This is me waiting for Trump to comment on Roy Moore. Why is he so fucking quiet? He hasn’t tweeted anything

This is me waiting for Trump to comment on Roy Moore. Why is he so fucking quiet? He hasn’t tweeted anything.

Wait... I just used this meme many hours ago in a... forum'... far far away.

What madness is this?

Also, Trumpkins JUST got back from hanging with the Asianics, so give him a break, will ya?

He is waiting for it to play out. The smart move. If he makes the wrong choice here the media will constantly bring it up the rest of his presidency. If the allegations are proven false he will come in and defend Moore. If the allegations continue he will be quiet. If they are proven true he will bash Moore.

He's made the only winning move: not to play.


His jewess daughter has already thrown in her hook. If things go poorly for Moore, Trump will help her twist it. If not, he will ignore her and come to his defense while she slinks back into the shadows with the rest of the GOP traitors.

The only thing anyone on the right should have ever said is "This is a serious allegation, I hope the truth comes out in court." That would help shift the burden of proof back away from Moore, and turn a court of public opinion into a court of law. It would also allow them to wash their hands of it, so that if Moore turns up guilty, he can burn for it alone, and if he's innocent there's no bad blood. As it is now, if Moore is vindicated his entire state will despise the GOP establishment for generations. Hell even if he turns up guilty, the people still may be pissed off just because they jumped on him before any kind of actual charges or evidence was actually presented. Any time something like this happens, the only people who take sides this early on are those with a partisan agenda to serve, and that agenda always taints the investigation, no matter how it turns out. The best thing Trump can do is keep his mouth shut, I just wish his brood of jew loving wannabe traitors would do the same.

>Also, Trumpkins JUST got back from hanging with the Asianics, so give him a break, will ya?

It’s been over a week and still haven’t seen a single tweet about this.

Guess they don’t have internets in Asia?

Good grief. With friends like this, who needs backstabbers? How fucking slimy.
This is why American politics is a cesspool. Or at least a symptom of it.

And what the fuck would you prefer? If you defend him, and he turns out to be a kid diddler, you go down too, but if you call him out before evidence is even presented, then you're just as bad as the rest of the hacks.

You do nothing, and wait for things to play out. As it is, the evidence presented shows holes in the story, and I honestly suspect this whole thing to be a frame job, but until there is enough proof of that to be sure, the smart choice is to stay out of it.

Jeff got out of it in the senate hearing by saying it was a state matter. That was likely the only smart thing he said the whole time.

He's going to avoid this thing at all costs.

>support Moore
get even more shit on by everyone just after a small spike in popularity

>dismiss Moore
Allow for these horrid and deceitful tactics to gain legitimacy.

>Jeff got out of it in the senate hearing by saying it was a state matter. That was likely the only smart thing he said the whole time.

But sessions said he believed the women.

>He's going to avoid this thing at all costs

Leadership everyone

I'm still waiting for Lock Her Up a lot longer

Like I said, it was the only smart thing he said the entire time. If I recall he put his foot in his mouth during a separate occasion.

The point remains, there is no good way to get involved in this. It's like watching someone fighting in a mud pit. There is no way to get involved without getting covered in mud yourself. There are countless ways for this to go up in Trump's face, but saying nothing gives him a win win situation.

For instance, if Moore is innocent, as I suspect he is, but he retires in defeat anyways just to make the attacks stop, then nothing you say or do about it will make him seem innocent or you not guilty by association. Trump paraded Clinton's own victims during the campaign, and his own past womanizing is a major propaganda talking point for the left, he can't afford to allow an attack like this to connect to him or he will end up on the defensive. At this point, he can only hope Moore knows how to deal with the media, and that he is innocent, and then once the accusations fall apart he can swoop in and help Moore solidify his reputation and go right back on the offensive.

This isn't even a 3d chess meme, it's literally just not being a retard.

Well, what do you want him to say?

She already has

>Well, what do you want him to say?

I’ll let the president speak for himself but I wonder why he won’t talk about this but twetet a 100 Times abot the nfl. I wonder why he’s so insecure.

It’s only getting worse as more women come out. The more trump remains silent the more it tears the gop apart.

Probably waiting on secret intel confirming or discarding the accusations.

I'm still waiting for video of the Vegas shooter checking in with his giant bags of guns.

If he was even fucking there to begin with.

I'm still waiting for the Directors Cut

Are you literally retarded? The NFL is low hanging fruit and an easy rallying point for a massive chunk of his base, that being normal, blue collar workers who look forward to few things beyond getting home from work and watching the game with a beer in their hand. Really standard GOP base type folks who listen to Hannedy and Rush Limbaugh as prophets. It's literally just a big button that stirs up his base and keeps them loud and angry so that he can point to them to get congress off their ass.

