When gene editing becomes commercially available...

When gene editing becomes commercially available, will everyone make themselves into whatever the most attractive race is?

Or more to the point, why wouldn't they?

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if eugenics were free and all people had access to it then in a way it'll actually improve humanity a lot...

Stay pure

Yeah I'm sure those rich black women wouldnt pick good hair and light features if they could.

Your face when gene editing makes the whole world white?

Eugencis will be an arms race. Good luck beating a culture or country that is entirely made up of people with superior intelligence, longevity, health and cooperation. Basically, imagine white people having to resist ultra-white people. Wouldn't stand a chance.

I'm working on an AI that's optimization function is manipulating the human genome so only whites and Asians exist, and all the female humans will be around 7' tall and the males will grow to only be around 5'6" tall.
Amazons everywhere it's gonna be sweet.

Forgot to post sweet pic

That's what i mean.

I'm not really concerned. The Tower is getting pretty tall...

Nah. Most will just turn themselfs into furries

Time for the bubble to burst, you think?

Lots of who you are is determined during development and can't be altered later. Stuff like bone structure.

Not my place to know the date, but I do suggest getting out of babylon while you can

Cybernetic augmentation is vastly superior to gene manipulation

Gene manipulation gets passed on cybernetics don't

>have bizarre fetish
>have genes edited so I grow animal parts
>if I'm lucky enough to still be able to breed with humans, give birth to half chimera monster
>when they grow up they need to undergo gene therapy to fix the problems I forced on them
>have bizarre fetish
>have cybernetic animal parts implanted
>have regular children

That's not new. Jews are the super whites with slightly lower spatial intelligence.

No. You simply can't do it. We don't even have the slightest hint as to what 99.9999% of genes actually do. If you start fucking with them you're going to very quickly end up with something that's half-animal half-human, if not worse. Think down syndrome and autism bundled together and multiplied by 100.

Anybody who thinks that stupid humans can somehow comprehend what took nature hundreds of thousands of years to get right is patently insane.

They could probably edit the genes out in the embryo quite easily.
Not to mention that gene editing a grown person would be extremely difficult

>have a bizzare fetish
>get a visit to a shower
>dont pass your degenes & improve the society
Natsoc truly is the ideology of future.
>burger education
There's no way with animal parts you could breed with normal humans or even modify yourself post-birth, and mechanical transhumanism is straight on impractical for non-disabled humans.

There are 20000 genes in human DNA, all of which are known for coding a specific protein. How proteins interract is another and a far more complicated issue, however.

But I like girls my height so I can look them in the eyes and don't have to look down or up on them

really the only option to edit genes in living people is via viruses which is not only dangerous it's nearly impossible to control since you'd have to alter existing viruses and hope they don't mutate themselves and survive. The process would be likely fatal in any case, for a viral infection to totally alter all the cells in your body you'd usually be long dead.

Unless you Space-Marine it with genetic tampering, you aren't going to get any results whatsoever from grown adults or even teenagers. You'd need to have prepubescent or younger, with extensive amounts of genetic editing to even see viable results from them.

Ideally individuals won't even have a choice over whether they get genetically altered, because it would need to happen at or shortly after conception so the results are actually feasible.

>Anybody who thinks that stupid humans can somehow comprehend what took nature hundreds of thousands of years to get right is patently insane.
That's what software is for.

well no you'd do it to the gametes.

The problem would be to define, what genes belong to what nation/race. Currently genetic sampling is undermined in all imaginable ways.

There is also no way to know which traits are better and which are worse. Aside from some diseases. So white people will stay in their nation genetic pool, trying to clean out the invader genes. And nigs would just bleach their skin to look whiter.

When technology will be avaliable to not just clean your DNA, but reshape it, humanity as biologic phenomenon would stop existing. People would change themselves in very far going ways. Pets would be changed too. Lot of them will get consciousness.

There is a Russian writer Michail Haritonow. He writes the futuristic novel, that very well describes how it would be, along with the narrative. Novel title is "Buratino".

>Natsoc truly is the ideology of future
Unlikely as nobody takes NEETsocs seriously and likely never will

Not in china.

They will turn themselves into fucking biological robots and take over the world, and you know it.

Genetics is going to be the EXACT SAME game as empire building in the past.

What happened to all the civilizations on earth that were like "oh man, we're just going to be all peace and love man, live with nature bro".

They were either utterly destroyed by the nearest person who DIDN'T subscribe to that idea or were colonized by empires who were thinking in the exact opposite direction on a worldwide scale.

