Unemployed members of Sup Forums

What the FUCK is your problem?

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formally unemployed, but actually a trader

>implying that 30% of my returns is gonna pay for skitskin parasites

>work a job for someone else so I can barely afford to pay rent for the apartment I hate
>repeat until dead
lel no thanks

read ted kaczynski

globalisation and technology. instead of competing with people in my town, city, state or country I am now forced to compete with a 3 billion pajeets and chinks as well. also technology and automation is reducing the need for workers in a lot of industries. these changes are happening so quickly, we can't keep up with it.

ultimately, this world that the financial elites have created needs to burn.

take a look at my flag. why would I work in this nation of prisoners? I'm not even allowed to say what I think and you expect me to actively support this sick system? Fuck off, remove all those gay laws prohibiting speech, make getting a firearm easier and I'd be motivated as fuck to get of my ass and work for something. But right now there is nothing to work towards. Only more gibs for niggers and useless government officials.

the wagecuck derives
affirmation laboring
for masterrace neets.

I'm in college

ur a fag

traders dont exist anymore, only quants.

No taxation without representation, right?

Too dumb to function in society

I'm studying

the chinks took my job

Because I'm still waiting for my contract to be signed

Got an interview today.

PTSD cant work, white man needs to pay welfare cause white man caused war in my home country and gave me PSTD.

I'm too intelligent to do repetitive, menial tasks.

My wife makes way more than enough. Why should I work just because?

"studying" but not gonna work for this shit country after i graduate

best answer

women are objects and should provide for us to get our seed

>is gonna

stopped reading there

>wife makes the money
This will not end well for you

I don`t want to work, its not intellectually or socially satisfying experience for me, not to mention I`m far better off not working full-time rather than gathering welfare and working part-time during summers.

Nice projection. We've been married long enough in a liberal state that I would get half of everything, including her 401k and I would receive palimony for life. When I said she makes more than enough money, I meant it. I was the young stud when we got married and she was the big titty mummy.


You're funny

I don't think you know what projection means m8.
I'm talking about her fucking her boss because of hypergamy and social/monetary status being the most attractive thing to a woman

>right winger
It's about as rare as a unicorn.

Sad but true... for now.
We'll be back mate.

But im employed, and will soon have enough to fund my own business

What is yours? And what does it concern you?

I have a trust fund and am rich.

tfw online business owner and get to go wherever I want and do what I like. Stay mad wagecucks.

There hasn't been any rise in employment since 1995 here. It has only gone down and down and jobs will never come back. Its development. I'm okay with that.

I don't think you know what projection means m80

She is on the board of a huge corporation, if she wants to risk millions of dollars to fuck the fat, bald, 72 year old chairman then I wouldn't even be mad. I would gladly fuck off with half of everything and spend the rest of my days doing my best Roy Moore impersonation.

I have a rich family and I'm pretty lazy desu.
Still I've had a job for the last 4 years, but I just quit to spend some more time on getting my degree.

you better be fucking her really hard and being the best sex she's ever had or she's gonna leave you

I make good money and I don't have a wife, you can't project insecurities you don't have about a completely different situation retard, I'm talking about statistical evidence
Well fair play I suppose, just don't like the thought of Sup Forumsacks getting cucked

No excuse to be unemployed or not succeeding. 10 years ago i was homeless on the streets, ive owned my own biz for the last 4 years. Get your shit straight pol.


I was in prison 10 years ago, now my company is worth millions. Only plebs and lazy faggots are poor senpai.

I am living off of my trust fund and I hope that if I live frugal enough, I never have to work for the rest of my life.

I appreciate the concern lads, I really do, but I've got it under control. I'm smart enough to make sure that no matter what happens, I'll come out ahead.

When will you wagecucks learn?
Falling for the workjew, kek

I know you’re trolling, but why do we let sandniggers pretend like we started wars in theirs countries?

No are projecting your insecurities because you are a fucking loser and the only reason a woman would love and stay with you is if you made more money than her.

I'm pretty fucked in the head and have no ambition.

Yeah right. Show me the study faggot.

Nice, how many halal markets do you own?

I live in a blue state so all my money would go to libcucks.
Government would steal money from me to give it to trash that don't deserve it such as niggers, spics, sandniggers, yellow niggers, red niggers, kikes, libtards, the disabled and the "disabled", single mothers, and oldfags. All things that are disgusting and should be killed off.

Why would I work dozens of hours a week when I don't need to? Renting out 3800~ acres of land pays the bills just fine.

Literally not, don't have ths story saved but a woman supported her husband to quit hsi job and what he loved and then fucked her boss soon after, it has happened a million times, it's an evolutionary trait that women have had since the dawn of time to seek out the best man they can to have kids with.

I'm not insecure about myself, I am distrusting of women because I'm not a retard


I'm not French mate, just happen to be here. Have you ever left your country/state Tyrone?

Working for the global jew. No thanks.

Don’t mind their jealousy, bro. They’ll let 20 posters who are just lazy and unmotivated pass by, but get all clenched up over one household who doesn’t have the breadwinner they expect.

>he actually fell for the job meme

Oh lawdy

Top kek nigger! Sorry im not a street shitter, irish Italian born in US.

