Is there any way for Communism to succeed?

Is there any way for Communism to succeed?

Kill the infidels?

Oh wait, that's everyone.

computers to replace the Commissar


High average global IQ of at least 150
Automation relative to the population
Low global population of less than 1 billion

you would need some pretty incredible technological advances, like say a machine that makes food out of air and an inexhaustible energy source
if you can figure those problems out then you can have all the communism you want!


literally only in a fantasy-world where nothing bad exists, because any kind of failings means it's not true communism.

Communism is a meme for the elite, against the ppl to make ppl voluntarily hand over everything they have over to them, including their life.

It will when resources are infinite.
So never.

No. It's not possible to successfully transition a state from the autocratic rule required to seize the means of production into an anarchist collective. The power vacuum will always be filled with opportunists seeking to rule.

It'll work out great once we figure out how to make the entire human race trustworthy and disinterested in exploiting others for their own gain.

star trek.

By allowing only intelligent people to live.

Yes, if it turns into state capitalism like it did in China.

Maybe in one hundred years or five hundred years, but not in the modern age. The majority of people who dislike communism believe it to be a all powerful state. I figure as more and more become educated, and more become just and moral a stateless utopia will be possible. The problem with a lot of people nowadays is that Humans have the problem with thinking beyond their age. If we as a species end up having a hierarchical "government" where people care about how tough a leader is in the far flung future then I would consider us lost and practically a plague on whatever area we incorporate under our rule. But hey you never know, but I personally believe that some type of anarchist society like communism will eventually be the obvious choice.

Yeah, if there were 10 people on earth and they were all intelligent and the same race as you, then yes it could work.

Wormholes? Universe collisions for resources? National Bolchevism under a superinteligent AI? Communism is impossible on reasonable scenarios, but if mankind is able to reach to type V or + civilizations if wouldn't be nearly as obnoxious as it sounds nowadays... I think.

that way everyone would just cheat each other better

Right after we made flat earth theorists happy and transcendented to allknowing allmighty god status

>Is there any way for Communism to succeed?
No. The ideology and the resulting economic system are inherently flawed. The ideology leads directly and inexorably to totalitarianism and mass murder. The economic system leads directly an inexorably to extreme inefficiency, mass poverty, and collapse.

The main flaw in the ideology stems from the primacy of forced redistribution. I will try to keep this explanation as simple and rudimentary as possible, as more high-minded, nuanced approaches usually fail to get the point across. People like having stuff; rich people like having stuff and poor people like having stuff. They don't want to have their stuff taken from them for any reason. Rich people, as opposed to poor people, have the excess resources necessary to protect their stuff. They can organize and resist attempts to rob them. Therefore to take stuff from the wealthiest sector of society, the communist government must necessarily be more powerful than the wealthiest sector of society. If the communist government is more powerful than the most powerful sector of society, then they are also more powerful than any sector of society.

Once the resources of the wealthy have been seized (and large numbers of the wealthy have been killed in attempts to prevent the seizure), the powerful government must then attempt to redistribute these resources. However, the government does not have the information or the competency necessary to distribute the resources in an efficient manner. Moreover, if the communist ideology is followed to the letter, resources would be distributed in a deliberately inefficient manner. Peasant land reform schemes destroy all economies of scale and all the gains in efficiency due to specialization and trade. The alternative, collectivization, is even worse as it instantly falls into the "Tragedy of the Commons" trap and falls prey to "free riders" reaping benefits while doing the bare minimum of labor necessary to avoid social stigma. Without individuals receiving direct personal gain from their own individual actions, there is no positive feedback mechanism rewarding individual hard work and ingenuity. In such a system working hard is for suckers.

So the wealthy have been robbed and killed, the spoils redistributed, and yet the economy is in ruins - the DIRECT OPPOSITE of what the theory predicted? What is to be done? Who is to be blamed for this failure? Rebelling against the government is suicidal, as we have already demonstrated that they are far more powerful than the surviving citizens. Attempts to do so will be crushed with tanks. The response is to find a scapegoat. The revolution failed to succeed not because the communist ideology was wrong, but because some group held it back. Some hidden vestige of the bourgeoisie! So the purges begin, and the gulags fill. Meanwhile the reality of the economic system has not changed.

Eventually the extreme inefficiency of the economy weakens the government, and the fear of being purged emboldens the population, and the system collapses. The only ways of avoiding this fate are either a) more and more extreme excesses of brutality to keep the population afraid (i.e., North Koera) or b) reforming the communist system in a return to capitalism without actually acknowledging the abandonment of the original ideology (i.e., China and Vietnam).

Yes, not being communism at all, and work along with any other successful ideology in the shape of moderated socialism. And getting rid of any jew.

it would require the complete destruction of human nature

Of course. Communism always succeeds in doing exactly what is was designed to do.

Hey wait a minute, that's exactly what Communism does!

if you have one man who promises you free shit in exchange for nothing and one man who promise you shit in exchange for labor, who do you think the people will choose.
Communism will always gain support because there is always going to be lazy people.

Stupid commies, how you supposed to break the glass if the hammer is behind it?

