Is Sup Forums satire?

Some of this stuff is just crazy. You don't actually think the Jews are trying to get you do you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope. No way. They wouldn't.

Much of it is
Some of it isn't
Most is larpers & misinformation
But there is some information that's is 100% serious,important & relevant to our current situation in history

Why is it so hard to believe an out-group with their own interests would want to work against our interests?

I think the jews are succesful for the same reasons asians and whites are succesful. I also think that all races can be as succesful as them but circumstances - such as a bred and cultured reliance on welfare checks in inner city blacks - prevents many of them from doing so.

When we end "progressivism" we will end the racist stereotypes.

Except for arabs, if only because they're predominantly muslim. Islam needs to go. We need another crusade.

But nothing wrong with the races of the world.

>he's never been in front of a Jewish tribunal for Meme War Crimes
I assure you Jews most definitely conspired to ruin my life.

Really depends on how much beer I had

Jews have the highest paternity rates and lowest divorce rates of any ethnic group. They also have the highest IQs and stress Education and academic achievement above all other accomplishment in their children, similar to Asians. As a result they are at the top of every field, for good and bad. They invented most of our technology, including military. They invented most of modern medicine, engineering and space travel. Sadly they also run the corrupt media and the banking system. Atheist/"reform" Jews lean heavily left in America, but religious Jews are 85% Trump voters, and Israel is a right wing ethnonationalist state.

go back to r/eddit

you should visit /x/, now that is some crazy shit right there.

What did they invent in modern medicine? What engineering feats did they deliver?

You're talking like a jew cut yank. Jews do math very well, some theoretical physics, not much else.

>You don't actually think the Jews are trying to get you do you ?

They've literally admitted to it on more than one occasion

Sup Forums is whatever you want it to be user

Every. fucking. day. Give it a rest. You're only pissing people off more.

Sup Forums is part of the Russian botnet. Nothing satirical about it.

when we talk about the jews (or at least when I talk about the jews) I'm not usually talking about the jewish tailor down the road. usually talking about the jewish cabal, the inbred jews that marry into each others cousins who are the 1% of the world, members of the Bilderberg group and the rothschilds banking cartel who are all in the media, government, everything that's designed to control us and destroy our society.

Fuck you


John Travolta is a homo fyi

What this user said. Plenty of larpers but there is something worth looking into when it coems to the jews like OP.

Go home civic shittard

this is no place for a dem to be

>check flag
Of course jew would say that

Decide for yourself


They already got us.

You decide

off course it's satire. we love jews in Sup Forums.

why WOULDN'T jews try to diminish "white" people? it's those "white" people who attempted to wipe them out not so long ago...the wound is still fresh.. even if i hadn't read any history, i'd be shocked to learn if jews weren't attempting to weaken bonds between whites as a method of self preservation

asians have the highest IQs Lmfao. what technology and military breakthroughs have they made? l olololl i assume this is b8



you still believe in the 6garillion holohaux? xD

that's a great example of some funny satire, greatest ally!


idk why this made my sides fucking explode...but it did. Have a (you)

Sup Forums is Catharsis. A haven for the muzzled and a home for the outcast. It doesn’t matter if what’s said is believed, it matters that it can be said. It’s adding fuel to the fire of disdain and dissent from Social nannying.
Whether it’s believed or not is not what’s important, what’s important is that it has a right to be discussed no matter how taboo, or offensive, or condemned. Most of what’s here, is the blogosphere equivalent to a middle finger.

wipe them out / forcibly expel them could have been used interchangeably in my post
>Jews are one people and therefore it’s useless for them to be patriots to the countries in which they reside

Everyone gets laughed at and critized. Jews are not above or immune to either.

Hold on a second there, skinned dick.
The reason Europeans repeatedly kicked them out was because Jews have an anti social belief system “God’s chosen people” at the heart of their cultural attitudes to every other ethnic group. It has continually given them the mentality that’s it’s God approved, for them to take the piss out of, manipulate, lie, cheat and steal from their lesser goyim, it’s even fucking states it’s OK for them to murder us in the Tamuld.
When the Jews get caught with their collective hand in the jam jar, they get punished but the Jews see it like (You), that all their persecution was completely unwarranted and because whites are jealous of them or some other ridiculous explanation. This then continues an everlasting feed back loop, where even non religious Jews believe that whites are due never ending payback for “undeserved” persecution, so the Jews continue to fuck with us and eventually the boiling frogs will boil too quickly and eventually react AGAIN.

