Alright burgers, how do we cure this obesity epidemic

Alright burgers, how do we cure this obesity epidemic

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An exercise holocaust

Those who refuse simple exercises will be forced onto harder ones until they get their shit together.

Tax junk food, all of it

deport the niggers and kikes

Stop eating so much sugar, highly processed carbohydrate, highly processed food, artificial sweeteners, drinking excessive amounts oif alcohol, and sitting on your ass.
Start eating real, whole foods prepared/cooked at home and fermented foods and exercise some in moderation

Getting rid of niggers and spics would be a good place to start

kick out the fat Mexicans

Cut disablity and medicade to these people and watch them starve aka lose some of that fat.

In the US people getting obese isn't an issue, it's people who are obese getting heavier. The median weight in the US is healthy. We should punish those with high body fat percentages by limiting access to welfare and social services.

For instance:
>They can get subsidized housing but only on the top floor of a building without an elevator
>They get food stamps but only for healthy food
>They get public transportation vouchers but only for bike rentals

Asking the wrong group of people. We clearly have no clue

Remove many unhealthy foods from EBT. Also potentially partnering with a company with a large network of gyms and using that savings from banning fatty or otherwise unhealthy food from EBT to fund a program to provide gym access to the poor might work

Idk, I was overweight last year and took a job with my uncle doing carpentry over the summer(I was 17 at the time), fixed my diet, worked out all the time, and lost sixty pounds. I'm still going but it's a bit slower now that I'm somewhat slim

Basically all the same idea with varying degrees of explnation, and would likely work

Well let's see now:

>100% tax on all "junk food".
>50% tax on all fast food.
>35% tax on all restaurant meals.
>Restaurant meals no longer a tax deductible business expense.
>Feeding children improperly seen as a type of child abuse.
>Gibs cards can only be used to buy healthy foods.
>End the subsidy on corn, sugar and other junk food feedstock crops.
>Free "Learn to cook" classes where and as needed.
>Use the taxes on unhealthy foods to make healthy foods less expensive, more available.
>You get paid (tax credits) to go to the gym.

None of this will ever happen.

Tax junk food and sugary stuff, tax ease healthy food.

Find a better standard than BMI.

I think we can start by making "fat shaming" normal again.

Currently there is no real motivation for these people to lose wieght. People aren't allowed to call out other people when it comes to weight because it's put on the same level as racism or sexism. A big mental flaw is that this fat advocates are always talking about accepting and being fine with how they look. No matter how bad it is. That unjustified happiness is more important than the pursuit of perfection to them.

You should NEVER be satisfied with your good qualities, whether that be your mind, body, faith, or even moral willpower. You should always want to do better. Even if your benching 500lbs and have a body of a model. You should be asking yourself if you can lift 600lbs.

We need to openly condone this "lazy-hedonism" and the only way to do that is fat shaming. Being nice doesn't work for these people. You have to be firm on what is ok and what is not.

by looking into a mirror

stop adding sugar to everything

Social stigma.
It has to be completely unacceptable to be fat.
People will self regulate.
Combine it with retard proof information on what you should buy and simple, healthy meals to prepare.
Also make sure kids are taught the importance of diet and exercise.

Still, the majority of the effort must be focused on making it completely socially unacceptable to be fat.

>Social stigma.

Yeah, because taxes ever do anything. People will still buy it. I bet if we tax the rich, then the income disparity will suddenly stop.

just cutting out soda has helped me out immeasurably.

The first fat oppression book. Shadow on a tightrope. I know the author. AMA.

Well, I did at least indicate what those taxes would be spent on. This, i thought, was better than pissing against a wall.

Their faces has so much fat on them that it’s disrupting their eyesight, effectively making them blind.

Ban high fructose corn syrup.

What makes you think your author friend was the first? 1941.

>solving anything


Good luck. The reason they are on there in the first place is because Walmart lobbied the Clinton admin to allow it. Thanks Dems.

