You're all so close to being truly redpilled to the what has caused degeneracy and Western decline in every aspect of...

You're all so close to being truly redpilled to the what has caused degeneracy and Western decline in every aspect of life at the individual, sex relation, communal, and national level. Unfortunately, you all get lost at the symptoms of the problem. Jews (I'll get to the jews in a sec), niggers, Muslims, sjws, and so on. These are all symptoms. The cause is, wait for it, don't get triggered, capitalism. The left as far back as Marx (he was wrong about communism, and doesn't need to be mentioned further) have known that the economic system of any society defines the dominant values of that society. Segments of the Nazi party understood this. Mussolini and the fascists understood this.
The economic system (the method of acquiring and distributing stuff for human existence) is the key for survival of any group, regardless of whether it's a tribe, a village, a town, a city, a country, or an empire.

This logically necessitates the ruling elite of any human group to promote and normalise values that are good for the economy, and discard those that are not. It's not so much a conspiracy, it's just common sense. The problem with capitalism is the profit motive. Profits MUST increase and the economy MUST grow, or we are completely fucked. It's no surprise that every dominant value in a hyper capitalist civilisation like ours is subjected to and twisted by this essential drive. Collective identities and multiculturalism are bad because individualism is better for profits. Women work because it's better for profits. The third world comes here because it's better for profits. Traditional values are thrown on the back burger, they're not the best values for the economy. Religion isn't the best for capitalism, so atheism and nihilism become the norm. And so on.

Other urls found in this thread:


What we eventually get is an atomised society of consumers, with manufactured identities, solely driven by consumption and economics. The dominant values in society are precisely liberalism, individualism, and leftism (economic leftism, in the form of handouts helps keep the bottom half of the population compliant, among other things). Because those values are the best for economy. That is why 'conservatives' haven't been able to preserve jack shit. That is why society keeps getting more and more degenerate.

Now for the Jews. The current state of the world is simply good for the Jews, they flourish in societies where collective identities and interests are vague and weak. It's only natural and logical for them to support things that will continue this trend, they don't want to get fucked over again by monolithic societies like they have done before throughout their history.
They simply have the best values and ideology for the current system, that is why they dominate it and are overly influential.

Me on the left


I was listening to jack Donovan give a talk for American Renaissance and he was basically saying the same thing. Identity is being destroyed because it’s bad for profits. Alienating customers is less profitable than selling to everyone. Cultures are destroyed because company A will have better sales appealing to everyone with Happy holidays than company B will by saying merry Christmas. So what’s the solution. What economic system is better than capitalism? I was talking with my wife the other day on the drive home and saying i know capitalism has problems, but i know communism is pants on head retarded, so where does that leave me but unironic fascism?

>The problem with capitalism is the profit motive. Profits MUST increase and the economy MUST grow, or we are completely fucked.

You're thinking of socialism which is a giant ponzi scheme. This has been the battle cry of "open the borders because you need new workers to pay taxes to support your social services in the future".

Capitalism does not require constant growth at all, only collectivism (in any form) which is by nature Ponzi scheme.

TL:DR Nice try to deflect from the Jew though.

Never argued for 'socialism'. Whatever that means. It means a 1000 different things to a 1000 different people.

>Identity is being destroyed because it’s bad for profits.

This makes no sense whatsoever. High trust, high social capital societies are most productive.

You're going into this with the assumption that (((those))) who are orchestrating this want money. They do not. Their tribe owns the printing presses and they can make as much money as they like out of nothing. What they want is power and total control. Money is only a means to an end to those at the very top.

>Whatever that means.

You know what it means, Schlomo. It means collectivism, it means robbing the worker to pay the bum, it means keeping the masses dependent on the benevolent state who has all power to redistribute wealth and eventually becomes the sole source of their needs.

I don't know the answer friend. But we'll never get an answer if we are fighting symptoms due to sheer ignorance.

If don't have an argument or a contribution beyond your faggy buzzwords, fuck off.

>You're thinking of socialism which is a giant ponzi scheme. This has been the battle cry of "open the borders because you need new workers to pay taxes to support your social services in the future".
This is american education

I am not saying one or the other system is better, but it really amuses me that pol supports both capitalism and nationalism when they are contradictory policies. Pol also seems to forget that communist states are always nationalist and conservative.

>This makes no sense whatsoever. High trust, high social capital societies are most productive.
Are profits higher now or 50 years ago? We have record profits almost every year.

How much immigration was there to the soviet union?

Also link the speech mate.

