Why haven't you converted to Islam yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you converted to Islam yet, Sup Forums?

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muslims project an image of barbarity and instability, why would I want that in my life?

Because we have yet to retake Jeruselum from infidels.

Because even the buddhists hate them and want them removed. You know fucked up when that happens.

New crusade now, we can't let them infest the anime too.

Why not convert and start a new sect that's more agreeable

Shitty stagnant aesthetics

t. doesn't know very many muslims if any at all
Racist Burmese Buddihsts don't represent all Buddihsts.
unironically #notallbuddhists
There is no "Islamic" imagery. Even the crescent and the moon symbol has nothing to do with core Islam.

>implying allah isn't the moon god

are you sure that's not your (((TV and mass media)))?

Oh sure why was Homeland made in Israel oy vey


>moon god
>entire religion and its book criticizes paganism and has a story denouncing the worship of the sun and the moon

Because your religion is blasphemy against Christ and therefore heresy. Also fuck mohammad.

If I convert, the government wins They tell me islam is ok, so it really isnt.

oh I know muslims
violent and barbaric in nature
sure fake muslims in the west are ok, but peaceful "muslims" are not real muslims (aka those who call themselves muslims because their parents are muslim but they smoke weed and drink alcohol and skip ramadan etc.)

never seen Homeland I don't watch generic tv shows nice ad hom tho

>muhammad named other gods
>but muh Sand nigger remember it differently
It's all just a coincidence that the local god of mecca to as called allah

but your religion is blasphemy against muhamed and allah. and muslims are more in the world than christians so they are probably right and not you.

Why haven't you converted to Christianity yet, heathen?

>they are in the majority so they must be right
democracy 101

also, they are more christsians than muslims. Also not every muslims sees eye to eye. These idiots are still killing each other.

Because I don't want 8 wives 9 year old wives, 30 children, and to be a literal leech on modern society. If I wanted that I would have been black.

>the majority should always be right
Sounds about right.
I hope you’re a troll based on your flag, but prepare to be btfo by the first result from google (pew research article). Pic related. Also learn English.

The final redpill is realizing that God exists, but wants us to understand him through the universe he built and not by the mouths of men.

The concept of a closed religion is inherently tribalistic and is thus the root originator of the toxic identity politics we see today. Therefore people furthest from God are ironically those who are most zealous in their beliefs. Murdering and arguing with each other over which edition of desert adventures is true, or which messiah we must repent through to avoid damnation, or which path we must follow to achieve a better reincarnation for the next life. All nothing more than the foolish squabbles of the unenlightened.

Society tells a tale where reason and religion are enemies, but the truth is reason and religion are the same thing. Always have been and always will be.

look at this Heathen

>the word for god in a particular language defines what God is if all religions originating in an area of that language
You're literally describing cognitive dissonance to me.

Yeah and we Christians call ours God. You know, our word for god. Imagine that.

It’s gay af

Why do Japs sleep on the floor like animals?

1- I like bacon a LOT. Oh and ham.
2- Black chicks are fuckin nasty looking.
3- Because I want women to have jobs so they can go out and buy me cool shit.
4- I like bacon a LOT. Oh and ham.
5- Because fuck jihads unless it means taking a jihadi dump on a mosque.
6- I don't like fucking kids. Pedoislam can blow me.
7- Muslims smell like shit.
8- I like women who don't wear headgear, unless that head gear allows them to have no gag reflex.
9- I like bacon a LOT. Oh and ham.
10- No goat fucking for me

There's more, but my huge breasted awesome wife is almost finished making me a bacon wrapped ham steak and I have to go now. Yum.

Sup Forumsestine your time is nigh.

im a nihilist, im offended

youtube.com/watch?v=E0wRYv2WDOE and sage

Redpill#2: The ad reductio absurdum of nihilism results in the very concept of "Offended" to become self contradictory.

Stupid religion thats why, its false.

