Nationalism is bad mkay

Why are you still a nationalist/pol/

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Anyone who posts below this line is a faggot

Why do you fall for the left's narratives, patrioism is empty illogical pride. Nationalism is a defined territory, value, culture that you defend.

affirmative action is racism

so true it's illegal to say it isn't!

You have to go back, soyboy

We need our own webcomic artist. Something better than the dumb redpanels shit

Because anything that isnt white is fucking disgusting and ruin the western world
They should go back to their own country and start killing eachother again, then europe has to colonize it all over again and clean up the remains of whats left

How did patriotism work out for you(r country)?

Patriotism: love for or devotion to one's country
Nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially :a sense of national consciousness
So I’m not an American for wanting to take care of it?


>comparing allied soldiers to modern multicultural SJWs

Nice characterizations, im certain you convince niggers with these regularly.

Kill yourself, kike.

Oh yeah, patriotism guys!

I just love how the left flips the travel ban into a hatred of foreigners. Projection maybe?

I disagree with this. Our countries at the time were even more white nationalist than Nazi Germany. What would have actually happened is that we'd have moved into open war with the Soviet Union and China regardless of whatever Germany did.


>What is sarcasm?
When did I ever say I agree with this?

it's extremely surprising that non-whites didn't want to vote for an open racist

Yet boomers find it so hard to understand this map

I fucking wish Trump was racist.

Why do media-owning billionaires think that this sort of THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO THINK bullshit is worth trying?

Can't tell if Facebook or Sup Forums

While nonwhites are more scared of racism than whites, they are less scared of the actual manifestations of racism than whites

>Winthrop Poll respondents also were asked about political parties, movements and symbols as judged by a “feeling thermometer” where ratings closer to 100 mean you feel positive and warm whereas ratings closer to 0 mean you feel negative and cold toward groups or persons. Those responses below a 50 rating were regarded as unfavorable, 50 as neutral and above 50 were regarded positive or warmly.

>Here are some highlights – mean “Feeling Thermometer” Score:

>Republican Party, all respondents, 47.5; white, 52.1; black, 31.6
>Democratic Party, all, 46.1; white, 41; black, 63.7
>Antifa movement, all, 25.5; white, 21; black, 42
>Black Lives Matter, all, 43; white, 35.4; black, 70
>White supremacists, all, 7.5; white 6.6; black, 7.9
>Neo-Nazis, all 4.7; white 3.4; black, 7.9
>Confederate flag, all, 42.8; white, 49.9; black, 16.5

their patriotism literally doesn't exist outside their minds.

And it's funny how none of them wanted to be patriots before they decided they didn't like Trump.

>it's another episode of the left redefining words to fit their agenda
"image of frog"

on a serious note, show me one instance of Trump being 'openly racist'.

That doesn't even make sense. It's not the definition of neither.

It's just a bunch of multikultist vs old Kurt Russel.

If non-whites were the only voters, America would have never had a right-wing president.


Oh look, OP is "British." Tally-ho, Mohammed

bas3d civnats

Patriotism is having love and pride in your country. Not who you are. That would be individualism. Whoever made this and whoever holds this up as accurate is a fucking retard.

I've figured it out.
liberal facts.
1. diversity is strength
2. Africa , south America and various other places are poor.
3. These places have almost no whites.

the only reason why diversity is strength is because that diversity contains white people. without that diversity you are left with shit.

This post has proven that white supremacy is real and the rest of the planet is fucked without whites.


drumpf is racist against CRIMINALS and RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS

god this picture is amazing

So in esscence cuck-nationalists

Nationalism is a deeper, more profound belief in your nation and a recognition of the things which made it what it is. Patriotism is more superficial. What constitutes patriotism tends to change depending on who has power. Steve Bannon has also never claimed to be anything more than an economic nationalist.

Nationalists are probably some of the harshest critics of their countries. In fact, I don't know any nationalist who is content with the current state of their country.

This is baseless speculation. Most of those who fought against the Nazis would probably have considered themselves American nationalists, as well as patriots.