>This makes no sense whatsoever. High trust, high social capital societies are most productive
Lol no identities are a collective consciousness, a consciousness that could be turned against capitalism. You gotta get rid of any handups like identity is you really want to make money

Lmao. OP thinks he had a profound thought and that he posed it in a persuasive way but he's actually just a brainwashed abbo lover. Saaaaaage

These "symptoms" as you call them are the direct result of a very ancient religion. The ancient Mystery Religion of Babylon. It is the religion codified in the Talmud and practiced in secret by Freemasons and all other "fraternal" secret societies.

Their goal is socialism/communism and world government. The tale of Hiram Abiff illustrates the three "enemies" of their New Atlantis/Utopia/New World Order... .the church, the state, and the mob... superstition, fear, ignorance.

All of the social ills we see (particularly look at cultural Marxism) are designed to undermine these "old" systems of social cohesion and foundations of civilization.

There may very well be elites orchestrating the whole thing, but there are definitely useless idiots who help facilitate the thing for money: short term gains for long term doom . For example, Imagine I’m a realtor. Do i discriminate against Africans and other browns and not try to sell to them to keep this one neighborhood white, or would most realtors not give a fuck and worry about making that commission instead. and globalism is the natural conclusion of capitalism. It makes way more sense to ship off all the jobs to the poor losers who work for nothing, rather than Mr smith and Mr jones who each want fair wages and to maintain their high quality of life. I’m opposed to full capitalism for a couple of reasons but an easy one is just protectionism. I know for a fact that there is nothing on this earth that im the absolute best on, and so in a fully open capitalistic society, i would be replaced with mr xing or pajeet or someone simply willing to work for less, and with over a billion of them, it’s likely there’s at least one who can do my job as well as i. I’m also not a communist. All i want in life is a safe white community where i have a job and some leisure time to spend with my children who grow up in the same culture i got to enjoy growing up

So are you agreeing with or attempting to refute my claim?

>faggy buzzwords

I have made an argument. That is that socialism/communism is the source of these ills you are attempting to pin on capitalism. Now try to refute my claim or acquiesce.

Except I want every nigger and muslim out of my country.

>Capitalism does not require constant growth at all, only collectivism


>We have record profits

Who is we? What profit does Mohammed, Tyrone, or Jose bring?

No nigga it's the second most retarded thing I've ever seen, second only to your freemasons post

Have you ever heard of occams razor?


We already know, shekelstein.

What i have to add is why national socialism and fascism in general are deomonized while communism isnt.Its because jews have alot of influence in the media and politics of the US which is currently the leading economic power.
Communists predominantly killed their own people in gulags,nazis killed mostly outsiders jews,gypsys,in general social and economic parasytes.
Now we can see why this is a problem for the jew,if the general populus would have a "our own group first mentality"(which ironically the jews have and that is their biggest hipocrisy)then the jew with his parasitism would not be tolerated.
That is why national socialism is pushed in the front as the culprit,while other fascists that did not attack jews are swept under the rug.
Capitalism its all the jews ever wished a system that favours them the most,where origin,natinality dont matter just money.

>How much immigration was there to the soviet union?

Exactly. They put up walls to keep people in, but since they already had Gommunism they did not need to undermine and subvert the existing culture to get people on board.

>You gotta get rid of any handups like identity is you really want to make money

Try again in your native language and perhaps someone can translate this so I can actually refute whatever it is you're trying to say.

Also op i am glad that you took the time to post this,i remeber a period when most of this was common knowledge on Sup Forums,but ever since reddit faggs came over en mass the collective iq has plumeted.

You gotta get rid of any obstacles to consumerism and individualism if you want to fully integrate capitalism into society, get dem Gucci belts

He obviously meant “hang ups”. No need to be a condescending twat.
>you gotta get rid of any hang ups like identity if you really want to make money

You just said that collectivism requires constant immigration.

The global conglomerates that rule the world and drive the world economy. You are confusing joe six pack and mom and pop running their own businesses with capitalism.

Mass third world immigration is good for two reasons. Lower wages and it incorporates segments of third world into the first world economy, therefore creating more consumers.

>there are definitely useless idiots who help facilitate the thing for money

Absolutely. Hence, money is simply a means to an end for those who actually have the long term vision and who own the printing presses.