>religious person preaching about cognitive dissonance
top kek

its the reality of your religion shitskin
there are two types of muslims, the fake ones who only call themselves muslims because their ancestors were muslim but dont really practice it (those are peaceful), and the book muslims who follow every tenet of islam (the barbaric violent ones) this is a fact that can be observed through pattern recognition in group behavior

in order to see this as cognitive dissonance, you have to believe that someone who just calls himself a muslim but does not follow its teaching is not a fake muslim, is that your position?

because stoning

but the truth is there is no god ... there is nothing, accept the fact that there was noting before. complete abysmal dark of empty space with no dimension and time

dont have the faith in a creator of infinity. we are part of the infinity

Because an examination of its history shows a violent base. Those whom personally knew Mohammed broke into violent conflict after his death, which is certainly a poor sign of unity. Shouldn't a perfect divine message unify people?

We don't see this in any other faith we can find an origin for. Not the Christians, not the Buddhists, not the adherents of Confucianism . The only reason you have prominence is the surprise assrape of the Christan Greeks, and Persian Zoroastarians, fresh out of a war as fruitful as Verdun.

Because I want to colonize Mars.


>my projections on a group of people are fact
No. Most Muslims follow the tenets of their faith.
There is no barbarism in Islam.

Islam is the only real religion.

All others are beta cuckoldry

>There is no barbarism in Islam.
>throwing people off buildings
>spread with the sword or wtv the line is
its there, you just choose to ignore it, fake muslim

Because I'm getting baptized this Saturday in the Greek Orthodox Church.

Because I'm not the result of hundreds of years of inbreeding and have an IQ higher than 70?

Your days are numbered mudslime.

Because I don't fuck goats or rape children.

is this supposed to be Isis-chan ?


Sounds like a good reason to go to Mars to me. Then nuke Earth.

The saving grace of western civilization will be when we are rechristened under a single church and destroy the Jewish and Islamic heretics once and for all.

>its there,
Use it's if you mean to say "it is" use proper grammar please.
A legislative punishment meant for a Muslim state, there's nothing in the Quran or in Islam telling me to stone random people vigilante style.
>throwing people off buildings
I'd love to see this in the Quran, but again, punishment see before.
>spread with the sword or wtv the line is
No idea what you mean by "wtf the line is" but Islam deals with war and peace. In war times it instructs you to fight justly and honorably, and to not force religion on one another and to not harm noncombatants.

If your understanding of the universe leads you to believe that a God is mu, that's fine. At least you base it off your own view of the universe question. Unlike the mindless allahbots / christbots ITT who act like their religious beliefs are some big revelation when in reality the overwhelming majority of them are just plebs following the religion their parents raised them in.

>1 post by this goat-fucking faggot
I tried to convert, but it turns out my IQ is too high.

Listen to this faggot.

Here's the long and short of it you fucking sand nigger. We are christians and you flew planes into our buildings and stomp around like we owe you something.

I don't need an excuse fuck you and your faggot foreign religion.

islam instructs wtv you want it to instruct if you cherry pick
it all depends on how mohammad felt that day amirite?

and the quran is not your only book dont forget that fake muslim

Christianity will make a comeback like it did in Russia. Then we will kick the muzzies out

>in islam we're all equal
>except for women, dhimmis and slaves

Isn't anime not in alignment with Islamic values?

Because I couldn't fuck up my country more if I tried

You completely missed the point of his post and are a complete retard. Please stop posting any time.

If I wanted to join a pants on head retarded cult, I'd choose Scientology.

Aliens are cooler than inbred goatfuckers.

ISIS likes anime and ISIS isn't real Islam

his post has no point, fuck islam and the fake muslims who protect it

>you flew planes into our buildings
I did no such thing.
>I don't need an excuse fuck you and your faggot foreign religion.
Where do you live?
>islam instructs wtv you want it to instruct if you cherry pick
No, there are clear instructions in the Quran for people. The more obscure things such as legislative things, or what prayers to say are detailed in hadith.
>it all depends on how mohammad felt that day amirite?
The Quran is from God.
>and the quran is not your only book
It is, the books of prophets past are now corrupted and hold no jurisdiction over me. If you're referring to collections of hadiths, those aren't absolute like the Quran is. Each hadith is coupled with a description describing how likely it is to be actually from the prophet.


