Atheism is Aboriginal

Does anyone else notice how memes work because of logic? Logically that logicality didn't come from nothing. Meme's prove God.

The theory is, dinos had insufficient protection against the cold (except those dinos which had feathers - and survived).

Mammals, otho, literally had fur.
Fish lived in the ocean, Op, and the temperature changes were less drastic.

The flood... Yeah...

a meme by definition is just a manner of forwarding information

like OP is a faggot, meme and true

Noah's flood is different, it is history. No theory necessary, and tons of sediment evidence to prove it. Soft dinosaur blood tissue samples extracted from previously believed "millions of years" old fossils, soft tissue, not 10,000 years old, please?

You: your right
Also you: faggot
Nice flag.

the Noah's flood story is there in hinduism too, with Vishnu reincarnating as a whale to help a sage gather certain noble creatures to save from a flood ("pralaya") that submerged the world. I'm pretty sure even Egyptian mythology had a similar story. if so many completely different cultures make a reference to it, it can't be mere myth right?


Fuck of you toothless blimey

The fossil record does not show monkeys existing at the same time as large reptilian dinosaurs. If you are going to try to insult Darwinian evolution theory at least criticize it for something it actually claims.

You sound like an atheist making fun of Christians by mocking something Christianity never claimed. You think you sound smart, but you actually just sound like a completely uneducated moron because you obviously don't know the first thing about what you are trying to criticize.

The only mammal fossils that date that far back are small rodent like fossils. No evolutionist believes monkeys and dinosaurs co-existed.

That's logical.
Close orbiting water and Earth soil commits also confirm Noah's "fountains" of water in a profound way, the collapse of the crust was so great it thrust water into orbit.
Common ancestry is another, in animals and Humans. There is a high country lake in Oregon with a crustacean descended from shrimp essentially, found no where else on Earth, related to shrimp everywhere. In a sedimentary cave. Left from the receding water.
The most concrete evidence is in genome mapping. Not only linear common ancestry, Adam and Eve confirmed, but also the genetic convergence expected from Noah's adventure.. confirmed. The "mitochondrial Eve" or a second common ancestry in Noah's wife, I think her name Naamah, she was. Science FTW.

>true believers club
Dinosaur soft tissue + soft tissue absolute minimal decay rate = not ten thousand years, facts not theory.

then there's the big bang. even after all this research, scientists know how the world was a millionth of a second after the big bang, but still don't know how it was at t=0, at the big bang itself. so known laws of physics wouldn't exist and energy would have to be created from nothing. "let there be light" is the unironically best description we've got so far. only brainlets think science "debunks" religion whereas they're both there to explain completely different things, and often go hand in glove.

Nobody will ever love you the way I love you Keith. You wanna go ahead and get off the computer? Come to my room and get some of your daddies Yummy Gummy Juice? Straight from the tap like I know you like it?

user d-do you not understand methods of preservation? Do you think Egyptians used magic?

How old do you think Egyptian mummy's are?

The fact that you can even spew such shit from your mind, ironically or not, is a sign of severe mental illness. Suicide might be your best option, friend.

How did the animals walk from Australia to the middle East ?


The surface of the Earth is made up plates, there is fluid beneath, most is submerged, where plates protrude from the water we have land, continents, these plates move. Their motion is called seismic motion. Australia has shifted and all the continents greatly changed shape and location during different seismic events. Some of the particulars of the exact formation of the shape of the continents is theoretic, but they were divided, Genesis 10:25. Nothing about Australia or outback biology is incompatible with the Bible.

It's not the memes that work, it is the belief in the meme that works. Anything you believe will come true within God's will will come true because God made that promise in the Gospel and epistles. Anything you believe within Gods will will come true because you are made in his image and have his spirit if you are not damned. Therefore, belief is the power of God, Christ Jesus is belief because he is the promise he is the substance of miracles. So when you guys meme it is just a symbol which focuses you belief, like a metaphysical car that you all push and God honora if it be within his will.

Whatever you believe within God's will will come true. What you think is and will be will be and is because he is I AM.

jesus christ the alt-right can't meme

>people unironically think this is an argument

Memes show, or are proof of the limitations, or boundaries of thinking. The architecture of thought becomes visible...

Cool, next you're gonna tell me dragons existed too because all myth has dragon

U think our legends about living forever, adam&eve pre apple and fountain of youth being water, for example, had any truth to them? my mind sends me to things humans have already explored like ketosis.

yes, they do user; they're called monitor lizards. taking legends at face value is stupid, but every myth has since sort of logical origin, and if multiple people so over the world independently "made up"the same myth, there's gotta be a pretty good reason

The cretaceous period saw a much higher percentage of O2 in the atmosphere compared to our what, 21% or so. That's a much more hospitable environment for large cold blooded animals. There is more energy in the lower food chain in that circumstance. You also had a lot of relatively large insects, and those sustained mammals and other mid-sized creatures, and up the food chain that energy went. The O2 situation was not to last, and neither was the orientation of the continents, which created more tropical zone landmass.

I do believe. Adam and Eve, Moses and Jesus, heaven and hell. Fundamentally. I like more practical sciences as well.

And Dinosaurs too, I believe mid evil and ancient legend of giant creatures, dragons, and sea monsters is most definitely in reference to actual encounters with post flood dinosaurs and other less uncommon magnificent giant creatures like rhinos, elephants and still other sea things.

How about this
Heaven = Being one with God
Hell = the opposite
Cloud cities and fiery tunnels are all human imagination.
I align with this

monkeys did not exist during the dinosaurs, an asteroid would not kill fish, and yes this could just be a giant simulation to see if you really are that stupid.

Noah's flood is just a basic bitch copyright infringement of Gilgamesh. Deal with it faggot

light is energy, "let there be energy" basically. Energy and matter go hand in hand, thus the material universe was made.

More like same history, told thru different minds

science is 90% pompous bookworms guessing and patting each other on the back. dinosaurs did live alongside people, they were called dragons.

...and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths
Timothy 4:4

I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument.
Colossians 2:4

>yfw you realise you're literally worshipping a poo in loo god