Dragonball super sucks because asspu

dragonball super sucks because asspu....

Zenkai, you fucking pleb

good point
>He said one of his cells regenerated back into his full form, but multiple cells survived so why didn't multiple copies of him form?
>Why does his brain keep its memory after being destroyed and regenerated? Can each little cell hold all of the information?
>when Goku blew Cell's torso off and he regenerated, Goku said that Cell lost a lot of energy from taking the hit. How did Cell come back at max power after being blown to bits?

>i want dragon ball to make sense instead of being a fun to watch beat-em-up
things that will never happen

That's the point? (I have not watched super, I just always wondered if anybody else noticed this)

>>when Goku blew Cell's torso off and he regenerated, Goku said that Cell lost a lot of energy from taking the hit. How did Cell come back at max power after being blown to bits?
Isn't that from the Saiyan bullshit that makes them stronger everytime they come close to daeth?

It's okay to have an asspull if it only matters for one chapter and it's the perfect climactic ending to the arc. Ending it with Goku's sacrifice wouldn't have been nearly as good.

>Why does his brain keep its memory after being destroyed and regenerated? Can each little cell hold all of the information?

actually seeing as how the dead keep their memories and such, it would be more accurate to assume that in the dragonball universe memories are attached to ones spirit, not their physical bodies.

The difference is Super doesn't even pretend to try to make sense, which just brings to attention how terribly written it is. DBZ is a popcorn flick, DBS is really bad fanfiction.

>pretending DBZ was any different
Take off the nostalgia glasses, gramps

Zenkais user. Cell's perfect so he doesn't need anymore Cells. Cell Jrs aren't the same as Cells.

ok, actually that's a good point.
what I am saying is that though Cell may have raised his max power capacity from a zenkia boost after losing his torso, the show says he still LOST energy (not maximum strength, but energy) and got it back from the sensu bean Goku gave him. I dont remember Cell explaining any way he would have maximum energy after his recovery. Maybe it was just floating around in the spirit wold and he absorbed it?

Zenkai boosts are asspulls

It sucks because lack of animation.

Having this unfunny shit character and his faggot companioon who can blow everything up or rewind time during every single fight against an enemy is so fucking annoying, it takes away all the excitement and anxiety factor

>"Trunks shouldn't be this strong!"
>But Goku learning the kamehameha in 10 seconds was ok
>But Tien being able to hold Cell back was ok
>But Gohan multiplying his power by like 100x several times just because was ok
>But the hyperbolic time chamber being a thing at all is ok

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

About that, how the hell did he get C18 back in him?


Sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of Piccolo fighting Freeza in his second form.

Buttblasted vegetofags are buttblasted.

That's exactly what Toriyama was aiming for.

Spirit Bomb destroying evil is not an ass pull. Spirit Bomb being fused into a ki blade is new, but this storyline has been full of energy swords, so ending it with the biggest energy sword dick of them all is fine with me.

Trunks wasn't even stronger than the bad guy, he was just given everyone's energy to form a spirit bomb sword which destroys evil. That's what a normal spirit bomb does. No need for asspulls, spirit bombs destroy evil regardless of mortal, immortal or god.


The script said so.

Beerus, Zamasu and Black are the only good things about Super though.

When will Goku learn the devilmite beam and just 1 shot every evil villain? It's certainly easier and faster to use than the spirit bomb.

Nah. Only Beerus and Whis. Zamasu and black(which is zamasu anyway) are shit characters.


I didn't really like DBZ back in the day and think it did some bad things for how Shonen structures itself but allow me to address some things.
>>But Goku learning the kamehameha in 10 seconds was ok
It was established that he had received training from Son Gohan throughout his childhood. Seeing Roshi do the kamehameha in front of him just gave him an outlet for what he was already capable of doing.
>>But Tien being able to hold Cell back was ok
He barely held Cell back. Maybe got off two Ki-ko-ho's before dying. And the Ki-ko-ho has been established as greatly amplifying the users power at the cost of their life.
>>But Gohan multiplying his power by like 100x several times just because was ok
Once again, something that is actually built on over the series. Gohan gets much stronger when enraged, he did it when Radish was busy breaking his fathers spine. He did it when on Namek. He did it when Cell had revived himself and was going to destroy everything.
>>But the hyperbolic time chamber being a thing at all is ok
It's a holdover from Dragon Ball which itself was largely comedic and very anacrohistic. You had magic, technology, gods, monsters, robotic armies, etc. It was a melting pot of ideas and the idea of a time chamber just fit better there than it might have in DBZ.
>Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
Agreed, but at least have some valid criticisms of a show instead of relying on strawmen.

anyone got that gif of cell and goku vanishing behind each other in to the sunset?

The last one is easy.

Cell gets his torso blown up -> Frieza's dna makes him survive shit that would kill other beings -> Piccolo's dna makes him regenerate from wounds and damage that doesn't kill him -> Saiyan dna gives him a zenkai after recovering from said damage