Not just Muslims defending it but libs like Trudeau too certainetely aren't helping the situation

1. Because I don't want 9 kids and living off welfare
2. I don't like 9 yr old girls as my wife
3. I also prefer to live and not blow myself up
4. I don't like killing infedils
5. I like fucking women and I don't want to fuck a goat either!
6. I don't want to marry my cousin
and Islam is a fake religion with everything stolen from other religions

I'd love to, but I have yet to see compelling evidence that Christ didn't resurrect from the tomb.

I don't like posting links but I would've just copy pasted the quotes instead so here.
>Different tax codes
>inherently unequal

The prophet freed many many slaves and treated all slaves as equal. In a time when most of the slaves were black he stated that there is no superiority in black or white or arab or nonarab except by the piety of one's actions.



is also a part of your religion, not just the Quran

>The Quran is from God.
hahaha ok

>fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them
is in the quran
or do you foolishly believe that your religion spreads peacefully? it spreads through violence and breeding, always has, always will

stop trying to pass it off as a "religion of peace" you're not fooling anyone (except faggot liberals)

Throwing people off buildings was done by the 4th caliph Ali. It's narrated in sahih hadiths, so it's part of sharia. Insinuating that sharia is decided exclusively in the quran means lying.

>No idea what you mean by "wtf the line is"
He probably means 9:5, the Verse of the Sword. All the tafsirs (Ibn Abbas, Ibn Kathir, al-Suyuti) confirm that it means to invade kafirs' countries and kill/enslave/subjugate them even when the kafirs have not harmed muslims in any way. Go read Ibn Kathir's explanation for that verse: quranx.com/Tafsir/Kathir/9.5

> but Islam deals with war and peace.
It also orders muslims to keep fighting infidels until the religion is only for Allah (8:39), and is based on the assumption that islam is ALWAYS at war with infidels, and will stay at war until the entire planet worships only allah. Its brutal orders are therefore always valid.

>In war times it instructs you to fight justly and honorably,
Enslaving people, raping women (even married ones and little girls as young as 9), butchering the men and even monks and old people is not very honorable.

As for "justly", the muslims can rescind any truce or agreement with the infidels whenever they feel like it, as per 9:1 and 8:58. Anytime the muslims "fear" that the infidels might break a certain agreement, they can break it first. This makes their word empty.

Not to mention that hadith where Mohammed says «Advice me: do you think we should kill their women and children?» Which is taken as evidence that muslims can and should kill women and children if killing them gives islam a greater advantage than simply raping them and selling them in the slave market. See:
“At-Tibyān Fī Istihdāf An-Nisā’i Was-Sibyān” (The Clarification Regarding Intentionally Targeting Women and Children), At-Tibyān Publications, 2004, p. 17. archive.org/details/IntentionalityTargetingWomenAndChildren

ZERO (0) miracles from their greatest "prophet"
Nubblet muhammad can't even cast cantrips
0/10 Would Not Follow

Because Islam is false, and therefore worthless. Mohammed invented the whole thing, and obviously so (since so many of its teachings contradict natural law, or at least allowed Mohammed himself to violate natural law) so it's a man-made fabrication just like Mormonism

because I'm not retarded

Have you ever heard one of them say that their Coran is the miracle? Lol

I like my waifus pure







We've heard this all before. Islam is as empty and dangerous as any collectivist fascist totalitarian ideology.

God, you're a slimy, lying piece of shit.

Women can't leave their homes unsupervised, can't go around uncovered, can't even talk with non-family males, and can be beaten by their husband (4:34). The husbands in fact MUST beat them if the women are rebellious or violate some sharia rule, because they have the responsibility of educating their women.

