/monarchy general/

Anyone who is liberty minded has to acknowledge that democracy does not give you freedom, it just gives the masses the tools to steal. The only way to go after acknowledging this is either anarchy or monarchy.

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Aristocracy is the ideal form, monarchy allows for insane rulers, but the average quality of an aristocracy will be resistent to variation.

Accurate and true.

The idea behind a constitutional monarchy is that they act as administrators over the government, but dont get to breach any rights of the people. You can have a crazy ruler or even an incompetent ruler, they dont have the ability to command the country around. The point of them is to act as a sort of power axiom which prevents ambitious people in the country trying to seize power.




This his the nail on the head with todays attitude towards nationalism or any sort of in-group.


DeTocq is /myguy/

I think the old ruling houses have recovered from their incestous ways and got to their normal ability to rule, in the early 20th century there was a group of bad kings at the same time and they fucked up. Maybe this time let the "small yet big" houses rule. for example let Wittelsbach rule over germany

>Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

Do you have a nice quote where he says that public outrage about something always grows when said thing is almost over?


>I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad.

Maybe De Tocqueville is the man we need. He fills the recruitment of liberty minded with staying conservative. And he isn't tainted by ww2 like many of the men pol shills for.

>allows for insane rulers
how many insane rulers did uk had ?

I'm not sure if I do..

Democracy; the system were being right is not deciding but being the most appealing. Add in individualism and you know why monarchy and theocracy are seen as egocentrical systems by modern democrats.
You gotta make some jumps, if you scared fill the holes yourself.

Sorry to burst your bubble anom, the US Presidential system is similiar to what you are talking about or closer yet Kaiser Wilhem's Germany prior to WW1.

he is definitely in the top 5 political philosophers to form a new system from

>TFW Monarchy thread on Sup Forums
Glad to see some fellow reactionaries on here. Let's talk A E S T H E T I C S
Who did it better? Second Reich or Louis XIV's France?


More free than you, faggot.

perfect quote

Good think the US is a Constitutional Democratic Republic and not a democracy.

Now deal with your real master Aus, the Monarchy. We already did. till then, gtfo

coke bump

BF also has a lot of value

Maistre is better, but I like Tocqueville.

Monarchy conserves liberty better than any other form of goverment because it resembles private property the most. It still fails after a long time though.
Aristocracy is democracy but with more merit, Poland had this, it turned into a shithole and we lost our power and our country for a long, long time.
Basically I'd recommend you to listen to Hans Herman Hoppe lectures on democracy vs monarchy.

>Monarchy conserves liberty better than any other form of goverment because it resembles private property the most. It still fails after a long time though.
That's fucking stupid. Without control over your government, you aren't free.

Anyone got some monarchist discord links?

Do you believe you're free now? Fuckin idiot.

More free than you.

Same, spainbro.

Your system is a pathetic ad populum fallacy, burger

You think no one controls the king in monarchy?
Please don't make me call you all those fucking percentages and give me merit in your answers.

Can you guys tell me does your monarch have any institutional or cultural power?
Any chance any monarchies of the EU finnaly take over control once the economy starts failing?

It matters more about how much your government can control you. When every aspect of your life from marriage to how you labour is controlled by a government it doesnt matter if you voted for it, its not freedom. A constitutional monarchy who job is to ensure laws and liberty is kept is true freedom. You can live your entire life without every coming into contact with the government as long as you abide by the law and there isn't a war.

Bump. Give me some good shit have hope in.