Don't go on and on about what you need to eat when teaching nutrition in school. Teach people what calories are and how to do basic addition.
Inb4 the fasting retard from /fit/ comes in and screeches that calories don't real.

stop eating every shit
how about that

With Orwellian authoritarianism.
Alternative: this isn't an "epidemic" nor is it a problem in a non-socialist country.

Schedule your meals, count calories and get off your ass several times a day for at least 30 minutes of locomotion each session. Lost 80 lbs this year. Now my gut and thigh skin feels like scrotum flesh though

i recently was in california and it boggled me that they allowed ebt at fast food joints. People paying jack in the box with it.

Let them die and don't treat them with your tax dollars. I say yours cause well, I'm fucking maple leaf so...

> end welfare

> kick out ALL illegals

> stop putting fucking corn syrup in everything

Currently on vacation in Orlando from the UK and the level of obesity is fucking mental.

Seriously burgers. You are so fucking fat.

>908 million people too impulsive and stupid to properly feed themselves
>democracy is a good idea

and this

joogle "Danish fat tax"


Hard to be obese when you are starving.



Taxation will do more to fix the problem than your inaction. Spotted the lardo.

Maybe just drink diet drinks and don't have the fries? You'll lose weight then.

No chips either just eat Jerky.

>bmi was 37 last year
>is now 24

Literally just eat actual food and not processed shit. Stay away from carbs/sugar where possible too.

You don't cure obesity. If someone is stupid enough to let themselves get that out of shape they deserve their fate.

>End the subsidy on corn, sugar and other junk food feedstock crops.

This one right fucking here. Pretty much the reason why corn syrup is in everything.

>Restaurant meals no longer a tax deductible business expense.
what if someone is traveling on business?
>End the subsidy on corn, sugar and other junk food feedstock crops.
are you trying to kill europe? we feed most of them.
>You get paid (tax credits) to go to the gym.
why not make public gyms?
>Gibs cards can only be used to buy healthy foods.
IT would be better to say gibs cannot be used on unhealthy food.
>Use the taxes on unhealthy foods to make healthy foods less expensive, more available.
price control would work better, most business just upcharge you.

Man why is this shit only a thing in America.
I can flame the shit out of a fat kid in the UK and No one will say he's fabulous sized.

Getting rid of white bread and non diet fizzy drinks is a start.

Make them ride on top

like so

Just burn the fats

oh god. white bread as white rice and pasta keeps you thin. zero fat, very satisfying foods.
that is just stupid propaganda.

it's the animal fat that makes murrica and uk super fat. ridiculous consumption of dairy at all forms, beef and fat food fries cooked in oil

Very well, but in some areas, you can't buy anything but shit. Seriously. In most larger American cities, there are entire areas without a single grocery store. lots of convenience marts, but no real groceries.

You need a car for that, and if you are poor, you are fucked.

Next step? Cut out the wheat. You'll be amazed all over again.

Nigga how you gunna use metric for BMI. gimmie me freedom units or gimmie death.

Well, so long as those goals are accomplished, the end result, frankly I don't care HOW they are achieved. I agree with you, our methods differ a bit is all.

you shut the fuck up. corn syrup is nutritious, plentiful, and american.

You'd put the Mexican cartels out of business too, once the people had a hope of competing in agriculture once more. NAFTA and corn subsidies drove much of the agri-disaster in Mexico in the last 20 years.

Which race is the fattest?

Well education is a big part. Many do not realise how unhealthy food that is labelled "healthy" is. Meats injected with hormones, GMOs, food from 3rd world countries that have no regulation on what they can crop dust with, drinking from plastic bottles, the government pushing to eat carbs, low fat, high sugar and ect.

The second part is over population. There is no way we in the USA can feed everyone without machines processing food, and injecting meat with hormones.
In other words, most people can't have access to natural grass fed meets and none processed vegetables.

Therefore we need to deport the niggers, spics, kikes, and let whites have low birth rates to balance shit out. Robots are taking jobs anyways, so more reason for depopulaltion.