If you knew what actually happens under Communism you'd know that that wouldn't change shit. It's not like it fails just because "dayum ppl don't wanna work for free"

When your retarded system only works with unlimited resources


Communism works, on a scale no larger than a household. After that, you're gonna have to start killing people to keep opinions homogenous.
>mfw even though capitalism isn't perfect, it far outperforms all other systems

There would have to be enough resources for everyone to be able to get anything they want without having to take anything from anyone else. That's the only situation in which communism could work, and even then it probably wouldn't be desirable.

Exterminate all jews then maybe....

yeah, kill 100 more millions

No, dont be fucking retarded.

Capitalism won't let is flourish. Look at NK, the last bastion of commies. It is under threat. Guess who's behind it again...

All humans will die before communism succeeds.
I promise.

And not because I'm going to do anything about it.
Communists don't need any help with making humans die.
They're experts at it.

Communism HAS succeeded it's main goal everywhere that it's been implemented

robot slaves.

Only way to find out is for every commie to die first. For it to be equal, a bullet to the brain stem for each = equality = mass grave = comrades together forever.

It did succeed as what it has always been intended : the people are subhumans starving to death and working their asses off in goulags while the elites are living better than any king in history.

>b-but it wasn't real communism!

It was, this is the core ideology of communism, that the 1% should live at the expense of the rest.

Not really.

In a post scarcity economy where war and crime have been basically eliminated, maybe. So no.

Nope, too much infighting amongst retards, fags, trannies, muslims, spics and niggers who want it today.

Pretty much a meme ideology in 2017.

communism works in the exact manner the learned (satanic) elders of Zion and Illuminati planed it would...

Nope you mean no food and benis xDD

yeah thats why everyone should get free money and be welfare queens cause gobbunism is the answer to my shit brained kikeness, why dont you goys not understand that we want the best for the (((world))) thas why (((we))) pray to satan and come up with shit like the talmud, communism, crony capitalism, and the welfare police state...


Communism will always fail because it is based on a flawed understanding of human nature.

"To each according to their need from each according to their ability".

This phrase ignores human nature in so many ways...

1. People will always claim to need more than they do. In this way, it becomes a race to the bottom where need becomes the coin of the realm and people compete for appearing the most needy.

2. From each according to their ability ignores that people will never give 100% all the time, especially when there is no reward for working better than your peers. This results in effort being punished, which forces people into competing over who can do the least amount of work, show the least amount of talent.

On top of this, if resources are infinite. No method of distribution like Communism/Capitalism is necessary.

So Communism only works when its not needed to work.

That is not what Communism does, that is what Communism requires.

The only way it might succeed is if it comes to a country naturally, without being pushed by antifa faggots and without revolution, and even then it wouldn't be communism, just high level of socialism. I'm not a communist but I think that's the only way "true communism" could exist

>Communism works, on a scale no larger than a household
Actually, the limit would be Dunbar's Number, but that is still a ridiculously low number.

Get us all girlfriends (male)

>communism could work if it wasn't communism
just realized how retarded post I made

You fucking retard

The average IQ at all times is 100. Its updated every now and again so it remains constant. You can't have an average IQ of 150


100% automatic production -> utopia

yeah, if all participants are voluntary and succeed is defined as subsisting

This comic implies it's impossible to turn a profit while helping others, despite the fact that pretty much every private service turns a profit BY helping others.

Not sure why this isnt in place yet - As a reflection of what the elders of Zion intended with their MVP label - any schlomo choosing to use 'anti-semitic' or 'anti-semite' is, by the law of Kek, being an anti-kekite displaying egregious anti-kekitic behavior

Does this made sense when you thought of it?

call it a co-op. massive unemployment with everyone on welfare or disability has helped pave the way. the communist neet co-op state is coming. do you want to be co-operative? Welcome to the C, bitch!

Still does. Labels against labels. I havent come across a counter-label yet.

How many razor blades should we produce as a nation? How many black men's shoes?

People in generally dgaf about the details so you're left with the do gooders and nosey busybodies. The kind of people who become local councillors. They become an elite and equality ends.


>What's an ant colony

>Is there any way for Communism to succeed?

1 post by this ID.

I guess OP already knows the answer and doesn't like it.


Even an ant colony is led by the natural instincts of the individual ants, and not a centrally planned system

Never. Communism goes against human's greedy nature.

Came to thread to say this. spbp

Yeah bring about a large public collapse of one of the largest communist states in the world. Wait for retarded burgers and other Westerners to think they won. Watch them rip down border walls and allow free movement of people. Then send hundreds of thousands of indoctrinated communists to settle in the West where they will eventually take up positions of influence in the media, education, government and commerce.

Wait a few decades for the influence to take hold. Encourage widespread degeneracy and race mixing to weaken their society. Then bring about a civil war where there is at least a 50% chance of success.

That is infiltrating and disarming the once powerful and capitalism West 101.

When technology takes over and we don't need to work anymore and most of the world is dead and people are living in little enclaves in the few undestroyed places on earth, then yes, it will work.

True. I just say household to be hyperbolic, but Dubar's number is an accurate ceiling IMO.

Maybe if it was a young and new nation. It would however have to switch to capitalize at some point for that nation to succeed in the long run.

Communism = revolutions in both the beginning and end of it. Always.

Depends on what you mean by 'succeed'... In a way it has succeeded by the millions

posadism but unironically
pray to (((labor))) for space tankies, kid