This is what the average white american looks like
White nigger
This guys music is utterly lame. He looks like a massive twat. He should kill himself.
lol he looks like he weighs 95lbs. Is this satire?? Glad ths retard is dead. tell skeletor to eat a burger, in hell.
>the average american dyes their hay an unnatural color and has tattoos on their face
try getting a job that most people have and see how you will end up homeless
hes russian
everything about this guy makes me want to throw up... makes it really difficult to feel sorry for sorry sack of shit passing
Well, he probably fucking did ... kek
Good riddance
he's dead, that's why he's in the posts
>This is what the average white american looks like
>thinking a SJW faggot from California is "average white american"
>he should kill himself
Your wish has been granted.
He's way ahead of you, lol
he is from new york
And these white boys are cooler and hipper then your euro-null males and nordic try-hard elitist, your European girls will jump on American whiteboy cock because as Americans they lead western fads and culture which makes them "fashionable" to young bitches.
>n-no euro girls have standards
shut up, not they don't fag
>europe has its own culture
no you don't, you listen to our music, watch our media and use our websides, that's why you know our bands and movies but we don't know anything about you
American boys are to Euro-girl what BLACKED is to cucks
Yet a lot of middle American youth look up to these fags.
>Jew York
I see people like OPs pic far more often then people in your pic and I live in the middle of bumb fuck nowhere and we still have tattood pink haired fiends.
Your head full of shit. Kill yourself nigger.
I thought Pewds was originally sweddish
Makes me think of 28 Days Later