Tax Cuts to the Rich

Why is Trump cutting taxes on the rich, shouldn't we be raising taxes on the rich to help balance the friggin budget? Why on earth would Trump do this?

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you voted him in. give yourself a pat on the back and deal with it.

Wait... Democrats said under Obama, who raised the debt more than all previous Presidents combined, that raising the National Debt was GOOD.

Now it's bad?

What the fuck! You guys can take any stand on any issue as long as someone promises you free shit.

Full disclosure: I don't give a shit about tax cuts; I'd save money, but would rather get a The Trump Wall.

raising the debt is good if you're spreading money out to everyone. rich people don't need more money, they have enough and now they're getting more while the poor get nothing.

Shut the hell up

Well then you democrats are just as retarded since you DONT like the national debt under republicans

Are we talking rich as in Mark Zuckerberg, or the guy who ones one or two McDonalds franchises?

>shouldn't we be raising taxes on the rich to help balance the friggin budget?
The more money you have, the easier it is to find methods to dodge paying taxes. The lower the taxes are, the less incentive an ultra-wealthy person would have to dodge taxes. Once it's low enough, the legal risk or effort needed to dodge those taxes aren't worth it compared to simply paying those taxes and being done with it.

As backwards as it sounds, the ultra rich pay more taxes when they're taxed less.

>shouldn't we be raising taxes on the rich to help balance the friggin budget?

Or just end the national wellfare state and devolve the stolen powers of the national government to the states.

He is cutting taxes across the board with the biggest cuts for lower and middle class you twat

How does taking a rich persons money throwing it at niggers in school, fat niggers with diabetes who need "free medical" care solve our debt? Because sure as shit if you give the govt more money, they will find new ways to waste it.


Good argument actually. It's better than MUH TRICKLE DOWN. However shouldn't the solution be in closing loopholes?

That would help too. But taxing the rich will also work

EXACTLY TWAT, I want higher taxes on everyone including the lower and middle class, but especially on the rich.

Taxing the rich sounds great until the rich people start leaving your country in droves.

>why don we jus tax them 100%

Wow you're dumb

Because they're preparing to cut sending. He needs several social insurance policies put in place by the Democrats to implode on themselves. It's how he's going to repeal Obama care for example.

Think about it like this, you overtax the rich, who create stuff like... companies, stores, y'know... jobs, then they won't do it anymore, then you create unemployment!
WOW, why is he not doing it right now? He must be mad! Go and tell him you want more unemployment right now!

I don't give a shit as long as the death tax gets removed; or at least the death tax should not apply to farm capital.

>rich create the jobs
Sure buddy, wageslavery is totally a good thing.

>But taxing the rich will also work
Yeah, I too believe that confiscating the billions in assets of our richest people can end the chronic trillion dollar fiscal shortfalls. It's a numbers game you damn statist, and unless your definition of rich starts to spread to a lot more people, and to lot more things besides income, you cannot balance the budget without serious reform.

The idea is that the more money the rich have, the more they will invest in the market.

That's good though. It's what prevents the wealthy from having dynasty

because the more you raise taxes on the rich the more likely they'll try to offshore or just straight up leave the country.

Yeah sure, taxing billions of dollars, every year, for a long time, won't pay off the debt. SUUUUURE

The last thing America needs is more Gordon Ghekkos.

Maybe the government can spend less money on pointless shit.

The rich don't create shit anymore, they just keep more and more money in a pile, expanding their self worth and hurting the middle and lower class

They need to spend and increase wages

Do not pretend the rich are any of our friends

This guy knows whats up


How about instead of having the rich spend, the gov takes it and spends it for them.

Now you're being dumb, taking the supposed billions won't pay off the trillion(s) of the debt if the debt is still increasing. Slow the growth of the debt while increasing incentives for the rich to keep their money in the states, actually keep American wealth in America and the bottom rungs will be able to find work (if they look for it). But taking money and throwing it at poor people doesn't work, can't tax people into wealth.


