Why do blacks commit the most crime?

I'm writing a paper for college on why blacks commit more crime than any other race. I know the liberal argument for it, its all my professor talked about for weeks. So what is your take on it, Sup Forums? Sources too, if you guys can

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Low avg IQ

this is why



Itz dey culcha
Also bleeding heart leftists who are so delusional they actually believe Wong Bow the hardworking Korean man is as likely to rob you as Cuntavious Brown.

Holy fuck this image is perfect


Lower IQ, higher testosterone, high time preference.

Basically it's in their genes, nothing we can do about it.

Bad home life, no two parent household, typically born into low income schools and housing. Low iq, peer pressure to fall into destructive aspects of black culture.

these + MAOA thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/maoa-race-and-crime/

Basically because they don't actually think about the future, only the now. Low empathy means they don't think about others and only think of themselves. Combine these two elements and it's no wonder why they constantly commit crimes. They don't think about consequences, nor do they care about the people they hurt.


white people sure do love their alcohol


because we didn't send them back to africa

yeah you need it when you live in a country with this many niggers


shit why don't we send them back to where they came from? they didn't want to be slaves here

3. Tend to grow up in communities with bad educational systems, this makes it harder to climb the social hierarchy ladder normally by getting a decent job etc. Turn to crime.

2. Tend to grow up in communities with higher crime incidence. While it doesn't make crime seem ok, it makes it seem less bad than other people view it, it becomes somewhat normal to sling drugs and join a gang.

1. Most important factor by far is the breakdown of the black family. About 3/4 of all black kids are raised in a family that is not Mom and Dad together in marriage this ruins people. One of the biggest differences across all different groups of people when comparing those in the top quintile of household earnings and those in the bottom quintile of household earnings is whether or not the household is a stable marriage with mom, dad, and the juniors. It provides more income, it gives more parental time for children, and most importantly it gives real role models for kids so they get ingrained with the idea of how a man is supposed to act, how a woman is supposed to act, and how they are supposed to treat one another. Boys who grow up with out dads are much, much more likely to become criminals later, and girls who grow up with out dads are much much more likely to have children out of wedlock, thus creating more boys who become criminals and more girls who grow up to have children out of wedlock.

Niggers dont own cars is the only reason for that statistic

Because they're niggers, obviously

But I'd probably write some Thomas Sowell inspired nonsense about having their cultural ties severed and creating a new culture that is antithetical to white European Protestant norms

fucking kek

i fucking hate nigger

Do you want to tell the truth or pass the course?

But how do you explain how blacks all over the world are exactly the same?

pic related

They have higher instances of certain MAOA genes which have been scientifically proven to be the root cause of brutal violence. Whites carry the same gene but at a much lower ratio when compared to nigs. Basically the reason why whitey has such strong organisational capabilities as opposed to niggy's inability to go 10 seconds without ruining people's lives.

Here in Belgium it's the Moroccans who commit the most crimes, even tough we got a very large -Sub-Saharan community in Belgium. They make up the biggest ethnic group within the Western-European prison system.

It's the lack of family structure and the nigger culture propagated by the (((record labels))). They're more susceptible to it because the majority of them are stupid as shit.

I'm following the link but I can't find either of those tables. Pls halp.



>criminal offense

yeah morocans are even worse then niggers in my opinion

Recent FBI stats show Mexicans with the highest number. They can steal cars too.

Moroccans are Africans.


imagine a world without sandniggers niggers and rice niggers

Blacks are statistically more likely to be poor, but this is mainly due to poor blacks having an incessantly high birth rate. It is well known that poverty is a leading cause of crime and a catalyst for social upheaval. The blacks themselves, being unable to maintain their communities and plan ahead, have lowered themselves into grievous poverty, and thus have been the cause of their own demise, not white people.

>three UCLA basketball players
>one is from family with money
>still steal

poverty ans systematic racism
nat hard to see if you get over your bigotry

blacks tend to commit petty crime 'cause of low IQ. whites commit white collar crime 'cause of higher IQ

It’s clearly a case of poverty mixed with low IQ and terrible culture.

niggers wouldnt even have made it past the stone age if it wasnt for white people they shouldnt be considered human

That’s not fair. Some made it to the Bronze Age.