That's it. I'm willing to bet good money Trump doesn't give a shit about the NFL issues.

All the more reason to not fucking say anything you retard. I'm honestly wondering what the fuck you want him to say?

Because he's learned how D.C works. The only thing Trump is concerned about is that AL doesn't go Democrat. He's waiting. More allegations could come out, and if they probably fucking will.

OP is a confirmed Hillfag. Smart move is not to comment.

still waiting on Trump using the #MeToo hashtag to something completely unrelated

Trump took and ad out calling for the death of the Central Park five befor a trail, before they were found innocent.

>OP is a confirmed Hillfag. Smart move is not to comment.

Hmmm I guess I triggered you cause that’s all you got.

because his daughter already called him a pedo who should burn in hell

>because his daughter already called him a pedo who should burn in hell

So why hasn’t trump himself? Why does he not answer reporters questions about this? This is really bad.

I think Trump is being savvy for this whole issue is super charged and most people are reacting instead of being objective.

My impression is that there is much more to this story. I am also under the impression that this was a hit job. Could I be wrong, sure I can be, but based upon what I have seen for many years in observing situations, it takes time for facts to settle in.

If there were dirty tricks involved, I think that those who made false claims should be held accountable.

While I know those who have been abused are fearful to speak out and it is not only the fear of those who they accuse, it is also due to the overall, unthinking and reactionary public who quickly choose sides and get very nasty.

I also wonder why this took so long to come out. Because it is so close to an election when this story broke, it stinks to high heaven. This alone should cause people to pause and think...


What should he say? If I had a son, he'd look like Roy Moore?

And that was dumb of him. What's your point?

Holy shit you're fucking retarded, I've told you why, multiple times. You're either a dumbass, or a dumbass with an agenda. What the fuck do you want him to fucking say, or are you just trying to shitpost?

>What the fuck do you want him to fucking say, or are you just trying to shitpost?

Ok the guy who tweets about everything except this one huge story that is growing bigger. I want him to say what he thinks of this. How would you react if obama did this?

he already said he's willing to work with moore

>Hmmm I guess I triggered you cause that’s all you got.

Haha, no I just wanted confirmation, ..which you just gave me. Sorry that #ImWithHer hashtag didn't work out for you, but by all means, please continue shilling for sheckles on pol.

>trump says Moore should quit
>media then hit trump
>"if you tell Moore to quit with the allegations against him, then why won't you quit considering the allegations against you, Mr President? "
When it comes to the kike medias games the only winning move is not to play.

>How would you react to Obama not getting involved in a case without evidence

I would literally applaud him for actually waiting for evidence to come out for once in his fucking administration.

Please, for the love of god, what do you want him to say?

True dat.

Because Trump is smart enough to wait for the people of Alabama to decide Roy Moore's fate.

I support what the others said. The best action is to not comment.

Truth is none of this shit matters really. It's just a distraction. The only thing that actually matters is if Moore wins next month. Nobody cares after that

Remember all these scandals that the other special election guys, supreme court justices or even trump had? No? That's because no one cares if you win and I don't understand how people can't remember that this shit has been pulled a million times before.

He shouldn't have endorsed Strange in the first place. Moore was a better fit and everybody knows that Strange is McConnell's boy. It's just another thing that makes it look like Trump has become part of the swamp.

Yeah, yeah. Some of us have been listening to these worn out, fail excuses since Reagan. It's always bullshit/ never ends well & it just doesn't work anymore. Trump isn't different. Sorry.
Hillary was worse. We hope. We're still at greater risk for WW3 since the 1960s.

Ivanka and her husband shouldn't even be commenting on this stuff. We didn't elect them.
They need to go back to their lives in New York.

>The best thing Trump can do is keep his mouth shut

I can agree with most of that. I can only think that Trump just didn't know the details of the situation and threw his endorsement out at the advice of (((Kushner))), although I suppose it is possible he just thought that Strange would win and wanted to be able to hold it over him to get his help later, who knows. Either way I'm just glad Bannon is running his crusade, because if nothing else, his war on the establishment can be used by us even if he's a civic nationalist.

Hey look everyone, another retard who doesn't comprehend how to make a coherent argument.

The whole thing was & is about as subtle as a fart in church. The worst part about it for me is that all of this slander and venom is as likely to be coming from the McConnell camp as it is the damn lefties.
That really adds insult to injury.

I really wish outsiders- both out of state and operatives (like Bannon), would stay out of it. Our representatives were never supposed to have an entire industry built around them. No wonder things are so corrupt.