> nigger not shaping himself into a white kang when full genetical shaping is avaliable
> fags having so little fantasy to expand their sexual deviations, that they just change their skin color and add some hair > and still having a family of 2 > not even fucking and torturing their mutilated perpetually agonizing kid in public place
Seems legit.

too bad nigga the guy making skynet has an ogre fetish

>people like you.

Every step of the way, every fucking thing we invent or discover or master, there's a drooling idiot like you in the background going "ug skeptical, ug believe apes no mean to touch fire, fire for gods, not for apes, dis no end well".



Of the fucking way...

If you pay for the < $100k treatment, you become a ball of cancer and die painfully.

If you pay for the > $100k treatment, you live forever to watch others die painfully.

The treatment really costs less than $50 - its just systemic viral infection that doesn't trigger your immune system.

>spatial intelligence
is this a new meme?

I don't think adults can ever be modified in too big ways. People will just modify their kids, and in best case scenario their kids will grow up to look like their modified parents without any extra work.

There will be genetic open-source shit, coding is coding is coding is coding.

We've all already realized the unlimited value of open-sourcing things, because it turns out people are more than happy to work for free on a project they believe in.

There will be a github of genes.

Absolutely this.
We need the greater part of society to accept that stuff like IQ and good looks are in most part genetic however.
The prospects are both inspiring and absolutely horrifying.

No. 50% of the population will give themselves a bigger cock, and thats about it

Naturals will Allah Akbar you. Coordinators


Transhumanism is satanic

And your opinion isn't taken seriously even on a nigerian carpet decoration tutorial forum, leaf.

Did Utawarerumono predict the future?
Will it be possible to have a Kuon girlfriend?

Fucking this

why ?
would you call taking out your wisdom teeth also satanic ?

>t. pseud with the mentality "I fucking love science" simply because it's fashionable

You don't even know what you're talking about. People like you need to stop voicing their ignorant opinions on such topics so that any discussion of them isn't automatically discredited.

Living like trash when yould fix your faults and sicknesses is satanic.

That country exists. It's called Japan. Seriously Japs don't give a fuck about any of us, they have a quite distinct yet very advanced culture, don't fall for american degeneracy and have their own national brand of degeneracy, never apologized in the slightest about WW2, call every non Jap a literal monkey, banned muslims and Islam because they wanted to and nobody can hurt them because they're impermeable to any kind of virtue signalling or bigotry shaming. They're almost an alien race among others, existing within their own bubble, having technological advance and without even taking the existence of us into consideration. They're on earth yet they're not among us, they live in a parallel autist world.


Finally a flesh and blood human being instead of souless machines.

>you see fellas if I go over here and press lotsa these funny buttons my son's gonna come out as a 5.7m polysexual furry with 4 arms and gills, but ya see that is manipulation of a living body right? so is pulling out teeth, so you're against that too? pfff lunatic fric off

I can see that as a fallacy meme


Vaccinations are satanic. Prosthetics are satanic. Corrective eye surgery is satanic. Caffeine is satanic.

>not the loli

t. very smart skeptic edgy hedonist

Gene manipulation would only get passed on if germ line cells were altered. Germ line cells are set aside very early in the fetal stage when you are still just a bundle of cells. Those are what go on to form sperm/eggs. Gene manipulation will be very tissue specific and most often not target germ line cells.

Genes can't just be spliced in.
Gene editing can only turn on genes ALREADY in your genome.
Blacks and lower species won't be able to turn on traits they don't have.
The future is white.

AI, the surveillance state, the blockchain, and robotics will favor us too.

>Science is fashionable

W e w.
L a d.


>why wouldn't they?
There're fatties that choose to remain fatties despite having the means not to be.

Also there will be fights against gene editing, they will try to claim it's not natural, then that's not healty, finally they will try to claim there will be a NECESSITY of genetic diversity and either restrict or force certain genes, in the end anyway it will get monopolised by big signs that will limit, hide or purposefully release imperfect procedures to make money.

Don't wait for someone else to makes things better, they won't; fix what you can by yourself.

That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

You don't just edit your DNA and suddenly your body changes. That's like rewriting the blueprints and expecting a structure that was already built to change to conform to them. If you're not an embryo, you're SOL, which means that even if "designer babies" ever became a thing it'd be somebody else choosing everything for you anyways (probably to conform to their personal fetishes).