>muh systematic racism
>muh bigotry
wiggers like you need to hang

many african countries are politically unstable and experience civil strife. you need to separate this from homocide committed during peace time in a booming economy

I didn't know blacks were such big gamblers desu.


Socioeconomic status

Sociobiology is the answer. Growing up without both parents, genes which predispose them to be violent, low impulse control and low IQ (as a group, on average etc), widespread relative poverty and a ghetto culture/mentality that punishes responsible behavior. Reality is that there is an infinite number of ways to act in the world, but if you try to go against natural law and economic law, you're going to have a bad time. Acting 'white' is living and acting in such a way that you are conscientious and competent. It really isn't too complicated to become wealthy/stable. For guys:
1) Finish high school
2) Don't get anyone pregnant that you don't fully intend to get pregnant. Preferably don't get anyone pregnant until you are married and stable.
3) Avoid addictions like the plague (porn, masturbation, alcohol, cigarettes, weed, gambling etc.)
4) Find/create/secure an income stream.
5) Ensure that your expenses are less than your income
6) Treat your savings/investments as a bill, and put 10% of your income towards it every month
7) Invest wisely (things you are familiar with/people you trust)
8) Reach out to other people. If something bad happens to you, you are going to need help.
9) Watch your savings/investments grow!
10) Increase your ability to earn
11) Repeat 5-10
If you've made it this far, you will have money in the bank, a job/skills that can get you a job, a network of people that care about you, while avoiding the body and soul destroying vices. You're probably tired of only working, so if you want to get married at this point, look for
1) A girl who comes from a home with both parents
2) Not materialistic
3) Little to no social media
4) Avoids addictions (porn, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling etc)
5) Distances herself from liberals/feminism/victim culture
At this point, you'll have a job, money in the bank, a gf, and still no major vices. Congrats! You're ahead of the game! If you're white, reproduce, if not, go make your own country great

I'd put those in this order

Terrible culture, low IQ, poverty.

if poverty were a major indicator of crime, West Virginia would have the highest rates of crime, but it doesnt. because there are no nignogs there

But they're not black like the Tyrones you got over there. They're more Arab/mulatto/Berber inbred.

Low IQ = less capable of abstract thought
Less ability for abstract thought = less capable of considering consequences
Less consideration of consequences = low impulse control
Add high testosterone and a degenerate culture promoted by kikes and you have a nigger

Come on Belgium bro, thats like one of the most stereotypical characteristics about black people.

purge all slavs

Honestly? Genetic affinity for criminal behavior.

But that will just get you kicked out of school for being racist.

You'll have to say its because they're poor and uneducated

Socioeconomic status is a part of it, but liberal compassion is the other.

There's plenty of "white trash" that is as degenerate and crime-disposed as the poor of any other race, it's just that African Americans were disproportionately poor at the time the modern welfare state was created. If you're low IQ, or just apathetic towards work or learning, then it's way easier to just collect that welfare check and be a tard than it is to actually work hard to move up in life.

Fug, forgot to mention vidya, fast food, sugary drinks, Sup Forums and TV as addictions to avoid.
> inb4 gaming is redpilled
No it isn't.
Also, get some exercise every couple of days (doesn't have to be anything crazy- run around a track a bit, lift a few dumbbells, do some pushups, do some planks, maybe ride a bike or go to the gym and do squats/bench press if you want to really reap the benefits.

Even though I came from a very stable home, my dad didn't tell me any of this shit, and I hope I can save some of you Sup Forumsacks some grief.

Here ya go.

you mean amerimutts

hu-White people can't handle there booze

None of those explains lack of empathy.

MAOA "Warrior" Gene.

(It doesn't actually make you stronger, it just makes you suffer from impulse control and violent tendencies).

8 times more prevalent in blacks than in whites.

its clearly genetic.

blacks in any part of the world act the same.

