So I was thinking the best way to save north America from domination of Brown and Yellow people is for us white...

So I was thinking the best way to save north America from domination of Brown and Yellow people is for us white settlers to join in a revolt effort along with the natives. The tenacity of the Indian's warrior spirit coupled with the wit and advancement of the white man is really a force not to be reckoned with. We can create a new era of the North American white man who has the best features of the Red man and the White man, and our homelands will never be under threat again.

you can use them, but you cannot trust them.

Great idea one problem all the injuns are dead and the ones who aren't are drunk

All it takes is a little motivation, Kemosabe.

>The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

You know injuns are just undiluted Mexicans right?

Even the ones in the Northern British colonies?

We could both say that about each other but I have had this exact thought for a long time. Native communities are fairly insular and the race based laws creates distrust on both sides and an inherent sense of superiority on the native side. Whites have lost their sense of superiority and its no coincidence that we have been discouraged from associating with each other or respecting each other.

I grew up in a place with a lot of racism against natives more than most but really the things that bug people come down to welfare and special rights under the law. We have to be able to solve these issues by talking about them honestly and work towards eliminating them not expanding them. Until this happens an alliance like this cannot move forward.

100% Cree here. National Socialism is very popular amongst Crees. I was raised by National Socialists. As a matter of fact, "HEIL HITLER!" Were the first words of the white man I ever spoke. Whenever I go set rabbit snares in the forest and I cross paths with a fellow Cree, I raise my right arm and whisper "Heil Hitler", and they do the same because we all know that he was right and the dirty fucking kikes got what they deserved.

So a male sub who is cucked by a cult has an idea how to save us... well shit


its not like you're a complete fucking joke at this point so also tell us some of also how you're gonna save the race also

Yeah ok I'll call up all 5 living native Americans & let them know our plan

>Tenacity of Indian's warrior spirit
user, have you ever actually met a modern day Indian? Holy shit, they're one of the most pathetic groups in existence. The ones that aren't completely wasted on meth, cheap liquor or mouthwash while having incestuous relationships are degenerate gamgmember nigger-wannabes. The FEW that manage to overcome the genetics and make something of themselves are usually insufferable SJW whiners who do nothing but make excuses for the other groups and ask for more gibs.
Honestly, it would have been much more merciful if we would have just genocided them.
t. Dakota fag

This is like Louis Riel the thread. I always thought it was a shame he isn't honoured more in Canadian history. He fought for his people, his culture, and way of life. He is a true Canadian hero.

True hero bit of both races, he has unfortunately been largely ignored. I think fears of rebellions helped drive the way the west was governed and why wedges were placed between europeans and aboriginals.

They are the only minority in Canada I feel has a right to complain about abuse and injustice, we really did fuck them hard. That doesn't mean they should be given free shit and they definitely should not be afforded extra benefits to the land or hunting rights, it just makes other Canadians second class citizens. I'm not gonna spout some 'noble savage' bullshit but they deserve a chance to rebuild their nation. Unfortunately any way of helping them or subsidizing their efforts always seems to lead them back into dependency on the government.

this has already been discussed, in a balkenization scenerio of Canada, Quebec, First Nations, and the West, as well anyone else who constructs a state, will have their own sovereignty in terms of economic and immigration policy. People are not going to listen to the Canadian Governments fake policies that are madness

are you retarded?

t. Insulated liberal faggot who has never actually had to deal with their shit

No, because the northern ones had to survive in harsher climates compared to the southern ones.

A lot of their shit is because they have become dependent. Natives who grow up with working parents do pretty well as long as they don't booze it up. Problem is that native unemployment is probably over 70% and few have any sort of functional parenting.

End the welfare over a multi year ( decade or so) planned transition and watch things improve vastly from the current situation.

Also I have seen a lot more native shit than most non natives. End welfare, integrate don't separate.

They are all dead. Only ones left are mixed.

I deal with their shit every day. I know most of them are drunks, drug users, underachievers, and have adopted their own form of ghetto culture. I also know that didn't happen accidentally, they are not genetically predisposed to this behavior (other than alcoholism), but have become like that due to government intervention treating them as wards of the state. It is a travesty what happened to them, but I know damn well giving them unlimited and undeserved funding is only going to make them more dependent and less self-reliant.

Cold winters theory deals with populations that had societies and persons that practiced non nomadic, agriculture based lifestyles, not just people that lived in the cold.
Injuns are brown people with brown people genetics