Manga/Anime ideas thread

Manga/Anime ideas thread

We forbid or impose a limitation on the mc to make it interesting edition.

Shitty example:
>fighting shounen
>mc can't fight

Isekai anime

he has no magic ability whatsoever and has no knowledge on agriculture and doesn't know how to make any modern technology.

Mahou shoujo

no magical ability, animal sidekick is trying to find someone that does and the MC promises to lead it to that lucky girl. Until then they have to deal with the monsters-of-the-week without any magical abilities.


Only mass produced machines. No super prototypes, no advanced versions, no Mk.2. Doesn't apply to the antagonists.

Fuck yes this is exactly what my heart is yerning for

8th MS team?

MC is never the strongest person in the universe. He doesn't win all the battles. Side characters sometimes take his place in battle when he's about to job. MC can be captured as if he's a side character. The story is not always at his perspective.


Set in a post-apocalyptic environment, MC has no friends



MC doesn't actual exist he's just a fictional character

make it a reverse harem with the guys all being bishounen and have it be a study on waifuism.

you'd be surprised how many post-apocalyptic SoLs are out there

Mushoku Tensei?


MC to get with her love wishes to be a man, only to find out that her love is lesbian so now she has to find a way to go back

>Dark Fantasy setting
>irresponsible Captain Taylor MC

Modern Fantasy.
MC is an asshole and have a bunch of close friends who are even worse assholes.

Twewy with more assholes?

What about franken mechas in case of emergency? Are those allowed?

zombie apocalypse

you're the zombie, has to run away from zombie-hunting humans and other threats (optionally, other zombies too)

Horror anime.

Mc can't see.

>everything animated is an approximation of what mc percieves
>trippy visuals
>uncertain objects blur
>darkness or voids represent unknowns
>yfw the big bad pops onto the screen after revealing it's presense with just a word

Damn son you actually made me drop it with the first word I'm impressed

>fighting shounen
>mc never wins a fight
I'm serious, I think there's a way to make this interesting.
In the same way opm is interesting despite it's premise.

Even pretending this hadn't been done many times in stories from around the world, how exactly would "no magic, no agriculture knowledge, and no modern tech" force anyone to write anything interesting? Hell, we could just make him the destined master swordsman or whatever and make exactly the same power fantasy shit you're probably trying to avoid.

>I think there's a way to make this interesting.
>In the same way opm is interesting
You're contradicting yourself.

battle shonen r63 spinoff
they turn all the dudes into waifus

Slice of Life with plenty of cakes.

Mc is a master at quite possibly everything, but only when drunk. After knocking out his opponent in a bar fight he has a conversation with a nearby business woman talking about life yadda yadda yadda shes swooned. The next day he wakes up slightly hungover with barely a memory of what happened. He receives a call, is hired and starts working with office cakes tomorrow.

This is pretty good.

>Following the First Grand War, Europa is divided into 3 main powers: Imperial German Empire (IGE), British Empire & League of Republician Europe (LORE) (LORE is headed by France), and Union of Soviet Republics & States (USRS)

>The IGE has been itching for a fight and reason to expand even further since the First Grand War, and been a thorn in the side of the LORE for a very long time.
>IGE sets up a false flag getting one of its royal family members kill during a good will mission in LORE territory sparking the Second Grand War.
>The whole series focuses on the war effort of the MC and his platoon as they fight in the war against the League of Republic Europe and the British Empire.
>MC is a member of the Army of Imperial Germany (AIG) and is a pilot to their Tactical Assault Weapons (TAW) which is basically a mech.
>First campaigns begin with the defense/securing of the coastline to stop any British Empire from landing troops or creating blockades, push into the LORE Capital Nation in France, the btfo Italian LORE forces and defense of Austrian satellite state, and etc.

You also have down time when everybody is just doing slice of life of things at their bases until they are deployed into the field.

A show about older men from a retirement home with various disabilities opening a coffee shop together to stave off their crushing lloneliness. They struggle to find the money at first but little by little, they overcome each obstacle that they face through hard work and by applying their life's experiences.

>LORE is headed by France
I can only suspend my disbelief so far, Kerokero.