They literally don't have self awareness


Because they don't have self awareness they suffer from not having much foresight (Jews have a similar problem, but there's is normally "we can't fix this issue, but the issue won't arise for decades and we'll long be dead so it'll be someone else's problem). Niggers don't think "hmm, I could get a life sentence for robbing this man of $10. Does that risk outweigh the reward?" and instead just see the $10 and what it can be immediately spent on.
That's why so many black celebrities end up bankrupt, they don't consider saving money or investing it wisely. They just see a Maybach made of gold and throw all of their money at it. Obviously niggers aren't to blame, it's whitey's fault for not operating at a retarded level which holds back niggers.

See that's the problem with white people. We've got so caught up in materialism and capitalism we will simply be "outproduced" by those that don't care about step 1-10.

>Socioeconomic status is a part of it,
Achtually, the poorest majority white region in USA has a lower crime rate than the richest majority black region.

Also of all factors (education, employment status, income, and race), all these factors had a weak correlation except race which had a strong correlation.

Conclusion: socioeconomics is barely a factor. White poor are still civilized humans, while blacks of any income behave the same way.

Because the system they believe keeps them down does, but not in the sense they believe. It keeps them down through handouts, for example if they own a car worth more than $3000 they can't apply for x kind of assistance, look up specific examples of this I'm not doing your homework, but go along the lines of:
>Democrats keep black people poor so black people keep voting for them. where black people live is poorer so crime is higher.

Strange. We have many homeless here (which is pretty much the worst form of poverty you can get), and they are not known for stealing, raping, assaulting or murdering people. In fact, most (white) homeless are actually quite nice and/or modest if you get to know them. Now we got "Refugees", who get everything paid by the state, running around in underground stations trying to light our homeless on fire. Why are our white homeless not as violent as blacks that actually have a flat, food and access to "education"? Why do blacks in Africa kill hairless men to see wether there really is gold hidden in their skulls?

Also "Systematic" racism? The US especially is filled with both structural and systematic advantages for women and PoC. The "Oppression" of Women and PoC was never structural or systematic in the first place (at least not during the last century), it was at most social and depended on private persons in higher positions making decisions based on "racist" views (wether justified or not is another discussion to be had). And even the latter has been near nonexistant, while being countered by a much higher actual social, systematic AND structural oppression against "evil white males" (who have to play scapegoat for everything that's wrong with modern day women and people of certain races and religions). Just open your eyes and look around: Government and Justice institutions have lost most of their powerful positions to SJWs who heavily favour women and PoC because of alleged "systematic oppression" (even though they ARE the system). How do you think your affirmative action and quotas were introduced in the first place? How do you think would it be possible to have a rich black guy study basically for free, while a white male from a poor background has to pay for everything himself? Hell, even private cooperation have their hiring and management positions filled with SJW, which also follow the Left Wing's ideology of "fuck white cis scum!!!".

Besides the lower average IQ, there are other genetic influences.

E.g. higher frequencies of the low activity MAO-A gene variants. (Also known as "extreme warrior gene").

People with the acticity MAO-A variants decompose serotonin more slowly in the brain; if they are in stress, they basically have an "serotonin overflow", which causes them to behave impulsive and aggressively.

P.S. of course, blacks are such failures that they tend to end up poor. But liberals like to put the effect before the cause.

It's the rap music and thug culture.

It does make you stronger you dumb cuck. The low activity allele of MAO-A increases testosterone significantly.

I grew up in a shitty part of the South that had white and black "ghetto" communities that butted up against one another.

Basically black people are really, really bad at crime. From my empirical evidence they don't actually commit substantially more crime than whites that are in the same class they are just worse at it. Of the whites that I knew who got busted some were retarded, some were fuckups and most of the ones who got busted doing really bad shit got busted because someone else flipped on them / they got set up / etc. Most of the blacks I knew who got popped got caught committing "low key" crimes in combination with really obvious ones. You can have half a dead hooker in a trash bag in your trunk and you won't get pulled over unless you give the cops a reason to.


>be black
>have a pound of weed in your car
>decide to do 15 over the speed limit in the far right lane of the highway at 11:00pm
>"they pulled me over cuz im black!"

>be black
>be smoking a rillo
>decide to run a stop sign
>"how the fuck they know it wasnt just a black n' mild?"