It's not really an argument you can use against them because it makes you look like a hypocrite for throwing those word around and their carefully constructed narratives rationalize everything

If you really want to do some damage, here's how you argue with these people
1. Don't. Don't even give them the dignity of a response. Make them feel as if their words are abnormal or not worth discussing
2. Ridicule them. White libtards mostly hold their views for status and/or social validation. Associate them with the stupid, the ugly, the unpleasant, the unemployed, the friendless losers, and they will reconsider. Hell, showing them a picture of a group of average Bernie supporters goes a long way.
3. Hold them up to the logical extreme of their standards. Suggest that they do not actually care. If they claim to, ask why they are not working as strippers and bartenders selling drugs to children, why they do not have loads of mulatto babies and a nonwhite partner, why they do not volunteer in soup kitchens, why they haven't transitioned yet to show solidarity, why they live in a white neighborhood instead of Somalia, why they haven't yet accepted Sharia law, etc.

anglos are kike pets, like always.

white are guilty for the multiculturalism; for letting all that black and brown ugly people to do their hard work.


>"I'll take comics that make you facepalm for 100"

Like we couldn't do it ourselves, we just saw that some Untermenschen would do it for almost nothing.

M8, He’s an economic nationalist u wanker

>Nationalism is a defined territory, value, culture that you
needlessly isolate from the rest of society

>the definition of nationalism is extreme nationalism
>synonyms of extreme are "unusual," "outlier," and "exceptional"
>nationalism is defined by its outliers instead of the bulk of its constituency
Really makes you think.

Maybe he should take a look at what group pays the taxes.

Mahmoud, we do it to prevent outsiders from having political, cultural or economic influence on us. Do you not understand what self-determination means?

Modern immigrants want to change the culture of the land they're in not built it, and some cultures are better than others.
Taking a knee for a problem that doesn't exist on a relevant scale is bullshit. An overwhelming majority of blacks gunned down by police deserved it.
The 'alt-right' is in no what 'nazi', ironically their political views are closer to WW2 vets than liberals.

no way I mean.

>I fought Germans because I wanted my children to strip my posterity of their birthright


You're right, all those niggers pushing for nigger only special treatment are a bunch of vile nationalists that should be abolished.

You have nothing to deflect influence on you. The tradition of independence that you want to protect is a failure. Nobody will protect a pile of scrap with you for long. They will look for guidance in foreign countries such as mine, and you will be left behind. Soon you rural dogs will envy those with the courage to migrate.

A patriot is someone who loves their country, but a nationalist is someone who loves their people.

Because, civic nationalism is fucking retarded.

>google definition of nationalism

I think I've argued with more retards on the internet over this pile of propaganda than anything else.

Patriots: fought nazis and also opposed racemixing and equal rights for black people

Civic 'nationalism' technically doesn't exist as the term nation doesn't mean country or state, but a group of people united by common descent, language, and culture.

nationalism is patriotic feelings, principles or efforts.
it's impossible to be patriotic without being nationalistic to some extent

That, I think is the most heartbreaking part of this
The realization that our immediate ancestors intentionally fucked us over and betrayed us. Of all the points in history to be born in, we had to be born into this one. All I want is what my grandfathers had. But apparently, our countries weren't bad enough for them.

>implying we can decide what is "right"
That shit causes so much complacency. We should continue to maintain the ability to adapt and change shit.
Because, entertain the idea, that we might be wrong.

Yeah collectivist really care about the individual.

Nationalism is common sense.

Nationalism is the extension of tribalism.

See the founding history of Portugal, supposed to be the first country in Europe to say that this group of us all here, we are a nation, under one definition, under one culture, one king.

Nationalism is common sense, the only reasom that we are in the state we find ourselves in is due to living comfortable.

The average human does not give a fuck, like an animal he avoids danger, be it even just thinking about it.

We devolved.

Your forefathers fought for a unified world, you moron


Nationalism is literally a modernist fabrication, invented so that the plebs could be drafted into the military.

A mean bourgie trick to get big fat arms contracts nothing more

6 million hours in Photoshop

Very Amerimut-tier thread. Being nationalist isn't really that controversial in Europe. Patriotism is a stupid word that mean the same.

Leftists like to alter the meaning of words, like nazi isn't a national socialist, it's someone who doesn't believe the same thing they do.

True, but still better than globalism. You don't have to embrace nationalism per se to recognize that it's superior to globalism. Unfortunately we can't go back to Europe before Francis I and live in a world without nationalism OR globalism.


That's not the definition at all.

The left can't meme

>open racist
Apparently limiting the amount these imported leeches suck from the system is racism

Hitler did nothing wrong.

subtle bait
very good