>It makes way more sense to ship off all the jobs to the poor losers who work for nothing, rather than Mr smith and Mr jones who each want fair wages

Yet Mr Smith and Mr. Jones can buy a t-shirt for 4$ because Wang Chung is willing to work for 1$ an hour. The "benefits" of "globalization" as far as outsourcing jobs all become meaningless without borders or sovereign nation states.

nice try

One could argue that the "death" of the west is a sum of factors.An extreme form of capitalism that is more akin to feudalism,but with simply money instead of titles and lands.
The fall of christianity and being regarded by mostly atheists and agonists as a "religion of peace and tolerance",with no substance.These people dont even understand that the reason it was so succesfull was its strict dogma and its law-like comandments.
Another big factor is that its in our capitalist elite interest for people to lose national identity,values,etc.Since it makes it less risky for them.
And finally the fall of the west can be atributed to the aphaty and the decadence of the men that live there.Our warrior ancestors built easy lives for us,most of todays youth(including me)se the day by day conforts and their rights as a given.Not as something that mus be earned.That is why everybody is so passive towards todays problems.
In the end the "plebs",the biggest part of the population will pay a price in blood for these mistakes.

Not an argument.
I'm also not a communist.
The jews will thrive in the current system until it stops existing. Get rid of the Jews while keeping the system, and a new type of group similar to the Jews will take their place.

Tis a really good thread. Some definite food for thought.
However, I fear that the average Sup Forums user is just too stupid to understand what you're getting at.

Are you attempting to agree with or refute my position? Make your case.

Are you attempting to agree with or refute my position?

>Have you ever heard of occams razor?


>obstacles to consumerism

Such as?

It still makes no fucking sense.

I said it requires constant popoulation growth and """economic""" growth. You do understand what a Ponzi scheme is, right? Population growth does not need to be mud races, in fact they are actually counter productive to the professed purpose, but that's the bait given to the masses.

Yep. So what do

Capitalism doesn't see nations, just consumers and producers, if you removed all the borders capitalism would still outsource to cheaper areas as there is not one global wage. Capitalism would love that, cos open borders means uninterrupted flow of capital and labour

Capitalism absolutely requires constant growth to sustain itself.


I'm saying that's a retarded position and you're and idiot.
Any collective identity is an obstacle to consumerism as it implies a loyalty above the individual and it's needs, the fulfilling of which is what capitalism likes to pride itself on doing. Basically identities mean that there might be more important things than having things, and therefore it is harder to sell people things, so they have to be removed

>You are confusing joe six pack and mom and pop running their own businesses with capitalism.

They ARE capitalism. Not only are they capitalism, but so is every single working stiff that owns stocks or invests in stocks/funds.

>Lower wages

How do 60IQ mud hutters who are completely unemployable help "wages"? Also consider "wages" are a double edged sword. If consumers earn more wages they consume more which could just as easily translate into more business/profits.

The purpose of importing third worlders is to destroy the cultural identity of the host nation to destabilize and demoralize. Also having a parasitic under-class provides justification for more socialism/wealth redistribution which undermines the middle class and further hampers social mobility for those who are not already elite.

they also support communism if anything we need to bring back the one thing they do NOT support, national socialism

Also this.People that are for a smaller government,the disparition of the church etc,fail to understand that when an istitution,group in power dissapears they create a power vaccum that will facilitate the rise of an even stronger entity.
A great example is the french revolution,they overtrown the king just to get under the even stronger imperialist boot of Napoleon.
To make it easier for capitalists,there will always be a demand for opression,collectivism,religion extremism,if you donr step up to fill it up then someone else will.Christianity got cucked si they fail to fight the muslim invation.Now atheists,pagan etc will die at the hands of islamists.
If the state becomes weaker a corporation or a foreign state will take advantage.
In the end we come back to the absolute truth of this world,as Adolf Hitler said,its struggle.A struggle between people,states,institutions,religions,cultures,individuals.If you refuse to fight your enemies will butcher you,if you are weak they will butcher you.
Alone you are weak,that is why we form colectivist societies,to surpass and defat our enemyes of any kind.And that is why individualists will eventually persih to a mass of brown invaders.

This is true, the real reason for the break down of traditional institutions is due to modern industrial society.

Capitalism is more efficient in creating this type of society. Communism is much less efficient.
Though both aim for the same goals.
The technology derived from this capitalist system could be used for a transhumanist revolution, this could be one possible future. Another route would be if we give up on modernity itself and go primitive.

Individualism is being destroyed you fool, it's the last source of an outside value system to conflict with the will of the corporate elite

You are close, but that is the final step to our domestication. Destroy the individual, and there are no other lens to view reality other than the public perception. Which of course is controlled and completely inorganic.

or or or, i do not know, maybe make a small government and cut a lot of welfare support and just get rid of the people who cannot live on their own?