>be black
>be a convicted felon who illegally owns a firearm
>decide to let everyone know you have a gun and brandish it in non-life threatening situations
>"fuckin pigs"

>be black
>be getting pulled over for your inspection sticker being out
>have an 8ball of coke on you
>have convictions for violent crimes
>decide to hide it between your leg and the car door instead of literally ANYWHERE ELSE
>"thats fucked up how they just decide to search MY car because IM black"

>it goes on and on

I legitimately believe the phrase "i dont give a fuck" has gotten more blacks thrown in prison than anything else in the world. I have heard it said time and again. They live in a community where taking even basic precautions against being arrested is seen as a pussy move. Trying to avoid going to jail is regarded as just being a scared bitch.

Oh boy we have a moron here who thinks that blacks are strong.

Go look up the power lifting champions. Its all whites and mongolians. Niggers can't even compete.

No shit Sherlock, those countries are full of strife because they're full of niggers. The two go together like cheap prostitutes and syphilis.

And the only reason there's peace and prosperity anywhere, is that Whites are still in charge. The moment we're not anymore, everything goes to shit, and typical nigger shenanigans ensue. Just look at Rhodesia and SA.

Do yourself a favor and don’t. It’s like 1930’s Germany out there right now.

They are natural criminals.

Their dark skin is an evolutionary adaptation to be able to steal unseen at night.

something something crabs in a bucket

Size matters.

this is a big one, they literally have a gene that makes them 9 times more violent than whites. Coincidentally, their homicide rate is 9 times higher than whites

scientific source, or it didn't happen.

D'Souza's end of Racism
Also, low IQ, impulse control, and concientiousness.

Have you ever watched the Olympics? Blacks are fast, not strong.

This is pretty much what my cop friends tell me. They get the "you're racist" shit all the time even though everyone they stop is for a legit reason

here's even more info on MAOA for OP theunsilencedscience.blogspot.com/2013/01/monoamine-oxidase-bibliography.html

also, i think it's important not to discount the environmental factors btw. black culture is fucked

Nah, you're retarded. MAO-A "warrior" does make you stronger, and not only blacks have it, look it up.

I know its not a popular theme to hear but if you look at the numbers, you see that its almost always black men that commit crime, and even then its only a fraction of them committing multiple crimes, racking up the numbers.

There are lots of based, smart black people, just not enough to offset the overwhelming shittiness of the 15% or so that are so worthless, they bring down the whole race

>The virginity of this thread.

guys, guys, among so many other things...I'm pretty fucking sure he's not writing that paper, or in college.
but thanks for these home made bar graphs, and this immense wealth of white insecurity.

Literally every episode of cops

Nigger has a broken tail light and takes off running because he had a little bag of weed.
now he's got a felony eluding charge

This wouldn't even surprise me now, and I used to hate racism.

The welfare state is what allows people to skip 1-10. Private charities would be a much better solution, preferably administered by religious groups. Instead of getting a welfare check for shitting out niglets, nogs would have to go and talk to the priest/nuns in order to help them sort themselves out. This applies to white people as well (but obviously not as prevalent on a per capita basis)

Fake news

Tbqh I would much rather live next to Koko than a nigger.

Worlds comrade. White people would have already left this gay Earth.

not sure where the "high testosterone" myth came from, prob the same jews that did the whole all nigs have BBCs.

I went to school where 1/2 the kids were nigs, and I can tell you most were low test skinny virgins. the chads were not over represented in niggers at all. I also havent meet many nigs after school that I would consider high test, maybe compared to liberal soyboys, but not compared to normal whites or spics

>>Democrats keep
oh, my dude. no.

Get rid of (((hip hop))) culture and you have cured everything. The prime enemy responsible for all this is (((them))). Don't focus on the dumb victims.


We have found, in both human and non-human animals, that darker pigmentation is associated with higher levels of aggression and sexuality (and in humans with lower IQ). Lighter pigmentation is associated with the slow reproductive strategy (K) including lower birth rates, less infant mortality, less violent crime, less HIV/AIDS, plus higher IQ, higher income, and greater longevity.