Taxes should be cut and budget should be cut.

Who gives a fuck. It doesn't matter what is done the rich will always get richer and the poor will always be poor.

>However shouldn't the solution be in closing loopholes?
If only. It was Trump's original plan but I'm guessing that no one on either side of the aisle is willing to give up those loopholes. Those loopholes keep them sitting pretty.
Don't be a fool thinking any one party is what they say they are. You may have an honest individual here or there but the people who get recruited into politics are pretty much all people who can be easily kept on a leash. Even someone that starts out "grassroots" can be compromised. The promise of great things contrasted with the prospect of you and your family being in danger can get people to do almost anything.

because were not an authoritarian shithole

We value freedom, but there is line where you fucking over the free people becomes to far

Because they take their money elsewhere if it's too high.

That's why Apple was in Ireland and after the EU tried to fine them so now they moved to Jersey and get favorable deductions in the UK. They give a lot to the economy and the people who want all dat gibs ends up getting nothing.

The super rich flood to the UK and Luxembourg, because they offer the best mix of low tax and standards of living.

Trump hopes that lowering the tax rate will bring that money back to the US.

>stealing less is giving

Exactly this. You think the kike lawyers they'll set up to get rid of these loopholes actually want to when they benefit from them? It'll just take them 20 years or whatever then 30 loopholes will popup.

>Because they take their money elsewhere if it's too high.

While you can tax the shit out of middle class since they cannot move themselves or their money en masse.
In other words entire nations must pander to rich because they have the power to leave. Too many people fail to realise they are living under a plutocracy.

Except no country likes tax dodgers, you can easily get the whole world to come down on them, so claiming they will just leave is bull

They like living in 1st world country, don't kid yourself thinking they would leave it get murdered in some 3rd world African mud hut.

why punish the useful members of society?

Rich people won't move out of the country, because, guess what, no other country on earth is AMERICA. Rich people will literally get raped to death by foreign governments, at least in America they keep their money

They're the job creators! Don't you know how capitalism works?

>Have an Obamacare tax AND shitty healthcare.
I'll take the shills seriously when they start shilling for asset taxes for billionaires.

1) The poor need to pay (much) more in taxes, not the rich, super rich, or middle class

2) The Business tax needs to be lowered, since the burden of the business tax is borne in a nontransparent way both by wage earners and by shareholders.

3) Social Security Long Term Disability needs to be eliminated

4) Social Security retirement needs to be privatized

5) Medicare/caid need to end

6) THEN you can raise taxes across the board (now that payroll taxes, which amount to a marginal tax rate of 12.5%, have been reduced)

and then you can have your balanced budget.

Bonus points for building a nationalized blockchain currency with an algorithmic progressive VAT and algorithmic spending.

You only just figured that out? It's been like that since the middle ages little serf.

>The super rich flood to the UK and Luxembourg, because they offer the best mix of low tax and standards of living.

American reading comprehension.


>and now they're getting more
cutting taxes isn't giving anyone anything, it's just taking less.
Also new limits on state and local taxes will benefit lower class people the most

>3) Social Security Long Term Disability needs to be eliminated
>4) Social Security retirement needs to be privatized
>5) Medicare/caid need to end

How to never get another republican elected again 101
Those things are sacrosanct, If you dare to speak against them you will be burried in the ballot box. The tea party dont thread on me boomer republicans will go all the way to marx if you dare take their social security and medicare gibs.

So both parties agree on to not touch them for the fear of losing votes. Similar to Farmer subsidies

>You only just figured that out?
Oh not me, just talking about others.

Capitalism is by default authoitarianist

Nobody keeps their money in a scrooge mcduck vault, they invest it. GUESS WHAT THAT DOES

Hilarious to see a Nazi saying "fuck poor white people" (that money goes to whites too - whites are more than half of the US population) while defending the capitalist elite, which is disproportionately Jewish

This exposes Nazism as the fraud that it is. Nazis don't care about rich people fucking over everyone else. IRL, rich people funded the Nazis to break up unions and murder anti-rich public figures

>How about instead of having the rich spend, the gov takes it and spends it for them.
>because were not an authoritarian shithole

Reminder that we gave them trillions in the first place by pumping up the stock market with funny money.