This is the red pill cuckservative identititarians and 'right' libertarians can't swallow.

That sounds very nationalist

Well said and nice thread OP, does anyone think that capitalism restricted to small local businesses would work any better? I feel this promotes community building and due to the small scope of the businesses it would prevent a promotion of mass consumerism. Or would it end up in the same place where we are now?

Let's say OP is correct; communism is still an economic disaster.

Despite the best efforts of socialists like Lange, the economic problems of communism were never solved, even in theory (e.g. The idea that constant simultaneous equations of supply and demand can solve for ideal output / equilibrium).

We'd be trading one set of problems for another. Eastern Europe has suffered horribly and continues to do so (e.g. falling birth rates). In fact, this sort of disaster plausibly gives rise to the 'need' for open borders and free flowing capital ('we need to boost the economy').

A bit rambling but there we go

I see 4 possible futures.
>collapse into barbarism
>a return to a pre or semi industrial era
>a dystopian technocracy, like Elysium or something similar
>extremely authoritarian regime that controls the market. Not really a solution, especially if it's isolated among hyper capitalist countries.

and what? you look at the random person in any other way? everyone in the world constantly looks at everyone else in a way that benefits them, it benefits communists to pretend they care about the wellfare of the people but at the end of the day they just want to have a unified garbage so they are not singled out as the scum of the civilized world, capitalists want more money so they view everything as product or consumer, and people like me just look at everything in terms will this get me to my goals, people like to pretend they REALLY do care about what they say they do but a lot of the time it is just scams

It would end in the same place, larger corporations would form and lobby for less red tape, or the aspirational class (middle class) would live up to their name and lobby for it in the hope that they may be able to acquire great wealth. You can't just wind back the clock

>Capitalism absolutely requires constant growth to sustain itself.


>Capitalism doesn't see nations, just consumers and producers

I don't think you've really thought this out.

>Any collective identity is an obstacle to Gommunism as it implies a loyalty above the state and it's needs, the fulfilling of which is what gommunism likes to pride itself on doing. Basically identities mean that there might be more important things than the state, and therefore it is harder to sell people on gommunism, so they have to be removed


>This logically necessitates the ruling elite of any human group to promote and normalise values that are good for the economy, and discard those that are not.

Take another step back further before Capitalism. Capitalism has shifted the focus from Family unit to Individual entirely because of Feminism. All the problems you have listed are entirely due to the rat race that has been created since the work force doubled.

or or or, we just get rid of the debt and fractional reserve banking and regulate the market a little bit and allow for healthy competition and prevent MAJOR monopolies

Nigga you are so fucking dumb I don't even know how you breathe

>Now for the Jews. The current state of the world is simply good for the Jews, they flourish in societies where collective identities and interests are vague and weak. It's only natural and logical for them to support things that will continue this trend, they don't want to get fucked over again by monolithic societies like they have done before throughout their history.
>They simply have the best values and ideology for the current system, that is why they dominate it and are overly influential.

>TL:DR Nice try to deflect from the Jew though.


It's people like you that make actual natsocs not like to use the swastika flag

>A great example is the french revolution

A perfect example of Talmudic/Templar atavistic revolution.

>Another route would be if we give up on modernity itself and go primitive.

And here we get to the core of the modern Gommunist:

"The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers ? What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as today. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling "equality" rises supremely shrill. The Under- Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization. "---- The Revolt Against Civilization

he is not dumb, how does capitalism require constant growth, the one thing that does is paying off the debt from fractional reserve banking, as for the second one yes i agree most of you have not really thought it through, you are correct in that but you are not FULLY correct in that statement, as for the third, that is correct about communism.


This inability to wind back the clock is sad but something everyone here needs to acknowledge.

The early 20th century may have been pretty good, but it obviously wasn't that awesome if it was possible to go from there to here today. There's no guarantee that 'winding back the clock', even if possible (which I doubt, severely), could wind is right back here. Unfortunately we only have one timeline as a data point, though, we have seen the same transition across the entire English-speaking world in this timeline

how? this is EXACTLY what Hitler did, he changed the banking system in Germany which abolished debt, he also made a lot of the major monopolies state run, and regulated.

the problem isn't capitalism, it's egalitarianism

>Nigga you are so fucking dumb

Not an argument.

>just get rid of the debt and fractional reserve banking

OH NO THE ANGRY JEW IS GONNA STEAL MUH SHEKELS, i also do not understand why people worry so much about money it is so easy to get it even if you are semi good

When this goes away just repost because we need more stuff like this on the board.
This from a person that disagrees with the statement but likes the effort and the thought required to dispute it.