There's no real research in that area, anyways. Biology is a mess, your genome is the result of billions of years of pseudo-random mutations. Evolution drives towards "good enough", which is far from "perfect" - its solutions are basically nigger-rigged together. You make a change and everything breaks. If nothing else, rampant use of genetic engineering will quickly lead to reproductionally isolated "humans" unable to procreate because everyone's chromosomes are fucked beyond recognition.

If anything, future of the human race is in abandoning biological bodies, not engineering purple-skinned, green-haired, goat horned abominations with 18 sets of genitals for you to masturbate to.

t. a Russian

Why not both?

>yes goy leave the good technology with us
>live in a mud hut like a good little slave goy

>why wouldn't they?
I'm already white - why change.

Have you not seen the latest on CRISPR/Cas-9?

It's very much capable of splicing in genetic information.

It requires programming, and the tech is in the early stages, and of course the full extent of the consequences for cutting and pasting are far from known right now but it's absolutely possible.
If you had told Alan Turing people worldwide in 80 years will be walking around with a slim rectangle little bigger in square size than a drinks coaster with millions of times the processing power of the thing he built. connected to each other through a global network working wirelessly, within which contains the entire sum of human knowledge accessible freely at any time by anyone, he would have called you a fucking lunatic.

Or he would have said "yeah i figured things might turn out like that" because he was disgustingly intelligent, but you get what i mean.

Never underestimate the full capacity of technology.

When we have quantum computers simulating protein folds, this shit is going to explode like a technological nuke.

*a 100% slavic white Russian
What are your numbers?

some people will. many people will make themselves ugly and black to virtue signal.

This would be so much easier then finding a right woman with superior genes

>don't worry guys I'm 100% black, so it's okay!
Atleast the Americans have some semblance of whiteness on them. You may as well be an albino African.

>Genes can't just be spliced in.

Huh? Sure they can. There's been various vectors for doing that for decades now. None of them are particularly suitable for human usage because there's no such thing as a 100% accurate insertion vector. If a vector is even 99.9% accurate, you're talking billions of cells with bad insertions possibly leading to cancer or problems. And that's not theoretical, gene therapy research in animal models always shows a huge cancer risk.

Also, you're not inserting genes to change your fucking bone structure or sci-fi garbage like degenerates want (which isn't even controlled by one gene to start with, nor would such a thing restructure your existing skeletal system). You're inserting genes like, a functional copy of human insulin to treat certain types of diabetes. The fact that the only thing libshits think about when it comes to gene therapy is how to use this to fulfill their sexual fantasies and not how it can be used to treat disease shows how far their heads are up their asses.

I think abandoning biological bodies will never work, because there is far more to our minds than just what you think and feel whilst you're awake, and the more psychology advances the more it seems the body is absolutely and completely integral to the correct and working existence of the full mind.

I fully expect in 100 years or so, horrific, hellish stories to leak from places like China of attempts at uploading human consciousness into machines going monstrously wrong on levels few have the imagination to dream of.

You are actually a retard, because you are conditioned to test shit on yourself by elite. If it works, you will disregard it as obsolete and move other to other ebola-vaccine testing.

You also belittle people, who try to point you out, that your way is flawed, instead of taking their advices into consideration.

Progressivism is a fraud. Peasants treated wounds with washing it, with clean rags and molded bread for centuries. Progressives like Medici (name of medics comes form them) treated black death with cutting up the abscesses. While Medici clan itself just moved away from the disease and denied any peasant theories, that disease might be transferred by invisible entities, jumping from one diseased man to another. It was progressive to know, that all diseases where caused by phlegm disbalance and needed only some bloodletting to cure.
Later they treated syphilis with electroshock and stress with lobotomy.

the Chinese will get to this first, and are already doing it. Do you want to know a theory of whats going to happen in the future?

>be chinese
>be first people to edit genomes
>the changed genomes pass along generations
>edit genes for cancer resistant skin
>edit genes for improved eyesight, causing them to become larger
>and finally edit genes for larger brains, resulting in larger heads
>their increased intelligence causes superiority and the Chinese take over the world
>mfw aliens are chinese from the future
>mfw chinese end up conquering the world

Do you think telomers replacement is possible?

I'm sure your IQ's even lower than your whiteness percentage.
>comparing slavs to nogs
Have you never seen slavic people or something? Or it's just your (((memeflag)))?

You could only make designer babies

its pretty hard to change an adults genes and have them transform into a dude with wings, or just a chad for that matter

could do wonders in medical science tho

Reminder that this post is pure reddit
>I fucking love science
>"people like you"/wrong side of history

People already know genes are responsible for physical health and looks. The inteligence part is hampered by PC ideology about how people are educated.