Reminder that facebook is funding activists to keep this charade going for as long as possible.

"Ironically, contrary to normal expectations that ordinary Americans would demand higher rates on their savings, Fed Up wants precisely the opposite. Fed Up has mounted an aggressive effort to convince the Fed to keep rates ultra low, and to promote diversity in a largely white male dominated central bank, among other desired reforms."

>How to never get another republican elected again 101
Boo fucking hoo
grow a spine.
Those programs are gigantic drags on the whole economy.

The rich are parasites

If increasing taxes on the rich and spreading the wealth is a good thing, why stop at the 60% they already pay?
Is right, lets tax them every dollar and spread it out. They have enough wealth already.

OP drinks NPR and libtard koolaid... is obvious

Trump tax cuts clearly don't help the upper tiers, guarantee 50% pay nothing, and remove the state exemption... only thing they do that would indirectly help rich is lower the corp tax... but what you mouthbreathers can't seem to figure out is just because you have a C-corp doesn't mean you're rich

> muh rich people
> muh don't deserve what they make

Because the top 20% pay almost all the taxes. Half of the country is getting taxed to subsidize the other half


Yeah, it's totally a rich guy's fault that this man spent his money on a 4 wheeler instead of maintaining his home

Boo hoo grow a spine

Why are you talking to yourself

No country will let them get away with tax evasion, the rich can cry about it all they want but if they want to stay alive with 1st world luxuries they are going to stay in a 1st world country, paying their fair share

They will not run, that is such bullshit

No billionaire abandons their home country because the taxes are too high

Oh and stop replying to yourself

>raising the debt is good
Opinion discarded forever. There is absolutely no fucking reason to raise the fucking debt

fuck off you egalitarian redditor crypto-commie

Maybe they are drags for you but go tell your 70 year old republican grandfather that you are going to take away his medicare and social security because they are "drags" lets see how that works out.
Sure you can have your spine but that will come with a thousand year of all democrat president/senate/house.

Again, social security, medicare, farmer subsidies etc will never be touched unless you invent a way to make all boomers and farmers et al to vanish. For all that libertarian/capitalism/git the guburmunt out talk americans are quite socialsit when it comes to their spesific benefits.

I'm not saying I disagree with you but it is what it is, those things will stay

Appalachia is the poorest region in the country, and it's 90% white. Are you saying all of those people are stupid, lazy, and irresponsible?

>rich people wont move
>thats why trump didnt use The moving of companies factories out of the US as a campaign point
>carrier definitely didnt move production to mexico during the election.

The way they invest it is not doing anything to help the middle class

Buying a big plot of land and then sitting on it does not help us

They invest for short term profits which constantly fuck over the poor.

We need long term thinking which is abundantly shown they are incapable of doing

Look at this graph. Higher profits = lower wages. Microeconomics is 100% a zero sum game.

>the rich are parasites
>i want to parasitically leech off them through taxation

"Rich people won't just leave because of high taxes", he says in a post marked with the flag of a country founded by rich people who started a revolution over high taxes.

We could set up a plan to end it, while grandfathering current and soon to be beneficiaries

>No country will let them get away with tax evasion
Except they're already doing it in every 1st world country. They don't need to live in Congo to not pay taxes, they hire jewish lawyers to find loopholes in the tax-code or they do some other illegal bullshit, and get away with it too.
You should be for simplifying the tax-code so breaking the law would be more difficult, you act as if doing something illegal is impossible, but in reality it is desirable when you earn billions.

Yes. Have you been there? I have.

Are you fucking serious? They founded the country because they had no representation not because of high taxes, jesus christ read a history book

Keep living under a rock, Billionaires will not give up their 1st world life style just because you taxed them more.