Women also can't be judges, imams or politicians, as per the hadith that says "Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler." (Bukhari 7099)

Also, women get only half the inheritance of a man.

Also, their testimony is worth only half that of a man.

Also, in matters concerning zina (premarital sex, adultery, rape), their testimony is worth NOTHING. Which makes it pretty much impossible for women to prove they've been raped.

As for dhimmis, the difference isn't merely a "different tax code". Not only they have to pay discriminatory taxes (jizya and kharaj) designed to be humiliating, but the Pact of Umar, still valid, takes away a shitload of rights and freedom, effectively making them 3rd class citizens.

Also, Muhammed said clearly that muslims should not be killed in retaliation for killing a non-muslim. (Sunan Ibn Majah 21,2761) That's because retaliation is based on the equivalence principle, and kafirs are ontologically inferior.

Go practice your taqiyya somewhere else.



>Implying any of that is bad

Roasty get toasty from the Shariah so sad too bad.

>is also a part of your religion, not just the Quran
I didn't say it wasn't.
>fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them
If you had the ability to read a full chapter you'd realize it's referring to:
>Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun [the attack upon] you the first time? Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are [truly] believers.
>It's narrated in sahih hadiths,
Sahih doesn't mean 100% valid but again I never said hadiths weren't a part of the religion.
>He probably means 9:5, the Verse of the Sword
see above
>It also orders muslims to keep fighting infidels until the religion is only for Allah (8:39), and is based on the assumption that islam is ALWAYS at war with infidels, and will stay at war until the entire planet worships only allah. Its brutal orders are therefore always valid.
fitnah means persecution or hardship, not unbelief, you've mistranslated or misinterpreted the verse.
>Enslaving people, raping women (even married ones and little girls as young as 9), butchering the men and even monks and old people is not very honorable.
POW's happen. Everything else you said is not honorable and is not allowed.
>Not to mention that hadith where Mohammed says «Advice me: do you think we should kill their women and children?» Which is taken as evidence that muslims can and should kill women and children if killing them gives islam a greater advantage than simply raping them and selling them in the slave market. See:
“At-Tibyān Fī Istihdāf An-Nisā’i Was-Sibyān” (The Clarification Regarding Intentionally Targeting Women and Children), At-Tibyān Publications, 2004, p. 17.
No clue what this random hadith is or its validity or the context of what you pulled from it. Try to stick to established hadiths or the Quran.
Whatever helps you sleep at hing.

Well, I've already seen enough evidence to prove to myself that he did in fact resurrect, and I have no intention of pressing that point on anyone in this thread.

However, the Koran does make the positive assertion that Christ not only did not resurrect, but was not crucified at all and it is this positive assertion I would like evidence of.

>God, you're a slimy, lying piece of shit.
Please be respectful.
And you've just listed a bunch of half truths and exaggerations. If you really think a different tax code is humiliating you have thin skin.
>Go practice your taqiyya somewhere else.
I'm openly Muslim, don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

Short answer? Cause it's gay.

I can't. I'm Mormon.


>Jesus(AS) resurrected
>We have no direct eye witness accounts of this as the gospels were not literally written by John, Mark, Luke, and Matthew but are copies of earlier accounts that we don't have today

Not much proof to be honest.

Bro he doesn't even know that dhimmis have to pay less taxes than Muslims!!!

>Sahih doesn't mean 100% valid
That's exactly what it means, you lying piece of shit. Sahih Bukhari's hadiths are the second holiest book in islam. No muslim can contradict or ignore them, or you're considered an apostate by all the major madhahib. Go read any fatwa on the argument or any fiqh manual ever written. You're either a liar or very ignorant.

And the Verse of the Sword is NOT limited only to pagans that broke oaths or attacked muslims first. Lying piece of shit. Go read Ibn Kathir's exegesis of that verse: quranx.com/Tafsir/Kathir/9.5
A cool quote: "do not wait until you find them. Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts". Even if the infidels stay in their own countries, muslims must still attack them. Confirmed by any fiqh manual.