Lurk more before you post. You're not redpilled yet.

Sup Forums is just a bunch of Jews role-playing.

Sometimes you get the odd schizophrenic who watches youtube conspiracy videos all day. But those are the minority.



Let's say some of us are here just for the LULZ. What I actually think about Jews has nothing to do with it. Or maybe I don't even think about Jews. Who cares?

>Is Sup Forums satire?
What does it matter if it is or isn't? It doesn't make any difference.

It can also be a parody, or maybe you could just say... trolling.


Exactly. Even me. I'm a Jew.

How can you be this naïve?


Totally satire, nothing here is close to any truth. not even a grain

everybody knows jews dont control the media


jews dont take over govs and push for degeneracy
they never done that and are not doing it today through the media networks such as disney and other shows and movies to which they don't own hollywood as well.

nothing to prove that

>appealing to wider demographics that have new found economic power thanks to improved rights etc is a jewish plot
no thats capitalism

No one is out to get whites at all! Nope!

It's simple; read more into politics, philosophy, and theology, then decide for yourself. Now fuck off or lurk more.

just white neo-natsi propaganda to make you hate the jews... like always.
I mean it's not like the new york times that have been crying like little bitches about jews for a century now isn't owned and run by jews.



And hilter and the natsi hated the poles they wanted to kill them all, no anti-german propaganda , no anti-german banter, no hate for the national socialist party in poland by the commies who didn't really want to get annexed.

there was no such thing as German-Polish alliance to avoid war, and pro-polish propaganda from germany about working together, being united as a people

non of that happend just a crazy hater to manipulated his people into dying for nothing... and not to prevent minorities such as jews from owning banks, govs, brothels and destorying national indenity so they can profit more.

Of course, we know it's all just a very disturbing coincidence

What do you think, goy?

Research the Talmund and it's quotes on goys.



eat shit and die brainwashed degenerate

Here is a maths quiz for all (You) who don’t believe it’s (((them))) behind everything
According to jews themselves..a whopping 20% of the richest people alive are Jewish.
Yet at the maximum estimate there are 15 million Jews globally out of 7.6 Billion people.

So work this out.
White people are approximately 6.5% of the total global population.
How many more times likley is it that if your born Ashkenazi Jewish, is it that you will be part of the 1% than if you are born white?

Also when we know Jews work as a collective tribe..and use that collective attitude to help each other up the socioeconomic ladder to the top. How likely then, as group who works towards their own collective ethnic self interest, is it, that they might also work to undermine other ethnic competitors, as part of winning? It’s 100% likley actually. That’s why jewish media promotes everything that will undermine white european ethnic groups.
>unlimited third world immigration
>abortion on demand
>hatred of “straight white men”
>promotion of black males as hyper masculine
>promotion of racemixing
>promotion of numale castrated white males
>promotion of homosexuality
>promotion transsexuals
>sexualization of childeren
>promotion of jews as eternal victims

The jew thing is satire/batshit crazy people. Jews, like Asians, have a strong family culture that promotes education and success, many of the things Sup Forums advocates for ironically. Its no real wonder why they are found in positions of power.

Pinning all the worlds problems on a secret jewish cabal is an attempt to simplify the world's issues with an easily identifiable boogeyman, when in reality, there are many pieces to that puzzle; jews indeed being part of it, but by no means "The Final Boss."

I've been to synagogue with my Jewish friend they all seem pretty cool to me. It was like church but with more food at the end.

>have a strong family culture

That's a funny way of saying nepotism.



Lurk more new fag

The way our civilization works is partially based on nepotism. If you cant see that, your blind.


it soften sad tier, i just shill posed though

It's in a fluid state based on majority of users at the moment.
What started as edgy teens transformed into larpers and now we have some real nazi wannabes around.
It's all the same pointless shit in the end though.

>pushing for multicuralism under jewish ownership to profit more from human suffering, while destorying conservative values for more profit.

by that logic we should legalize pre-teen prostitution you can make a bilions as a capitalist by allowing selling grown men 7 year old children to fuck, most may even pay 50.000 for a sesion.

also we should also introduce slavery, because it's rather profitable as a "capitalist" you could once again make bilions

yup man you are right how could i be soo blind

So allow your boys to become girlish so they can consume more, like women and take more cocks in their asses to make them pay for both medical crap because of aids and other medical isuees

Then we push for mix race with niggers because we know niggers aren't good fathers and will abandon women leaving them to consume more without support, and as a state we will take money from the hard working people to support them and they will vote for us

And the brain dead niggers... well its simple Kayne, makes 100 milion dollars through capitalism, in dept 50 milion... fucking hell, lets make them all rappers they will definitly consume more then they produce... we can profit like hell from them...