I don't have a problem. Let me tell you what I'm going to do today. I'll shitpost on Sup Forums and /biz/ for an hour or so while checking my trades, then I'll head out to the Chipotle and eat some Mexican junk food while watching housewives in yoga pants walk into the gym next door. Then I'll call this married woman I've been fucking for the last month and she if she wants a romp at the local Howard Johnson (she pays, or rather, her wagecuck hubby). She has a big fat ass and she fucks with her wedding ring on. If she's game I'll catch some of that Afternoon D. If not, I'll just come back home and relax on the couch and play some Battlefront II. Either way, I'll be smoking some Sour OG by around 2, and then be back on Sup Forums for shitposting and more trades. Get some dinner, text some Tinder roasties and see if I can make any of that happen, and either go out with one, or fuck it, stay in smoke some more of that dank and play some more Battlefront. No work necessary. My dad pays for all this. He's a wagecuck and can't stop it because wagecucks are cucked.

no jobs

>My dad pays for all this

What a loser.

If not wanting to look like this unfathomable douchebag is a problem, then, well, I guess I’m fucked.

Money can’t buy taste. Lesson for today.

That's just a word man. You say it like it's some bumble bee that chases me around all trying to sting me. Silly.

Enh. Fuck boomers. I’m okay with it.

>traders doesn't exist anymore
Noncoiner cuck who came late for the wagon detected.

what the fuck is this and how is it relevant to what I said? are you denying anything that I've said? globalization forces people to compete with the whole world instead of competing with people in your town, city or state like it used to be. it's fucked. also automation is disrupting so many industries at an incredibly rapid rate that the need for actual workers is declining in a lot of industries. we can't keep up with this level of unnatural rapid change.

You're no better than a neet bux collecting faggot though.

I'm just taking the piss m80, no need to be up in arms.

>there's currently a shortage of workers in the US, the highest it's ever been with jobs and nobody to work them
Try again you lazy ass nigger

Still working on the NEET bux. One day I hope to get them, but it's more difficult in this country than it is in Europe. You have to have an autism diagnosis to get them here, and I don't have one yet. I'd have no problem taking NEET bux though. I don't pay taxes either. Every dime to my own name is in coin.

>few years ago I was a NEET for quite some time
>saved up loads of cash after leaving school
>got paid small amount of neetbux
>parents kicked me out, told me to find a job
>finally found a job as sysadmin
>suddenly debts started showing up for me being a NEET before
>pay rent, debts, food, weed and beer
>can barely come by every end of the month

I know if I cut back on the weed and beer then I'll have atleast some money, but I dont want to. I'm not sure if I like this ride anymore

But hey, atleast im not bored out of my mind anymore like I used to be when I was a NEET

what happened in 1964 that caused the downward trend?

Was drugged as a kid, amongst other things. Too crazy too work. I will never get better. Most drug punishments should be capital. Weed is not your friend, you fucking idiots.

my penis is perfect

immigration act of 1964, I believe user was agreeing with you mate.

Thanks, but I don't mind. I understand that my situation isn't the norm, but it's still funny to see people try to tear down what I have because it isn't ordinary.

what the fuck is YOUR problem , you love being a fuckin slave?ya stupid fuck tool

Go back to being a NEET. I used to be a bored shut-in NEET too. I know exactly what you're talking about. Laying around, bored of your games and having watched all the TV shows you like 6 times over, and wondering, "what now?" I know it. But I realized about 2 years ago, nobody gives a fuck, and you can still go out and have adventures even as a NEET. You can still get laid, you can still meet interesting people, you can still spend money on fun things. You were a rookie NEET who never realized the full potential NEETdom can bring. You can have it all. You can have the fun that wagecucks think only they can afford, and you can not work. You can. Wage slavery is never necessary.

Nice, I am also a crypto nigga.

How about your wife's son's income?

I thought Asians had small dicks?

>People work to get money
>Money buys products
>Products are made in industries
>Industries are made by people
Get something out of this feedback and the whole capitalist system and global economy goes to shit in less than 10 seconds.


its kinda hard to get out of the wage slavery cycle again. Once I do then I'll be covered in debts and I have no idea where I could get the cash from to pay it all. My dad has been a NEET for almost his whole life and now he's suffering from hoarding shit into his house, has debts up to his ass, socially awkward and tries to scam everybody at all times. Idk if I want to turn out to be like that desu

I'm a professional hit man.
It's insane the amount of job offers I have right now coming from women trying to get her husbands wacked

>What the FUCK is your problem?
Why should I work when the amount of money embezzled by corrupt politicians in my nation is so exorbitant?
When a politician pays on behalf of their individual staff members for a one month yoga class that costs as much as the government will pay out for welfare during an entire year I really don't see the point of working. These people waste money and don't deserve it so I'm more than happy to take it.

Here's what you do about debts. Nothing. Don't pay them. Stop being attached to things. And the few things you do need, just hide them. My car is in my dad's name. I don't technically own it, but I sure do drive it. My computer is my secret. Other than that I own nothing but clothing and guns. You don't need things. Go out to strange places and talk to random people who are also not working. They're always up to something. Go to a pool hall, or a bar, or a strip club and talk to day shift strippers who are complete animals. You'll forget about your dumb debts by the end of the day. What are they going to do, repossess your nothing? All you need is enough cash to get you through the day and a woman who will buy you some of that day. You can get those by being hyper-aggressive (you have nothing to lose) and gorilla fucking them. The cash you can't get out of a parent or a roastie you can get trading crypto, or NEETbux.