Who is your least favorite JoJo and why he's Jonathan Joestar?

Who is your least favorite JoJo and why he's Jonathan Joestar?

He's a fag

I think he's the best in his own kind. Also he's cute.

But he's my favorite.

He's by far the most shallow


because he is an ESL retard who posts shitty threads

this is bad why?

Giorno is my least favorite. Jonathan isn't too complex a character, but he doesn't need to be in order to be likable and compelling. I have no real reason to dislike him as a person, and his life was pretty damn sad, so he's a sympathetic character as well.


He's got a very pure heart. That, in its own right, is charming right?

He might not be a complex character, but it's more enjoyable than Giorno.

Because he's Kenshiro's son

he is really bland

He was worse than Dio and this says alot about his character
I hoped dio would kill him

Josuke is also very pure, though we're talking in a sexual sense here.

Worse Jojo is Jonathan by far, I mean he has literally no personality, he is just like a bad rip off Kenshiro.

>most honorable
>worked for power rather than being given it
>most compassionate
>a cute
Seriously is there even one Joestar that is half the man of Jonathan?


Giorno isn't cute, but pic related is. Fills all of the criteria in and actually saves the enemies he makes into friends, too.

Jonathan is my favourite jojo

George Joestar

Sexual sense?
Then I guess it really is Johnathan

Which one, there's like 4 of them.

Also he got best girl

>best girl
That's not Lisa Lisa

Have you seen Jotaro?

Might be my least fav, doesn't mean I don't like him

The heart of a gentleman

Erina really is incredible isn't she? Considerate and loving and dedicated.

In a way he also got the best boy

Wrong, 3rd fave. He's purest JoJo.

>he dies an hour later