Sometimes you forget he's an old fucking man. You almost feel bad for the dude

Sometimes you forget he's an old fucking man. You almost feel bad for the dude.

Im only 30 barely and i already feel completely world weary and beaten. If i didnt have to work i would sleep 14 hours and only break to eat. Even jeb would make fun of me...

He's a fucking machine.

Fuck off nigger lover.

Low energy! Sad!

cardiac infarction soon please god

>inb4 that guy supports Trump now


>is about to either resign from office in shame or be forced out by law

always amazes me how delusional leftists are

All I said was he is old...

Mate if you are really they low energy get thyself to a doctor for a physical and blood work. I'm completely serious. It's the best thing you can do and can cure many such issues. Good luck!


so you've finally accepted he won't be impeached and are now just hoping for him to die? WEW

He will outlive every currently living president

whoa you're smart. i like how you pieced it all together

What is he like 70? That's not really that old any more.

>If i didnt have to work i would sleep 14 hours and only break to eat.

This happened to me.

Has he ever had a stroke or a heart attack before? Sounds like he's in perfect health aside from being a little fat.

Impeachment any day now, eh comrade? Mueller is just bound to drop the hammer on him this time!

yeah especially for a rich person, he will live to be at least 90

Yeah you can get a whole bunch of useful blood tests done for like $30 from some chain place

My local hospital does community outreach blood test days too every once in a while for like $10. My mother made me go to one.

It was at 8 AM. There were like 50 old people, me, and three phlebotomists. When you're around that many old people you know you're getting a good deal.

They tested my cholesterol, blood sugar, iron levels, kidneys, liver enzymes, you name it. For like $10. I mean, nothing was wrong with me, but if it had been I could have saved thousands of dollars on having a hospital doctor order tests on me and trying to interpret them. I could just take the results and WebMD that shit and self-treat if I had needed to.

tl;dr get blood tests

If the fucking waterboy paul ryan would have done his job the potus would not have had to find it himself congress cant get shit done not even make sure potus has water. SAD!

What the actual fuck did I just read


Both of Trump's parents lived well into their 90s...And Trump doesn't drink or smoke. He will probably live another 10 years.