>fitnah means persecution or hardship, not unbelief
Lies. Ibn Kathir's tafsir: "(And fight them until there is no more Fitnah...) "So that there is no more Shirk.'' quranx.com/Tafsir/Kathir/8.39
Shirk includes not just polytheists, but also christians, jews and even atheists. Verse 8:39 therefore orders to kill any infidel.

>POW's happen.
POW are not the same as slaves, piece of shit.

>Everything else you said is not honorable and is not allowed.
I showed you the islamic sources that say it is. Your (lies) personal opinions don't change islam.

>Not much proof to be honest.

That has been my finding as well. Honestly I would prefer to be a Muslim. It would be easier. Christianity is a hard thing done correctly.


Inshallah bro come to the side with the truth and the thicc wives.

MGTOWs would unironically be much happier in an Islamic state.

>Inshallah bro come to the side with the truth and the thicc wives.

I can't violate my conscience in this matter. I want to serve God and I am convinced that this is the correct way. Also I have a thicc wife feels good man.

Because Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through him, obviously.
Islam is a third-rate imitation of Christianity.

>you've just listed a bunch of half truths and exaggerations.
Lies. All the discriminatory measures against women I've listed are clearly ordered by the quran and are not denied by any juridical school.
A few examples:
Half inheritance: quran 4:11.
You need 4 male witnesses to prove a rape (good luck, women): quran 24:4.
General inferiority of women: [Bukhari 2658] «Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."»

>If you really think a different tax code is humiliating you have thin skin.
So that's your argument? "If you think my discriminatory acts are discriminatory, you're the one at fault"?
Not to mention that the fact that the jizya must be humiliating is clearly stated in the quran. Let's see a few translations of 9:29:

«Fight those who do not believe in Allah [...] until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.» (Shakir)

«...until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.» (Pickthall)

«until they give the tax out of hand (i.e., by a ready money payment, or in token of submission) and have been belittled.» (Ghali)

>don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
Oh, I'm sorry. You're clearly a sunni, so I should've used "tawriya", intentional ambiguity, as described in this fatwa with plenty of theologically sound arguments: fatwa #27261, "Permissibility of Ambiguity and Definition of Necessity". islamqa.info/en/27261

>dhimmis have to pay less taxes than Muslims!!!
I don't know enough about how the taxes are calculated but yeah I've hear that before.
>That's exactly what it means, you lying piece of shit.
If you've ever read the thing you'd realize every hadith is given with a lineage and an opinion on how likely it is to be true. No one takes every word as 100% valid or fact. Please don't be ignorant on these very obvious things.
>Sahih Bukhari's hadiths are the second holiest book in islam. No muslim can contradict or ignore them, or you're considered an apostate by all the major madhahib
aaaand just like that you're making me believe you know nothing about hadith science. This isn't even controversial.
>And the Verse of the Sword is NOT limited only to pagans that broke oaths or attacked muslims first. Lying piece of shit. Go read Ibn Kathir's exegesis of that verse: quranx.com/Tafsir/Kathir/9.5
A cool quote: "do not wait until you find them. Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts". Even if the infidels stay in their own countries, muslims must still attack them. Confirmed by any fiqh manual.
Do you really think a scholar commenting from the 14th century trumps the actual Quran? I don't want to deride you personally, but that's some brainlet logic.
The word used is "fitnah" فتن, just look it up. I use it in speech.
>POW are not the same as slaves, piece of shit.
I know.
>piece of shit
Please be respectful, or at least more creative. Is English your first language? You seem to be using the same lines over and over again and it's getting repetitive.
>Your (lies) personal opinions don't change islam.
I didn't imply my opinions change Islam.
>I showed you the islamic sources that say it is
Just because you can dig up some questionable belief, doesn't mean it's true or that Muslim scholars take it seriously.