Satisfactory completion of Mandatory National Service before ANY gibs

Stop subsidizing it. Restrict what people can get on EBT to beans, rice and broccoli and stop subsidizing corn and wheat.

Ehh, that ship has since sailed. Small farmers who are still around, most definitely. However, much of the Mexican economy has shifted dramatically since 1994 towards industrial and service jobs. The Cartels are making plenty off opium production and typically extort farmers actually.

Great idea! We'll put YOU to work helping gay people who have been discriminated against with regard to housing. Then, you'll spend a few months working at an outreach center in the inner city, working with At-Risk youth of color.

Let them kill themselves. Don't let our government hand out healthcare

I think he means military service

>fuck personal choice!

Kill yourself.

It's the b vitamins that they enrich the food and grains with that make people fat. And sugar in everything.

You dont starve until you run out of fat. It will take typically a year of only drinking water for a morbidly obese person to begin starving.

Remove wellfare state

>How do we cure the obesity epidemic?

Step one, do not let them breed
Step two, let them die off

Weak genetics eliminated from society. Make the pack stronger.

stop fucking with carbs, sugar, high fructose corn syrup.

There are no personal choices. Everything you do affects someone else. When you go to the emergency room for a heart attack or stroke, someone else is going to end up paying for that in some way.

how about you put the fork down first fatass

>that body shape
How is that even possible?
Its right knee looks like it's giving out

>make healthy food expensive and junk food cheap
>waaaah why is obesity so rampant

Kill are fat niggers and use the meat to feed starving children in Africa.

Get rid of food that causes obesity, especially HFCS being sprinkled on literally everything in the US, which has been linked and known to cause obesity.

Our food consumption is similar to Europe, yet Europe doesn't have an obesity epidemic, so you know it's the fucking food that's the problem.

Also, a lot of fat people get fat in a strange way in the US, while people getting fat in Europe get fat in a more natural fashion that doesn't look sickly.

So definitely our fucking food is the problem.

>fuck you getting to keep your money instead of paying for my 5th heart
eat shit you commie faggot

>Severe Obesity
Are we not supposed to say Morbidly Obese anymore? is that too offensive and triggering?

i hate to say it but the bolshevist is right

Healthy food isn't expensive you're just too lazy to cook it.

no surprise to see the EU with no economic understanding

Why limit it to military service? There's a lot of good that user could be doing in downtown Chicago right this very moment.

>Combine it with retard proof information on what you should buy and simple, healthy meals to prepare.
Yeah right.

I'm a nutritional pharmacist and most people still don't know what the fuck to eat.
A doctor literally said to me
>someone can't lose weight unless they exercise

There's plenty of good info out there, the problem is there's tons of noise.
People STILL think dietary cholesterol (such as from eggs) raises your cholesterol despite the fact the WHO announced otherwise a couple years ago.

And we're STILL pushing the high carb low fat low protein meme.

>there are no personal choices

Spoken like a true commie faggot.

>everything you do affects someone else

That doesn't mean freedom should be infringed dipshit. I'm not infringing on your rights, do not infringe on mine. People pay for others because of the government. Make it so that people pay for their own care. Problem solved.

You'll die from malnutrition first. In fact many very obese people are also malnourished, because of the crap they eat and the vitamins/minerals they lack.

>tax something to discourage use
Doesn't work unless you literally tax the fuck out of it

You don't have to pay shit if it weren't for government involvement. Fuck off retarded statist cunt. Go live in the United Cuckdom or Ausfailia if you want a massive authoritarian nanny state leftist government.

Looks like a self-solving problem to me.
Why am I meant to be responsible for the irresponsible, anyway?
No Sir, I don't like it.
Not one little bit.


Healthy food is often completely unavailable. Also, most people don't know how to cook. They used to teach home economics in school, but no more. football is much more important.

Underrated comment proves no one here wants to fix the problem, they just want to bitch.

>high carb low fat low protein
That sounds literally retarded.. do people actually say this?

Why don't we teach thermodynamics in grade school

Stop eating shit that comes out of a bag or box.