Gave up reading this shit halfway through

Gave up reading this shit halfway through.
How can anyone be inspired by this horseshit?
This is just sweeping generalizations and there is NO concrete examples to illustrate it's points.

>paying for the communist manifesto

The artwork is pretty

It's a pamphlet written to bring the ideas of communism to the masses. It's was never written with the intention of providing solid arguments. Why would you give up halfway though? It's short enough to get through in one short sitting.



It was directed at farmers, factory workers, and disenfranchised masses.

It's message is that the system is broke, follow me to utopia.

Pure bullshit.

Exactly. It's like the poo doesn't know what a manifesto is.

The artwork is pretty that's why I bought it.
I "gave" up to make this thread that's all.

Maybe he just wanted to read it on the toil..
oh, nevermind.

>Why would you give up halfway though?
a car almost ran him over while he was reading on the toilet

>Gave up reading this shit halfway through.
Should have started ripping pages out from the front to the back to wipe your ass. That way you could have saved yourself reading it at all.

For your next bathroom book, I suggest the Koran.


Atleast you can use it for it's intended purpose as toilet paper.

At least he had something to wipe his arse with

Ah you beat me to it!

Poo jokes are low-hanging fruit.


Is that what y'all call prairie dogging in India?

>low hanging poo


>poo jokes
wouldn't be a problem if not for pic related

>>low hanging poo
Should have used two pages to wipe then...