Poor white people

must suck that the most advanced country in the marvel universe is a black nation


>the only place niggers are more advanced than anybody is in a cartoon made by a white guy
>niggers think that its real history
cant make this shit up

its only a matter of time before sjw's claim that this fictional black success story is problematic because its fictional

Poor nigger people

Whitey BTFO

>this is what Africa woulda been today if yall white demons had minded ya own fuckin bidness

Screenshotting for future use, bless you user

Or they'll just treat it as historical narrative.

I'm glad (((Hollywood))) made this movie. It must have taken a lot of bravery to portray a successful isolationist ethnostate considering current events and all.

I am of course referring to the fact that Black Separatists groups such as the New Black Panther Party are both the larger and fastest growing hate group in the US according to the Southern Poverty Law Center

Rundown for people who don't watch this propaganda?

You are a liar and a niggerfaggot.

>A succesful black society only exists in fantasy

Kinda funny the most advanced black civilization is in a fantasy world created by a white guy. Blacks could even dream of an advanced civilization even in fiction.

Wakanda is an isolated black ethnostate. They hate outsiders. Theyre advanced af because of some really valuable material mined there (same shit used to make captain America's shield i think) It's funny because libs will eat this shit up.
>wow a country with no whitey allowed that's so cool.

Drives me out of my mind every time I think about it.

What is Atlantis?

That guy really is a master troll.

.....It's just a movie. Come back to reality and remember the disappointment of real life.

must suck that you have to look into fiction to find successful black civilizations

And it still can't have a functioning democracy.

Asgard - built by white gods

Has a couple of minor token blacks to keep them from chimping out.

black panther is /our guy/

>must suck
Must suck for black people that the only civilization they have period is in a fucking comic book.

They have a big wall to keep the niggers out

It's fantasy, we get it.

>niggers think that this is real history

This movie shows how cool Africa would be if it was actually civilized. The fact that it isn't civilized is the biggest this movie points out.
>mfw when groids start praising the achievements of fictional Africans and get a sense of ethnic pride over a made up comic book universe created by white writers.
>they're so lacking in achievements and prominent figures that they literally wait for white people to create them and sell them to them. And they're happy about this.

Black Planther is a nationalist and his people kill immigrants and place their heads on pikes along their borders
The beauty of this is that if he were white, the comic would be deemed white supremacist propaganda