I'm all for simplifying the tax code but i do not think the wealthy need a tax break

What's with all the leftypol bs I'm seeing here. Either that or it's the antics trolls. Fuck off, either way.

You're an absolute retard. Rich people do not just "buy land". They pay other people to put the money into stocks, allowing those companies to expand, or invest the money into various bank portfolios, allowing banks to give loans to buisinesses.

>dumbest nigger alive, the post

The tax plan tried to tax the rich. The liberal west coast mafia in Silicon Valley went ape shit,

It lasted all of about a day. No more rich people taxes. Thanks liberals.

They spread the wealth to all ready wealthy people

They need to do it in a way that effects lower and middle class

Billionares can recreate their first world lifestyle wherever they want.
And yeah, it was taxes. Representation in the colonies was a non-issue until the tax hikes

the top 20% pays 94.8% of taxes. How exactly do you not cut their taxes in a tax cut?

Your a nazi swallowing natsocs propaganda what you don't realize is trump is lowering taxes on the poor as well.

>allowing buisinesses to expand and open more job positions doesn't help the lower class
>increasing the availability of loans doesn't help the middle class

you're a bitch. taxes should be a flat per"ent for all, and corporate taxes need increasing on outsourcing . for example why the fuck was the DNC paying Awans to do their IT and not some fucking americans?

Yeah totally the poor fault their money is stolen by the wealthy

It's the poor that create the riches wealth

so you're just a retard who will never amount to anything. got it, flaggot

commies think everyone can be a business-owner and job creator and forget that it's a world of pain and suffering and failure where skill and luck lead to great success and great failures all at massive risk to entrepreneurs .

Their money wasn't stolen, they spent what they had on frivolities


Everybody needs a "tax break". The state should shrink to atmost 5% of what it is today.

How do you cut taxes without tax cuts for the rich?

antifaggot go home

And a 3rd world shit hole can just take them hostage, nationalize their assests and so on

Name one case where some billionaire in the western world fled because of high taxes


Yes making hundreds of bottom of the barrel jobs that keep people in wageslavery is such a good thing

Why are you defending people who do not care about you, the rich are not your friends, you are just a tool to them and they only seek profit at any expense to your own being

Wage stagnation is great example of how the poor keep getting more poor

There is a limit to where that is true and their is a huge excess of wealth which starts to hurt those who are poorer.


>Make rich richer by pumping the stock market with Trillions of funny money
>complain that they're paying too much of the taxes

>economics is 100% a zero sum game.

Exactly this is why we need to make sure the rich don't get too rich

Paul Krugman lost a debate to fucking surgeon Ron Paul, he's an economic laughing stock.
Either fuck off to /r/politics or stop baiting. Marxist class analysis has proven itself incorrect every step of the way, there's a reason why workers don't create socialist businesses, and rather engage in capitialist "wage-slavery".

>And a 3rd world shit hole can just take them hostage, nationalize their assests and so on
No they can't. Rich people just leave or take over themselves. This isn't a hypothetical.
>Name one case where some billionaire in the western world fled because of high taxes
My fucking state is filling up with commiefornia expats fleeing the high taxes they voted for. But if you want an international example, cuba

>Yes making hundreds of bottom of the barrel jobs that keep people in wageslavery is such a good thing
Yes, paying people for labor is good
>Wage stagnation is great example of how the poor keep getting more poor
It's caused by immigration, it saturates the labor markets

I just told you they don't need to flee, they can dodge taxes from the safely from the comfort of their own home. The point the poster earlier was trying to make, was that the risk of breaking the law, combined with the resources spent to be able to break it would not be worth it unless they paid such a high tax.

You keep saying they will leave, but they don't, you can't even name one, so you can't keep making that bullshit claim.

Also i said high taxes for the rich, the lower and middle class shouldn't be hit with them because they are the ones who need help the most.

Wageslavery is not a good thing, you should not defend it.

And who benefits from immigration and lower wages? The rich.

Like i said they continue to poison the poorer classes.