We gonna also push for women to start working and also men, don't let them have children just work them so you can take more from their hard earn money, we'll just invite poor refugees in our country who will vote for us and because of low IQ,education and poverity they will consume more overall then those retards white guys that work their balls off with their 3rd doctorate.

you are smart goy... lets team up without all of these groups knowing and sell a "art" for 47 milion

I dont believe conspiracy theories but the world is a battlefield.. a giant war. divided ethnic groups, religions, races, and any other type of grouping all fighting.

Its mostly rich Jews which are in power who have the desire to harm whites. They are also in a particularly advantages spot to do that. Why are these people in european countries complaining about the natives? Ask yourself that if you think these people are innocent. What kind of person goes into anothers country and totally disregards them. I know people say that about the USA but i feel there is some significant difference. I mean i did not invade this place, i went out of my way to denounce myself or my beliefs. I went out of my way to understand other people and have compassion for them. Why dont blacks or Jews do this? They are the equivelent of the KKK and they dont want to sacrafice that.. These people hypocrits. When i denounce my group, my identity, my greed, my hatred.. when i do that NONE of these people do that also and i feel that is what makes them terrible people. It would make sense if they had the attitude that everyone must denounce all of this as it breeds division and violence but they dont. They feel it is their god given right. This shit is uniform amongst Jews and blacks and hispanics and leftists that its like clock-work. These people hypocrites who stabbed us in the back blatantly and then try to tell us that we need to understand all of their hypocrisy... Terrible people.

I have been heavily involved in the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti.. I know this sounds corny but every time i come across one of these people they are like how i said above.. most of these times i knew i wasnt like that. They act like i am their slave and should worship them.. Disgusting people. If they are so innocent why arent they pulling their own weight in regards to all this? Look at what they are doing to the psychology of the world. Is all this warranted? I feel that none of it is.

wrong one

we know these are just pranks

Daily reminder that Sup Forums isn't real and you're just crazy

can you believe jews have been driven out hundreds of times from dozens of countries over a period of several thousand years for absolutely no reason but mindless antisemitism? poor jews, the world treats g-d's chosen people so badly for absolutely no reason at all.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, you ass-blasted, knuckle dragging, inbred, retard, blasphemous, dope-fiend bitch nigger faggot. Hugs, XOXOX

There is littery no proof of social liberal tools to destory nations by targeting the minds of women, and young children.

but hey its just capitalism when you do this, when you profit from slave who you made a slave

You think all the race realism threads with rock solid scientific evidence backing it up is irony/larp/edginess?

You don't say!

all satire

> all satire
^ with even more satire!

Do you want a redpill thread? Because this is how you get a redpill thread.

That's true, but jews and niggers would

I have Bad News for you

^ This is also satire ^

You come here after getting told/discovering a couple of (((hidden))) facts. Then you kinda laugh about how edgy some people act and start acting as´em as ye, a satire.
Finally you realize they weren´t acting and that those guys who you used to laugh about when they called the Jew out, weren´t THAT wrong.

At this point either you fight to become some sort of übermensch surrounded by a filthy society (and trying to improve it) or you get your soul broken.
Knowledge is dangerous.

Its an anonymous image board. People can speak freely without a filter of political correctness. If you want to argue the individual idiots based on the merits of the argument gl to ya.

The Jews haven't had their own country for most of history and their unique culture led to much xenophobia against them as they were spread across the world and were a minority everywhere they were found.

Also during the middle ages Christians passed laws forbidding every Christian from practicing usury which was extended to mean pretty much most forms of finance and the Jews wound up taking the reponsitiblity as they were not covered under the laws and finance is just necessary for society. This is why Jews are associated with banking. It's literally others fault the Jews have such influence and why Israel exists.

Correlation does not equal causation

the jews are parasites that suck their host countries dry and then move on either willingly or by force when the host reacts to the growing threat. the reason they haven't had a country of their own is because a parasite cannot live without a host. historically there has been lots and lots of unused land. did the jews settle out in the wilderness and build something for themselves? no, they move into highly populated areas and prey on the inhabitants tolerance and good will.