader is literally an inanimate object which is kind of weird but different strokes i suppose.

A good thing about their religion, apart from removing kebab and giving people free food is that they are no danger to pre-existing religions, being of the passive evangelizing type and not the aggressive conversion type, also they tend to get along with other religions that do not try to kill them since they think all religions are just less perfect interpretations of the one true religion (theirs) that some people just have to live some lives through before they get it figured out right.



He probably claimed asylum you have to be a hardcore kebab remover with a portfolia of Muzz scalps which you must present at the airport on arrival.

Why can't they kill Muslims in India then? Or in America for that matter? Driving a taxi after being an exterminator seems a bit dull.

>admits to slicing up motherfuckers for god knows how long until he got caught
Goddamn. Were you surprised a little bit afraid after he told you? I know that they were mudslimes, but that shit is fucked up. Dying to swords is as brutal as it gets.

Muslims are giant pussies, if you kill enough of them they'll start mass migrating to safer places. Poison their food and water, kill them as brutally as possible in the streets and a month later you won't have a muslim problem.

Nah death by razor wire enema is most brutal. Or burnt alive. Or run over with a heavy roller. Or fed to pihranas. Swords are delicate weapons from a more civillised age.

Dude, I'm at work. I can't fap here.
I'm already rock hard from imagining killing mudslimes with swords. This made me leak a little precum.

what about anglo indians?

because pakis are lazy and hindus are soybois

sikhs are based as fuck

ITT things that never happened

It's uber nigga

>Aussie cuck lives vicariously through Arab/streetshitter hibrid as he is taken back to his small rental home valued at $1,000,000 as his political representatives validate homosexual perversions on a national level and use his educational institution to bring in 100,000 shitskins every year

Yes, basically their entire culture is based around keeping muslims at bay.

It is worth noting that the Sikhs started their religious after many decades kebab occupation so it can be done. Kebab will be removed one way or the other, just like in Spain. Preferably it wont get that far but never lose hope.

sikhs are based. In the army they hated muslims more than anyone else I knew except jordanian terps. They REALLY hated muslims. Ours would regularly curb stomp muslim kids and teens any time they wouldnt cooperate and sometimes we would have him do it since we were accountable for his actions.

>banter overload

It only dawned on me after that that man had actually taken peoples lives. It didnt scare me but it felt super strange.

Aryans come from India.

Whites descend from these Aryans. Whites are (mostly) not Aryan (because Aryan means noble). So you're nigger tier.

Stop being such a fuckin' nog, bitch and get ready to die for Dharma.

Your ppl can infiltrate everywhere...

I have to imagine it takes an awful lot on non-fabrication for someone to come out of that region of the world and make things up for laughs. Those people, outliers or not, left for a reason and they should be taken into account.

I guess that makes the pest control guy a murderer right?

Was this in Brisbane?


Yes, obi wan

Sikhs are often quite good like that. Of course some are sjw and say they like Muslims etc

Oldfag detected! Present Triforce!

I do not understand. Are you saying that you have taxi drivers that aren't Indian or Pakis? Or do you just not have taxis in Argentina?

T. Sihk who made up a story to make poos look good

Defending yourself and yours is not based. Its natural.

Cucks and niggers can't understand that!

>Gives me a mentos

Literally sharpened metal sticks

Sorry I was out for lunch.
Sup Forums was never good. Have a failforce instead.


This is true. Pisslam is a nuisance wherever they go. I really hope all muslims kill themselves in the name is pedo Mohammed.

Usually spousal visa, tourist visa overstay, 457 visa where a business can't find a local. Half the Uber drivers I've had have had other office jobs so probably spousal or 457

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>Maybe Sikhism can un-cuck white men from liberalism?
You know what, I would not have too much of a problem with that

Sikhs have loos though

>gen Z produces a mentos commercial

Depends on the sword, some are glorified sticks and others lop body parts off monty python style.

Do Sikhs poo in the loo though? That is the question.

They do poo in the loo. Their religion has strict rules about hygiene and cleanliness