I don't know any black people that I can ask this...

I don't know any black people that I can ask this. When I drive or walk by a house at night and you can see that the lights are on inside, I get this primitive feeling inside me. It's not just a house anymore, its shelter, and I want to be inside that house. Where it's safe and there is life. I assume that things are better in there than out here.
I assume this comes from years of evolution, and it's just ingrained into a person's psyche for survival purposes, like a fear of the dark or snakes.

My question is, do blacks get this same feeling? Since they never really developed anything for shelter besides some grass or mud huts that still left them pretty exposed to the elements?

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Jesus. What you wrote is beautiful, come by /lit/ sometimes lad

Bump, go on...

I fucking love that band. But when I saw Mike Kinsella in person in Brooklyn he shit on Trump. Definitely not ourguy

you ever been through the ghetto at night? they all stand in the streets and sit on their porches all night long. then right as the sun comes up they migrate back in to the house and sleep all day.

I think this relates to the danger in Africa during the night. it's probably safer to stay up at night and sleep during the day. or it could be blunts and old English 40's with possible Crack consumption.

good album

he obviously would, being concerned with more important things like poetry and sadboy riffs

Say what you really mean. You get an urge to go into their kitchen and raid their fridge you fucking fatass lololololol

I was just on East Colfax in Denver last night around 3AM. The nigs were out in full force nogging. I concealed carry a Glock 19, and I still felt like my life was in danger.

But I get what you're saying OP. Since I drive for a living, every once in awhile I'll look up in an apartment complex, see someone with dim lighting doing dishes or having a glass of wine, and I'll feel a rush of euphoria. I feel almost instant envy. Here I am, out in the cold, working, when there's people winding down for the night in the comfort of their home.

Mineral is the best emo band.

Very good taste, OP

Most of the African languages don't have words to describe love, compassion and other strong feelings. it is like they don't have feelings or at least they aren't strong/inspirational enough to describe. That's probably why you don't see blacks on black metal or emo bands but you see a lot of them on hip hop

The only exception I could think of would be Howard from Killswitch, who wrote very emotional lyrics.. But I'm pretty sure he's an Oreo.


Was at this show. Goddamn things have changed since then

He doesn't look more than 50% black, he may be an Oreo like you said

I agree

Come on, can you imagine any 90's emo band dude being even right wing, let alone being a Trump supporter?
Just fucking deal with not everyone having the same opinion as you.

I'll post some good emotional black songwriting.





I want to also! I’ve been roaming around. First it was those crazed robots, then DIY, and now I’m getting into fashion. It helps having such a vibrant place! My true passion is gassing the jew, but I’d love to drop by and write a story for you all.

>When I drive or walk by a house at night and you can see that the lights are on inside, I get this primitive feeling inside me.

>Be me.
>Out at night.
>Inna woods or desolate beach.
>Night sky full of stars.
>Slight nip in the air.
>Camp fire.

Nothing better. Peaceful and secure. Getting in touch with primitive roots.

As a proud negro American, I can tell you that we are filled with a similar, but subtly different feeling in the same circumstance. I get this same primitive feeling that things are better inside, but it is soon overcome by a primal rage that makes my blood boil. The structure is tall, angular, and imposing, like a wall to keep me out. I sense the weakness and vulnerability to danger within, but it is a danger that I cannot exploit. If I try to enter, will the denizens have secured the structure? Are they armed against my dark intent? The warm glow of the light within zaps my hope of slinking inside unseen and feasting on the succulent gibs within. I cannot say for certain whether it is the primitive feeling that motivates my actions, or mere practicality, but the result is the same. I avoid houses with well-lit interiors at night, restricting my nocturnal activities to testing doorknobs of houses that have no visible lighting.

lit is this way, come on

>try to have a dialogue with whitey
>consistently get your humanity denied

i hope you guys are preparing well for the race war

Kind of odd to have this same eye wink symbolism with another indie rock band

Looks like it was shoehorned in

That is /comfy/.

Same old 666 pattern in the hair with eye of providence. Blush cheek might be an invitation for customers. Check out our fresh young stock

>Sup Forums - where to ask black people questions when you don't know any black people irl to ask them
sounds about right

honestly for me sometimes i do feel like i want to sit down and have dinner with the random ass motherfuckers in the houses, just to get to know them and what their story is and what they think about shit
but then i remember everyone is retarded except me and the feeling quickly passes