I know it's theoretically possible and done with plants. I said 'you can't just splice' but I meant you can't just do it without using more elaborate techniques then editing what's already in the genome.
There are also more challenges when you bring in a trait from outside the organism's genome.
The target is a much farther target to hit.

>work so hard to get a 100% white wife and work against the mongrelization of your country
>so few jobs available in the future, high competition
>your children or your children's children choose to get a designer baby so they wont fall behind against the hordes of babies doing calculus in elementary school
>they're "white" in name only due to all the spliced shit in them

at least is a huge social presure which in the west isnt they probably would have children like them maybe a litle improvement but inside their race standards.
Embrion selection seem more plausible you could chose the best children you could have and it will be yours without any genetic modification

But atrazine is perfectly fine.

But he is right. Current place of Russians in the world is even lower than that of niggers. They have enclaves in USA, in all major EU countries, they are represented in many countries. They practically own many countries.

Russians are not represented anywhere, have no rights whatsoever and nobody would give a shit if Hitlery would nuke us all out of existence and gas the rubble.

in advance:
- Your denial would not change that.
- Ukrainians living even worse is not helping.


Human animal hybrids will be first, taking entire systems and jamming them together.
First live birth in ten years, made public in fifteen.
Shit's cray.

Why would they: Aesthetics/Environment/Peer Pressure/Warfare

Why wouldn't they?: Humans are multitools. It is like the can do all of animals, Just enough brainpower. Just enough mobility. Just enough everything. The only animal close to the dexterity of our hands is: The Octopus. Even it, while more precise with its tendrils is too slow to operate on land.

The real magic will come from making new races from scratch.
Good luck living in a world with sentient cat people, dragons, orks and elves.

The brain is a physical object. Therefore, with enough processing power and an accurate enough physics simulator, you can recreate a human brain in its entirety in silico. This isn't debatable, the only question is whether a machine with the necessary level of computational power to run such a simulation in near real-time is possible.

I wish high school kids would shut up about telomeres. Your high school teacher who told you about them didn't understand the underlying concept. You have stem cells which give rise to progenitor cells which give rise to fully differentiated cells. Telomeres are basically counters that tell a progenitor cell to die after it's divided too many times. That's required because every division is obviously coupled with DNA replication and every round of DNA replication statistically results in a number of errors. If the progenitor divided indefinitely, you'd get cancer, and this is seen in mouse models when they force it.

The idea is stem cells divide rarely to preserve the integrity of their genome. They give rise to progenitor cells which divide like crazy, but only for a limited number of times to limit mutation. Eventually the progenitor dies and is replaced. The key thing to keep in mind is that the vast majority of cells in your body don't replicate, in general it's just these extremely small number of stem cells and progenitor cells.

> with enough processing power and an accurate enough physics simulator, you can recreate a human brain
Have you ever tried to use software emulation instead of a GPU?

You are quite literally fighting to create a maxwell demon fallacy here.

>but what if we paint the blacks white!
>b-but what if we fix them being stupid, violent and worthless too
You won't. You're not gonna live to see gene editing of anything but zygotes, if that.

Quit making excuses. They're a problem, they need to be fixed. Not kick the can down the road. Magic isn't real, there are no perfect solutions. Just bad and worse, and you're worse.

Most of the differences between people is how genes are used, not the content of the genes. Genes arent just on/off. Their interaction with each other is amazingly complex. Most of how dna works is increasing or decreasing level at which a gene is expressed.

It's my field or field of interest.
I just know if it's possible it's easier to make white people who are already intelligent and attractive then it will be to turn black people in indistinguishable white people or a Jew into a healthy person.

Also, whites have all the money and know how.

fuck diversity and fuck black people


Why not just have a Nordic Ideal eugenics program if every ugly ass mongrel wants to be Aryan?

I wanna be a fox anthro.

So that's why Martians look like chinks.

This. I am fine just as I am.

what can and cannot be changed in adults?

When gene editing is finally achieved I'm gonna find me a care taker and make myself a 3 year old girl. Live the easy life.

Actually they just managed to rejuvenate old senescent cells with Resveratrol.


>University of Exeter, has discovered a new way to rejuvenate inactive senescent cells.
>Within hours of treatment the older cells started to divide, and had longer telomeres -- the 'caps' on the chromosomes which shorten as we age.

Future is looking pretty interesting.
>Inb4 we all end up as 580 year old wageslaves with chipped brains.