>back burger

what did he mean by this?


The Jew loses virtually all his power if we take away the keys to the printing press.

How have a not thought it through. In capitalism there are only consumers and producers, producers make shit and or distribute it, consumers consume it. Any added state infrastructure is necessary for property rights, but enforcing borders etc restricts the flow of capital and labour. Ta da.
Pro tip people are always able to be manipulated, and will always be, it's just whether you do it in a way that benefits yourself that matters

Well OP never claimed that communism is good or in anway shape or form better than capitalism.He just says that capitalism also has its major flaws and its the source of the current issues in the west.
In eastern europe i am sorry to dissapoint you but what ruined us was not communism,its true that eastern europe was always less advanced compared to the west but what brought us ruins in the 90s was capitalism.

Let me explain when we trnzitioned from communism to capitalism alot of people had alot of money since they didnt have what to spend them on.They used those money to start private companies and small buissneses.But by 1994 the great corporations came in from the outside and crushed the local buissneses.Also they bribed officials to buy off and shut down our industry.
Milions lost their jobs and by 1997,people were legit starving,crime was rampant,for people like me who grew up during that time it was alot worse than any communism did to us.
The point is communism didnt have only flaws and capitalism doesnt always work well.You need to judge it in a case by case situation not generalize it mindlessly.

Here here

The problem is not capitalism, but global capitalism where companies can move away from their countries to seek profits, at the expense of their citizens. National capitalism works...

i do not say so, because they still have the bank and can print out money as long as we accept their money as god and worship it (what the media preaches) then we give them ALL power no matter who runs the media they will bow to the jew

You didn't refute my point, just said that I didn't think it through, when I clearly gave perfectly good reasoning that didn't rely on talmudic Judaic Masonic satanic photosynthetic scripture

And he failed the socialist part of national socialism

The answer is national free market capitalism. Basically a walled in economy where companies can't screw us over with globalization.

If you ever bought a gangsta rap/ hip hop album, congratulations, you've been Jewed

no you have not thought this through because you are confusing capitalism with state leadership, yes there is always lobbying which is why we need better politicians, but if we were to have uncorruptable politicians we would have 2 completely different entities, and captialism would just stick with our markets and be unable to influence the government. we have degraded as a society and allow worms to live and govern us because majority of people are weak.

Nationalism and capitalism will.always but heads as both would much rather the other shut the fuck up. Instead you will have factionalism as the capitalists and the nationalists but heads over borders and taxes and the type of nationalism I.e civic of ethnic

>In capitalism there are only consumers and producers

You really don't understand capitalism at all.

That said, really think about 100% open borders. Distribute 1 billion 60IQ Africans to Western Europe another billion to North America (USA) and a billion to China. Now who makes money when the entire world looks like pic related?

This,ever since 1965 the US got fucked,search what changed that year and you find the truth.The weak will preach equality for they are terrrified but what they dont know is that equality is a false god.

did he? i mean he MADE up the concept of national socialism, we just try to change what it means to suit our needs and meanings, he did not fail he encouraged private property but he was against corruption, in maybe hundreds of years after full reform and everything we can make this happen at least i hope and work for this every day

Oh my god we are done

you are just a useful idiot learn about what communism really is rather then swallow lies that you like to hear. but i do like your swallowing skills so feel free to come to my hotel room i pay you 200 dolla an hour

First of all, my consumers and producers thing is still correct as they are literally the foundations of capitalism
2. Relying on the supermen of incorruptible politicians to save you is always retarded

>Oh my god we are done

SO you admit you cannot actually back up your claim of capitalists benefiting from open borders?

Go get a fucking job, kid and move out of mommy's house and the world may make a little more sense if you can manage to survive a few years.

no we just have to seperate politics, church, and market completely. have the politicians have a good degree in stem to force them to be logical, and prevent lobbying

The national socialism his party initially stood for died in the night of the long knives

Thanks for taking the time.

I'm aware that the transition was one of oligarchs buying up assets and setting up a new crony capitalist system. I'm also aware the transition was not identical everywhere. Even so, I'd reiterate that the economic collapse of communism made such a dire situation possible. Even if it is this oligarchic capitalism that has most damaged Eastern Europe, communism set the stage for that to occur.

is that why WW2 ended on that night?

>my consumers and producers thing is still correct

You've never held a job in your life, have you? You do realize that the only consumers who produce nothing are unemployed leeches like you who rely off of the charity of those who do produce?